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The Dance of Civilizations [Diplo Game] [Organization Thread Pt1]

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  • Rasputin,

    **** or get off the pot.

    I'm in last place and having a great time.

    I vote that we bring in a player that wants to play.

    PS If you seriously want advice on how to make friends...Tip#1 Stop feeling so damn sorry for yourself, no one likes a whiny baby. If this sounds harsh to you, practice not caring what someone you don't know says about you.


    • Originally posted by Ottoman Empire (DoC) View Post

      **** or get off the pot.

      I'm in last place and having a great time.

      I vote that we bring in a player that wants to play.

      PS If you seriously want advice on how to make friends...Tip#1 Stop feeling so damn sorry for yourself, no one likes a whiny baby. If this sounds harsh to you, practice not caring what someone you don't know says about you.

      its people like you that give humans the caring and kind name they have.

      once you mature enough to know that telling someone suffering depression that "Toughen UP" jsut doesnt work you will also realsie that most medical practiioners wil lbe glad you dont ever get a cal lfrom a friend in need.

      If people could jsut change how they think or feel by a simple decision this world would be perfect.

      but unfortuantly some of us mere mortals are imperfect. We dont have the Strength you speak of. If that bothers you then go lvie in isolation because most of the world is not the same as you, most people are not go getter and positive thinkers, just hte crowd you hanging round and those that arent are cut off and you move on.

      Heaven help a person in your life that ever feels down....


      • Originally posted by Robert Plomp View Post
        My server crashed
        Hard disk unusable

        But hey, I saw it coming!
        I literally finished my backup 2 minutes before it happened 8)
        So nothing is lost.

        I've moved everything to my laptop now.
        JEROEN: if you read this: please bring a spare desktop with you tomorrow!

        Anyway, game's up again.
        My laptop is not very stable lately, though last weeks no problems.
        I can't guarantee it'll run perfect.
        If you finished your turn, please make a safe.
        If the laptop then reboots just upload it somewhere (if you where the last to play your turn). Post a link here so that I can download it and use it!

        Thanks all for your patience.
        Cant log into game,, only 2 hours left of turn is anyone else having problems ?


        • Yes it seems that I can't log on as well.


          • Not able to play my turn


            • AHHHHHHHHH I cant get on to play!!!!!!
              The civ formerly known as The Holy Empire of Britannia/dutch


              • Not able log in. i have to leave for work so not be back befor time is gone. Not big problem but will iss turn.
                Suwasqa wasi hina simiyoq


                • I'm sorry, forgot to change the port on my side in the ini file. All is fine now!
                  Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                  Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


                  • Thanks! Just in time. (for me)
                    Force is always beside the point when subtlety will serve
                    <a href = "">Darius order to kill Oroetes</a></p>


                    • Originally posted by Korea (DoC) View Post
                      its people like you that give humans the caring and kind name they have.

                      once you mature enough to know that telling someone suffering depression that "Toughen UP" jsut doesnt work you will also realsie that most medical practiioners wil lbe glad you dont ever get a cal lfrom a friend in need.

                      If people could jsut change how they think or feel by a simple decision this world would be perfect.

                      but unfortuantly some of us mere mortals are imperfect. We dont have the Strength you speak of. If that bothers you then go lvie in isolation because most of the world is not the same as you, most people are not go getter and positive thinkers, just hte crowd you hanging round and those that arent are cut off and you move on.

                      Heaven help a person in your life that ever feels down....
                      most interesting philosophical item this. the part about changing yourself especially. we all choose who we are, but some behaviour comes easier to us than to others. and sometimes what people who are down need to hear is "get a grip", other times that is the last thing they need to hear.

                      but suffering from depression is serious stuff, and when doing so stressful situations should be avoided. diplogames are a bit stressful. perhaps you should evaluate if you're spending more energy playing than you are having fun...
                      Last edited by Russia (DoC); November 6, 2009, 04:26.
                      Bare derutsya — u kholopov chuby treschat.
                      The Russian Dynasty:
                      Samo the Headbanded
                      Catherine the Progenitor
                      Dominika Ekatarinova
                      (Konya the Lost)
                      Igor Exilaskaya


                      • Originally posted by The Holy Empire of Britannia (DoC) View Post
                        AHHHHHHHHH I cant get on to play!!!!!!
                        I agree, especially with the seventh guy from the left.
                        Sic Vincit Gloria Mundi


                        • All hail Jeroen!
                          He just walked in with a spare desktop in his hands!

                          I'm going to install it when I'm home. In the meanwhile my laptop is doing great!
                          Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                          Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


                          • My brother Inca I like you missed my turn due to this small glitch.
                            Last edited by England (DoC); November 6, 2009, 09:42.


                            • For the record: all is working now!
                              Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                              Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


                              • Originally posted by England (DoC) View Post
                                My brother Inca I like you missed my turn due to this small glitch.

                                Is not problem as only queues now.
                                Suwasqa wasi hina simiyoq

