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Destiny of Empires [Diplo Game] [Organization Thread]

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  • Hi Guys,

    I am very sorry but I wish to quit this game before I wreck the Civ's chances. I just cannot work up any enthusiasm at all and am missing turns as well as posting nothing. This is not right and proper in a Diplo-Game as if I am contributing nothing then I am worse than useless to everyone else's fun.

    I somehow knew that this was never going to be the fond farewell to Diplo in CivIV for me. I should have dropped out when I knew it was an Earth Map, which I hate passionately, and with so many players it is likely to last close to a year. Too long for me I think.

    I ask you look for a sub for a tier 3 power. To maintain Anon I suggest they contact me for name and p/w. I will continue until this happens but it is better sooner than later. If RP wishes he may take them on now, maybe best, but I will continue to play until it is sorted out.

    I am truly sorry for this but I am letting the game down as well as ruining any chance of the Civ by playing on in this fashion. 2 PitBoss and a PBEM, plus a SMAC PBEM, are also really enough, although DoD is coming to an end - at least for me, for me to cope with. When it comes down to it I just don't seem to be able to work up the interest to research all the history and find the pretty pictures.

    I am better gone from this.
    “Quid latine dictum sit, altum videtur”
    - Anon


    • Sorry to see you go mate.

      I wouldn't stress about not being able to post often, or historically, or with pretty pictures. We all have our creative months with free time on our hands, and then those months where we might post once for whatever reason.

      I would give it a month or two, your civ might start to grow on you.


      • @St Jon

        Sorry to lose you. You are always a great addition to a game. I understand your thoughts about the earth map. If you do decide you have to go, don't feel bad about it. Its hard to know what the experience of a game will be like until it starts, and it is pointless to continue for a year if you're not really interested.


        • st jon. grunt.

          take a moment to grunt.

          it is good to air your momentary frustrations and rl concerns but having been there myself i urge you to give yourself a chill out period and don't leave for at least a week.

          hopefully by then you'll be re-energised.

          france exited prematurely and they are doing well now with the new player but the original player thought he was crippled when venetii was lost.. not true. it just feels bad at the time. all been there.

          not saying this has any bearing on your situation mind you, just airing some thoughts.

          The question of whether modern humans and Neanderthals mated when they encountered each other 40,000 years ago is highly controversial.


          • I hate to see you going and will second the grunting request to just try to calm and wait for your inspiration to come. Your situation cant be worst than in game2 and you showed a spirit there.


            • Hey St Jon,

              Too bad to hear that
              If I understand you correctly, it's not that you don't like how you're doing in the game, but you just are in too many games and you can't really attach yourself to this one.
              That's too bad
              I must admit that this game is slowly growing, the early turns are a bit boring, not much diplomacy going on, maybe it will grow on you.

              Thanks for offering to play till we found a sub.
              I'll start to look for one.

              Formerly known as "CyberShy"
              Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


              • Attachments are now visible to guests / not logged in people as well!
                Thanks to Germany for the Heads Up.

                Regarding the voting-tool, that's getting close to finished.
                I hope to release it this evening.
                Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


                • The Ottomans are at war with Egypt.

                  Longer timer please - perhaps we will manage with say 14 hours?

                  And please watch, if you can, that Egypt gets to play this turn before it flips. He is second in turn order, but might not realise there is a war unless he reads this.
                  Mexico Emerges as a New Player on the International Stage - Mexico City Times


                  • Guys,

                    Thank you for your kind words. All of you, those that have played me, know that I never quit because I am getting beaten. This is just as well as I am a poor player and generally end up in a hopeless position fairly quickly.

                    This is different as I just cannot work up the enthusiasm to even begin to try. A very poor way to approach any game and not one I am prepared to inflict on the rest of you.
                    “Quid latine dictum sit, altum videtur”
                    - Anon


                    • Time to Vote!
                      We vote for the happenings of this thread: Story Thread 1 (yes, I've been lazy and didn't sort it out. no time. sorry)

                      You can vote right here (please read instructions below first)

                      Voting ENDS November 10th end of the day

                      1. go to the site
                      2. click your civilization name
                      3. fill out the password you once selected in the civ-picker (the original password of your DoE account at Apolyton)
                      4. Vote!

                      You have to award EXACTLY 20 points in both categories or you can't submit.
                      You can give comments to every individual civ.

                      I'll send the password to the French and the Mali who may not know the passwords.
                      If you do no know your password anymore, please PM me.

                      This is what the rules say about voting:

                      After every month all players are invited to vote on the stories and role playing of all players.
                      Using a special web application a total of 20 'points' can be assigned, with a max of 5 points per player.

                      The 2 categories:
                      - Story Telling
                      Story telling is about how a player tells the story of his civilization and how he communicates with other leaders. How he handles his characters, shows the relation between story and in-game actions, explains the behaviour hof his civ, includes graphics and images, is able to entertain it's readers, etc.

                      A great part of the fun of a diplo game is the creation of an amazing story thread. This contains everything from national epics to diplomacy, newspaper articles to lies, text, screenshots and images. A player gets votes for storytelling for their contribution to the story thread. There are no rules as to what marks out a good contribution - we all have different tastes - what is too much detail for one person, may be exactly what another person values, some people will give more votes to one brilliant piece than to someone who produces lots of mediocre material, someone else will value quantity more. When voting its simple - give people votes if you personally enjoy their contributions.

                      - Role Playing
                      Role Playing is about how the in-game actions and the tone of his messages reflect the role of the player. Is the fascist dictator really playing as a fascist? Does it make sence that the fanatic orthodox jewish leader has an alliance with the fanatic orthodox buddhist leader? Is the peaceful friendly leader really friendly and peaceful to his neighbours? In short: do the actions of a player compare to the story role he assigned to himself.

                      The definition of a diplo game is "A Diplomacy Game is a game in which all players lead their civilization as if they're leading a real nation". Under 'role-playing' people are given votes for the degree to which they do this. Is there a consistency and belieability about the actions of that civ - its in-game actions, its diplomacy, what it says about itself. What nature a civ has is up to the player to decide and to evolve as the game progresses - but they get votes for the believability and consistency of this, and the interest it gives to the game. If you act as if you are 'playing a game', you won't get many votes; but if you can give the rest of us the impression your nation actually exists, you deserve to get lots.

                      Per month all points a player receives in both categories will be calculated.
                      Based on this a score list will be created per category.
                      The #1 on that score list will receive X scorepoints. (X = the number of civs in the game). The #2 will receive X-1, etc.

                      The rest of the score-explanation only uses examples to get the point through, but is too much to place here. Read it in the first post of this thread.
                      This all comes down to the following:

                      Based on the scorepoints everybody received in a month, a ranking can be made for that month, per category.
                      The #1 on that ranking receives 18 gamepoints, the #2 17 gamepoints, the #3 16 gamepoints, ..... the #18 gets 1 gamepoint.
                      The sum of all gamepoints for both categories for all months determines the winner.

                      Good luck!
                      Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                      Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


                      • Forgive me if this is already covered somewhere.

                        Are there any rules regarding the truth of stories posted in the story thread? Where is the line drawn?

                        Propaganda about having a huge army I am pretty sure is ok, but is it ok to post flat out lies such as having say Knights when you don't even have guilds?

                        How about combat results? If a civ gets destroyed during a war, but posts that they had glorious victory is that ok? What about comprimises? If civA gave civB 3000 gold to sign peace, is it acceptable for civA to post that their enemy ran away scared with no offer?


                        • IMHO everything is allowed. If it's believable is a 2nd thought.
                          I'd love it to see a good war where both involved parties claim victory
                          Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                          Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


                          • Personally I frown on factually inaccurate postings. I guess that is what the vote is for.


                            • Writing history is all about propaganda


                              • No need to slow down the timer for me, I am almost able to play every moment of the day.
                                And I do not have anything to move for the next couple of turns anyway :*(
                                So even if I miss my turn nothing is lost.

