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Destruction of Foes (DoF) - Diplo Light [Story Thread 1]

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  • On the winter solstice's morning of 1000AD The Bulgarian Khan Asparukh did not woke anymore. He died in his sleep, finding the well deserved rest after a life, spent in wars, on the horse's stirrup, expanding the land of the Bulgarian tribe.

    His son Tervel ordered a monument to be carved on the mountains near Madara.

    It depicts the Khan riding his war horse, trampling his enemies as dogs. In the base a writing is carved. It says:

    "I have fought four nations in the four destinations of the world - Hungary in the West, Turkey in the East, Persia in the South and Russia in the North. I have besieged and seized Szeged, Istanbul, Izmir, Izmit, Troy, Polybotos, Persepolis and St.Petersburg. I have won countless battles, made many enemies and even more friends. My name brought fear in my enemy's hearts and hope to my friend's souls. I was hated and loved, I was Khanas Uvigi Asparukh of the Bulgarian tribe!

    Every person, even if he lives well, he dies, and other takes his place. Remember the past but plan for the future."

    Peace to his ashes.


    • After many years of bloody war Khan Tervel lead the Bulgarians to the walls of Moscow. All hardened veterans, who saw not one nor two deaths and destruction, they all was astonished by the fortifications of Moscow. The Russian capitol is built on high hill and river and sea surround its walls from all the sides, making it almost unassailable. Highly trained musket man were defending the capitol. And yet the Bulgars have not come to here to just turn around and return. In the blackest night, even not waiting for all the reinforcements and siege weapons to arrive, the Khan gave orders and the storm begun. The blood spilled and covered the slopes of the hill, many attacks were deflected and many soldiers have died, but at dawn Khan Tervel appeared from the smokes and the shouts of the attacking and dying men to lead the final storm himself and the last heavily wounded Russian defender fhit the ground. The city was taken. The citadel and the Russian Tzar palace was destroyed along with many buildings during the fierce fights. Only few of its citizens survived to kneel before the victorious Khan Tervel.

      The Tzar himself is believed to be killed in the onslaught. He payed with his life rejecting so many times the Bulgarian supplications and plea for being friends and allies. This is how the mighty but stubborn and treacherous Russia have fallen.
      Last edited by Bulgaria (DoF); December 6, 2011, 09:06.


      • In Gaul

        My King, did you hear of the events in the East? The Russians have been utterly wiped out by the Bulgars.

        Really? Inspiring!


        • Hello rulers of this world.

          Portugal has a ruler again and ask all parties in direct or any secret diplomatic relations with us to send me a letter. We will work hard to make up for the lost time and of my past history.

          So again the back channels are open for business.


          • My Lord, we have begun our invasion of Spain as you requested.

            Excellent! I haven't had the blood of babies in ages! They will pay for their lack of humility and deference!


            • New companies have been founded in Carthage

              After the very succesfull Carthaginian Trade Company (CTC) which has dominated trade in the western mediterranean for 2900 ! years (since 1650 BC), recently two more corporations have been founded: the Carthaginian Mining Corporation and Creative Constructions.

              Both companies are in fierce competition with each other and as such try to expand to foreign territories as fast as possible. Contact your local CTC representative if you want either or both of these companies to expand to your city. Then some deals can be made.

              The Carthaginian Mining Corporation (CMC) is even offering ownership of local branches of the company in return for use of mining resources for certain periods of time. The following stock certificates can be bought:

              Trade is the name of the game..


              • The Roman Senate sit in the hall when a messenger arrived from the front:
                Noble senators - he said - Victory, victory to the Roman arms - he cried - Barbarian hordes that flocked to the holy Roman borders with frantic looks and foaming in their mouths, they saw the Roman army and fled back into their holes where crept out. Roma Victory.


                • The Hungarian general looked a bit uneasy around him....
                  "Why were we unable to attack that small Roman stack?" one of his captains asked him.
                  "Because they had this huge advantage, brought to them by hills and a river." the general answered angry.
                  He then once again looked around him, there was no cover in these open fields.
                  "We must leave this place as soon as possible. The Romans will have built a road by next turn" he then ordered.


                  • The Persian observer noted: the gods must have been crazy to place such natural obstacles to conquest across these European lands. Ah, how much destruction and victory they could have sown had they just left flat plains along the coasts... The Romans should begin their sacrifices in full in thanks for their being saved so by the gods' design.


                    • A different god believes maps should be created to encourage war instead of discourage it...
                      Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

                      When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


                      • How are easy to defend natural borders on hills behind rivers encouraging war
                        They encourage defense!


                        • Ah, but the god of peace, though he created this world, has seen little but devastating wars throughout its history. Yet, all but one nation still survives. His purpose, perhaps, has been realized...


                          • On his deathbed the conqueror of Russia Khanas Uvigi Tervel spoke to his youngest son Simeon:

                            "I am giving the power in your hands now son. Those before you did their part, claiming a land for the Bulgarian Tribe with sword and spear. Now it is up to you to develop this land. You were educated in both Tsarigrad and Moscow academies, do what it takes and make Bulgaria prosper. Use diplomacy to ensure peace, strengthen the economy, encourage the education and bring Bulgaria to a new heights. The whole nation depends on you now."

                            After receiving his father's blessing, Simeon braced himself to the great deeds that awaited him. He declared himself Tzar of all Bulgaria and as a way to weld the many ethnics under Bulgarian rule he decided a new religion should be adopted as the old pagan gods no longer suited his plan. He invited all major world religions to send missionaries and try to convert as much Bulgarians as they can. This religion which promises to send the most missionaries to convert the Bulgarians will be adopted and further spread by organized religion trough all the Bulgarian cities, which currently numbers more than 20.

                            Wise man predict a Golden Age for Bulgaria soon after the new Tzar start his reign.
                            Last edited by Bulgaria (DoF); January 11, 2012, 10:22.


                            • A messenger from Geza of Hungary arrived at the Roman senate.
                              He offered him peace, unconditional long lasting peace.
                              Hungary is willing to forgive the Romans for invading Hungary many times and breaking the NAP because Hungary believes that Rome already paid for it by losing many armies.

                              The peace offer read that the peace was only acceptable if it would be long lasting. Not if it would only serve to rebuild new armies and start a new war again in 10 periods.


                              • "Sire, what is the Carthaginian position on this peace offer of Hungary on Rome?"

                                "Well, let us formulate it as follows:

                                War with as only result large casualties and destruction of property is simply not good business.
                                As always Carthage is on the side of peace and good business.

                                So let the forces of peace and prosperity overcome the destructive forces of war."
                                Trade is the name of the game..

