Bigus Petro the managing director of the Korean Oil company has announced new reserves have been located and that Oil for the war effort has continued uninterupted.
No announcement yet.
The Dance of Civilizations [Diplo Game] [Story Thread Pt7 - March 2010]
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The Indian Information Agency reports that England has taken over a big Roman city. Details are unknown yet, though from past experience it seems that we saw an other nation bullied into slavery by the so called "free allies"
We also got report that Korea finally understand the better use of "human resources", sacrificing population to reach their goal, but then why the hypocrite accusations about that we did the same?
Well done!
(PS one of our supposed crime that we had invaded Persia? We haven't (yet) or do we have to pay for future crimes too? alright..)
I Basil II Emperor of Byzantium, Husband of Cleopatra Queen of Egypt have grave news for our world.
At midnight the heads of state of allied nations gave operations command of all forces in the west to General Bellisarius with instructions to destroy the temple of evil from which shadow has been spreading across this fair world.
At 1 am allied forces started to land on the beaches south-west of the temple of evil, quickly establishing a beach head.
The Indian, Mali and Native forces defending the temple of evil are technologically more advanced and in great numbers. The chances of success are slim. However, this is the final moment, and we will not stand by and no nothing while the shadow of evil finally emcompasses the whole world.
The allied forces under Bellisasius' command know that there is no return from this mission. But all are united in the conviction that no man worthy of that name can sit and wring their hands and do nothing, when there is a gimmer of a chance that evil can be destroyed.
Christians, Hastogians, true Taoists, all peoples of this world. Pray to whatever you hold dear that the brave soliders challenging the very foundations of evil will succeed, and that this day will be known for a thousand generations as the day light dawned once more on this world.Βασιλεύς Βασιλέων Βασιλεύων Βασιλευόντων
May your true Gods bless you
Greetings dear friends and allies.
In the valley of the shadow of death you will fear no evil!
This will be a titanic struggle and will not be easy.
We do things not because they are easy but because they are hard.
If you do not face the insurmountable object you will not push it over.
Face up to it and God will be with you.
In the face of losses and death do not lose heart for it is your strength, your stamina and our shared egalitarian belief that will see you through the dark days ahead.
Good day to you fine General Bellisarius and all your soldiers, navy and airforce.
Rip van Greekle of Greece.
Originally posted by Korea (DoC) View PostThe High Priestess herself flew last night to India abourd an Airship. It was a last minute effort to save the loss of more lives.
Unfortunalty the only repsonse she got from India was denyal of her right to cal her self a High Priestess and asking that all hostilities should end, without India paying for any of itw crimes to humanity over the cneturies.
The slaving and muder of its own populace.
The Invasion of Egypt . Persia and Byzantine over the years, more loss of lives. The oppresion forced on the Mali and the Natives to blondly follow Indias orders.
All these they refused to repent of.
To stop the loss of lives on both sides. the high priest begged the indias to negotiate but they refused.
Nancy Ward moved to Mound city to see for herself what was going on over the border, in India. There had been the constant sounds of artillery fire in the distance echoing around the hills.
And what of the Mali, Nancy was concerned about them being drawn into the Indian war and other nations threatening to declare war on Mali. Where would that leave the Natives.
The Mali were good friends of the Natives and were bound by ties of Taoism and it though it wasn’t formalised, it was sort of understood that if either was attacked the other would help. Indeed Nancy remembered that the Mali had offered assistance to the Natives centuries before when Persia had attacked the Native settlements in New/ India/Persia/Russia islands.
The Natives had sent an emissary to Mali to find out what was happening and what diplomatic news they had. But journeying overland through India was a perilous undertaking at the moment.I have seen that in any great undertaking it is not enough for a man to depend simply upon himself.
Lone Man (Isna-la-wica)(Teton Sioux)
Bharat, governor of New India was nervous, He has heard what's happening in the homeland, but He had his own problems too.
The Persian army has arrived to the capital, He failed to negotiate with the new persian leader and when the last time He managed to speak with Ashoka briefly the new orders were grim.
