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Beyond the Pit [Pitboss Diplomacy Game] [Organization Thread VI]

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  • Beyond the Pit [Pitboss Diplomacy Game] [Organization Thread VI]

    This is the Fifth Organization Thread for the Pitboss Diplomacy Game: Beyond the Pit

    Use the Story Thread for in-game purposes.

    Important links:
    CivStats for this game
    gmail login for this game

    Story Thread Part 1 (July-August)
    Story Thread Part 2 (September)
    Story Thread Part 3 (October)
    Story Thread Part 4 (November)
    Story Thread Part 5 (December 2008)
    Story Thread Part 6 (January 2009)
    Story Thread Part 7 (February 2009)
    Story Thread Part 8 (March 2009)
    Story Thread Part 9 (April 2009)
    Story Thread Part 10 (May 2009)
    Story Thread Part 11 (June 2009)
    Story Thread Part 12 (July 2009)

    Organisation Thread Part 1
    Organisation Thread Part 2
    Organisation Thread Part 3
    Organisation Thread Part 4
    Organisation Thread Part 5 (last post)

    Tech Trade Thread
    LOGOUT (to login with your real or pitboss account)


    You can mail to the following mail-addresses:

    if mail is down use the alternate address:

    [civname] (instead of [


    Every 1st day of the month we will start voting for the best players in 3 categories during the last month.

    We vote in 3 categories:
    1. story telling
    2. diplomacy
    3. military strategy

    We send in a top-3 list for every category.

    Story telling is about submitting interesting stories to the story thread in any format.

    Diplomacy is about being able to reach your goals through diplomacy in any way.

    Military strategy is about making very tactical strategical moves and decisions. (make sure you post evidence about this in the story thread!)
    NB: this category isn't meant only for the war-winners. Someone can lose a war because he's a weaker player, but made some brilliant moves. In this thread we can award him for that. The game-scorelist will reward players for winning wars.

    Every player is free to pick 3 players in every category. No more! Less (or none) is possible if you can't choose. It would be cool if you could include reasons for the vote.

    Rules for voting:
    1. send them in before the 4th of the month!
    2. votes send in after the 4th of the month do not count
    3. players who didn't vote for a specific month will not gain vote-points for that specific month
    4. voting happens through the anonymous mail address
    5. votes stay unknown till the end of the game (to avoid political votes)
    6. votes are being send to or also works.
    7. The mail subject includes "votes round x"
    8. You can't vote for yourself
    9. The vote-mailbox that receives all votes will remain closed till the game has been finished. Then we will all receive the password and be able to read/count the votes and read the comments.

    The #1 in each category earn 3 points, #2 earns 2 points, #3 earns 1 point.

    This will result in 4 scorelists (3 above mentioned categories + the gamescore list)

    All players will receive points for their position in all of these 4 lists. 18 points for the #1's, 17 points for the #2's, ...... 1 point for the #18's

    The sum of these points tells us who won this game.

    Conclusion, the winner is determined by:
    25% gamescore
    25% story telling
    25% diplomacy
    25% military strategy



    - 15 tech trade rule
    Every civilization in this game is allowed to trade away 15 techs. It is also allowed to trade away the right to trade a tech to another civilization.

    It matters not what the away trading civilization gets in return. It matters not if it is a small technology (ie. fishing) or a big technology (ie. Fusion).

    If civ A trades Philosophy to civ B which returns both Monotheism and Masonry, then Civ A loses 1 right to trade a tech away (tech voucher) and Civ B loses 2 rights to trade a tech away (2 tech vouchers).

    If Player A trades away Philosophy to civ B which returns the right to trade away a tech, then Civ 1 loses and wins 1 tech voucher (thus: the number of techs he can trade away remains the same) while Civ B loses 1 right to trade away a tech.

    If Civ A gives Theology to Civ B, then Civ A loses 1 right to trade away a tech (loses 1 tech voucher).

    - No double moves during war-time
    Civilizations that are at war or want to declare war have observe the turn order which is set the turn before the war starts.
    To ensure that all involved players have enough time to play their turn during these circumstances the turn-timer will be set to 36 hours during wartime.
    If 6 hours before the turn timer expires the first player to play his turn still did not play the game will be paused till this player can play his turn.
    Players at war can not login to the game anymore after they have ended their turn.
    Players must immediately leave the game after ending their turn.

