It has been 13994 hours and 2 minutes, a grand total of 583 days filled with joy, grief, excitement, annoyance, excultations and sometimes anger. It has been a long game and a good one. I expect Sommer will do some form of statement/roll call at the end here. I for one look forward to this.
No announcement yet.
Domination of Barbarians [Diplo Game] [Organization Thread]
Yes this has been a great game. I am both sad and happy it has ended. Congrats to all that stuck around and to the winner. Amazing stories. I've actually sent the threads to non civ people to read and they were amazed. One person actually purchased a copy of CIV 4 to play the game because of this game.
Originally posted by Persia (DoB)Hi Sommer. Have you been busy lately? Not seen any activity from you on the public thread after the game ended. Just wondering if you're otherwise engaged, if so then no worries, take your time.
As some of you may have already noticed, the game has ended and Persia has been announced as the victor. Congrats Persia for a game well played, and I thank all the people who have played Persia for keeping it such a vital and competitive civ, both in the diplogame as well as the in-game aspect which drives the storytelling.
A special thanks to China, for creating the voting system(you are AWESOME!!) and for staying in the game from the very start all the way until the end AND sticking with your same Civ, even when they fell behind in tech. It is players like you who make a two year long game like this possible. If you would care to introduce yourself, and be recognized for the tremendous role you played, by all means step forward and reveal your true identity.
Indeed thanks to everyone that played to the end. It has made the last two years of hard work worth it. For me this has always been about seeing this game through to completion, good, bad or ugly... and trying my best to keep it fun and keep it going for anyone and everyone who wanted to play it out to the finish.
Thank you, thank, thank you to all of you, and alos to everyone who has participated in this game. I learned so much hosting, admining and playing, and I will always remember this game as one of the defining moments in my long love for the joy that is CIVILIZATION!!
Thanks England for that great score-graph. It really shows how Persia's hard work paid off with the come from behind win. Well deserved Persia, and well Done!!
I would like to invite everyone who wants to give any re-cap or analysis, comments critiques, criticisms, observations, anything at all to please do so. It has been a great game, you have been great players and I am sad to see it end, but satisfied to see it end the right way. Thanks again, all.
For anyone who was still wondering, I have been playing Netherlands since the start of the game and all the way through to the end. I subbed VERY briefly off and on in the early game for Arabia when they dropped (a few turns). It was actually playing them when they got Islam, but not very much after that. Early on, Arabia had a sub that kept playing and then quitting and then coming back. I also subbed 5 or so turns in the very early game for Rome when they dropped, until we found a sub, as well as Russia, when the same thing happened. And I think that I subbed Byzantines for two or three turns but found a sub very quickly.
The most problematic Civ to keep occupied for me was Celtia. There were about 3 times when I had to take over Celtia in spurts of around 10 turns each when absolutely no one would accept it. At one point I considered giving up Netherlands and making Celtia my permanent Civ, just to give them a dedicated player. I always felt they had so much potential with the rules making them basically immune to attack... alas, they could never really get off the ground without a steady player.
Other than these brief stints when I had to take over a Civ in a emergency to keep them from foundering, my philosophy all game has been to stick to one Civ for myself and let other players sub multiple Civs when needed. Before we started letting Civs go to AI (the Barbarian Renaissance) there were a couple times when 1 player was controlling 3 Civs. I never knowingly allowed anyone to play more than 3 Civs during this game, it just did not seem fair. I did not ever like players subbing at all, including myself, but I thought it was far better than the host controlling multiple Civs, and also better than them being AI. In retrospect, I think it would be better to just put abandoned Civs to AI right away so that they dont fall behind in development. That is what I I think I would do if I host another one of these.
If anyone else has any thoughts about the game, please share!! I have already closed the storythread and announced Persia as the winner on Civstats. Again, thanks to all of you and wow!... What a game!
England, you can use any of your own savegames to start your own pitboss where you left off. Of course you cant play the game in a normal SP format because it is a Pitboss game. You would have to load it as a Pitboss game and then boot all the other players to AI in order to play against the computer. Once you have done that you can log in and it plays very similar to a SP game, you just have to let the Pitboss keep running. You would have to host it yourself and use your own IP address to log in of couse. If you want to try, then PM me for the game password.
Thank you Sommerswerd for a good ending to the story thread, and thank you to the other players that have been with us at one time or another.
I took over Persia as a very interesting move, since I then left Japan in the lead storywise, with Persia at the time being -I think- #8 on the list, quite a ways behind. Of course, during my time as Japan I also hosted the proud and willful Russia, took care of Celtia for a time and saw to it that the King of France was portrayed in quite the most insane way possible when the original player left. To be frank, I had a blast writing all those stories, something I could not have done without all the hooks and former stories made by other players before that time. Making use of storyhooks, completely reverse results were attained at times, and other times they were so delicately crafted that it was a joy reading and becoming annoyed or amused as a result. You have done well, my fellow players.
At times the game has seemed more than I could handle, and my Japanese posts suffered as I hosted two other civs at the same time. If the same situation would develop in another game, I would rather that a civ go AI than try to juggle something for a duration unknown. 1 civ is preferred, honestly. My thoughts go out to the other players who also balanced more than one civ at the same time.
I have figured things being amiss from time to time, that have been found later to be poor sportsmanship. This has been annoying to discover, as such things detract from the fun of the game. One such example that I did not enjoy discovering was the error made by Greece that had Nether gain a number of advanced troops, which then was refused return. I can get the "your mistake, own it" attitude, but to me it spells poor sportsmanship.
Another example was a discovery that the original French player apparently also hosted Byzantium, and used Byzant as a second France, funnelling troops to France that would have been impossible to gain otherwise. This abuse is one reason I would hesitate to have any player in-game take over another civ, as the temptation may be too great for some.
On that note I had immense fun when I had both Celtia and Russia, since I was able to use stories to tie the two together with russian ships visiting the celtic island. Points that were based on the storytelling, and not on the deliberate gifting of troops to advance one nation or the other. I made damn sure that points were given differently(according to how stories were viewed by that particular civ) when I handled more than one civ, and I even asked Sommer about it to be sure I made no unfair turn on the actual scoreset.
Especially large and honorary Kudos to the English player, who throughout the game have been the by far most honorary player, as viewed from several different civs. Near the end, when I saw your post that rejoined the crew from a Japanese Sun Chasers back to its homeland, it damn near brought a tear to my eye. *applause*Last edited by Halvgud; April 5, 2014, 17:19.
Thank you Sommerswerd for hosting this game and writing up some amazing intros. And thanks for acknowledging the voting web page ... wasn't sure if it was helping but I guess it was. If you ever need another page whether I am in the game or not ... let me know.
I was China ... who soon realized that I was very much out matched by the skill of the players here and their stories. Never-the-less I very much enjoyed this game and look forward to the next one.
I too second the nomination of England for being the most honourable and helpful to our civ. I also wish to acknowledge Persia for his assistance and for never attacking me when I'm sure he considered it.
Until next time.WarningU2 Member of CIvilization Players Multiplayer League
"A witty saying proves nothing." - Voltaire (1694-1778)
Hello all. I was damnrunner. I have forgot my login stuff for that screen name however after having been here so long.
Very fun game all.
I've been thinking through key turning points that had the greatest impact on the game and have come up with the following: Ottoman relocation at start, Byzantine route by barbarians Africa, English early discovery of the New World, Celtic suicide of New World cities, Portuguese self destruction. Curious what others might think.
Why did the bots attack this thread? I see the mods have cleaned it up and deleted all the bots.Try for discussion and debate.