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Domination of Barbarians [Diplo Game] [Setup Thread]

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  • Maybe ask a few silly question, but I have not read long posts on the topic and I must have missed the information. But where can I see which civilization I am and how to join the game?


    • Originally posted by Sommerswerd View Post
      Here is a link to the Organization thread, which has all the team selection info on the OP
      Use the above link


      • How can we check if a tier 1 player isn't picking a tier 4 civ?


        • Originally posted by Calanthian View Post
          How can we check if a tier 1 player isn't picking a tier 4 civ?
          All players are on their honor not to pick civs that are in lower Tiers than their appropriate level. However, Tiers are very subjective, and while I might think a player is a Tier 1, they might be genuinley uncomfortable with that and pick a latter Tier. Similarly, I might be confident someone is a Tier 6, but they might be equally confident that they can handle Tier 4.

          Now to directly respond to you specific question:

          1. Please PM me the name of any player you suspect has picked an inappropriate Tier. In your PM, tell me what Tier you believe they are (and why), and then tell me what Tier you believe they picked (and why). I will discuss it with you, and if necessary conduct a full investigation. This invitation is for everyone. Feel free to PM me if you think people are picking innapropriate Civs.

          2. I can/will ask RP to help me determine who picked what if I am satisfied that someone committed some aggregious violation of honor in picking their civ.

          Hopefully this is satisfactory to anyone who has this concern.


          • If all the higher Tier civs have already been selected before a Tier 1 or 2 player selects his civ then he may only be left with a lower Tier level to select from (possibly even a Tier 6 civ). Just being slow to pick one's civ should not be considered dishonourable or gaming the selection system, especially since everyone else is being slow as well.


            • Originally posted by Exploit View Post
              If all the higher Tier civs have already been selected before a Tier 1 or 2 player selects his civ then he may only be left with a lower Tier level to select from (possibly even a Tier 6 civ). Just being slow to pick one's civ should not be considered dishonourable or gaming the selection system, especially since everyone else is being slow as well.
              I agree.

              But of course this wouldn't apply to you anyway right? Since you were around when I first posted everything.

              One of the big differences between the Tier 1, 2 and 3 civs (in case folks haven't figured it out looking at the Map yet) is the number (and quality) of cities you can found before you have to get in a boat and sail to a whole different Continent. For Tier 1 its one, maybe two. For Tier 2 its two or maybe three. For Tier 3, its three or more. That's not the only difference, but it's worth mentioning because its one of the biggest differences, so maybe that will help people distinguish when picking civs.
              Last edited by Sommerswerd; March 26, 2012, 14:04.


              • Olá a partir de Portugal.


                • ik ben Nederlandse
                  "In the service of Netherlands, always" - Captain Eriksen, Royal Netherlands Navy


                  • 1
                    La República de Catalunya sempre en els nostres cors


                    • 2
                      La República de Catalunya sempre en els nostres cors


                      • 3
                        La República de Catalunya sempre en els nostres cors


                        • 4
                          La República de Catalunya sempre en els nostres cors


                          • 5
                            La República de Catalunya sempre en els nostres cors


                            • 6
                              La República de Catalunya sempre en els nostres cors


                              • 7
                                La República de Catalunya sempre en els nostres cors

