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Destiny of Empires [Diplo Game] [Story Thread 7 - April 2011]

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  • Originally posted by Mali (DoE) View Post
    greetings to all the great Mali wishes to announce the following. He assumed the title Negus Nagast and wants to open Mali to the world. So far, Mali lived in isolation but realized that the world is big and can not live alone. Please everyone who wants to trade with us to know they are welcome.
    Dear Negus Nagast

    We have been neighbors for a millenia or more. We have recently had discussions regarding open borders and military 'trespassing'. I am pleased, as I trust you are, with those agreements.

    We welcome you to the arena of the world, and open our economy to yours. Any and all trade proposals will be considered.

    Sincerest regards,

    King Phillipe of France


    • Originally posted by Ottoman Empire (DoE) View Post
      Also, it has been suggested by France that our retreating wounded soldiers were captured rather than slaughtered. If this is true, we request an accounting of the prisoners... the type of unit and the number of each type, so that we may purchase or negotiate for their safe return at the conclusion of this conflict. Failure to give account of the prisoners should obviously be determined as evidence that no prisoners were taken, and in fact the wounded were simply slaughtered as before.
      This is something that clearly can be discussed as part of a negotiation of peace. The prisoners are safe, and well taken care of. We are not barbarians, and have provided food, shelter, and medical treatment, for Turkish POW's.


      • Negus Nagast thank all the people who greeted my Majesty with his accession to the throne of ancient Mali, he accepts all people as their friends, but at this moment of joy merciful Negus Nagast can not ignore the hostile shares of Zulu soldiers who ravage our farms along the border. We sincerely hope these are only shares of the rebellious soldiers and expect an official explanation of the leaders of the Zulu.


        • The Daily Turkey

          Hostilities Between Neandor and Turkey Have Ended!

          Our sources have confirmed that the long-standing tensions between the Sultan and King Veneta of Neandor, over the African war have finally come to an end. Rumors have already started to circulate that trade agreements are soon to follow. These rumors are unconfirmed however... Could this be the first sign that peace with France is on the horizon?
          Turkey Converts to Hinduism
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          Following a high edict from the Sultan, the official State religion of Turkey has been converted to Hinduism. Hinduism always had a strong following in Turkey, which rivaled Judaism, but many felt that the Sultan caved to pressure from Israel to change religions. "What is the Rabbi giving us in return? He still makes war with us!" one local man named Jurganyan was quoted as saying. Widespread protests broke out over the change...

          However, the Sultan maintains that tensions with Israel are not the only reason for the change. The Sultan points to the new evidence the beloved, legendary, prophet, inventor and sage, the "Messiah-Child of Turkey" was actually a Hindu. Furthermore, given this new information, the Sultan has suggested that he should be called the Inventor-Brahman from now on...

          Prophecies of the Inventor-Brahman

          It has been discovered that the man formerly referred to as the "Messiah-Child", now known as the "Inventor-Brahman" was actually a Hindu and preached against the practice of Judaism in Turkey. He predicted that Judaism would one day be the ruin of Turkey, the Sultan and the Ottoman Turk people. He preached that Turks should have nothing to do with Israelis or their ways, and stay as far away from them as possible. He advocated what he called "The New Destiny" for the Ottoman Turks...
          A Challenger Emerges

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          A young Janissary mercenary and rabble-rouser calling himself Suleiman II, has been leading many of the recent protests. He praises the "Martyrs of Ekron and Ekron Oasis who gave their lives to expose punish the treacherous Israeli dogs." He is calling for the immediate ouster of the Sultan, who he calls "a failure and a disgrace." His followers are already calling him "Suleiman the Magnificent." Representatives of the Sultan had no comment. We will follow this story as it progresses.
          Sultan Ahmed IV Considers Stepping Down

          Due to the recent uphevals, military failures, and most importantly, his falure to deliver on his number one promise... peace and reconciliation with Israel, Sultan Ahmed IV has announced his intention to search for a suitable succesor and begin the peaceful transition of Power. "I have failed my people, and I have ruined the Empire... the time has come for me to step aside" the Sultan was quoted as saying by undisclosed sources.
          Mexico Emerges as a New Player on the International Stage - Mexico City Times


          • "Princess! Finally good news!" the court secretary clap his hands in visible satisfaction. "The Mongols and the Chinese have finally signed peace! Success for the Russian diplomacy!"

            "Hah! Thats what I call good news!" the princess seconding the hand clapping said. "Clerk! Write an official note to all the nations!"

            Her Majesty Catherine is proud to announce that after 1015 years of fight, The Mongols and the Chinese have finally signed peace treaty, greatly helped by the skillful Russian negotiating.


