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The Dance of Civilizations [Diplo Game] [Story Thread Pt6 - February 2010]

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  • Again, a superior power is threatening a tiny, backwards nation with annihilation. Please, at the very least, give us some time to work out an arrangement with Greece.
    Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

    When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


    • Originally posted by OzzyKP View Post
      Again, a superior power is threatening a tiny, backwards nation with annihilation. Please, at the very least, give us some time to work out an arrangement with Greece.
      Time is money and you are waisting both. If you want time or for Britannia to pull out all together you do as the Persians say and PAY.
      The civ formerly known as The Holy Empire of Britannia/dutch


      • the Generelas thumped the table.

        years of the indian invasion planning out the window due to Byzxantines attitude.

        Noe all that planning was wasted. The Genrelas ran furiously about gathering the Confidentila paperwork, it would come in handy during the end of itmes to show the aliens fo the future what had really been going on.


        • NEWS FLASH ---- military coup in Korea.

          The Generals have stormed the palace and taken all government officials capture.

          K"OREa fo KOREa is the MOTTO
          Last edited by Korea (DoC); February 9, 2010, 06:18.


          • To Justinian

            Korea hereby formally wirhdraws from all connections with you

            We will not speak againon the world stage.

            We relaise we are nto wanted we will rerurn toour pathetic homes and stay there till Kingdom come

            All korean citixens
            Last edited by Korea (DoC); February 9, 2010, 06:17.


            • With Kane no longer distracted by The Arab/ Greek war Kane turned his attention back to Britannia. The domestic advisor had done a horrible job over the years causing Britannia to go almost completely broke. Kane fired the Domestic advisor and hired a new advisor from Persia. The new advisor pointed out many different cost cutting projects that would dramatically increase Britannia's income. Kane ordered all military units to be put on hold, he gave control over to his new domestic adviser KisAz, and he retired to the Temple of Nod until the projects where done.

              KisAz wasted no time quickly changing the work orders of the empire to focus on building banks, sending out more missionaries, and even building a new palace on the colonies. There was a lot of work infront of KisAz but like a typical Persian he was ready for the challenge.
              The civ formerly known as The Holy Empire of Britannia/dutch


              • Code:
                Media, April 14th 2815 AH*
                To: Kane of The Holy Empire of Britannia
                Concerning: Payment for hiring of Kis'Az
                Please transfer the money within 30 days to the private account of Farza, chief Adviser of Guru Beli'Az.
                Description		Price		Quantity	Total
                Hiring Kis'Az		3 gold/year	10 years	30 gold
                Travel costs		0.1 gold/mile	200 mile	20 gold
                Lunch/dinner		2 gold/year	10 years	20 gold
                Insurances		1 gold/year	10 years	10 gold
                							80 gold
                VAT 40%							32 gold
                						       112 gold

                *Anno Hastogianus, Hastogianism was founded in the year 1400 before the current era started, as all well educated people know.
                Force is always beside the point when subtlety will serve
                <a href = "">Darius order to kill Oroetes</a></p>


                • ooc
                  a complete nations GNP for one fat advisor for 10 years... you got ripped off!!!
                  Originally posted by Persia (DoC) View Post
                  Media, April 14th 2815 AH*
                  To: Kane of The Holy Empire of Britannia
                  Concerning: Payment for hiring of Kis'Az
                  Please transfer the money within 30 days to the private account of Farza, chief Adviser of Guru Beli'Az.
                  Description		Price		Quantity	Total
                  Hiring Kis'Az		3 gold/year	10 years	30 gold
                  Travel costs		0.1 gold/mile	200 mile	20 gold
                  Lunch/dinner		2 gold/year	10 years	20 gold
                  Insurances		1 gold/year	10 years	10 gold
                  							80 gold
                  VAT 40%							32 gold
                  						       112 gold

                  *Anno Hastogianus, Hastogianism was founded in the year 1400 before the current era started, as all well educated people know.
                  Sic Vincit Gloria Mundi


                  • Rip van Genkle of Greece

                    I accept and praise you for your apology. Few nations would have the honestly and strength of character, when under such pressure and when other nations are whispering lies in your ears, to see the truth in such a balanced way, and admit a understandable mistake.

                    I hope you can accept the same in relation to these camel archers.

