This is the Tech Trade Thread for the Diplo Game "The Dance of Civilizations" (DoC)
The purpose of this thread is to report Tech Trades made in this game.
Post in-character story and diplomacy for this game in the Story Thread. Discuss all organizational aspects of this game the Organization Thread.
Use your Anonymous Apolyton Game Account to put posts in this thread.
The Dance of Civilizations is a diplomacy game.
The players try to rule their empires like they are real. Role playing and story telling is an important way to achieve this.
Fore more information visit the Diplogame FAQ by OzzyKP
Tech Trade Rule:
4a. Trading away a tech costs 1 voucher. All players get 8 vouchers. Vouchers cannot be traded away for anything but techs. (this means that civs can give away 8 techs, receive 8 techs for their vouchers, trade 8 techs for 8 techs or a combination of these options.)
4b. When 4 civs have advanced to the next age (ancient, classical, medieval, renaissance, industrial, modern, future) all techs of the age before the past age can be traded freely in a 1 tech for 1 tech trade without the need to spend vouchers. (If 4 players are in the medieval age, all techs of the ancient age can be traded freely, etc.)
4c. All tech trades must be reported in the Tech/Units trade thread. For '4a trades', only the 'giver(s)' must be reported. For '4b trades' the explicit deal must be reported. For '4b trades' the 4 civs that are supposed to have advanced into the next age must be listed along with the trade report.
For more information visit the Organization Thread.
Trade Log:
The purpose of this thread is to report Tech Trades made in this game.
Post in-character story and diplomacy for this game in the Story Thread. Discuss all organizational aspects of this game the Organization Thread.
Use your Anonymous Apolyton Game Account to put posts in this thread.
The Dance of Civilizations is a diplomacy game.
The players try to rule their empires like they are real. Role playing and story telling is an important way to achieve this.
Fore more information visit the Diplogame FAQ by OzzyKP
Tech Trade Rule:
4a. Trading away a tech costs 1 voucher. All players get 8 vouchers. Vouchers cannot be traded away for anything but techs. (this means that civs can give away 8 techs, receive 8 techs for their vouchers, trade 8 techs for 8 techs or a combination of these options.)
4b. When 4 civs have advanced to the next age (ancient, classical, medieval, renaissance, industrial, modern, future) all techs of the age before the past age can be traded freely in a 1 tech for 1 tech trade without the need to spend vouchers. (If 4 players are in the medieval age, all techs of the ancient age can be traded freely, etc.)
4c. All tech trades must be reported in the Tech/Units trade thread. For '4a trades', only the 'giver(s)' must be reported. For '4b trades' the explicit deal must be reported. For '4b trades' the 4 civs that are supposed to have advanced into the next age must be listed along with the trade report.
For more information visit the Organization Thread.
Trade Log:
updated till post 246 Civilization Post Action Reporter Confirmed Vouchers -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Arabia 19 Tech to Rome Arabia y -1 18 Tech from Rome Rome y 44 Tech to Korea Arabia y -1 44 Tech from Korea Arabia y 49 Tech to Britan Arabia y 102 Tech to Korea Arabia 102 Tech from Korea Arabia -1 159 Tech from Persia Arabia y -1 189 Tech from Persia Arabia y -1 196 Tech to Rome Arabia y -1 196 Tech from Rome Arabia y _______________ -6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Byzantium 77 Tech to Rome Rome y -1 77 Tech from Rome Rome y 111 Tech from ??? Byz -1 130 Tech from Persia Persia y 130 Tech to Persia Persia y -1 137 Tech to ??? Byz -1 141 Tech to Greece Greece 186 Tech to ??? Byz -1 207 Tech from Rome Rome y -1 208 Tech to Korea Byzan y 212 Tech to Persia Persia 263 Used 1 Voucher Byzantium -1 302 Tech from Persia Persia y -1 _______________ -8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Britan 21 Tech from Russia Britan y -1 40 Tech from Persia Britan -1 49 Tech from Arabia Arabia y -1 54 Tech from Persia Britan -1 63 2 Techs from Persia Britan -2 103 Tech from Persia Britan -1 119 Tech from Persia Britan -1 158 Tech from Persia Persia _______________ -8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Egypt 14 Tech to Inca Inca y -1 14 Tech from Inca Inca y 36 Tech from Inca Inca 41 Tech to Ina Egypt -1 43 Tech from Inca Inca 46 Tech to Korea Egypt y -1 72 Tech to Inca Egypt -1 80 Tech to Rome Rome -1 80 Tech from Rome Rome 104 Tech to Inca Inca -1 104 Tech from Inca Inca 111 Tech to Rome Rome -1 111 Tech from Rome Rome 142 Tech from Rome Rome 142 Tech to Rome Rome -1 143 Tech from Inca Inca 143 Tech to Inca Inca _______________ -8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- England 16 Tech to Korea England y -1 16 Tech from Korea England y 61 2 