            • The only Negus Nagast wants everyone to know that in the Malian capital and other major cities erupted spontaneous demonstrations of public against the continuing violence by the Zulu in the border regions. With great sorrow we listened to the complaints of our subjects and commanded the army to defend the borders of Mali. When asked for an explanation of Zulu us they responded with silence and therefore will bear the consequences.


              • Today at 08:00 in pursuance of an order of Negus Nagast Malian army repelled an attack on the vile Zulu marauders and in turn occur in the land of the enemy. Mali ensure life and property of peaceful Zulu. Mali wants to ensure peaceful borders and border areas will be occupied until the Zulu government gave certain guarantees that will not disturb the peace at the border between Mali and Zulu.


                • Fort Isthmus

                  Captain Bourgogne, the Intelligence Officer for the French Army of North Africa made his way through the various encampments in the fort. It was a maze in here. He might never find the general. Fort Isthmus was a large fort and well built. But the numbers of troops! Israeli and French troops occupied all the available area. Just when he thought he was hopelessly lost, which would have been a major embarrassment for the head of intelligence, he spied his friend Major Trepain of the Grenadiers.

                  After a short chat, Trepain was able to direct Bourgogne to the area of the front gate. General Jugan was there. He was in discussions with the Commanding Officer of the 1st Cadiz Chevallier. They were about to ride out to take on a regiment of Turkish camel archers. Although the enemy flew the Turkish flag, everyone knew they were Arabian troops. The camel archers had entered Israeli territory with the sole objective of destroying the road leading back into Ottoman territory.

                  Captain Bourgogne waited to the side while General 'Nico' made his orders clear.

                  "No heroics. Get the job done, and get back to the fort. Understood?"

                  The Cuirassier Officer nodded and saluted. "Yes General. Understood!"

                  Jugan added "Then good hunting, Colonel. Make this quick!"

                  Mounting his horse, the Colonel nodded to his subordinates. The 1st Cadiz rode quickly out the main gates to engage the enemy.

                  Jugan watched them go, and then turned to Bourgogne. "Eh, Alex, what have you got for me? Walk with me while we talk."

                  "Well sir, the final tally is in. Excluding the earlier victory outside of Tangiers, the last month of fighting has seen the destruction of 40 enemy units. Ten of those were catapult batteries, and 30 were infantry and cavalry regiments. And of those thirty, 24 were Turkish, and 6 Russian. And we have confirmed that 3 of the destroyed Russian regiments were actually Arabian units."

                  General Jugan stopped walking. "I want to make sure I have this correct. After all this, and the Russians have lost 3 units of 'actual' Russian troops?"

                  Bourgogne appreciated his General's surprise. It had been his reaction when he saw the final figures. "Yes sir. That is correct."

                  General Jugan spat on the ground "Damn Rus! Damn puppet masters! This actually makes me feel sorry for the poor Turks. Led down the garden path by beautiful Catherine. Hmmpf. OK. What else do you have for me there?"

                  It took another 45 minutes for Bourgogne to discuss his full report and various other matters. It wasn't until later that evening that he heard that the attack by the Cadiz cuirassiers had been a complete success.
                  Last edited by France (DoE); April 26, 2011, 00:21.


                  • Before Negus Nagast came and worshiped envoys from several Zulu city. "Oh mighty" they said, "We come to you with great pain in my heart and since we heard of your mercy we ask them to help us," Have your pain and if we can help you, "he said of his lion throne powerful Negus. "Your Majesty surely knows that many time Zulu in a state of anarchy, there is no central government and ordinary citizens suffer from violence and lawlessness. Ordinary Zulu not see any of their rulers worthy to manage them, they hope that your glory of the wise and good ruler is true and ask your Majesty to take even temporary control of the Zulu towns and identifying its leaders if there are worthy of it. " Negus Nagast seeing how desperate Zulu princes said, "I do not want Zulu land, but I can not leave this neighboring country of Mali in the hands of anarchy, so it will occupy several border towns and will appoint a government of Zulu, which take care of his people "At these words the ruler Zulu first man burst into joyful tears and said," Oh mighty glad we are back in Zulu and will convey your words to the people, he will face as the Liberator, if someone is resisting Mali have every right to kill him because he is against the interests of the Zulu nation


                    • Indian declaration of unity

                      India restates its legal claims to all rivers running out from south of the Himalayan mountains, the easternmost which was stolen from us by the greed of Chinese emperors. We consider these territories to be unlawfully stolen and wish to remind the world of the fact. The Chinese military buildup seems to suggest further such injustices may occur in the future.


