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Destruction of Foes (DoF) - Diplo Light [Story Thread 1]

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  • "Xerxes, the Egyptians are attacking, what should we do?"
    "Invade Bulgaria with our armies. Then have the Ottomans follow behind us."
    "Yes, sir!"
    "Sir, the Ottoman armies, they have gotten caught back unexpectedly. We told them to move up, but they were too tired to do so, something about a bridge being knocked out... we are out alone without reinforcements!"
    "Ah, well, that sucks. I'm sure it won't be a completely one-sided annihilation at least..."
    "Well, Darius, it's been fun. Just one thing left to do now..."

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    • The Persian Resistance has succeeded in retaking Antioch! "The foolish Egyptians thought their technology was matchless, but here we have matched it!"

      Paycupat Chutcopa looked on, the general leading the Ottoman-Persian forces. "How odd to have been reborn into this role again," he mused as he looked over the plans to retake the city from his technologically far superior foe. Upon its capture, the most difficult decision of his lives came to him: "To raze or not to raze?" He decided to allow the Egyptians to retain the city inevitably, yet to deny them it if only for a few moments. "Such is the nature of resistance," he said, readily quoted by his aide for posterity. The decision was made instead to disband the divisions that retook the city, and for their equipment to be destroyed before the Egyptians could capture it and reuse it for themselves.

      Later he fumed over the near retaking of Laodicea. "Had only our forces not already been in full retreat, we could have retaken that city as well, destroying a considerable Egyptian air force stationed there with it. As is, our light guerillas did a great job of wearing down the defenders, but the loss of this near-victory burns me."


      • We gladly confirm our NAP, shall we make it a 100 turns from now?

        That is what the Carthagians wrote to Hungary about 13 turns ago.
        Just to make clear that the Carthagian word cannot be trusted.

        Carthage invaded Hungary despite having a recently confirmed Non Aggression Pact.
        All nations that have pacts of any nature with Carthage should reconcider their position.
        Now it is Hungary, next you will be betrayed this brutally.

        And the graveyard is loaded with nations that believed that "Carthage would never do that to us, we are their real friends!"


        • An iron curtain is dropping over eastern europe.

          Carthage does everything in it's power to make sure this curtain will be lifted.
          After the Greeks, the Ottomans and the Persians became recently the victims.

          So the geopolical situation has changed dramatically..
          Trade is the name of the game..


          • "What have you done," shouted Senator Guy Lucius to the army commander.
            Emperor Fourier Camille replied calmly, "We did something that had long to do, to declare war on fraudulent Hungarians, who had repeatedly lied to us."
            Senator Claudius Dolabella slowly stood up and said, "The military made ​​a breach of the oath and we must make sacrifices to cleanse from sin, but we Romans must now stand as one and fight to the last breath against the enemies of Rome. We to fight alongside our friends and allies, Portugal and Carthage. "
            Senat and people of Rome applauded these words.


            • - Sit down and write! - Tzar Simeon was out of his nerves walking forth and back and could not find a place for himself.

              - Yes my lord - the clerk said almost unheard afraid of the Tzar's anger.

              - So:

              "Dear Carthaginians,

              Is what we have heard the truth? Did you for real broke your word and put the eternal contemptible stain of the NAP breaker at your till now honest name?

              Please, tell me that this is some rumor or slander.

              Your faithful trade partner Simeon,
              Tzar of Bulgaria and Russia."

              - Send it with the the fastest possible mail. I just cant believe this. I need to hear it from them. Just then I will believe it. We all have one name each. Others can spot our clothes with dirt or even with our own blood and sometimes there is nothing we can do about it, but the only ones who can put a spot to your name is you yourself! - The Tzar's face was sad as he was never seen since this moment.

              The throne room was silent.


              • Statement from Hungary:

                - again the Romans have broken their NAP with Hungary.

                - The Carthagians have broken their NAP with Hungary after confirming it 13 turns ago. 13 turns ago they were consulted by the Hungarians. The Hungarians wished to help the Bulgarians who were invaded by the Persians/Ottomans. The Carthagians then confirmed after this consult that the NAP would stay and would even be renewed.

                - All words from Carthage about this iron curtain are lies. If Carthage was serious about their statement then they could have simply stopped the Hungarian participation in Persia/Ottomania 13 turns ago. But instead they renewed the pact they had with Hungary.

                - Greece, Persia and the Ottomans all declared war on Hungary/Bulgaria. Greece even declared war multiple times. It was not the choice of Bulgary/Hungaria to wage war against these nations.

                - It is clear that the Carthagians and the Romans have no honour. Their promises are worthless. And yet while all they seek is expansion, they lack the courage to stand up for this sake and try to cover their true desires behind words of peace and help for 'eastern europe'.