Techs to Russia England y -2 61 2 Techs from Russia England y 109 Tech to Russia Russia 187 Tech to Persia Persia y -1 187 Tech from Persia Persia y 202 Used 1 voucher England -1 217 Used 1 voucher England -1 261 Used 2 vouchers England -2 _______________ -8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Greece 38 Tech from Korea Korea -1 70 Tech from Korea Greece 70 Tech to Korea Greece -1 140 Tech from Rome Rome y -1 141 Tech from Byzantium Greece -1 243 Voucher used Greece -1 249 Voucher used Greece -1 252 2 Vouchers used Greece -2 _______________ -8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Inca Post Deal Reported by confirmed Voucher 14 Tech to Egypt Inca y -1 14 Tech from Egypt Inca y 36 Tech to Egypt Inca -1 41 Tech from Egypt Egypt 43 Tech to Egypt Inca -1 72 Tech from Egypt Egypt 104 Tech to Egypt Inca -1 104 Tech from Egypt Inca 143 Tech to Egypt Inca -1 143 Tech from Egypt Inca -1 184 Tech from Persia Inca y 184 Tech to Persia Inca y -1 236 Tech to Russia Russia -1 236 Tech from Russia Russia _______________ -8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- India 26 tech to Mali Mali 28 tech to Natives Natives 156 tech to Mali India -1 162 tech to Mali Mali 173 tech to Natives Natives 204 Used 1 voucher India -1 232 Tech to Mali India y -1 232 Tech from Mali India y 245 Used voucher India -1 262 Used voucher India -1 270 Tech to Mali India -1 273 Used 1 voucher India -1 279 Used 1 Voucher India -1 _______________ -8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Korea 15 Tech to Natives Natives y -1 15 Tech from Natives Natives y 16 Tech to England England y -1 16 Tech from England England y 38 Tech to Greece Korea -1 38 Tech from Greece Korea 44 Tech to Arabia Arabia y -1 44 Tech from Arabia Arabia y 70 Tech to Greece Greece -1 70 Tech from Greece Greece 99 Tech to Rome Rome -1 99 Tech from Rome Rome 102 Tech to Arabia Arabia -1 102 Tech from Arabia Arabia 208 Tech from Byzan Byzan y -1 _______________ -8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mali 26 tech from India Mali -1 156 tech from India India 162 tech from India Mali -1 232 Tech from India India y 232 Tech to India India y -1 242 Tech to Natives Mali y -1 242 Tech from Natives Mali y 246 Tech to Natives Mali y -1 246 Tech from Natives Mali y 270 Tech from India India 296 Tech to Natives Mali y -1 296 Tech from Natives Mali y -1 _______________ -7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Natives 15 Toch to Korea Natives y -1 15 Tech from Korea Natives y 28 Tech from India Natives -1 173 Tech from India Natives -1 198 Tech to Ottomans Natives y -1 198 Tech from Ottomans Natives y 242 Tech from Mali Mali y 242 Tech to Mali Mali y -1 246 Tech from Mali Mali y 246 Tech to Mali Mali y -1 271 Used to vouchers Natives -2 296 Tech from Mali Mali y 296 Tech to Mali Mali y _______________ -8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ottoman 160 2 Techs from Persia Ottoman y -2 198 Tech from Natives Natives y 198 Tech to Natives Natives y -1 200 Tech from Persia Ottoman y -1 234 Tech from Persia Persia y 234 Tech to Persia Persia y -1 244 Tech to Rome Rome 254 2 Vouchers used Ottomans -2 _______________ -6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Persia 40 Tech to Britannia Britan 54 Tech to Britannia Britan 63 2 Techs to Britannia Britan 79 Tech to Russia Persia -1 103 Tech to Britan Britan 119 Tech to Britan Britan 130 Tech to Byzantium Persia y -1 130 Tech from Byzantium Persia y 158 Tech to Britannia Persia -1 159 Tech to Arabia Arabia y 160 2 Techs to Ottoman Ottoman y 176 1 Tech to ???? Persia -1 184 Tech to Inca Inca y -1 184 Tech from Inca Inca y 187 Tech from England Persia y 187 Tech to England Persia y -1 189 Tech to Arabia Arabia y 200 Tech to Ottomans Ottoman y 203 Tech to Russia Persia 212 Tech from Byzan Persia -1 234 Tech to Ottomans Persia y -1 234 Tech from Ottomans Persia y 302 Tech to Byzantium Persia y _______________ -8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rome 18 Tech from Arabia Arabia y 19 Tech to Arabia Rome y -1 77 Tech to Byzan Rome y -1 77 Tech from Byzan Rome y 80 Tech to Egypt Rome -1 80 Tech from Egypt Rome 99 Tech to Korea Rome 99 Tech from Korea Rome -1 111 Tech to Egypt Rome -1 111 Tech from Egypt Rome 140 Tech to Greece Rome y 142 Tech to Egypt Rome -1 142 Tech from Egypt Rome 196 Tech from Arabia Arabia y 196 Tech to Arabia Arabia y -1 207 Tech to Byzantium Rome y 244 Tech from Ottomans Rome -1 _______________ -8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Russia 21 Tech to Britan Britan y 61 2 Techs from England England y 61 2 Techs to England England y -2 79 1 Tech from Persia Persia 109 1 Tech from England Russia -1 128 1 Tech to ??? Russia -1 183 1 Tech from ??? Russia -1 203 Tech from Persia Persia -1 236 Tech from Inca Russia 236 Tech to Inca Russia -1 264 Used 1 Voucher Russia -1 _______________ -8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------