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Destiny of Empires [Diplo Game] [Story Thread 2 - November 2010]

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  • #16
    The Angle Dispute Is Smoothed Over

    Three days passed and once again the great leaders of Angleland returned to the gray stone castle along the Tim's river, proposals in hand. The various factions gathered in Camelot's great hall and presented their proposals to King Arthur.

    First up, Mercia & Scotland, who the other Angles had labeled the Obtuse Faction, presented their proposal. As they had argued, their kingdoms should be seated closest to the King, as, they felt, their land had the most power and claim to such a high honor. Other representatives would descend from the head of the table in order of importance.

    Next, Northumbria and East Anglia presented their proposal. They considered themselves the Right Faction, and felt that the existing table was just right and didn't need to be changed. Like the previous faction they put themselves nearest the head of the table and nearest to King Arthur.

    While no one took them seriously, Wales also presented a proposal of their own. Standing alone, the others considered Wales to be a Cute Faction, and of little importance. They however held themselves in a might high regard and felt justified in placing Wales closest to the King.

    Finally, Alfred of Wessex presented his proposal. His was radically different from the others. His table was round in design, and he strove for equality - not hierarchy with his design. Such a bold proposal attracted both interest and scorn from his compatriots.

    King Arthur looked over all the proposals. He studied each carefully. Then he spoke.

    Arthur - Alfred, I notice that the Obtuse, Right, and a Cute Factions are all in agreement that the Anglers, the scientists and the holy men are the least important members of the council and should be at the foot of the table. They may not agree on much, but on that point they have reached a consensus, do you believe all of them to be in error?

    Alfred - I mean no disrespect, but yes, I believe they are.

    Arthur - That is a rather brash thing to say. Land is power, we all know that. Even Sir Gawain of Wales understands that. Why do you believe otherwise?

    Alfred - I don't dispute that land is power. I know that too well. However, if this council is to properly represent Angleland then it must represent more than just the powerful. Our merchants and our fisherman are vital to our strength and wealth. Without their shipping the goods of our land would rot at port. Without their food, our people would starve. Our scientists are vital to our future and our knowledge. Just the other day Roger Bacon was telling me about this marvelous new system of numbers he devised called mathematics. These numbers are already finding marvelously practical purposes, apparently this maths thing can increase the productivity of our lumberjacks! I don't know how, but it works! And finally, I believe Gildas and our holy men are essential both to represent our conscious and to speak on behalf of the gods. We must never lose sight of the divine. However as important as I feel they are, I never meant to suggest that they are more important than Northumbria, or Mercia, or Scotland or anywhere else. Only that all we gathered here in this council must share equal responsibility for leadership of our nation and be equally recognized for it. The table design, this round table, has no head and no foot. All who dine at it are equal.

    Alfred waited nervously for the King to answer. He knew he was out of step with all the others, he knew he was taking a big chance with such a bold proposal, but he felt he must do what is right, no matter the result. If he angered the King... well it would certainly be unfortunate, but he was prepared to face the consequences. He tensed up as the King finally responded.

    Arthur - Most interesting... most interesting indeed... this is not what I had in mind, but... you have impressed me noble Alfred. Our land is in need of original thinkers, and those who can bridge the divides of factions. It does seem that the hierarchy we cling to is driving the animosity. Your round table may indeed be the answer.

    Alfred did his best not to look visibly relieved. He was glad the King saw the wisdom of his proposal. He was hopeful too the council could finally stop talking about tables and get down to the business of governing. The others were momentarily resentful their proposal was not chosen, but soon recognized the wisdom of the King's decision and the honorable stance of Alfred. None however anticipated what Arthur would say next.

