At the annual Pyrenees festival, Himilce adresses Bernard, who apparantly has loosened up a bit
after drinking some of the fermented fruit juices from the grape the Spanish call uva de vino.
"My sweet french ancas de rana, you know my dear, that I like your bravado.
I really like you a lot, but sometimes you can get a bit loud.
We have good relations with the Portuguese. And we are confident we can make satisfactory
arrangements in and around the Iberian peninsula.
So, my little hocico del cerdo, this meddling in Iberian relationships is not appreciated.
May I remind you respectfully that you are disturbing the harmony.
This while we thought we had reached a good understanding and made good future arrangements.
Is it so that the French don't appreciate these arrangements?
Don't be a mammoth in the pottery shop, be in harmony with your neighbors."
She paused for a short moment.
"So drink some more uva de vino and lets be gentle and merry. Let's enjoy life!",
she said while waving to the band to start a new wild and ferocious Catalonian dance.