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Beyond the Pit [Pitboss Diplomacy Game] [Story Thread] . PART 9 (April 2009)

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Pitboss Rome View Post
    Yukawa Hideki,

    I'm sorry but these are Piercian cities. The citizens of Tokyo were still rioting about the Japanese military seizure of their citing in which the Piercian garrison was massacred (my diplomats were there and saw it) when the Russians entered the city. The status quo is Piercian ownership. The true owners of the city are Piercians, themselves members of the Pax Romana. Both you and the Russians wish to have all of Piercia but neither of you are the ancestral owners. And I am sorry the Pax Romana simply does force me to intervene if hte Spartans try to seize Piercian Hill from the Russians. I have the terms of it here in front of me, you apparently don't.

    Wise ruler of Rome!

    Sorry but you are wrong. These are Japanese cities now, the Piercians have gone and whatever you or your greedy ally do won't bring them back. Massacre of the piercian garrison of Tokyo? I don't think so.. here is a picture of the ceremony after the citizens of Pierced hill joined the Japanese empire:

    (photo taken by Fotusu Shopo San)

    Even you refused the right of the Russian invasion, but now, when we try to defend ourselves you come and help the invaders.
    But here is our proposal: Let's lay down the arms now, let the citizens of Tokyo decide about their future : should they stay with us or join the invading Russians. We have no doubt how they would decide.

    Yukawa Hideki, prime minister of Japan


    • #17
      From: Daniil Aleksandrovich, Foreign Minister, Russian Republic
      To: All Free Nations of the World

      The President departed Petrograd to both visit the brave soldiers at the front but also to meet his dear friend Marcus of Rome. I travelled with him and was appalled that instead of welcome at Oath City there were Cavelry demanding that we halt at what was a planned stop anyway! The President was outraged that a dear ally of Russia should treat it's head of state so. It is known to the President that Rome dislikes our struggle to liberate Piercia and that Marcus himself has denounced Russian use of Roman railways for this cause.

      It was a happy surprise then for the delegation that we were guided to the Governor's mansion and saw the wonderful banquet laid out before us. A Feast to Celebrate Pax Romana and our struggle against Sparta.

      The President was invited to sit upon the Emporer's right hand side and over a superb 12 course luncheon many matters of state were dicussed. I too spent much time discussing the turbulent times in which we live with the Head of the Romes Diplomatic Service. Obviously the Piercian War of Liberation was top of the agenda. Rome and Russia both desire peace and a fair and just settlement to this matter. I received Rome's ideas for a fair and just peace with Sparta but I advised him that the final decision over what Russia might or might not be considered fair and just lay with The President alone. During the journey I discussed Rome's proposal for peace. He informed me that the Emperor had already given him a broad outline of the of text and that he was thinking deeply upon it.

      We travelled West over the border to Asizia in Free Piercia to meet General Meretsokov and his staff officers to discuss future conduct of the conflict.

      The General advised that in light of Spartan treachery further reinforcements might be required to push westward though the eagerness of ex-Piercian soldiers to be given arms so that they might too fight their former oppressors was proving very helpful. The President comforted him that in every Russian City there were queues outside recruitment officess of young men, and even women, pleading to join our glorious Army. The 28th Novgorad Brigade was indeed undergoing training and would be Russia's first Women's Unit in the Army. The General was taken aback initially by the very notion but was re-assured when shown how eagerly and skillfully these brave young women were progressing.

      Next we depart for the front to meet the troops mustered for the liberation of Pierced Harbour. We will reach there tomorrow. The President has yet to indicate if he is prepared to even speak with Sparta after their betrayal. We shall see.

      Daniil Aleksandrovich, Foreign Minister
      For, and on behalf of, The Russian Republic
      Last edited by Pitboss Russia; April 3, 2009, 12:38.


      • #18
        OOC Love the pictures Menalaus, just a shame the teacher doesn't point out that at the time of this 'invasion of Russia' Rome had just been attacked by four nations, including Sparta, and that Russia declared war on Rome not the other way round! Teachers nowadays - what hope is there for the young!


        • #19
          The Treaty of Pierced Hill - Final Text

          Great Kings Menalaus and Rostislav,
          Prime Minister Yukawa Hideki,

          I am pleased that we have been able to have substantive negotiations based around the draft Treaty of Pierced Hill which I published recently, and that we have found an acceptable way forward. I recognise that 'acceptable' does not mean welcome, but I am pleased that we have managed to arrive at a peaceful outcome of this crisis.

