Statement of Fire Faction to France
While the old men back home trade words, Fire Mystics are in the Asian wildlands still on their quest. Captian's Mystics reach the Eastsea, and camp across the water from their first sighted Japanese city, Tokyo. There on the beach they meet many Japanese fisherman fishing waters there and tell them the tale of brave Kikiru and how Fire Mystics and Kikiru'a Archers fight side by side. They show them the little Japanese they learn from Kikiru's men and tells of the bond between our people with theirs. They also warn the Japanese to send word in Tokyo that there is a Barbarian camp calling themselve Hittites very close to Tokyo. From ther was the place came the murderers of Kikiru and his men.
Beda's Mystics are still trapped on the hill between Cimmerian and Tartar barbarian village.
On behalf of the Three Factions, we demand to Louis the Grime that he say exactly those tribes he says are in this so called Taoism alliance. Say their names. Nether faction has made Daoism official religion of the Three Factions but it is not practiced in Factions part of Scandanavia. We are Christians here. Ocean faction is also Daoist. Also all our Fire Mystics are far far away in Asia. We have not seen them in ages. So how can our forces be in some alliance against France?
Say who is in this Taoism alliance you have made up and keep saying is against you. England? Who else? An alliance can not be of only one tribe.
Say who is in this Taoism alliance you have made up and keep saying is against you. England? Who else? An alliance can not be of only one tribe.
Beda's Mystics are still trapped on the hill between Cimmerian and Tartar barbarian village.