    Turn x-1: [color=red]Player 1 ends turn[/color]
                 [color=blue]Player 2 ends turn[/color]
    Turn x:   [color=red]Player 1 declares war and ends turn[/color]
                 [color=blue]Player 2 ends turn[/color]
    turn x+1 till peace
                 [color=red]Player 1 ends turn[/color]
                 [color=blue]Player 2 ends turn[/color]

    Turn x-1: [color=blue]Player 1 ends turn[/color]
                 [color=red]Player 2 ends turn[/color]
    Turn x:   [color=blue]Player 1 ends turn[/color]
                 [color=red]Player 2 declares war and ends turn[/color]
    turn x+1 till peace
                 [color=blue]Player 1 ends turn[/color]
                 [color=red]Player 2 ends turn[/color]
    The only exception is when Player 1 ends turn first in turn x-1 but decides to declare war after player 2 ends his turn in turn x:

    Turn x-1: [color=red]Player 1 ends turn[/color]
                 [color=blue]Player 2 ends turn[/color]
    Turn x:   [color=blue]Player 2 ends turn[/color]
                 [color=red]Player 1 declares war and ends turn[/color]
    turn x+1 till peace has been signed
                 [color=blue]Player 2 ends turn[/color]
                 [color=red]Player 1 ends turn[/color]
    If more players are involved the same rules apply.
    Players can change the turn order during war if both agree to in a clear public post in the organization thread.

    If during war any civilization misses two turns in a row a temp-sub will be assigned for this civ.
    When the turn-order has been violated the turn will immediately be reloaded by the host without debate or discussion.
    The last save available before the violation happened will be used for this reload.
    Last edited by Robert; July 2, 2009, 03:51.
    Formerly known as "CyberShy"
    Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori

  • #2
    Russia: I forgot to do some micromanagement. You have played your turn already though, will you allow me to join again only to do this micromanagement?

    It doesn't involve troop-moving / drafting / anything war related.
    Formerly known as "CyberShy"
    Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


    • #3
      Originally posted by Robert Plomp View Post
      Russia: I forgot to do some micromanagement. You have played your turn already though, will you allow me to join again only to do this micromanagement?

      It doesn't involve troop-moving / drafting / anything war related.

      I don't know about that.........Perfidious Greeks.......Fish Fanciers......Sheep Worriers......Deviant in-breeders.......

      No problems, thanks for the notification.


      • #4
        @Japan. Measured War is a very subjective term. Your idea of what is 'Measured' will inevitably differ from others.

        Big point as well is that those rules were written for a Civ2 based Game and there loss of Capital was crippling. It isn't in CivIV, indeed Russia has actually now got a better site than before, as you get a freebie re-location.

        Really, in a major conflict, what else could Rome offer? Maya must have liked it better than the Greek offer as the choice was their's. They could have declined both and just watched the Tanks rolling past without a single move available.
        “Quid latine dictum sit, altum videtur”
        - Anon


        • #5
          1. Thank you Japan for your apology for accuasing me of rule breaking.
          2. Thank you Robert for making clear that you believe occ my actions where honourable.
          3. Robert, you have left Japan's accusation in the story thread, while removing my response and Japan's retraction/apology in the org threat. Could you kindly bring these together in teh one place (basically remove Japan's occ accusation from the story thread).
          4. Sadly Robert I resent the suggestion that somehow Japan's accusation is understandable because I didn't talk more about the deal on here. We are in a war! If people had known what was about to happen between Maya and Rome they could have done something about it. It happened one turn ago!

          And all this from Japan whose whole empire is based on the fact that Japan for no good reason was given the whole of another nation (Piercia). I've never held that, and the fact that he won't acknowledge that this is Piercian land, against the new Japanese player, because what happened before he joined isn't his issue - he just has to play from where he starts. Exactly the same logic applied for Maya, and Maya has secured a great deal for himself.

          Let's keep the unpleasantries in character?


          • #6
            @4: I just mean: let's give each other some space to say things and do things. Sometimes we say thing we'd better might not have said, sometimes we do things.....
            And I don't know if you could reveal the deal earlier. I do know that I tried to take Durango this turn, but my 2 first attempts were such a failure that I gave up. I should have had Durango now, the odds were mine

            The lesser one is most probably doing a lot of sacrifices up there in Rome
            Formerly known as "CyberShy"
            Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


            • #7
              Awesome newspaper Spain!!!
              Formerly known as "CyberShy"
              Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


              • #8
                Originally posted by Pitboss Rome View Post
                Let's keep the unpleasantries in character?
                I very agree with this, no use of hard feelings..


                We can continue to discuss it: for me the "measured war", the "not crippling players who still wana play", the so called "game balance" concept meant something.

                You have some good point about Japan and i gave a lot of thought when i had started playing. The first peace offers both from Sparta and Russia included that i give up Piercia.-but i realized that Japan even with those cities are still in very very bad position. My core cities were undeveloped (i hardly had buildings in them), they were scattered all over the world etc.-So i thought: I will take that story version where the Japan-Piercia union was a peacefull one.-and admit it: the aggressive occupation is just an other story version-too bad that the piercian player left (I know nothing what happened then) Having these cities still leaves me in the bottom position amongst my neighbours-without them i would had been more crippled (and then i wouldnt had this fun war with you ) And I havent got whole Piercia-only half of it (btw Russia has even less right/need of them ).