    Arthur - It is no surprise that I am quite old. In fact I don't expect I have much longer here on this Earth. That is, of course, why I have called his great council. Together this council is charged with leading and governing our fair people. You all must work together to see to the prosperity and health of our people. You must all fight for the strength and power of our kingdom. You all must rise to the occasion to slay our enemies, should any threaten our land and people. This council, this round table, shall control our nation from here in Camelot. However, unlike the noble Alfred I am not so convinced of the wisdom of total and absolute equality among all council members. One must be chosen to lead, to rule, and to handle our affairs with other nations. As I have no son, I have brought you here to observe you and to judge who among you is best to take this role and lead our people. Most of you fought amongst yourselves and jockeyed for power, it is only Lord Alfred who put aside his own ambition to suggest the fairest proposal for all. Thus it is he who shall succeed me to the throne, it is he who shall be King of Angleland.

    Alfred and the rest of the council was stunned, but soon the applauded and congratulated Alfred. All were glad Angleland would have no succession crisis.


    • #17
      Plans Are Made for the Future...

      The final days of King Arthur's reign were peaceful and prosperous. With little else to do for the long rainy Anglish nights, the population grew and grew and was rumored to be the most populous nation on Earth. Yet, while this may seem like an accomplishment, this success created its own set of problems for the tiny island. Gathering in London, the great council met to discuss these new challenges.

      Oswald - Sire, York is in disarray! The city has grown to rival even London! The people grow unhappy with the closeness of their neighbors, the foul stench of the city, and the mule traffic is unbearable! The land cannot support more people, yet we continue to grow!

      Rædwald - Send them north, to Scotland, plenty of land lies unworked.

      Kenneth MacAlpin - Nay, Glasgow continues to grow as well. There is no room for Northumbrians here.

      Francis Drake - Sire, if I may. My cousin, the heroic John Cabot has sent word back from his voyage. South of the teeming shores of the Gauls lies a great land, a desolate land. The charts he has sent back indicate the land is massive and unclaimed. Here there is room for untold numbers of Anglish.

      Arthur - Interesting... that seems to be a bold, but sensible proposal. Has Cabot sent word on suitable locations for settlement?

      Francis Drake - He has not, sire. His charts are general, but would be sufficient guidance for a second expedition. One tasked with scouting out specific locations for settlement.

      Arthur - A second expedition?

      Francis Drake - Yes my liege, I would be happy to undertake this journey. I shall find land suitable to expand the Anglish Kingdom and shall send word. Those adventurous masses in York and London would have welcome shores to begin anew.

      Arthur - Make it so. What other news does Sir Cabot's expedition bring?

      Francis Drake - He has made contact with primitive dark skinned people down there in this new land he has named "Africa". They are primitive, but possess great natural resources our people would benefit from greatly. Our traders and merchants have already begun to trade freely with the tribes Cabot has established relations with.

      Alfred - This increased trade is having its costs. The southern shore of Wessex is littered with trading vessels of all manner of size and shape who have dashed themselves against our rocks and cliffs. This trading is truly a dangerous profession.

      Rædwald - This increased trade has been a boon for the farmers of East Anglia, but I agree with Lord Alfred, something must be done to ensure the safe passage of goods.

      Lancelot - It would seem the ships crash against the rocks at night. In the black of night, they have no way to tell sea from shore. Perhaps a lighthouse would help speed the trade?

      Francis Drake - Indeed a lighthouse would help, but even that may not be enough. The ships are too many and the dark is too thick.

      Arthur - Then we shall build the greatest lighthouse the world has ever seen!! Sir Francis Drake, begin your voyage, Sir Roger Bacon begin drawing up plans for a Great Lighthouse!


      • #18
        The Great Lighthouse

        Many years passed. The Round Table governed well and Angland prospered. Arthur became frail and sick, the Round Table governed collectively for the first time and while disputes certainly arose, they were handled with deft diplomacy. Arthur took little part in the leading of his nation, but desperately he clung to life. For years the Great Lighthouse was being constructed in the London harbor. Through his window at Camelot he could look down the Thim's river and see the magnificent wonder slowly rise into the sky. Sir Roger Bacon insisted the lighthouse would be the tallest structure in the world. It was a magnificent sight to behold and Arthur held on in hopes he could one day see the mighty flame atop this mighty tower. It was said the flame would be so bright it would keep Joan up at night.