                      • In Moscow

                        "I have failed your mother, our beloved Queen!" General Georgii said with his voice trembling "I should have seen the trap, I felt it and yet I was unable to save her..." It was touching to see this hard as granite man crying, his harsh face, covered with scars from countless battles drowned in tears.

                        "You have no fault, my brave Georgii" Princess Catherine said with well controlled voice, "It was my mother fault that she refused to see that the world is full of cruel and surreptitious people, she always fought her battles and this last battle seems that was her destiny. So she lays in the desert along with her dream for freedom for all nations?"

                        "Yes, my lady, in the midst of the battle under the showering Israeli shells, I did not knew if anyone will survive the retreat. We buried her in a shallow nameless grave with short soldier's prayer on sunset. We did not wanted her body to fell in the hands of the enemies"

                        ""What a fate she had - rise from the steppes, conquer the tundras and plains of two continents, establishing the biggest and strongest empire, become Catherine The Great and to find rest in the sand dunes of Africa..."

                        "But tell me Georgii - how this happened that those Israeli and Mali have betrayed her? She promised them to fight back the French aggressors and to give them back the whole Africa - she did not wanted anything for herself, except the justice - why would they betray her and ally the French?"

                        "I dont know my lady, I guess no one can see what is in their dried from the sun brains. While your mother was looking at the big picture, they are driven by their small and weird reasons. I guess that the Israeli wants their sacred place back. Now it is under the Turk control - the city of Damascus."

                        "Really? I never knew they were so religious to worship the place after Jerusalem was razed to the ground"

                        "I guess that can explain all that happened. They sent us message where they pretend to be our friends despite all."

                        "Friends? How could they dare after all they've done? They deceived my mother to her death, even worst - they played with her beliefs!" Catherine's eyes start to throw lightnings around.

                        "Dont judge them too strict, my lady - I am sure they also pursued their dream. Just like your mother did. She believed in the good and the justice, they believe in their God and in the revenge."

                        "So they are advancing towards Damascus, firmly determined to take it?"

                        "Yes my lady, they believe they deserve it.But only beliefs and prayers will not get them their Holy City back I think."

                        "Everyone deserves to see his dream come true, isnt it, my General?"

                        "Yes my lady."
                        Attached Files


                        • The Daily Turkey

                          War Continues With No End In Sight

                          Confidential informers inside the Government have reported that all attempts to make peace with France have failed. The French continually refuse to even discuss the subject privately, while publicly decrying the horrors of the War. Officials confirm that France has failed to fufil its public promise to account for the prisoners of war, leaving no alternative but to assume that they have been murdered after throwing down their arms.

                          There is already public speculation that the French simply have an insatiable thirst for blood and are bent on the wholesale slaughter of the Ottoman Turk people, down to the last man, woman and child. Their consistent behavior of razing cities has fueled speculation that they intend to raze Damascus and slaughter the innocent civilians there as well.

                          Residents of Damascus Prepare for the Worst

                          ... Fort Ithsmus looms in the Distance...

                          Residents of Damascus, pregnant mothers, elderly women, and young children all look to the brave defenders that have pledged to give their lives defending the city. With the massive combined French-Israeli force assembling into the impressive Mountain Fortress, the situation in Damascus is grim... A brave platoon of soldiers mounted on Camels ventured out into the burning desert to dismantle the desert road in the foothills near the fort. They knew it was a suicide mission, but they thought only for the safety of the citizens of Damascus. Of course the bloodthirsty French showed no mercy on the courageous Mamelukes.

                          Galleon Stolen!

                          In the chaos of the retreat from Africa, Chief Naval Advisor Jamal has issued an internal memo regarding a Galleon that has apparently gone rogue in the Red Sea. Soldiers loyal to the upstart Suleiman apparently gained control of two vessels and were reportedly attempting to wage a private War on the Southern Israeli cities.

                          Thankfully, those loyal to the Sultan were able to regain control of one of the ships and return it to Damascus before any more harm was done... However, contact was lost with the second ship, and it remains at large... rumors are circulating that it was not Suleiman's people at all, but instead fanatical followers of the Inventor-Brahman... We will continue to follow this story as it develops.

                          Sultan Ahmed IV Reviews his Potential Replacements

                          The Sultan has begun the process of choosing a successor. Among the candidates are his son, who is young, but capable, Chief Naval Advisor Jamal, and several others. The Sultan has not disclosed when exactly he will step down.
                          Mexico Emerges as a New Player on the International Stage - Mexico City Times


                          • China wishes to welcome the Mongols as new friends, a 100-turn peace treaty has been agreed upon and China has donated 800 gold to the Mongol people to commence the rebuilding of their nation. Thanks to Russia for coordinating the diplomacy.

