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Domination of Barbarians [Diplo Game] [Organization Thread]

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  • Well I can't NOT raze the city he double-moved me to plant in my face. Since it's impossible to pay the 500g at this point in the game, the only option left is to give 3 of my own cities away. Or not have a war at all.

    I guess I could give all my non-capital cities to an ally, then burn his city and wait for the peace deal before getting my own cities returned.


    • Originally posted by Holy Roma (DoB) View Post
      Just to make sure I'm understanding this right...
      So just to be extra clear... If you only capture 1 city, he can only get back that one city you captured. If you capture 3 cities, you give all 3 back. If you capture 4 or more cities, you get to pick which 3 to give back. But you generally will not have to give up cities that were originally yours (except as a penalty for razing).
      Last edited by Sommerswerd; August 18, 2012, 19:42.


      • Right, but the city in question was planted this turn (after double-moving past my pickets without giving me an opportunity to declare and block his settler). It will auto-raze.


        • Oh. If I raze ONE city (and don't capture any), is the penalty ONE of my cities, or 3?


          • Originally posted by Holy Roma (DoB) View Post
            Oh. If I raze ONE city (and don't capture any), is the penalty ONE of my cities, or 3?


            • Originally posted by Holy Roma (DoB) View Post
              Oh. If I raze ONE city (and don't capture any), is the penalty ONE of my cities, or 3?
              Also remember that in the case of a razing penalty, the DEFENDER chooses the city he wants, so be careful about that.


              • Originally posted by Holy Roma (DoB) View Post
                I guess I could give all my non-capital cities to an ally, then burn his city and wait for the peace deal before getting my own cities returned.
                That is a clever idea, but TBH, in that scenario, its obvious that the cities are really still yours right? So we would probably just ask the ally hand over the city if your opponent demanded it, or reload the game to undo the raze. The point is, you're not going to be able to avoid the penalty by intentionally making yourself destitute. If you cant't pay the penalty then you can't raze the city right? You might be better off just accepting the city and plotting to get your revenge later.


                • Sommer, would it be possible for you to get story thread links for June/July/August on the OP?


                  • Originally posted by Japan (DoB) View Post
                    Sommer, would it be possible for you to get story thread links for June/July/August on the OP?
                    Absolutely. I will try to get that done tonight. Be on the lookout for them.


                    • Done


                      • Originally posted by Holy Roma (DoB) View Post
                        Right, but the city in question was planted this turn (after double-moving past my pickets without giving me an opportunity to declare and block his settler). It will auto-raze.
                        Just a point of clarification, the Byzantine settler moved in to position FIRST and it would have been Holy Roma who double moved to steal the settlement if I had not logged in at the beginning of the turn. While there is no turn order in this game, there is still perception and I will not be slandered.

                        Also there was no possible picket, without a Holy Roma double move, since the Byzantine settler had moved into position while Holy Roma and Byzantine were still under a peace treaty and could not be blocked or attacked.

                        I played nicely and pointed out that I was using the defenders measured war rule before HRE auto-razed Fort Sorrow (in which case HRE would have inadvertantly lost Vienna).


                        • Originally posted by Sommerswerd View Post
                          Thank you!


                          • Everyone please take note once again that there is NO TURNORDER in this game, so the whole doublemove issue is just flat out irrelevant, (unless you guys made some seperate turnorder agreement beforehand). Arguing back and forth about who doublemoved who is a little pointless because doublemoves are completely legal.

                            On the other hand, if you just want to malign each other in a good old fashioned propaganda war, you can do that IN-CHARACTER.
                            Last edited by Sommerswerd; August 19, 2012, 10:41.


                            • Originally posted by China (DoB) View Post
                              civsstats uploader down ?
                              So I gave up trying to "fix" the problem with civstats and just put up a new one, especially since PYT is currently down I thought it might be nice to actually be able to track the game somehow...

                              So civstats is back up:


                              • Thank you for setting it up Sommerwerd.