        The builders, somehow knowing that their beloved king fought to see the tower's completion, quickened their pace to ensure the old monarch would live to see it completed. Finally, after much work and several years, the magnificent project was finished. The Great Lighthouse towered over London and could be seen clearly from the Gaullic capitol.

        The Great Lighthouse From Its Base:

        The Great Lighthouse From The Streets of London:

        The lighthouse was opened to much fanfare and celebrations. It was a mighty monument to the power and wealth of Angland. A parade wound its way through London, passing by King Arthurs window. The frail monarch meekly waved from his window, his old cracked face beaming with pride. This was a great accomplishment not only for the reputation of Angland, but would dramatically improve their trade with other nations. Great merchants would flock to London which would now become the world's center for trade. Angland was becoming a true maritime power. Sir John Cabot traveled south and established trade routes with the Mali and the Zulu, Sir Francis Drake traveled east and established relations with the Ottomans, Egyptians, Arabs and Russians. Trade from all the known world would now flow through London. King Arthur smiled.

        Within the week he was dead.


        • #19
          And on the shoreline near Calais ...

          When Lucien the stone mason showed up for work that morning he was surprised to see the foreman meet him by the gate.

          "Qu'est que c'est, Gaetan?" (ie Wazzup?)

          "We've been ordered to stop construction."

          "But why? The base is almost complete. It is well built and strong" argued Lucien.

          "No, that's not the problem, Luc. The Angles ... they built it already".

          "What? A lighthouse as large as that?"

          "No, its not as large as we were planning. But they have finished it. We have word from the capitol that a second such structure on the channel would be redundant."

          "What is this word - redundant?"

          "One too many. Only one is needed. The capitol says to sell the stone for gold, and to start on the new project in Calais."

          Lucien turned towards the channel and spit on the ground. "Damned Anglais!"

          Gaetan turned and spit as well. "Agreed. Damned Anglais!"


          • #20
            grunt. grunzen grunt.

            i tell you and you ignore it. carthage is in middle of gallic and neandor claims. neandor city to your east is about to use area of carthage. neandor city long establish and mediteranean capital for neandor survival.

            carthage wil be overwhelm with such great neandor grunting and 'culture' not to mention the gauls.

            angles need find other colonies and already has 5 cities much more than most other.

            grunzen grunts at you.
            King Alfred grunts back.

            North west Africa is English land. We will not tolerate the neador spreading lies about us either. All great powers have more land and more cities than the English. We will not allow the Neandor or the Gauls to choke us. In fact of all nations on this great Earth of ours, England is clearly the smallest. Sir Roger Bacon, of our Round Table has compiled the following information demonstrating the land crunch England finds themselves in:

            Grunzen, you grunt lies as well. England had only 3 cities before Carthage was built. Before we built this colony you grunt about so much, we were very far behind the world. The truth is this:

            Neandor - 5 cities
            Russia - 5 cities
            Ottomans - 5 cities
            Gauls - 4 cities
            England - 3 cities

            You wish to keep us shut into our little island? Last in the world in land? Unlike you peoples on the continent we have no where to go. You and the Gauls have other places to expand to, we do not. Our shores overflow with English subjects, and we need new lands to send them to. North west Africa is that place. England formally claims Carthage and all land west of it as sovereign English land, all who tread there are trespassing and all who settle there shall make themselves a new enemy.

            We shall not allow a grunting Neandorthal to choke England into oblivion. We dream the same dreams as you, and wish to be as large as you one day. We will not allow you, or anyone else, to stop us.

            King Alfred of Wessex
            Head of the Round Table
            Ruler of England & North Africa


            • #21
              Joan read the statement. Her jaw dropped.

              Originally posted by England (DoE) View Post
              England formally claims Carthage and all land west of it as sovereign English land, all who tread there are trespassing and all who settle there shall make themselves a new enemy.
              "They really made this claim? You are not joking with me?"

              Delacroix replied "Joan, I'm not joking. That is what they have officially stated."

