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Beyond the Pit [Pitboss Diplomacy Game] [Story Thread] . PART 9 (April 2009)

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  • #76
    Declaration Continuing of war

    Not that long ago the Maya together with the Koreans invaded Spartan territory under very treacherous circumstances.
    Sparta was very well able to defend itself and on the edge of counter-invading Maya/Korea very successfully.

    But Sparta had mercy when the Maya came for peace.
    Peace was agreed upon and the only condition was that the Maya had to pay 1000 gold for reparations and send 2 workers to improve the Knossos/Thebes area which had been pillaged.

    The Maya failed to pay their debts and never sent their workers.
    Multiple requests from Sparta's site to fulfil their part of the peace condition failed.

    Then the Maya showed up with a huge fleet to invade the Gobi desert.
    War was this close. Sparta lined up a large army next to the Taebong river to counter attack the Maya when they decided to invade the Gobi.

    Maya scared away from invading the Gobi and paid 90% of their debts and promised to pay the rest in 2 periods together with sending the workers in 2 periods.
    The Mayan invasion fleet was removed from sight but borders were also closed with Sparta. Now Sparta was not aware where this fleet was and the Maya did not account for it.

    Now Sparta is having a neighbour that
    - invaded Sparta once under treacherous circumstances.
    - failed to pay their debts after Sparta had mercy
    - attempted to attack the Gobi desert
    - does not account for it's Gobi invasion fleet
    - failed once again to fulfil their 2 periods promises.

    Sparta can't stand idle here and wait till the Maya do finally strike.
    The peace that was signed between Sparta/Maya-Korea 15 years ago is void since the Maya never lived up to the peace conditions.

    Hereby I, Menelaus II, king of Sparta and Japan, declare the peace deal between Sparta and Maya to be void because of the Mayan failure to live up to it's conditions.


    • #77
      Shocked by the invasion from Sparta, many Mayan people started to protest against this war. Pacivists called upon the Mayan government to give in to the Spartan demands and follow a more pacifistic course into the future.

      Under this pressure the Mayan government adopted pacifism.


      • #78
        FYI Xristo

        Units are only arriving in Xristo City pending a dialog. If your culture reduces our troops are reduced but we need dialog on a deal asap as this effects where I place the Khmer transport so that tanks can be brought back to the homeland etc etc.


        • #79
          From: President Rostislav Vladimirovich
          To: All Free Nations of the World

          Russia is outraged! No sooner had we settled our misunderstandings with the Maya but Sparta strikes again! Vile Tyrants that they are they will sieze upon each and every opportunity to oppress the innocent and rob the rightful owner's of their lands! Can Maya expect any mercy? We doubt it for there is no such word in the Spartan lexicon!

          Truly this Menelaus must be the spawn of Cerebus himself to have acted so!

          I suppose no surprise to be felt for the Spartan butchers behaved the same to Russia!

          On a happier note Daniil Aleksandrovich informs me that a formal Treaty has now been agreed, in principle, with Japan. We have have signed and await the returned document likewise backed by the Japanese Government. Open Borders and an enduring and profitable peace we trust will result.

          In utter disgust of Sparta and her Hybred, more like half Wolf than Goat, Ruler!

          President Rostislav Vladimirovich
          For, and on behalf of, The Russian Republic
          Last edited by Pitboss Russia; April 15, 2009, 00:42.


          • #80
            To Khmer,

            What is that you offer? Currently Portugal can try and make sure that we do not acquire that inner last tile SW from Xristo City. You have spoken of returning your tanks to mainland Khmer, still my people tell me that you have joined your tanks with your northern army on the hills.

            Do not expect only Portugal to make compromises here.....


            • #81

              Portugal inventors have build a machine called airplane that can carry people over long distances.


              • #82
                What part regarding the Mayan attemp to invade the Spartan gobi and the Maya continueing failure to live up to the very mercyful peace conditions does Rostislav of Russia not understand?
                Or does Russia just always sympathise with the aggressors, since it invaded Japan as an aggressor itself?

                Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


                • #83
                  Tanks for culture deal!

                  Originally posted by Pitboss Portugal View Post
                  To Khmer,

                  What is that you offer? Currently Portugal can try and make sure that we do not acquire that inner last tile SW from Xristo City. You have spoken of returning your tanks to mainland Khmer, still my people tell me that you have joined your tanks with your northern army on the hills.

                  Do not expect only Portugal to make compromises here.....
                  This is Yurya. I was just waiting to here from you. Your offer to control culture is appreciated and the tanks will leave immediately. That transport was just sitting there awaiting this dialog. I will deliver orders for the tanks to now board the transport.

                  Also, no further troops will be deployed to the area.

                  Machine gunners will replace some of the existing troops.

                  Please try to return the Iron hill. I know it is difficult but you can see our cultural progress and can adjust yours accordin gly.

                  Rest assured no war will be fought on the outskirts of Xristo City.




                  • #84
                    World announcement!

                    My name is Captain Yurya, also Governor of Xristo City.

                    I bring you news of the death of Suryavarman 3, the last in the line of Shiva.

                    Metal Hindu religion has dominated the history of the Khmer and indeed the entire Meduian continent.

                    Upon the death of Shiva, Ganesh, and the Suryavarman line there always followed a Golden Age celebrated by the Khmerians. This time it is not to be. Religion is now free in Khmer land and has been heading that way for some centuries now. All Khmerians have free choice of religion and it is the modern age. New forms of government ae being discussed but the parliament has appointed me, following my diplomatic successes in New Portugal, to represent the Khmer people.

                    As he lay in the ancient Mausoleum and just before he died I believe Suryavarman 3 expressed a final wish for the world to embrace peace, trade and liberation if not emancipation of all free peoples. He specifically wanted Pacal of the Maya to know that the Khmer feel his pain in this war and urges restraint from Sparta. He also acknowledged his close and recently developed relationship with Menalaus and actually spoke to him in person just before he died. Menalaus seemed receptive to limiting his demands of Pacal as long as Pacal renegotiates. A common point is surely possible but for Sparta to take all of old Korea is far too much.

                    The tanks that are leaving New Portugal are being sent to the area as peace keeping forces.

                    His final piece of diplomacy and last wishes as he faded away. No golden age, just quietly faded away.

                    The Khmer society was quite mature now and many forms of leadeship were now important.

                    I hope that I, Captain Yurya, can be part of the ongoing Khmer leadeship.

                    Agenda items as I see them are:

                    * Emancipation civic

                    * Furthering an understanding of how corporations function

                    * Peace keeping forces and demilitarised zones

                    * United Nations concept and the nuclear threat

                    Great tidings friends of the world,



                    • #85
                      Fall of Pyongyang
                      Spartan troops crossed the Taebong river and besieged Pyongyang. The defenders of Pyongyang fled the city with great haste after which the Spartan soldiers conquered the city.

                      The Spartan soldiers were surprised that the Korean population didn't welcome them with a hostile attitude but rather cheered and made great joy. The Spartans learned that most of the Koreans never had accepted the Maya rule of Korea.

                      After Pusan this was the 2nd Korean city that showed more interest in joining the Spartan empire rather then the Maya empire. Not a surprise. Sparta and Korea had been allies for many centuries and trade between the both nations had been important for both nations. It was only when General Kim started the revolt and betrayed Sparta together with the Maya that there were hostilities between Sparta and Korea. A war that was not supported by the grand majority of Korea.

                      Now the Korean empire had ceased to be most Korean people 'd rather join the Spartan empire. That's what the citizen of Pyongyang told the Spartan soldiers.

                      That's when Menelaus decided to free all of Korea from the Maya.


                      From Menelaus II
                      King of Sparta and Japan

                      To all nations on earth

                      I have decided to once again show mercy on the Mayans. Sparta will not invade original Mayan territory and only free Korea. At first Sparta supported the Mayan take over of Korea, but the Mayans once again betrayed Sparta and left us no choice but a counter invasion. We have been very patient, but our patience has a limit.

