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The Dance of Civilizations [Diplo Game] [Organization Thread Pt1]

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  • The 4 should not be the minimum and it should not be the maximum. It should be the average. And everybod should rate according to the same system.

    Rasputin, when you talk about stories, rating a '1' to someone who hardly posted stories is valid. But not when it's about diplomacy. Diplomacy is by it's nature behind the scenes, and especially in the early months not much will happen there in public.

    If you don't know, give a 4. That' the system everybody uses, can you please also stick to it?

    Stories is most probably the only category where you can give an educated rate every month. But attitude and diplomacy are more obscure.
    We're not debating which system is better, yours or ours, we just should all use the same system. Because otherwise it's unfair.

    It's like using a car in a bikerace, and then defending yourself by saying: "car races are awesome"
    Yes, car races are awesome, but we're in a bike race here. Don't use your car.
    Formerly known as "CyberShy"
    Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


    • Ok, one of the civs told me an error had occurd while rating, resulting in 12 '1' rates instead of '4' rates. I'm working out the fix with him. (I won't change his rates till he confirmed that I can update his rate)

      Formerly known as "CyberShy"
      Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


      • I have a question. How many pm can our accounts hold? I'm in the 100's and wanted to know hw much more it can go.
        The civ formerly known as The Holy Empire of Britannia/dutch


        • It should tell you how much.
          I think I've putted a pretty heigh number on the diplo accounts so that none of us has to delete any pm's during the game.
          Formerly known as "CyberShy"
          Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


          • I'm trying to understand the ratings so please excuse stupid questions.

            When someone has 15 diplopoints is that the total # of points for that category?

            Oh hang on ... I see 50% disclaimer, so the actual vote is 30 but you have reduced it to fit on the chart?

            I prefer to see the actual number (without reduction myself) ... makes more sense as I couldn't understand how if most had 4 and you multiplied it by 14 how you ended up with 15.

            Can you explain how the total points # was derived ? What is the breakdown? Are the categories factored by a percentage to result in those numbers?


            • Everyone gets an avg vote.

              Canada: 3.78
              Mexico: 4.12
              Belgium: 4.68

              Then Belguim is first, Mexcico is 2nd, Canada is 3rd.
              Belgium gets 3 points, Mexico gets 2 points and Canada 1 point.

              so there's the rating table and the point-table.
              The points everyone receives for every category depends on the position your civ has in the rating-list.
              Formerly known as "CyberShy"
              Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


              • Here are the final results of Month 01's rating! (again)
                Some errors have been fixed (working with 4(!) different versions of the ratingsheets doesn't help) and most important, the big error of 1 civ voting only 1's has also been fixed.

                Effectively this means that in the diplo-rating all civs gained a heigher rating, except 3.

                Game Score Stats and Charts
                NB: these stats and charts are also always included in the 1st post of the Org Thread!

                Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


                • Thanks for the charts, RP!
                  Thanks all for the story votes! Makes me feel proud!
                  I do miss the military vote. I got the lowest diplo rate, maybe because I waged war, but there's no military vote to compensate me. Now peacemongers may get high votes and warmongers low votes. That doesn't feel ok.

                  But I'm ok whatever is decided. I like the game and the stories most anyway.
                  Force is always beside the point when subtlety will serve
                  <a href = "">Darius order to kill Oroetes</a></p>


                  • There has been a break of the anon rule by yet another player.
                    The civ formerly known as The Holy Empire of Britannia/dutch


                    • I don't understand how I got the lowest attitude rating???

                      I know I don't write a lot of stories but I can't fathom why I would be rated so low for attitude...have I said anything negative at all in my posts even???


                      • Originally posted by The Holy Empire of Britannia (DoC) View Post
                        There has been a break of the anon rule by yet another player.
                        I saw it too...


                        • @Ottoman: most probably indeed b/c some thought that writing few stories equals to low attitude. I think that the story-category is the perfect category to deal with that, not the attitude category.
                          Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                          Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


                          • Originally posted by Robert Plomp View Post
                            @Ottoman: most probably indeed b/c some thought that writing few stories equals to low attitude. I think that the story-category is the perfect category to deal with that, not the attitude category.
                            Right, and as I said, I can accept a low scoring for the story mode but that's what the story category is for.

                            So...too bad for me? I've only had dealings with 4 other civs thus far and all have been friendly (of course there are disagreements but they haven't gotten nasty or anything!) so how is this explained?

                            Anyways, RP, I'm not directing this towards you at all, you're doing a great job of organizing this game and it's lots of fun.

                            This just leaves a bad taste in my mouth as I feel I'm losing points for no reason! If you voted me very low please let me know why so I can improve, I would be glad to explain any vote I've made.

                            Maybe we should make the votes public so that people can't hide behind anonymity and ruin the fun for others? You have every right to score someone low but there should be some justification I think.



                            • The problem with making it public is that our votes may become political.
                              Right now I know that many civs are displeased with the ratings they got.
                              I don't see how we can solve this. I hope that civs will continue to play and enjoy themelves, even if they got low rates.

                              And please consider your rates very well, especially low rates.
                              Next version of the rate-system has a free text field.
                              Civs can there fill out why they voted how they voted. (of course not every detail)

                              I'll publish those comments.
                              I hope that'll help.

                              Does everybody agree to continue this way, or shall we try to figure out another way to vote? We can also fall back on the avg-rating system where the final score is the avg of all months together. That'll give more chances to compensate very bad or very good months.

                              I'm not going to make it a vote yet. Just asking, what do you all want.
                              Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                              Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


                              • realising i will yet again be hammered for offering my opinion i do it follishlyagain anyway,


                                Story votes are for content and style not quantity.

                                Attitude is about being involved. And to be involved you have to post a reasonable amount of time. That is one of the things that make this game difffernet from other MP styles. DIPLO is not just and ABREVIATIon for DIPLOMACY. It is a style of the game where storys from in the game are posted. To harldy not post a story is to ME, removing a big part of the game.

                                So, for what its worth, that is how i vote.
                                GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71