                Back to the Mayans:
                That deal is bad in my opinion-if the Mayan player wants to play a pure rp nation then all right, but ingame they wont be able to do too much. No research, no production nothing.
                It seems strange: you wage war, getting more and more cities but in the end you are supposed to give most of them back unless you take soo much city that your opponent give up so you can keep all the cities ( I'm not saying this was Rome intention-the opposite actually: it was the previous Mayan player who didnt try to negotiate). But when the new player came I think he would had deserve a fair peace offer.
                So the difference between the piercian and mayan situation: 1, there is no Piercian player who wana play, 2 Rome is one of the top player not as puny as Japan. So I was really suprised that when the new player came Rome got even more cities in exchange for some "outposts"
                I think the best option would had been if Rome had liberated some mayan cities and offer them protection for the mayan support in the ongoing war.
                Last edited by Pitboss Japan; May 29, 2009, 19:25.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Pitboss Spain View Post

                  Great to have you in the game.
                  Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

                  When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


                  • #10
                    It's been a good war/story month
                    It'll be hard to make a choice for voting.

                    Regarding the official turn order:
                    1. Sparta/Russia | Portugal
                    2. Russia/Rome | Khmer

                    All civs please end your turn within 24 hours.
                    Russia/Rome and Khmer, please end turn within 24 hours after Sparta/Japan (Russia/Rome) or Portugal (Khmer) ended their turn.

                    Schematic (example):
                    0h             new turn
                    3h             Japan ends turn
                    5h             Portugal ends turn
                    9h             Sparta ends turn
                    24h           All civs except Russia/Rome and Khmer end turn
                    29h           Khmer ends turn
                    33h           Rome/Russia end turn
                    0h            New turn
                    At the same time is it so that civs at war have the responsibility to play asap, especially those who are first in the turn order. If you can't commit to that ask a change of turn order.
                    Last edited by Robert; May 30, 2009, 03:00.
                    Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                    Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


                    • #11
                      Hmm I don't think this schemaitc is right. How could i promise that i can finish my turn in the first 3 hours? It all depends when the turn starts. If I'm on my way to work i can not play for the next 10-11h.
                      What I can promise is that I can play in the first 12h so the other party would have at least 12h to make their turn (if we go with the 24h timer but as i see it's ~36h now).

                      Or you have to guarantiee that the turn start in a given time every day: if its 7 GMT for example then i will play in the first 3 hours. Rome/Russia would have the whole evening so we could keep the turns within 24h.
                      Last edited by Pitboss Japan; May 30, 2009, 03:00.


                      • #12
                        it's an example. If Japan ends turn at hour x and Sparta at turn x+5 then Rome/Russia must end turn before turn x+5+24 (= x+2)
                        Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                        Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


                        • #13
                          you guys are making me blush. I really love the game so far


                          • #14
                            @Robert. What have Portugal/Khmer got to do with Greece/Japan/Rome/Russia/Wyandot? They are only fighting eachother so I don't really understand why Russia/Rome, you have omitted Wyandot, should wait until Khmer have finished before playing. Am I reading this correctly?

                            @Japan. Those Piercian cities were obtained via the most inequitous IG fudge believable and then the position given abused by the previous Jap player cheating. None of us can claim a 'right' to own them so they are fair game for anyone to take and make profit from without any reference to 'measured war' being made. Their loss will hurt Japan far more than Russia but that is beside the point as they never really belonged to either of us.
                            “Quid latine dictum sit, altum videtur”
                            - Anon


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by St Jon View Post

                              @Japan. Those Piercian cities were obtained via the most inequitous IG fudge believable and then the position given abused by the previous Jap player cheating. None of us can claim a 'right' to own them so they are fair game for anyone to take and make profit from without any reference to 'measured war' being made. Their loss will hurt Japan far more than Russia but that is beside the point as they never really belonged to either of us.
                              We are agree on this.

                              But here is an other matter (somewhat connected to that): sometimes i feel that we go too far with the propaganda
                              for example:
                              one post pictures that the invaders totaly destroyed the captured city massacred every one
                              the other post a picture and story that the citizens welcomed the liberators with flowers...

                              I think it's not the best for the stroy thread to have these totally different points of view

                              and back to Piercia:
                              one say that the pedofil, zoofil, sadist, murderer ( ) japanese captured piercia and killing the people for joy. So he comes to liberate

                              the other (me) say that the union was a peacfull and free-will decision and try to defend himself

                              There is no truth here but versions of the story and i think it's unfortunate that they are this far from each other, but maybe I'm the only one who disturbed by this a bit