                      Now the people in Korea have expressed their desire to join Sparta rather then become Mayans I have decided to listen to their requests. The punishment for the Mayan betrayal will be the loss of Korea. The Mayan home lands won't be touched by Sparta.

                      I call upon the Maya to accept these peace conditions:
                      - Maya give up all of Korea
                      - Sparta and Maya sign peace for at least 150 years
                      - Sparta supplies Maya with coal and oil
                      - Maya capitulates and falls under the Spartan royal line of Kings
                      - Maya stays independent apart from accepting the Spartan King as their
                      King and depending on Sparta's foreign relations regarding war or peace.
                      - Sparta defends the Mayan home territory against all possible enemies.

                      We wait for the Mayan answer but we will not sit idle.
                      The conquest of Korea will continue, either by this peace deal or by force. Spartan destroyers are already invading Mayan territory and will soon lay blockades around all mayor Mayan cities.


                      • #86


                        • #87
                          Yurya's first order

                          Yurya's first order has been enacted. He is now in control of the Khmer republic and the tanks have departed from Xristo City.


                          • #88
                            A well dressed man carrying a briefcase approached the government of Camulodunum during a council meeting.

                            "Kind sirs, I have been sent from the cultural nation of Metal. Over the past few years, the Creative Constructions company has been growing. So much so that we are looking to franchise the company. Although Celtia and the land of Metal have had a squabble in ancient history, we feel as if Celtia would be prime property to develop a franchise of Creative Constructions."

                            The mayor of Camulodunum spoke up. "So you plan to expand this company in Camulodunum?"

                            "Yes, your honor."

                            "Hmmm, we do consider the Metlheads great allies on this continent. It is kind of them to offer us help in the past even though the leaders of the past declared war on them over Aonghus. What does your company offer to improve this great city?"

                            "In exchange for a small tax break, our employees will help build anything you ask. Their manpower will help revitalize the city. We will also provide substantial improvements to your theater district."

                            The council whispered back and forth as the businessman from the land of Metal waited patiently. After a brief deliberation, the mayor spoke.

                            "It has been decided by the council to welcome Creative Constructions into Camulodunum with open arms. We look forward to your presence here and look forward to a strong partnership with your company.


                            • #89
                              From: Daniil Aleksandrovich, Foreign Minister
                              To: All Free Nations of the World

                              Russia is outraged! Her beloved friends of ancient years, The Noble Maya, are being destroyed before our very eyes! Sparta, and her brutish leader Menelaus, does not begin to even know the meaning of the word 'mercy'. Korean citizens delighted at Spartan 'liberation' of Pyongyang they claim. Our diplomats were in Pyongyang negotiating the final details of re-opening of borders when this cowardly and nefarious act took place, barely escaping with their lives, so let the World know the truth. Pyongyang was not 'liberated', it was not even siezed and brutally occupied, Pyongyang has been RAZED in one of the most appalling acts of genocide in history! Even by Spartan standards this is an horrific crime. Spartan soldiers are reportedly now terrorising Korean peasant farmers, stealing their livestock to sate their unnatural sexual appetites.

                              Yurya send your tanks to aid these poor people. Let all decent nations of the World conjoin to defend lberty against this spawn of Beelzebub himself. May no effort be spared until Tyrant Menelaus is dragged before a War Crimes Tribunal, found guilty and summarily executed. Pacal Denzez, Russia weeps at the terrible wrongs being done to your fair lands.

                              Daniil Aleksandrovich, Foreign Minister
                              For, and on behalf of, The Russian Republic


                              • #90
                                Menalaus read the Russian propaganda and frowned. "Pyongyang has been razed" and "genocide"?

                                Menelaus frowned again and whispered: "What is this fool talking about? Not even one soldier or citizen died during our liberation of Pyongyang. Russia apparently isn't even able to produce believable propaganda."

                                Then Menelaus decided to ignore this Russian message any further but he ordered some generals to bring extra troops to West-Piercia to protect Japan against possible Russian aggression.