                            Regarding Indian claims, China does not recognize your claims, neither does anyone else in the international community, they are therefore void of any substance. India has tried for years to prove their claim to Chinese lands with no evidence or proof. You can blame your sorry state on only your sub-par leadership, nothing other. We graciously offer the Indian government a 6-week course on How To Run A Nation 101 if they are interested.

                            We have received intelligence indicating that India has traded to acquire advanced weaponry and can only conclude that a strike on Chinese lands are inevitable, unless India states otherwise. China has no intention of attacking India, and wishes peace. We will re-enter military production and prepare for a violent conflict with India until they declare their full intentions.

                            Be it very clear to you India, China has no intention of violence towards your nation and will not strike against you. However if you strike us, China will strike back with a merciless fury and make an example of your nation. Be it very clear that if war takes place, India will be declared a permanent enemy of China and will not enjoy any peace offering like the Mongolia have just received.

                            We advise any civilians who wish to avoid the conflict to flee immediately as any who remain behind will be considered an enemy of China and supporter of the Indian state.


                            • The Great War

                              Veneta reflected over the recent Great War and the incredible stories of bravery and betrayal.

                              Betrayal of course is a thing of perspective and often dictates tactics. One could always use logic to cry out and carry on in public debate about the rights and wrongs and what is true honour but all kingdoms need to respect and understand the different cultures and their allegiances and aims.

                              Veneta wondered about himself. He had been so often criticised as a manipulator behind the scenes yet was part of the most egalitarian alliance in history: the ACE alliance - the Alliance of Central Europe. It formed from a very diverse group of tribes and kingdoms that by circumstance and mutual benefit coalesced into a trilateral alliance that has since matured. Honour was a strong element in this alliance and if one part of it was effected it effected the whole.

                              What Veneta could not understand was the obedience of other nations to the true string puller of affairs. Although she was now dead and Veneta did feel sorrow at this, the rot was set deep in this dark forbidding land. And now they had many tools at their disposal to set about dominating the globe: with 15 cities and by far the vastest of lands there could only be one national super power in the future. Veneta felt that ACE may counter this to some extent and King Phillipe had done a wonderful job along with the Rabbi Goen, in unifying Northern Africa.

                              The Israeli situation was completely understandable to Veneta and wished that his Ottoman Turkish friends of old could see the reality of ancient history. He feared that they would not really trust him anymore, although Veneta's aims were always altruistic with The Ottoman Turks. It is hard to escape the fact that at Russia's bidding Turkish cities had been slaved almost out of existence and most of the armies lost in battle were Turks. The Russian wounded slinked gradually back to Russia and would be easy pickings for the Neander General in waiting BUT Veneta's insistence on 'honouring' the recent open borders with the Turks saw to it that the Russian wounded safely although drunkenly traversed the Turkish roads towards Moldavia.

                              Too much bad blood now he thought. The Turks appear to be wanting friendship, as did Veneta, but how can the Turks believe it when France is an ACE ally, in everyway… if only the Turks could release Damascus to Israel peacefully and seek compensation, allow their cities to grow strong again and flourish once more.

                              For too long Russia has hidden behind the Neander Line. Always declaring war but not really ever risking anything, always cajoling kingdoms for gold to catapult Russian technologies, always defining theirs as the truthful and righteous cause. But always using other nations to do their dirty work. And now you see an Ottoman Turk empire in ruins, a paranoid Arabia, building forts, fearing retaliation and sacrificing gold.

                              It is easy to see the real truth of the world but can all the kingdoms of the world really see the true danger at hand?

                              I do not think so.

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                              The question of whether modern humans and Neanderthals mated when they encountered each other 40,000 years ago is highly controversial.


                              • Princess Catherine was sick of all this.

                                She was still young and not used to all this dirty politics and hypocrisy. What kind of propaganda masters could twist the facts like this to fit their manipulative purposes? Her pure heart was totally indignant with the whole Neandorish campaigning and she could not leave it just like this.

                                "So, Veneta says that their Axis formed because of the need and mutual benefit. What are their needs and benefits? They started a World war, which still escalates. They captured 7 English cities and razed 3 Ottoman cities! They proposed humiliating peace to the English and the Ottomans, actually asking them to become their vassals. Is this what they need? War, death, conquest and vassals? Veneta is fomenting the war even further - his cajoling to the Indians is setting up a war with China. Imagine what a maiming tongue he have, that a nation, which was until now famous with their condemning of war of all sort is going to start a war! The Japanese lured by him have built fleet and army and are sailing away from their home to seek plunder and conquest. He promised Israeli their Holy Land and lured them to put to their honest name the eternal stain of betrayal.

