seems down again.
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Domination of Barbarians [Diplo Game] [Organization Thread]
First of all I hope everyone had a very happy holiday! I also apologize for slacking off on keeping up with the vote tallies for the past couple months. I guess we will just do a short December and try to get the New Year off on the right track!
Second, we have a new player who has volunteered to take Japan. I kicked Japan to reset the password, but then that somehow crashed the game, so I had to restart. There was only one save, Spain's, so I thought it would be better to just give everyone a full turn since Spains turn was getting erased anyway. OK so all that stuff out of the way...
Now is the time to vote for the November Diploscore winner.
You can send your vote to me by PM or use this program to vote .
As usual, we will leave the voting open all month, and announce the results at the end of the Month at the same time that we open the voting for next month.
Most Importantly, Here is the current Leaderboard:
Netherlands = 104
Japan = 91
Persia = 81
England = 68
China = 49
Spain = 33
Ottomans = 21
Greece = 16
(France = 60**, Holy Roma = 48**, Russia = 44**, Arabia = 35**, Celtia = 27**, Byzantium = 23**, Rome = 22**, Portugal = 18**, Vikings = 16**, Germany = 1**)
* = Barbarian (AI Civ) , ** = Eliminated Civ
Here are the Final Results of the October voting:
Netherlands = 3
Persia = 2
Spain = 2
England = 1
Holy Roma = 1
Greece = 1