              Joan slammed her fist on the table. "Where in the name of my ancestors do they think they have rights to land that far from London? They are an advanced society. Largest population in the world. And they claim North Africa. I think this round table of theirs has gone to their heads. Mon dieu! I wish Arthur was still alive."

              "What do you want to do, my dear Princess?"

              Joan smiled at Delacroix. "Well my dear General, here is what I think we should do".

              They spoke for the next hour.


              • #22
                carthage problem

                dear joan and grunt. second grunt.

                see attached neandor survey of carthage and refer neandor corresponds.

                as can be grunted carthage is plonk down right in middle of our agreed border.

                neandor does not accept angle limey claim and shocked to hear that no discussion took place with you. the angle super power thinks it can do as it see fit without discussion.

                even primitive neandor know how to talk!

                and what is most astonish is that with these known boundaries the angles does place such a city.

                will respond to your recent massages soon joan. grunt.

                note angles speaking tough and full of lies without discussion or diplomacy.

                grunzen of grunzen city of neandor tribe.

                Click image for larger version

Name:	carthage.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	100.8 KB
ID:	9089581

                The question of whether modern humans and Neanderthals mated when they encountered each other 40,000 years ago is highly controversial.


                • #23
                  Suleiman the Pious was loved greatly by his people.

                  Under his leadership the Turkish people were growing from a collection of tribes to a true nation.

                  It was Suleiman who had acted decisively to protect the farmers of eastern Turkey from the greed of the Egyptians at Jerusalem who were stealing their land in defiance of all the agreements.

                  It was Suleiman who brought Judaism to Istanbul - making Istanbul the true centre of Jewish worship across the world.

                  It was Suleiman who had invested in developing the land.

                  It was Suleiman who strengthened the army, raising up units of bowmen in every part of the Turkish nation.

                  It was Suleiman who by the guidance of the One God led the people to the source of Iron in the Thessaly mountains, and established the iron mines.

                  Under Suleiman the people rejoiced. And so, across the land monuments to his greatness rose, telling the story of the Turkish people in this goldern age.

                  Truly the One God had chosen Suleiman.
                  Mexico Emerges as a New Player on the International Stage - Mexico City Times


                  • #24
                    Tangiers is Settled

                    The local villagers and farmers welcomed the Gallic settlers and builders. They were familiar with Gallic ways given the close proximity of Cadiz. They also welcomed the Gallic culture and knowledge. They saw the founding of a new city as way to improve their lives, and to be part of a larger empire.

                    The Gauls in turn respected the local traditions and languages. The existing settlement by the sea was expanded using local architectural design. First built was the 'casbah', which would become the heart and soul of Tangiers. Other buildings and improvements built out from there. But the city was still young. There was much to do. The sheep herders to the west also needed to be welcomed into the new society.

                    Although there was a certain urgency about the settling of the city, local customs still ruled. And at the end of the day, both locals and Gauls alike knew how to relax.

                    But despite the growth of the city and the goodwill of the people, and the crystal clear blue of the sea, a cloud still hung over Tangiers. There was the matter of the Angles claim to the territory. The future was uncertain.