                                Veneta excuses the Israelian claims to Damascus with the history - once there was their city, so it must be theirs again. He calls it "reality of ancient history". What about Venetii then - once it was French city. It was not even Nendor built - it was captured with the help of the Ottomans. Should Veneta give back Venetii to the French? That the Ottomans were robbed after this is another story - they never got the Wheat near Moldavia, which place was promised to them by the Neandors. Good deal for the Neandors - they get one of the finest cities in the World, while the poor Ottomans get the mediocre feeding-on-yellow city of Moldavia.

                                Veneta is scratching his head, trying hard to understand why most of the nations in the world dont like him and think he is manipulator behind the scenes. Maybe he should stop thinking so deep and took a look at himself - the answer can be so simple - might be he IS manipulator.

                                Egalitarian he calls his Axis - and yet even the Mighty and once tech leaders Vikings pay him tribute to fuel his war machine and was ordered to attack Russia on Neandor's behalf!

                                Veneta pretends to be friend with the Ottomans and sympathize with them, but this does not stopped him from funneling tons of ships, army and modern weapons to the French to annihilate the Turks. Even now, with their open borders, they continue to move and gift devastating Nendorish weapons of destruction to the French who made ethnic cleaning razing all the Ottomans cities in Africa and threaten the Ottomans Mainland. Great friend - Neandorish. I have no more words for such hypocrisy.

                                Veneta is trying to scare the world with Russia's 15 cities, forgetting to mention that those cities are in the yellow steppes and brown tundra, half of them hardly having population of 4 or 5 and most important that the Neandors have twice to triple the Russian population AND resources. Not to mention that after the crippling of their main opponent - the English, now the Neandors enjoy their leading position in the world, not Russia.

                                Russia always tried to negotiate and solve problems without the use of force. In the past, when Russia proposed deal about the land between Onega and Dvina lakes to the Neandors, they refused and threatened Russia. They took all the land for themselves.

                                Veneta calls Catherine true string puller and insult her memory by saying she preferred to use other to do her dirty job. How he can be so arrogant when Catherine died on the front and Veneta have never smelt battle. His allies are waging his war and are setting the base for his world domination. The neandors are hiding in their well - defended European cities and are skyrocketing their economic and tech superiority even further. Why would they ever risk anything when they can deceive the others by doing so?

                                The FACTS must be clear to everyone in this world. This war was started by the Vikings and the French who attacked the English, encouraged and protected by the Neandors.This was purely aggressive war and the fabricated Neandor excuses (see - France lost so many man ATTACKING the English cities, so they now England OWE them their capitol).
                                Russia and the Ottoman Empire entered the war honoring their DEFENSIVE agreement against Neandor-French aggression.
                                England, Russia and the Ottomans wanted and started peace negotiations, recognizing the Viking possession of North Britannia and from then we are trying to return the English capitol back to the English. The Vikings and the French trumpeted that they are fighting "Gentlemen war" not pillaging. Why would they pillage something they plan to keep for themselves? The French used the peace-negotiations to kill whole retreating Ottoman army, then while talking about peace and justice advanced and razed 3 Ottoman cities. Russia could not let this continue and transferred army to Africa to protect his ally.

                                On the Israeli casus, the French maimed the Israeli to betrayal with promises which they can not fulfill unless Russia so decides.

                                If all the other nations are deceived by Veneta's philippics and they just decide that this is none of their business, what will be the aftermath of this matured and honorable Neandor alliance? What happened with the nations, who are not their servants? Their main competitor - England is beaten badly and is no longer treat to them. The Ottomans are hit so badly, that they cant pose treat to them any soon too. Russia will be isolated and easily put on her knees in their favorite 3 vs 1 manner. The Inca is far away and surrounded by sea by Veneta's protegees. China will be dragged in a war with heavy Neandor supported India and we saw what a generous donation of military training and Neandor army can do with a seemingly backward and weak nation as France and this same strategy can be well used in the India vs China war. Africa is full of "grateful" to the Neandors africans, who side with the strong of the day. The Arabs are already threatened by the Neandors and a pressure is put on them. North America is too far away and either are "friendly advised" to stay out of this, or are not considered to be treat to the Neandorish world domination plans."

                                This is what was frenzy circulating in the young Princess Catherine's beautiful head and she was a bit sad of her fate - to have to save the world from this menace instead of spending her youth in dancing in the Moscow saloons.

                                "I must tell this to the people! Who have ears will listen, who have eyes will see the truth, who have their untainted mind will understand what is going on. We must not let this happen!"
                                Last edited by Russia (DoE); April 28, 2011, 04:48.

