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Destiny of Empires [Diplo Game] [Organization Thread]

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  • It's really not about winning, but about fun.
    Well, if people find fun only in the competition, it can be indeed problem if it turns out they are not doing much well in the game. To my thinking, it is not the diplo-format that ruins the fun for someone competitive, but for someone who is competitive, losing in-game is what ruins the fun of the diplo-experience for him.

    About votings: I personally don't really like the concept to much, but I understand that it can inspire some.
    Yes, there are different things that drive people. If someone like being scored high for their stories, thats OK and for those who dont care too much, the scoring must at least not be an obstacle.

    Azteca doesn't have too mnay units to worry about, and America is not really at war either
    The whole reload/pause thing was about India to save some of their units from the angry China AI, but I guess Azteca will do some issue because in the next turn the Ottomans will most probably attack and capture one of their cities. (they did that before the reload, but that was undone by the reload)

    I've asked RP a couple times to set up the votes for August; now we are almost into October.
    Yes, even if we dont have the results for the previous months, we still need to vote. This way it can be even more exciting - not knowing who is leading and who is behind in points till the very last possible moment when all the votes will be summarized and the diplo-winner will be announced


    • I don't particularily enjoy the voting myself, but love getting feedback on my stories... bit ironic really.


      • Yes, ironically. And a bit controversial too.

        There is a function to put a comment on the whole work for the month on given player when voting. At some point I though I am the only one actually using it


        • Should vote for Aug + Sep and get double points imo. I put a lot of effort into both months, I don't care much about score, but I see no reason why not to do so.


          • Originally posted by Russia (DoE) View Post
            Well, if people find fun only in the competition, it can be indeed problem if it turns out they are not doing much well in the game. To my thinking, it is not the diplo-format that ruins the fun for someone competitive, but for someone who is competitive, losing in-game is what ruins the fun of the diplo-experience for him.
            Yea, the whole point of the diplo score is to give people a different way to compete and rank themselves instead of the in game score or victory. The best diploplayer is the one who wins, NOT the one who builds the biggest empire and launches a space ship first.
            Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

            When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


            • Originally posted by Russia (DoE) View Post
              Reasonable like someone who you can make a deal or something IC, not like those French and Neander fanatics.
              The funny thing is that we see you as unreasonable.

              If we made a deal where would the game be? We would all be on the same side and where is the tension or the fun in that.

              The fact that you have most of the rest of the world in your back pocket speaks very well of your diplomatic efforts , however it has seriously affected the balance of power, and IMO, dampened some of the enthusiasm.

              You wanting out of the game sucks though
              Case in point with the Vikings. And yes, it does suck that a player of his calibre wants out.


              • Originally posted by Vikings (DoE) View Post
                Question for everyone though (just to stir up the pot a bit)...why does continuing the game matter? If this game is supposedly determined by stories and voting then why have there been no votes since June? The June results have never been posted and there have been no votes for July, August or September, and it is almost October.
                Indeed. My interest in posting dropped with the lack of voting and results. I understand RP's situation. We should've found a substitute admin for a bit.

                Nor does actually playing the game since unless the entire world rises up against Russia (including all their allies) ....
                As if that will happen.

                It would have been good if just one or two of the of the Incans, or Native Americans, or the Chinese and switched their allegiance to balance the game somewhat.


                • Originally posted by OzzyKP View Post
                  The best diploplayer is the one who wins, NOT the one who builds the biggest empire and launches a space ship first.
                  Russia IS the best diploplayer in the game. He already has half the world on his side, not to mention the largest and strongest empire. Being the top dog in score means nothing. I made a study of score a few years ago and how skewed it can be.

                  The Russian player has won in-game and he is almost certain to win in the diploscore (if there are ever any more votes) because the other two score leaders likely won't be posting any more stories (one is too busy and the other doesn't much care for the game anymore either).

                  Several of you keep bringing up the point that writing stories and diploscore are the reason for being in this game. I've already conceded the fact that this type of game is not for me and in going over some of the posts from the past few weeks it seems I'm being bashed now for conceding that point. I'm a competitive person. I took over the Vikings thinking it would be a competitive game, and it was for a short time. But it is not now, nor will it likely ever be again.

                  Originally posted by Russia (DoE) View Post
                  Well, if people find fun only in the competition, it can be indeed problem if it turns out they are not doing much well in the game. To my thinking, it is not the diplo-format that ruins the fun for someone competitive, but for someone who is competitive, losing in-game is what ruins the fun of the diplo-experience for him.
                  It is not the losing, because I have certainly lost before and still played out games to the bitter end. It is the fact that there is no competition left. Will your allies leave you, give back all the units you've gifted, and attack you? Will France and Neandor start posting stories again? Likely no on both counts. You've won. THAT is what I've been trying to say. There is no point to this game anymore because you've won on all and out of game.
                  Last edited by Vikings (DoE); September 29, 2011, 10:11.


                  • Is the game unpaused yet or are we still waiting for someone to take their turn?


                    • At least Viks, Azteca and America still needs to do their turns.


                      • I'm still stuck in a diplo screen and can't get in.


                        • I will again restrain myself from after action report, as there is a lot of action to happen actually in the game - it is no gg yet.

                          I will propose you to do something to please your competitiveness - I am challenging you on a duel.

                          If you win, you will have your satisfaction and retire with the knowledge you defeated the IG-winner proclaimed by you. If I win you will come back and play the game to its end, trying to find alternative approaches and victories to achieve. OK?


                          • Going to drink some coffee (might be the last one as a DoE champion ).


                            • Originally posted by Russia (DoE) View Post
                              I will propose you to do something to please your competitiveness - I am challenging you on a duel.

                              If you win, you will have your satisfaction and retire with the knowledge you defeated the IG-winner proclaimed by you. If I win you will come back and play the game to its end, trying to find alternative approaches and victories to achieve. OK?
                              Even if I won it still would not matter to this game. I'm not about to take away from your accomplishments in this game. You've played a great game and you deserve to win.

                              In any case I already said that I would play until a sub can be found. I won't be posting stories though.


                              • The Russian player has won in-game and he is almost certain to win in
                                the diploscore (if there are ever any more votes) because the other two
                                score leaders likely won't be posting any more stories (one is too busy
                                and the other doesn't much care for the game anymore either).

                                France = 252
                                Neandor = 243
                                Inca = 240
                                Russia = 231
                                England = 225

                                I'm certain at the very least I will be giving Russia a run for his money on diploscore. I'm guessing England will to, inbetween his heavy load work weeks. I hope at least one of the two current leaders will return to post more once their RL stuff cools off.