                    • #25
                      Suleiman the Pious: Lord Joshua
                      Joshua: Shalom, Goiim.....
                      Joshua: Sons of Edom
                      Suleiman the Pious: We find your constant sending of spies and agents into our lands troubling
                      Joshua: We find it troubling that you burned down Jerusalem and replaced.
                      Joshua: Troubling is not the right word....
                      Joshua: It's so.... underwhelming....
                      Suleiman the Pious: We understand that, but the question is do we need to take military action to encourage you to stop your spies?
                      Joshua: Yes.
                      Suleiman the Pious: Fine - we will gain much from the pillage ofthe nile towns
                      Joshua: Or you must simply accept it.
                      Joshua: Shalom is a word not understood by the sons of Edom, is it?
                      Suleiman the Pious: Of course it is - you are the ones undertaking aggressive action against us.
                      Joshua: You are lead by Samael, but he will not bring you to victory.
                      Suleiman the Pious: If you wish there to be shalom between us, you would discuss finding a peaceful way forward
                      Joshua: Our spies do not do any harm to you, they oly keep an eye on you
                      Suleiman the Pious: I am not a fool
                      Joshua: You are, or you would not have destroyed the city of G'd!
                      Suleiman the Pious: There is no need for you to keep an eye on me if you intent peace - the only reason for you sending these spies is to harm us in the future
                      Joshua: Israel has 2 evil neighbours, Arabia and Edom.
                      Joshua: We will keep an eye on both of you.
                      Joshua: Accept it.
                      Suleiman the Pious: Why should I? Why shouldn't I invade and enjoy the pillage?
                      Joshua: Circumseizing in the flesh doesn't make you a real son of G'd, goiim.
                      Joshua: Invade us.
                      Joshua: Enjoy it.
                      Suleiman the Pious: The nations of the world see you as the most powerful nation on earth. If you are known for aggressively ending spies to us, you will get no simpathy from others
                      Joshua: My axes and war chariots will welcome you.
                      Joshua: We need no sympathy from any nation.
                      Suleiman the Pious: Oh don't make me laugh. You have tried these bluffs before about the size of your armies
                      Joshua: All are deceived by Samael
                      Joshua: We know that we are the outcast. We value that we are the chosen people of G'd.
                      Joshua: We do not seek the sympathy of other nations.
                      Suleiman the Pious: We accept your anger but my friend, you will not gain by provoking endless war with us.
                      Joshua: We seek Shalom.
                      Joshua: But we are prepared for your invasion.
                      Joshua: Anything else?
                      Suleiman the Pious: If you seek Shalom why do you aggressively send spies?
                      Joshua: We need to know your moves to protect our children against you.
                      Joshua: Not to mention that I need to send my spies somewhere, or they'll sit at their homes, bothering their husbands.
                      Joshua: Anything else?
                      Suleiman the Pious: I accept some of that. Truly I wish for Shalom with you. But the current level of spying contradicts your explanations. You are focusing specificaly on us, not other neighbours, and you are developing it far beyond the needs of seeing our military.
                      Joshua: Our treshold against Arabia is 478
                      Joshua: against you we now have 330
                      Suleiman the Pious: We will make this conversation clear to all the nations of the world and then if necessary start military action to encourage you to see better ways.
                      Joshua: as soon as we gained the same level against you, we will continue to divide our attention between both our nemesis.
                      Joshua: Anything else?
                      Suleiman the Pious: We will offer sacrifices for you our brothers at the temple of the one God, that you cease your self-pitying and lead your people for their future beneift.
                      Suleiman the Pious: Good bye
                      Joshua: May you find Shalom with G'd. But I fear that Samael has clouded your mind.


                      • #26
                        The Chinese Empire releases the following news and updates:

                        - Our fearless leader Tang urges all citizens to remain calm throughout the aggressive barbarian onslaught. The Chinese military is among the largest in the world exactly for this reason, to protect it's citizens and defend China's interests. The barbarian warriors and axemen are being slaughtered daily and will only strengthen our units.

                        - On our Western border, Indian settlers have been spotted very close to Chinese lands, escorted by men with wooden clubs. Our scouts are worried for their safety as a strong wind may destroy them all. The Chinese foreign embassy urges these Indian units to turn back and certainly not to settle this near to Chinese cities, it may be a very dangerous proposition indeed.

                        - Great leader Tang is personally worried for his great friend, leader of the Japanese, as messengers have both come and gone twice from their lands with no news from these great friends of ours. Tang wonders if something horrible has happened or, worse yet, if the Japanese are no longer friendly towards us! We urge our Buddhist brothers to answer our messages and pray that all is well.

                        - A Chinese delegation has made the long journey to the great Russian lands and is currently being treated with the utmost respect by these fine civilized people. Russia is certainly one of China's greatest friends!


                        • #27
                          Greetings from Eternal Shaka. May I be forgiven for not chronicling the events of our people, but urgent matters of state have kept me away.

