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Beyond the Pit [Pitboss Diplomacy Game] [Organization Thread VI]

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  • Sorry Robert, I see the new wording.

    I think it ludicrous however, that 36hrs should be insufficient to post a request for a delay or that anyone should be able to cause an indefinite delay even if it means extermination.
    “Quid latine dictum sit, altum videtur”
    - Anon


    • St Jon, I agree, but let's wait, perhaps Portugal has a really good reason. He's been a reliable player all the time so let's give him some slack.

      Game's down again. Khmer didn't play yet and I'm going to sleep now.
      Khmer: please let me now when you expect to be able to play your turn.
      (did you my text msg or did I send it to the wrong phone?)
      Formerly known as "CyberShy"
      Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


      • Ah crap, I just got the text now! I'm ready to play the turn!
        Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

        When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


        • Game's up.
          I sleep with my cellphone next to my bed. The e-mail arrived at my cellphone and I read it (didn't sleep yet) so that's just in time.
          Have fun!
          Formerly known as "CyberShy"
          Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


          • Thanks!!

            Game on.
            Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

            When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


            • Originally posted by Hereclitus
              BTW Its so awesome to see a world war in a diplo game!

              Rome & Allies vs. Eastern Continent vs. Greece & Japan

              sure the war in the east ended soon but the Rome vs. Greece struggle was immensley fun to watch.

              Also am I the only one who sees similarities between the end of WW1 and the current negotiations between the Souther forces and the Pax Romana? It would be so awesome if Greece somehow managed to rearm itself in 40 or so turns and have someon Hitler-like come to power (and ally with a resurgent Japan and perhaps a powerfull eastern civ like Khmer or maybe a Portugese betrayal of Rome). Those who follow this game could then enjoy a BtP WW2.

              It would be pure win and a ton of fun no matter which side wins!
              Originally posted by Robert
              The Roman-Greek war was awesome to play.
              Sparta had an advantage b/c of the surprise and shorter supply-lines, Rome had an advantage with bombers.

              Unfortunately Rome now built the Internet and has Modern Armors and Mech Infantry.
              We're toast now
              I wish that we could continue the war old-style (ok, with my shiney new anti-aircraft units of course).

              Too bad that Portugal betrayed me (and never gave an explanation anywhere)
              I don't see any options to get back on Rome later, he has the internet.

              Originally posted by Japan
              There are similarites to ww1, for example Germany was not defeated when they made the peace thats why hitler considered that a treachery. unfortunately there is much bigger difference in technology level now between us. When i got controll of Japan my best troops were musketmen (others already had tanks and infantries), i had 100 research/turn at zero balance-by the start of the war i made that to 1000/turn and raised close to 100 battalions so far - cannons and rifles mostly (not counting the around 20 Spartan units i got). Now it's likely i will see them die to modern armors, but at least i had some fun and it's not over yet . I kinda hoped for a more balanced war though, would have been even more fun. (now its the 1st, 6th, 9th, 11th, VS. 5th, 10th ranked civs)

              It has been amazing. In SP civ I never get modern era serious wars against brilliant oponents. I've learn huge amounts about the strengths and weaknesses of the modern units.

              The WWI/WWII comparisons are interesting. The peace negotiations are somewhat WWI but then that is because measured war doesn't allow me to just fight on to unconditional surrender (unless of course my enemies want it). I feel its 1944. An ongoing war would be costly for me, but I am confident I would win. In RL the allies pressed on for unconditional surrender, and after much hard fighting they go it. The Archelaus story line was my 'what if hitler (sorry Alexander) had been replaced in a coup in 1944'. So therefore we are having peace negotiations with armies still undefeated, rather like WWI.

              The overall flow of the war, though, has in my mind been very much like WWII. Sparta and Japan's strength was in their prior military build up, stupidly ignored by Rome, and the surprise. But long term, the industrial and technological might of Rome was going to overhaul them, as the allies particularly the USA did in WWII. So the question was - would the Spartan and Japanese initial assault be sufficiently successful to force Rome to peace before it had time to make use of its industrial build up. A bit like how far would germany/japan get by 1942. Almost but not quite far enough. It was a very close run thing. War in Civ is always so unfair. The same SOD conflict can easily leave one guy destroyed and the other with 10 units, or the other way round. In this case the Spartan/Japanese offensive was blunted by a fiendish combination of some skill and lots of luck (particuarly the destruction of the Spartan army in the jungle). Once that initial attack was blunted, Rome's industrial and technological might could be brought to bear. And it was a great gamble to go for the internet not produce another 15 tanks, and if someone had got there first, I wouldn't have been laughing.

              And yes Japan now the war does look rather unbalanced. Of course the rankings weren't what you say when you started the war - a blow for Sparta/Japan that the two 'sleepers' the Wynadot and Oldonians were awakened from slumber.

              Has anyone else been nervously checking civstats all the time to check that they haven't lost any more cities?

              Man I need a rest, and beer.