"-No reinforcement- No evacuation transports- No retreat- Hold the line at all cost- Ashoka out"
The persian army, three times the size of the Indians, with half of those units are artilleries.. there was no doubt how this battle will end.. It seemed to be pointless sacrifice, they can not win, they can not even slow the enemy down, but it is God's will.. even if Barath has his doubts He wouldnt want to live with the shame of refusing orders anyway.. and what if God truly has a purpose with this battle.. if there is a time when they must be strong in their faith then it is this moment.
Originally posted by Mali (DoC) View PostThat's odd, the only airship in our territory this past turn was England's. Perhaps you landed and left so quickly that officials could not meet with you. You are welcome to visit to discuss matters as you are still our brothers in Tao (even if you follow the path of Hagonism). Our borders thus far remain open to you hoping that you will turn back to the path of light.
Greece reacts!
Rip van Greekle heard the news.
The attack was stalled and the troops were withdrawing after massive losses.
Commander Menader, domiciled in the Isle of Hope had plans but the shock of the losses was forcing delays in the decision making process for the alliance.
Rip wanted to recall Menander but CM Endo Gam wished counsel in the Korean capital, recovering from his recent injury.
Menader re-assured Rip that all alliance members can be proud of their efforts.
Rip urged Menander to return to Greece soon as possible as problems in Greece were increasing with privateer attack on Greek vessels.
A defensive pact with Arabia was signed and the trans-continental railway was now well underway with Greek workers under Byzantium and English control building vast sections of the rail to the West. Security in the West is essential as much troubles exist quietly hidden away in this area.
Will the world return to an ancient peace or will Shao-tao soon dominate the globe, encompassing all nations.
We shall see.
Moments after Basil had announced to an emergency session of the Council the utter failure of the attack on the Temple of Evil in India, a gun shot was hear to echo through the Imperial Palace.
His secretary ran fearing the worst, knowing that as a man of honour Basil would take the death of so many on his orders as a crushing blow.
The scene was as he feared.
Basil, dead, clutching a letter addressed to Cleopatra his Queen.Βασιλεύς Βασιλέων Βασιλεύων Βασιλευόντων
this is a story about Media and Persia
Media & Persia surrender
General Kazam waited in his office for results from the front. Then the doors opened. General Buzum entered the place. Kazam looked him into the eyes. "We have failed" he concluded. Then Buzum shot Kazam in his heart, twice. With a long sword the head of Kazam was seperated from his body and placed in a box.
The box was sent to Governor Bharat of New India. Accompanied with a letter that read: "We offer you the head of Kazam, as you requested. We surrender and are willing to sign peace at your terms."Force is always beside the point when subtlety will serve
<a href = "">Darius order to kill Oroetes</a></p>
The high priests watched the battle from the top of the Shivanti tower built next to the holy city. They have relived their dreams.. the battle went just as they saw it in their visions a long ago, but what that time they thought to be fire breathing dragons now become clear.. countless aircrafts, tanks and battleships fired steadily for almost a day.. and the invaders just kept coming.
Thousands threw away their life in a hope that they can get a foothold and deploy the siege weapons- without those they knew there was no chance for them. But the Indians knew this too.. they did not wait in the city but used every soldier capable to attack to drive the invaders back to the sea.
Finally when the guns were silenced the enemy was gone.. only the deads and the burning wreckages remain..
Maybe now you will understand.. no one can deny the power of Sha'Tao.
Your foolish attempt to rise against Sha'tur and his faithfull followers was failed in the begining.
You still have some time left though, you can regret your sins and pray for forgiveness before finally God gives the world to those who deserve it.
Surrender to our will and.. who knows.. Sha'tur is a merciful god afterall..
High Priestess Shakti, Empress of India
Current ruler of Perisa,
Please forgive us not calling you on your name, but you change your leaders so often we can not be sure who will actually read this letter.
The land which we call New Russia and its citizens suffered a lot due to the greediness of the previous persian rulers. It is time to leave these people out of these bitter conflicts and grant independence to them - by that we mean autonomy under Indian supervision. Thats what we always wanted to these people.. freedom.
You demanded that we give up our colonies to the Persian Empire, now we want you to release your cities, no need to force us a lengthy war-which outcome can not be a question-you could keep the good realtion with New Russia and would help to heal the wounds caused to India.
Bharat, in the name of the Empress