          First, though, I want to apologise for some of my harsh language in recent days towards Menalaus. In partiuclar I recognise that your occupation of Alcestas was a reasonable and legitimate action in the context of the anarchy caused by the collapse of the Japanese government and the threat this posed to the security and prosperity of neighbouring Greek cities. I also accept that, whatever my private views are, deals between yourself and Japan are for the two of you; and that your desire to defend Japan is honourable. These have been heady days, and my initial shock at your declaration of war against my allies the Russians clouded my normal diplomatic frame of mind.

          The terms of the Treaty of Pierced Hill
          1. Peace is signed between all four nations.
          2. Ex Piercian territory currently held by Japan is Japanese, ex Piercian territory currently held by Russia is Russian.
          (For the avoidance of doubt this means that Horse Valley, Asizia and Pierced Hill are Russian; PoPer, WildKoPer and Pierced Harbour are Japanese).
          3. Rome and Sparta both pledge to uphold Japanese territorial integrity (on the boundaries defined in 2 above) for the next 100 years.

          I Marcus Emperor of Rome sign this agreement.

          Since you have all indicated in various degrees of hapiness that you will accept this, I urge the three of you to indicate publicly that you accept it, and for Sparta and Russia to sign peace (which will automaticly include Japan); I am not at war with anyone.

          With forces still on the ground, and war technically still in force, I further urge you all to sign this today, and to take no action from now which threatens or contradicts these terms.

          Let us celebrate this peaceful end to a difficult situtation, and see each others security and prospecity in the future.

          Marcus of Rome.


          • #20
            I, Yukawa Hideki, prime minister of Japan sign the Treaty of Pierced Hill.

            But it's not the time to celebrate for us.
            Last edited by Pitboss Japan; April 3, 2009, 18:05.


            • #21
              Marcus of Rome,

              I am happy that we have been able to work out something that keeps us from an all-continental war. I do very well respect the Roman desire to defend their allies, the Russians. Unfortunately this almost brought us into a war against each other, but as a true Spartan I can only honour your loyalty to the Pact Romana.

              Sparta itself has vowed to do everything possible to protect the Japanese cities of Piercia. With this treaty the Japanese possession of Kyoto ends and therefore Sparta would fail if we would not do everything in our powers to recapture Tokyo.
              That's why I left it to the Japanese to either accept or reject this peace proposal.

              I am happy that the Japanese have decided wise! They chose peace above a justified attempt to recapture Tokyo by force. With the Japanese I express my sorrows and unhappiness with the current situation in Tokyo, but it's the least evil option.

              Therefore I, Menelaus II, king of Sparta and Japan, also sign this peace proposal.

              To Japan I return the city of Alcetas.
              Now the new Japanese government has shown to be reliable and able to end all hostilities in Alcetas against Spartan citizen, there is no need for Spartan occupation of Alcetas.

              The Japanese government also receives full authorization to lead Japan in any way they want. This includes foreign politics.
              The only exception to this rule are matters of peace and war. I will however not act in any of this without consulting the Japanese government.

              The royal line of Alexander will be the official king of Sparta and Japan.
              For Japan this is a pure ceremonial position.

              Menelaus II
              King of Sparta and Japan


              • #22
                Treaty of Pierced Hill

                From: President Rostislav Vladimirovich
                To: Rome and Sparta

                I have comsidered this proposed Treaty and xonsulted the Cabinet as well as General Meretsokov regarding it's small print and the guarentees it offers to the citizens of Free Piercia. I offer my sincere gratitude to my dear ally Emperor Marcus of Rome for his endeavours, he is surely unique amongst for his compassion and care for humanity, in negotiating this Treaty.

                As all the World knows Russia is a peaceful and peace-loving nation that covets not the land's of others. I too am a peace loving man and desire only to see liberty, freedom and justice prevail. I have therefore instructed General Meretsokov to defer the 13th Army's liberation of Pierced Harbour for one round only. If a formally signed, by Rome and Sparta, Peace Treaty is presented to us next round I will sign also and we may end this bloodshed. Russia needs Sparta's cast iron assurance that no Piercian citizen will be harmed and that they will police their servants to ensure that the Piercian language will no longer be banned from use in stolen occupied lands, that liberty is granted for Piercian citizens to pass freely through the borders at will and that the evil practice of slavery is ceased poste haste.

                We will honour all Treaty obligations and accept 100 Years of Non-Aggression between our nations. You must understand that what happens when your whelp has been weaned Menelaus is a grave worry. Should they escape your disciplene what is to stop further abuses and crimes against humanity being committed by them? Let them know that if any breach of this Treaty be committed Russia will act. I hope that you can keep your puppy muzzled and on a very tight leash.