              • OOC ofc:

                Japan hadnt had a big army before the war-Russia saw all my cities, He knew that I'm building troops, but i did that in only one city-and actually i didnt prepare to war- but I really refitted Japan's economy and increased the population-they provided a good drafting material later .
                It was Sparta who told me that soon he will be ready to grant me what promised (ie Pierced Hill). First I didnt wanted to break the peace directly, hoped that Sparta would start a direkt assault on Rome, but then i reconsidered: actually i could find casus belli, not so strong ones, but most importantly we thought it's endgame and we knew that Rome soon will have the internet so now or never, lets have some fun .
                By now everyone knows that we had Portugal's promise that he would join us against Rome. when we realised this unlikely will happen our goal was to make the war too costly for Rome so we could get away with a good peace.
                So far the war in Piercia went well for Japan (killed 49, lost 21 units ), but now the internet is ready, Russia got two free tech via oldonia, and I have to fight on 3 fronts while the Spartan army is occupied in Korea and can not send reinforcements into Piercia. Unfortunately none of the other powers joined the war on our side, so this war seems really over. At least the exciting part.


                • Based on previous post. Just wanted to be sure everyone knew America was in the game still.

                  Originally posted by Robert Plomp View Post
                  I'd appreciate it if you give me at least 24hrs to play my turn rather than knocking me out at the beginning of the timer.

                  Nobody is being knocked out at the beginning of the timer, if you were it was a mistake. Did that happen or do you base that post on the post of St Jon?


                  • I stopped going for The Internet b/c I was sure that Rome would get it first.
                    Now I know that I would have had it if I would have continued it
                    I had 4 Great Scientists that would have given me Computers in 2 turns and Knossos is a powerhouse. According to my calculations I would have had The Internet 2-4 turns ago

                    The reason that I launched the war that early was b/c I was sure that Rome would get The Internet much faster.
                    For the record, if this is a WWII comparison, then Sparta/Russia are the allies and Rome/Russia the axis.
                    We came to the aid of Piercia and Maya that were conquered by the Roman nazi's and their Italian (Russian) friends in crime.

                    If Sparta would have been nazi's we would defenitely have burned Novograd.

                    And it was the bombers that killed me, mostly because Rome was able to destroy my entire naval-force in the inner-sea by bombing and attacking with destroyres
                    If I would have been able to keep the inner-sea Rome would not have been able to bring new armies to Maya.

                    Another thing is that I am only experienced to fight AI bombers. They never bomb unit-stacks, only resources and improvements.
                    With the knowledge I have now I would have spread my invasion force instead of piling it all up in one stack
                    Japan did really good against Rome in Piercia!

                    Oh, and if Rome would not have had modern armors and mechs now, then I would be sure that Rome would not have won this war. The capturing of Durango and the killing of 4 bombers and 8 tanks in one turn were pretty much a slap in the face for Rome.
                    Not to mention that I am really close to anti-aircraft......... and my allies now finally brought me some jets.

                    The mechs, I could handle them, but the Modern Armors.....
                    Anyway, great battle, now the negotiations start. That'll be interesting!
                    Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                    Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


                    • If ... if ... if

                      Much of what is said is probably true - the bombers certainly did save me, their power but also the fact that they can be rebased across the world in one turn. Though its a mistake to consider Piercia and Korea as separate from the Roman point of view. The plan has always been hold in Piercia, because the Japanese aren't the ones who can make peace, and once the two Japanese cities are taken the advantage can't be pressed. So, Piercia is the hinge, and push against the real enemy Sparta, since they are the ones with the ability to make peace and war, and Rome can keep going there until Athens if necessary until people agree to peace. The one attack I did make in Piercia with weak forces was to keep the Japanese on edge in Piercia and thus avoid them sending the large numbers of Sparta/Japanese tanks in Piercia across the sea to join with the Spartans in Korea. That would have been fatal for me at that moment when Sparta was strongly on the offensive.
                      Last edited by Pitboss Rome; June 7, 2009, 10:11.


                      • If ... if ... if

                        but ... but ... but I lost
                        Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                        Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


                        • but ... but ... but I lost
                          yes but look at German and Japanese industrial and technological success 40 years on! It ain't over ...


                          • You see, give Germany a fair peace and it'll be friendly towards the Americans


                            • Originally posted by Pitboss Rome View Post
                              The one attack I did make in Piercia with weak forces was to keep the Japanese on edge in Piercia and thus avoid them sending the large numbers of Sparta/Japanese tanks in Piercia across the sea to join with the Spartans in Korea. That would have been fatal for me at that moment when Sparta was strongly on the offensive.

                              Two Japan great generals was born in the very same turn when i killed those units (tanks , antitanks, infantries) . For keeping my tanks in Piercia it would had been enough if you just have big forces close to the border, as you did after that attack. The 8 tanks from sparta was very important in the defense, I couldnt send them back when i saw a huge force gathering in PH.


                              • Looks like Portugal is going to miss another turn. What do we do?
                                Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                                Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori

