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Domination of Barbarians [Diplo Game] [Story Thread 7 - October 2012]

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  • #31
    Statement of Fire Faction to France
    On behalf of the Three Factions, we demand to Louis the Grime that he say exactly those tribes he says are in this so called Taoism alliance. Say their names. Nether faction has made Daoism official religion of the Three Factions but it is not practiced in Factions part of Scandanavia. We are Christians here. Ocean faction is also Daoist. Also all our Fire Mystics are far far away in Asia. We have not seen them in ages. So how can our forces be in some alliance against France?

    Say who is in this Taoism alliance you have made up and keep saying is against you. England? Who else? An alliance can not be of only one tribe.
    While the old men back home trade words, Fire Mystics are in the Asian wildlands still on their quest. Captian's Mystics reach the Eastsea, and camp across the water from their first sighted Japanese city, Tokyo. There on the beach they meet many Japanese fisherman fishing waters there and tell them the tale of brave Kikiru and how Fire Mystics and Kikiru'a Archers fight side by side. They show them the little Japanese they learn from Kikiru's men and tells of the bond between our people with theirs. They also warn the Japanese to send word in Tokyo that there is a Barbarian camp calling themselve Hittites very close to Tokyo. From ther was the place came the murderers of Kikiru and his men.

    Beda's Mystics are still trapped on the hill between Cimmerian and Tartar barbarian village.
    Last edited by Netherlands (DoB); October 12, 2012, 14:33.
    "In the service of Netherlands, always" - Captain Eriksen, Royal Netherlands Navy


    • #32
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      Enrico Dandolo was laid to rest in his home town of York. The marker of his tomb lies in the shadow of Great Lighthouse and is close to the many workshops of the city's shipwrights whose trade he revolutionized. Dandolo lived to age 98 and will be remembered as a towering figure in English histories. Many a sea captain and trader from all over the world come to lay a flower at his tomb before embarking on a long journey for both luck and as a token of thanks for keeping the sea lanes free and open.


      • #33
        King Louis XX looked out over the French lands from the palace tower with grim determination, as the english troops amused themselves ravaging the beasts of France. The perverted english were smug and cocky in their ability to ravage the lands of France. France has survived 9 wars thus far and several times their infrastructure had been destroyed by their enemies but after each war France rose more powerful and stronger than ever before.

        King Louis XX knew that France would survive the current two wars and that in the end France would be stronger than before. Perhaps in a future generation, France's enemies would eventually make the fatal mistake that would allow France to exact their revenge for the atrocities being committed on this day but for now King Louis XX knew he must be patient and protect his people as best he could.

        The French were more Industrious and Creative then any other tribe and they would once again find a creative way to rebuild what was lost and that is what made them better then the vulgar english. Instead of building up their own culture, the lazy perverted war-mongering english bemoaned how powerful French culture was, using that culture as an excuse to pillage that which the industrious French had worked hard to build up.


        • #34
          More good humored jests from the french king. To ravage lands is a metaphor for pillaging - to ravage beasts is some dread French obsession with lewd sexual acts that has been known since their ancient wars with the Nether. Maybe they are too unsophisticated to understand this concept, but really it is not that philosophical. Accusations of bestiality though really, that is the main excuse for the French people having only just recently discovered the art of bronze working and being able to build the sort of modern military units other European tribes have employed for centuries if not millennia. The French can continue to proclaim their superior cultural and industrious nature, while the hard working English actually build and create tangible things. It seems the french spent themselves with an early spurt of aggressive expansion, exploration, and construction--a laudable history some 1000 years past--but their progeny today are clearly of lesser stock.


          • #35
            Aulus listened carefully to the messenger from King Louis, and after having discussed the message with his advisors, sent a messenger back to the French court with the following message:

            King Louis XX of France,

            My people are thriving, and our efforts in Africanus are going well, thank you. The treaties made between your ancestor and my father was a deal made between our two nations, and are still in effect. Your people are free to come to my court in Rome as was agreed years ago.

            I am pleased to hear that the paranoia of your advisor is not official French policy. I again ask that perhaps in the future you could instruct your advisors to stop worrying about Roman intentions. Rome does not wish to interfere with French policies, as long as they do not interfere with the Roman people, and Rome most certainly does not wish to get involved in any further conflict with your people. Your people have my sympathy for your losses in the recent wars with the English, Nether and the Celts, but the English and the Nether people also have my sympathies for the troubles that have arisen in their lands due to the cultural policies of your ancestors. Rome has lost access to ancestral Roman lands for the very same reason, but at least we are in no danger of losing control of our capital.

            Thank you for your kind words describing my father. Even though he did mistakes, my father was a wise and kind man. I do indeed intend to maintain the Roman peace, so have no fear of attacks from Roman lands.
            Aulus also sent off messengers to all known nations bearing the following message:

            My friends and fellow rulers,

            Please accept my wishes for your nation's continued prosperity.

            Rome will sign open borders with all nations who wishes friendship and trade with the Roman people, but only on the condition that our lands will not be used as staging grounds for war against other civilized nations, no matter who it might involve. In the past, Rome suffered greatly under the rule of Marcus, who declared war on the French people over the minor issue of some workmen. As a result of that, my father diverted all our resources into rebuilding, consolidation of our lands, and expansion into new lands. As such, Rome does not wish to be part of war against other nations, and by enforcing a strict policy on this issue we ensure that no nation can claim that Rome is partipating in acts of war.

            By the incredible power of the Great Roman Wall, Roman lands in Europea and Africanus are a safe haven from the children of Barbarous. The children of Barbarous maintain some mystic superstition about the wall, and are horrified by the thought of entering Roman lands. Everyone who needs it will be given sanctum within Roman borders, and will be offered food, water and care by our healers if they need aid. Roman lands may also be freely used as staging grounds for attacking these bloodthirsty barbarians whenever you wish.


            • #36
              King Louis XX sends a messenger to Himilce, ruler of Spain,
              King Louis XX sends his cordial greetings to our Christian sister, Himilce ruler of Spain. The good relations between France and Spain has extended back to the dawn of time and both of our tribes have benefitted due to the peaceful border between our territories. The limited reports in France are that our peaceful borders have allowed Spain to confidently expand rapidly to the south and that their war against the Children of Barbarus has gone well.

              It has always been France's understanding that our peaceful border arrangements included neither of our tribes allowing third parties to attack the other's territories via our land. Based upon England's troop disposition, it appears that they may intend to retreat into Spain's land when the DMW takes effect shortly.

              France wishes to publicly confirm our understanding that Spain will forbid England from attacking France via Spanish territory.
              Last edited by France (DoB); October 13, 2012, 11:13.


              • #37

                Captains Fire Mystics have at last reached the land of Japan. After leaving the coast of Eastsea where they meet the fisherman of Tokyo but cant cross the water without ships they follow the directions given to them by the Tokyo men and head southwest to find coastal village of Nishikyo, the village closest to of the sacred site of Affirmation Hill. The city seemed well defended and protected on one side by the sea, and no barbarian invaders were near. But to amazement of Captain there was another barbarian settlement just a short distance west of Nishikyo.

                "We camp here with our friends, heal from our last battle, then keep heading south to give aid to those in need" said Captain.

                At the same time Beda feel it is time to leave the hill in the dangerous spot between the Cimerians and Tartar barbarian tribes. The cities are trainting more and more Archers everyday, and it seem more like they plan to surround and overcame Beda, the longer they stay the less time they have. They must escape. Under darkness he tells his plan to sneak out to his men. Some of them complain that all their wounds are not fully healed and they are not full strength to fight, but Beda tells his plan to move to stronger defensive position of woods hill to the southeast. There they can heal fully before setting out again.
                Last edited by Netherlands (DoB); October 13, 2012, 19:43.
                "In the service of Netherlands, always" - Captain Eriksen, Royal Netherlands Navy


                • #38
                  Captains Fire Mystics are welcomed in Nishikyo with a heroic feast! The tales of their long journey and their aid of Japanese warriors in dire straits are an inspiration and the most re-told story in Japan! They meet with Ainu, the leader of Japan as he is grieved by news of his sister, who was wounded and has not awoken since the last battle of Beijing.

                  Ainu speaks to Captain:
                  "You are welcome here Captain, for as long as you wish. I plan to leave Nishikyo to visit my sister in Beijing. I have but one thing to ask of you, should you choose to accept it, I would welcome your aid most heartily."

                  "To the west, there is a place known as Affirmation hill, I aim to settle there by an accord reached between me and Qin long ago. Time has moved like sand between my fingers, and every grain of sand has turned into one of these nightmarish barbarians. I have had enough with this. I shall have my people settle there, fortified and structured, making a good life for ourselves for ever onwards! My men have long ago created a means to capture these barbarians, and some of them are already in servitude of our people. Doing hard labour and used mostly for construction of new houses or the repair of our roads, they have become docile through the use of a potion made by our Spirit Guides. In this, they serve us as atonement for their constant attack on our lands. But I digress.."

                  "If you and your men would stay with my people, helping them in the defence of Affirmation Hill, It would mean more to me than you could possibly imagine. Should you accept, I wov that Japan will come to the aid of Nether when you need it. Be it through force of arms or by other means."


                  • #39
                    England ends its open borders agreement with Holy Rome. When military aid to France is ended England will happily reestablish lucrative trade routes between our cities.


                    • #40
                      Cold is weather, in snow two men fighting. One black hair. One blond curly hair. Fists hammering. Grunts and growling. Blood splattered on ground from both. They fight a long time. Barely standing they swing heavy hands. By nightfall, only one man stands.

                      Walks back to Volga. Stanimir, new chief of the Rus.

                      In the dark, Rostislav is left to the ever hungry wolves.

                      After scars heal, Stanimir goes to the mountains. There he looks across the land of Rus. Now he must rule them. Rule them well. Nothing less for Mother.

                      Click image for larger version

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                      • #41
                        The English for many years have searched for access to the Greek lands, it was our fear that this access will only be used to scout and investigate our lands, people and towns, that is why access was not granted. Sadly our fears have been true, now the English have shown their unfriendly intention they have started spying on our lands. Maybe the French letters have been correct, we will send a greek delegation immediately to Paris for further discussions.

                        Many greek elders wonder, with this diplomatic aggressiveness, have the English made France one more friend?


                        • #42
                          From his death bed, the elderly King Louis XX grimly holds on to life long enough to see the end of the war.

                          Despite the intense pressure of the Tao alliance, especially england, France has noted the continued strong support of our Christian brothers. King Louis XX sends messengers to Portugal, Greece and the Holy Roman Senate thanking them for their continued support in these difficult times and to further strengthen alliance ties under the Cross.

                          King Louis XX has heard word of a massive number of Holy Roman pilgrim workers enterring France and has dispatched the Boar's Men to protect the pilgrims from potential attackers.


                          • #43
                            Porto looked at the crowd gathered. He cleared his voice and said with surprisingly strong for a man on his age voice:

                            "Slavery is a sin!!! Obey your God and withhold from enslaving your brothers! War is a sin!!! Obey your God! Do not kill!"

                            The crowd clearly was divided in their opinion on the preaching. Some were soaking each and every Porto's words, while others, visible wealthier man was not particularly glad from what they heard.


                            • #44
                              Elizabeth was most confused by the message from Greek lands, accusations of spying similar to that voiced by France centuries past. England had never contributed any significant of espionage towards Greece and has only sought baseline demographic knowledge. Elizabeth would welcome Greek efforts to likewise gain more insight into England's demographics. Our desire for open borders is driven by a love of trade and our interest in some day sending forces into Africa to help in your suppression of the barbarians - as we are even now doing on the coast for Portugal.


                              • #45
                                King Louis XX the Grim, is dead. Long live King Louis XXI.

                                The legacy of King Louis XX's reign was dominated by the Tao invasion of France, led by england but aided by the celts and nethers. Most of the damage to France during the war was done by the english sneak attack during the reign of King Louis XIX, including the destruction of the French Channel Flotilla I and the Freedom Flotilla I plus 2 fishing fleets. Under King Louis XX's reign the remainder of the French fleet was saved although 4 Pastures, 1 Winery and 3 roads were destroyed by the english during the Grim King's reign.

                                The only major battle during the war occurred in the coastal forests of Bordeaux, where the celts landed a chariot company, they called the Celtariots. The Golden Chariots led the French charge against the celts who were still assembling their disembarked chariots when the attack struck. Unfortunately a thick fog covered the battle field and the celts were attempting to flee back to sea. The Boar's Men not wishing to allow the celts to escape, charged into the fog and slaughtered the celts to the last man. Unfortunately in the fog it was difficult to distinguish friend from foe and undoubtedly many of the Golden Chariots were crushed under their comrades charge. Regardless both the Celtariots and the Golden Chariots were destroyed in the battle while the Boar's Men learned some valuable tactics for future encounters. French historians consider this battle a marginal success for the French.

                                The real success from King Louis XX's reign was in the realm of foreign relations. Like his ancestors, King Louis XX was able to turn a seemingly unwinnable war to France's advantage and in the end came out stronger than before the war. The Tao alliance aggression against France and against France's allies helped forge a much stronger alliance bond amongst the Christian tribes of Portugal, Greece, Holy Rome and France. By the end of the war, the cooperation of the Christian alliance is at least on par with the Tao alliance and possibly even stronger, although it is difficult to tell since the Tao alliance tries to keep their aid to one another secret while formally denying their alliance even exists.

                                Even more surprising is that this new war-time cooperation allowed King Louis XX to accomplish a major French foreign policy objective that none of his ancestors had been able to achieve! Upon hearing that the war had ended and the official Portuguese declaration that slavery was a sin against Christianity, King Louis XX allowed himself to pass from this world with a grim smile on his face. His reign was difficult but it was also an unqualified success and he could face his ancestors in the afterlife with pride.

                                In honor of King Louis XX the first axemen company of France, armed with bronze axes from Holy Rome, have taken the name, the Grim Reapers.

                                King Louis XXI has quickly assumed control of the kingdom and with typical French industriousness has begun rebuilding French infrastructure with the aid of the Portuguese and the Holy Romans. King Louis XXI is said to be concentrating on building up the French army to repel any future land invasions but conceding the sea to future Tao invasions for the time being.