                          Mother Africa & The Immortal Scouts

                          After Shaka had settled his people in the City of Ulundi, & established his throne therein, he set about teaching the secrets of Immortality-amongst other gifts-to a band of the strongest & most enduring of his subjects. Once he felt they had learned all they could, he sent them abroad with the following command: "Go forth, Immortal ones, & discover the lie of this diverse land-my Mother. Seek out any others that speak with tongue, & are not as dumb as animals." With this command, they set off & journeyed north-until the Vale of Plenty was naught but a distant memory.
                          As they trekked north, they seemed to find nothing but vast steaming jungles. For months, then years, they pushed forward-expecting to die of some awful disease-in spite of their immortal stature. In time, though, the jungles ended, & they could see a vast mountain range, stretching North-South, that went as far as their eyes could see.
                          The keen eyes of the scouts spied out a pass through the Mountain Range, & they chose to venture even further into the unknown.
                          For many weeks they passed high into the mountains, but eventually they came out of the cloud & could see a massive desert, bisected by a mighty Blue River &-beyond that-the Ocean. With increased vigor in their hearts, they marched down towards the river to see what strange lands lay beyond....


                          • #28
                            A Peaceful Resolution
                            Joan & Grunzen,

                            Some at the Round Table have been pressuring me to make an offer to you both that could resolve this current Africa dispute peacefully. After discussing matters with Joan and some in my court, I am prepared to make the following offer:

                            England will gift deer & dye, plus provide two workers for recognition by the Gauls and Neandor to our North African claims.

                            We hope this is acceptable and I apologize for settling land without discussing arrangements beforehand.

                            -King Alfred
                            grunzen laughed.

                            here is the biggest grunt on earth swaying as bully and diplomat!

                            if you settle without concern and then realize issue it is not our worry. carthage can not be.

                            so, leave with your archer and go grunt around Africa, explore and even talk to mali who you seem to ignore on this matter.

                            you may find or even 'negotiate' a colony somewhere in the south. grunt!

                            now go!

                            the neandor support gaul's settlement of tangiers and was always a logic plan for our peace with them. you make us closer now and if you threaten gaul it will be grunt against your swords and trireme over your fish!

                            now, grunt off!

                            it be grunzen here by the way.
                            The question of whether modern humans and Neanderthals mated when they encountered each other 40,000 years ago is highly controversial.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by China (DoE) View Post
                              The Chinese Empire releases the following news and updates:

                              - Our fearless leader Tang urges all citizens to remain calm throughout the aggressive barbarian onslaught. The Chinese military is among the largest in the world exactly for this reason, to protect it's citizens and defend China's interests. The barbarian warriors and axemen are being slaughtered daily and will only strengthen our units.

                              - On our Western border, Indian settlers have been spotted very close to Chinese lands, escorted by men with wooden clubs. Our scouts are worried for their safety as a strong wind may destroy them all. The Chinese foreign embassy urges these Indian units to turn back and certainly not to settle this near to Chinese cities, it may be a very dangerous proposition indeed.

                              - Great leader Tang is personally worried for his great friend, leader of the Japanese, as messengers have both come and gone twice from their lands with no news from these great friends of ours. Tang wonders if something horrible has happened or, worse yet, if the Japanese are no longer friendly towards us! We urge our Buddhist brothers to answer our messages and pray that all is well.

                              - A Chinese delegation has made the long journey to the great Russian lands and is currently being treated with the utmost respect by these fine civilized people. Russia is certainly one of China's greatest friends!
                              ah tang you. grunt.

                              neandor has warrior near, somewhere in your west and sound like he in trouble soon. we build many horrible axe at home but they far off.

                              hope to meet you soon.

                              The question of whether modern humans and Neanderthals mated when they encountered each other 40,000 years ago is highly controversial.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Germany (DoE) View Post
                                ah tang you. grunt.

                                neandor has warrior near, somewhere in your west and sound like he in trouble soon. we build many horrible axe at home but they far off.

                                hope to meet you soon.

                                Tang welcomes your warrior to seek refuge in Chinese lands we will protect him and hunt Indians err barbarians together and send him back strengthened!