                - While we die fighting we find comfort in the knowledge that parasites like these will feast upon the carcasses of their allies in the future. After Hungary these animals will go after eachother, sooner or later. The knowledge that the Romans will one day be brutally destroyed by their own masters and that the Portuguese and the Carthagians will one day put their claws into eachothers skins, puts a smile on our face.

                The fact that those who will not stand up to their word will never be able to trust others to their words again. Forever they will be plauged by paranoia. It's better to die with true friends then to live in fear. For that reason we, the Hungarians feel most for the Romans. The most pity belongs to the Romans. The cages Romans who are allowed to speak when their Masters allows them to. The Romans who can walk a few meters, as far as their iron curtain allows them to. The Romans who know that all food they receive from their oweners serves only one goal, to feed them well so that they can serve as dinner later.

                To war, Hungary!
                We have nothing to lose because we already lost everything!


                • "Why have you decided to act now upon the Greek pleas for help?"

                  "Frankly, my friends, because the global situation demanded it.

                  We could have waited until the Hungarians and Bulgarians had finished their conquest of Ottomania and Persia, had refitted and then come to the west. We thought it would be wise to fight the war on our terms.
                  We have fought for years to keep the Egyptians at bay.

                  And you know my friend, war is the only 'game' in which it doesn't pay to have the home-court advantage.

                  The Hungarians chose their friends themselves, and we think they made a poor choice.

                  But now the Carthaginian choice has been made, and we will stand by it.
                  As our Roman friends say: “Alea jacta est”.
                  Trade is the name of the game..


                  • - So its true, Carthage have reached the bottom of their disgrace, they don't even try to deny it... We have heard the Romans say another thing, which fits here well: O, tempora, o, mores...

                    Tzar Simeon covered his face with palm and shook head in disbelief.


                    • In the remaining towns and outposts of the Ottoman nation Carthaginian flags fly as a sign of respect, and a sign of hope. Perhaps not hope of rescue or salvation, but if nothing else, hope for revenge...
                      Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

                      When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


                      • For the record, no one ever declared war on Hungary from the East...


                        • The ORCs are coming!
                          POrtugalian and Roman swarms and their master Carthage are creeping towards the Free World!


                          • Message to Carthaginian Headquarters:

                            Armygroup Hungaria managed to take all objectives - STOP - I repeat all objectives - STOP -Pecs, Gianana and Olympus have been taken - STOP - Approaching Glyfada - STOP - Send more troops to ensure territories can be secured - STOP - No word yet from our allies on Debrecen - STOP - Joint forces training to be given to all troops sent to the front - STOP - Send shipment of medals - STOP - Hamilcar Barca is promoted to general - END OF MESSAGE
                            Trade is the name of the game..


                            • Emperor Fourier Camille read recent newspaper and told his legate: Look here, barbaric tribe of Bulgarians call us us Romans orcs, ha-ha-ha, so they do not even have normal clothes and wear fur. Well if we are orcs, we will be BEST Orcs, the world has ever seen.


                              • It seemed that Rome had machinated the their destruction. Lies. Plans of conquest that existed only on Roman paper. "ORCs", what a proper term for them, the king mused. "King", the word stung. King of what? An Egyptian province now. He would have to stick with a simple "ruler" or "lord" from now on. The "King" was the Pharoah, now and forever. Yet, the Pharoah seemed willing to let this noble retain much of his past independence, even if he had to watch from afar as the once-great cities to the east rebuilt under the direction of Egyptian masters. At least there was little left to rebuild, he thought.

                                His thoughts drifted to the north, to the columns of armor and infantry that stretched above and into Anatolia. Still? Yes, still. He had figured a rapid loss of those lands as well, yet the Egyptian advances were -temporarily- finding heavy resistance. The resistance that Persia could not have provided, her armies lost somewhere in southern Bulgaria. "If only we had known this global response was forthcoming, we would not have been so suicidal," he sighed to himself. What point was there now to such thoughts? He was, now and forever more, a passive bystander of this great history. The Ottomans, yes, they still reveled in a spotlight, but one already overshadowed by the new front in the far north. We, the people of this little corner of the world, have returned to our insignificance.

                                Now all that was left to do was to send this international communique, expressing the purpose of the New Persion Government:
                                Originally posted by The King of Tarsus
                                To all nations of the world,

                                We hereby declare ourselves vassals of the Egyptian Empire. Yet, we have been granted autonomy by the Egyptians. We will not directly assist Egypt militarily or with intelligence. We claim neutrality in all foreign affairs. Any who seek respite from the global wars or asylum from international politics may look to us for a safe haven.

                                Should this relationship with our masters change, we will first inform all. Until then, we are the pawns of no one, not even our own interests. This includes the Ottoman resistance, with which we have cut all ties.

                                Xerxes Darius LXXVIII

