The Chinese Empire releases the following news and updates:
- Great leader Tang has been greatly embarrassed at the hands of the Japanese. Our messenger has finally returned with a most unwelcome verdict, the Japanese decline to have open borders with us! Tang's feelings are hurt and he has retreated to his Buddhist prayer chamber to decide his next course of action, he has summoned a small army to the nation's capital as he is suffering from increased paranoia and now feels betrayed by his oldest friends. Are our Eastern borders no longer safe?
- Great leader Tang has been greatly embarrassed at the hands of the Japanese. Our messenger has finally returned with a most unwelcome verdict, the Japanese decline to have open borders with us! Tang's feelings are hurt and he has retreated to his Buddhist prayer chamber to decide his next course of action, he has summoned a small army to the nation's capital as he is suffering from increased paranoia and now feels betrayed by his oldest friends. Are our Eastern borders no longer safe?