                    I understand the confusion your scouts may have fallen into. The arabian camel archers who fled from your successfullly defended city into my territory are still in my territory hiding. As you know I still have open borders with all my neighbours including yourself and Greece. The picture below shows them - the exact number who fled your city, still showing those wounds. I believe that your scouts were probably confused by the fact that a regiment of cataphracts did move west shadowing the English troop movements. England has moved troops into your territory; we have refrained from that, but I guess that these cataphracts on your border were confused for the arabian camels.

                    A number of nations are trying hard to keep alive the rumour that Byzantium is scheming on the side of the Arabs in this conflict. I hope that you have the wisdom to see that (a) this is not true and (b) they are saying this for their own purposes, wanting to create a world war, not caring that it will be fought on your land not theirs.

                    Byzantium's position is exactly as it was and has been. We have not helped either side in this war. We did not know the date of its launch and were suprised when suddenly there were camels travelling east into our land and then west out of it. We have not ungraded anything for anyone. We have not 'lent' any soliders. I have declared publicly that I will resign if anyone provides proof of this, but they haven't because it is the complete truth.

                    Nevertheless my position remains resolute.

                    If any nation (including the suddenly warlike Britannians) involves themselves in the Greek-Arabian war, particularly those so much more powerful than either of you, then Byzantium will act to ensure the balance. Indeed, I believe other nations such as Persia are following our lead.

                    I continue to urge you and Arabia to find peace. Or if you wish fight it out. But do not think that you can bring rifles and machine guns to mow down the Arabian bowmen without others taking action.
                    Βασιλεύς Βασιλέων Βασιλεύων Βασιλευόντων


                    • Baron Ozious, his surprisingly active regency at the helm of Arabia now at an end, is not content to simply retire at his beautiful Roman estate. Though he has no official position with any nation, he is currently traveling to Greece, England, Byzantium, Britannia, Rome, Arabia and elsewhere seeking a peaceful, equitable end to this conflict.

                      Will his efforts bear fruit? Only time will tell. As former regent of Rome and former regent of Arabia, Baron Ozious has a unique perspective on the current state of world affairs. He lends his perspective to this ongoing peace process. It is hoped that as a neutral party, he can bring everyone to the negotiating table and end this costly war.
                      Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

                      When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


                      • Originally posted by Rome (DoC) View Post
                        a complete nations GNP for one fat advisor for 10 years... you got ripped off!!!/ooc
                        Your GNP is that low?
                        Force is always beside the point when subtlety will serve
                        <a href = "">Darius order to kill Oroetes</a></p>


                        • To Byzantium,

                          We are in Greece because Greece asked us to be here. Read for yourself:

                          england help arriving. it must continue till cities returned
                          We will leave only when Greece wish us to.

                          Your public threats towards England are most surprising, this is very unwelcoming.

                          I will wait for you to clarify your stance towards us.

                          PM Frank


                          • To Empress Shakti:

                            You haven't just increased your intell, but you violated a treaty between our people causing us much harm. We demand that you cease spying on us or we will have no choice, but to answer in kind
                            It has come to my attention the wrongs my predecessor Gen Hulk has done. I have ordered that all Intel towards India be stopped immediately

                            Please do accept my apologies. Do know that much will change now, England has opened its eyes and sees differently.

                            My cabinet is ready to reimburse you the harms our Intel has caused your country.

                            PM Frank


                            • Your public threats towards England are most surprising, this is very unwelcoming.
                              Prime Minister Frank,

                              We have not threathened England. We have not mentioned England I believe. All we have done is say that many nations of this world, ourselves included, could not sit and do nothing when machine gunners cut down bowmen. If massively technological capable military nations involve themselves on one side of a war, justice demands that other nations provide balance. But we have no quarrel with England, and hope that Greece and the Arabs can find peace between themselves. Its their war, not ours.

                              Peace my friend, we both have better things to worry about.
                              Βασιλεύς Βασιλέων Βασιλεύων Βασιλευόντων


                              • Byzantium,

                                We understand your lack of military knowledge, allow me to share with you that English Machine Gunners are trained only for defensible purposes. They only fire upon if fired.

                                You talk about justice, so tell us why do you not care about the Greeks who have just lost 1/3 of their nation? I am disappointed to see that you have decided to ignore us. I guess it suits you, so i will say it again, England troops are moving west, because Greece have asked for our help in stopping the invading Arabs.

                                We are ready to pull out if Greece, if Greece wants us. Greece do you want England to pull out from your lands?

                                PM Frank

