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The Dance of Civilizations [Diplo Game] [Organization Thread Pt1]

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  • As I have said I'm not in hurry to finish, I could find other goals, go to offensive and spread the Sha'Tao again..
    Now India lets not get ahead of ourselves you won the land attack due to our make it more fun and risky attack, but you have no fleet, the fleet your brought back through the Mali channel was destroyed this turn by English ships.

    So currently you are stack on your island, with the allies blockading you and controlling the seas. So talking about an offense is a bit too futuristic even for you... take the land win credit please, but to speak as you have an option of a naval approach is a bit off.


    • Is that a challenge or what? I've asked that if we want to have some fun with the current scenario or we would prefer to let it go, either way is fine.
      Ah nevermind..


      • For those who are interested here is some info about the battle

        the layout:

        Note that next to Taorisha there is a hill, I had it fortified for a long time to avoit that they can land their troops there so they would get 25% bonus when I attack.

        The battle went as follows:

        First I attacked with 15 bombers and 6 fighters, only two bombers were intercepted.

        Then I threw 4-5 catapults and cannons.. not much results (it is random who would get the collateral damage from the siege weapons-even immune units are count. Since the invading army was full of machnieguns and artillery (they are immune) my siege weapons didnt do too much harm.

        Then came my tanks, 28 of them, some were able to attack twice. lost only two, they killed most of the enemy machineguns and tanks.

        Next I used 5 more cannons then threw all my infantries on the enemy. Here I got more losses than expected.. my infatries regularly died against artilleries even if they had ~75% chance

        I don't know what happened after this, did they retreat or attacked my city with everything what was left


        • @Persia how did you replay the battles? from a reload or from a simulation, if the latter did you count the promotions? if the former, then how?


          • I saved before the attack started and used that save to replay.
            Force is always beside the point when subtlety will serve
            <a href = "">Darius order to kill Oroetes</a></p>


            • and with this the game is over. \\

              i predicted and indian ingame win many many months ago, in fact almost at atart of game, i also prdicted a close finsih between byz and persian in the voting game

              seeing i was right so long ago and nothing changed i have lost all interest in this game

              menander will continue to play turns as he has for a long time

              this is my final post on this game

              i was promised if i stayed in game that the outcome would be different, well it wasnt.

              civ4 game mechanics mean it impossible almost to change

              thanks for the game loved positng.

              now it done to menander and toni


              • Is that a challenge or what?
                What challenge India, it is easy we can not attack you successfully (any player can figure that out) still it was fun to try, still you also can't do nothing against us. Same think will happen to your forces if you come our way it is that easy (With Byz we will blow them back to Tao land).

                We all agree that you have lead and commanded this game for months. (Good skills, safe start, none aggressive players around) But even you have limited options when it comes to attacking someone that is why i disagreed when you said go on the offensive. That actually made me laugh for a sec.

                Don't take it personal just stating to obvious fact...


                • Thanks for the info India.

                  Its the bombers which did it. I was hoping that given we had 20 machine guns in the stack not too many of your bombers would get through. And then the sheer number of tanks. Numbers in the end count!

                  To answer your question about the end. No General Bellisarius withdraw all allied forces when he had the chance. Only one unit of English artillery refused to leave the beaches. If was almost worth trying it. The 10 artillery which were left on the beach all had a couple of promotions to use, so would have been basically up to full strength with 2 city raider. They woudl have caused some carnage. But the 18 machine guns would have survived basically intact and while 5 would have gone down to marines easily enough the rest would have been hard to shift by infantry from boats, and there was still 10 wounded (some very badly) tanks in the city. We could have caused massive destruction but couldnt' have waded through the units to actually capture the city. And the way civ combat works when attacking strong units you can cause 90% damage to every unit in teh stack, but kill few, and in a few turns they have healed back to how they were. In game terms, there was no point in the suicide, though would have been fun.
                  Βασιλεύς Βασιλέων Βασιλεύων Βασιλευόντων


                  • Originally posted by England (DoC) View Post
                    But even you have limited options when it comes to attacking someone that is why i disagreed when you said go on the offensive. That actually made me laugh for a sec.

                    Don't take it personal just stating to obvious fact...
                    I had a special plan in mind, not the time to discuss it. we can talk about game mechanichs, what could have been done differently some time after the game ends.
                    Last edited by India (DoC); March 27, 2010, 07:11.


                    • one more thing though: I think we can agree that it was close, so it could have gone an other way.. few more units on your side, if you get more allies (even if not too advanced their units can be upgraded), more favored battle rolls in the final fight.. maybe if you wait a bit (for air units), maybe if you attack sooner (I was producing 2-3 tanks/turn+other units) maybe this was the best time. I don't know..but I did go to the extreme to have the maximum defense possible.. slaving, drafting in my cities (sushi helped a lot where they were present), spending lots of time calculating, simulating possible battle results, researching game mechanics etc.. I could had lost.. then it would had been the other way around (everyone would feel bad for me, except the evil ones )


                      • Originally posted by Korea (DoC) View Post
                        and with this the game is over. \\

                        i predicted and indian ingame win many many months ago, in fact almost at atart of game, i also prdicted a close finsih between byz and persian in the voting game

                        seeing i was right so long ago and nothing changed i have lost all interest in this game

                        menander will continue to play turns as he has for a long time

                        this is my final post on this game

                        i was promised if i stayed in game that the outcome would be different, well it wasnt.

                        civ4 game mechanics mean it impossible almost to change

                        thanks for the game loved positng.

                        now it done to menander and toni

                        What a bad sport.
                        Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

                        When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


                        • Originally posted by india
                          one more thing though: I think we can agree that it was close, so it could have gone an other way
                          Kind of you to say so. I think you are right that in the bigger strategic picture it was close, but on the day it was a decisive victory for you on those beaches! For now of course.
                          Βασιλεύς Βασιλέων Βασιλεύων Βασιλευόντων


                          • Re: Korea.

                            Well we all predicted an Indian in-game win a long time ago. But its been great trying to change that, and we nearly did, and it can still happen.

                            IF korea does feel that this should be an end to his involvement (and perhaps he needs a bit of cold turkey time since he had had rather extravegent visions of burning every Indian city to the ground) then we should look at the subbing arrangements.

                            I thought it was odd having one person playing korea in game for months (as well as their own nation) and another writing and voting as korea on here, but others seemed happy so fair enough. But IF Korea isn't going to play any more, shouldn't we give full control of Korea (i.e. writing on here etc.) to the person who has been taking their moves all these months - the Greek player - and find someone else for Greece? (Or you could do it the other way round).
                            Βασιλεύς Βασιλέων Βασιλεύων Βασιλευόντων


                            • We can let Greece decide if he wants to finish as Korea or as Greece and then ask Ozzy to end the game for the other nation.

                              It will most probably no take too long anyway.
                              I'm going to enjoy now that I'm going to reveal all my evil hastog plots.

                              Unfortunately for Hastog it didn't lead to victory though
                              It was still fun though

                              Best game ever, and I'm kinda glad that we lost. India deserves it.
                              Force is always beside the point when subtlety will serve
                              <a href = "">Darius order to kill Oroetes</a></p>


                              • The game is down, I'm not logged in as civstats suggests.