                Until confident of our security I have instructed that both 7th and 13th Armies are to remain on station and on full alert. Once this Treaty is signed the 7th Army will stand down and return to base in stages. The 13th will remain in Free Piercia for the foreseeable future.

                I hope that I can begin to trust you Menelaus, as I did Orestes your forebear, trust is a hard prize to win and a very easy one to lose. Russia knows that she can never trust your 'Puppy' for it will grow into the same 'Hound' as before if not properly tamed. If but a single 'Flea from it's Pelt' bites a single Russian or Free Piercian this is what it can expect as it's reward!

                Please keep it in a strong kennel Menelaus for next time Russia will have no mercy.

                President Rostislav Vladimirovich,
                For, and on behalf of, The Russian Republic
                Last edited by Pitboss Russia; April 30, 2009, 19:54.


                • #23
                  My Friends,

                  Menelaus the Mighty
                  Yukawa the Wise
                  Rostislav the Brave

                  Thank you for restisting the war-parties in your own nations, and signing the Treaty of Pierced Hill. Soon the bitterness, sadness, reciminations and weaping of your people will cease; peace brings with it its own reward, and peace with security is a great blessing.

                  Let us meet again soon in better circumstances.

                  I must now attend to issues at home. The great passion for freedom which is erupting in Roman lands, sweeping away the old certainities and deference to Emperor and God, need my attention.

                  Marcus of Rome


                  • #24
                    Treaty of Pierced Hill Signed

                    From: President Rostislav Vladimirovich
                    To: All Free Nations of the World

                    At last the bloodshed is over! Upon meeting my valiant troops on the hills overlooking Pierced Harbour the joy of hearing me give them the news that the Treaty of Pierced Hill had been signed was almost euphoric!

                    Who can begrudge them their joy? Russian grit, determination and bravery has trounced a far larger, technologically advanced and warlike nation! Russia has wiped the vermin clean up to their very last rat holes! A true and honest soul fighting for the liberty of their ancient friends can move mountains indeed. Some of the newly arrived volunteers were disppointed not to have had Japanese blood decorate their bayonets but were still able to join in the celebrations of their brothers! Back home the friends and family of these courageous young men celebrated in Novgorad City Square!

                    General Meretsokov has proven me right in my faith in him as the finest soldier Russia has! Outnumbered and outgunned he used the legendary Russian mastery of the Horse to splendid effect maintaining mobility whilst concentrating the limited forces at his disposal to devastating effect! A tribute indeed that Russian losses in this campaign, tragic indeed a loss of but a single human life is, have been as light as they have been. No longer is he just General Kiril Meretsokov. No, indeed i have awarded him the Stalin Medal of Honour, promoted him and given him an even more arduous task - he is now Marshal Kiril Meretsokov, Head of the Russian Army Corps! Back in his home City, Omsk, the entire population contributed to this wonderful statue of a true hero of Russia.

                    On my journey back to the border I had cause to visit Horse Valley, the first liberated Piercian City, and had saw for myself the beauty of the fair land of Piercia that even the Vultures of Kyoto could not destroy!

                    Sadly we have only been frustrated in our aim of total liberation of all Piercia by the intervention of a Super-Power on the side of the Grave-Robber's of Darius's own bloodline! Did Russia quake or lose her resolve? Never! The soldiers and sailors of Russia were ready to face Rifle and Destroyer against mere Musket and Frigate knowing it better to die than just than cower like a dog! I too knew, in my heart, that for all his opposition to our intervention in Piercia, Emperor Marcus would never betray us and the Pax Romana. Forever Russia owes you a debt that it can scant ever hope to repay. Never think to qustion what you might ask of me Marcus for nought will be too much!

                    President Rostislav Vladimirovich,
                    For, and on behalf of, The Russian Republic


                    • #25
                      From: Vsevolod Mstislavich, Prime Minister, Russian Republic
                      To: All Tyrants and Rabid Imperialists

                      A cartoon published first in The Novgarod Times about Yukawa Hideki, Dictator of Vermin, has been reprinted in all Russian Newspapers and Periodicals and is causing mirth thoughout the entire nation, especially in Free Piercia!

                      For those unfamiliar with the Mother Tongue the sign reads: "Bird of luck, choose me!”

                      Let this be the fate of all oppressors!

                      In Happy Spirit, Stolyacnya if you must know,
                      Prime Minister Vsevolod Mstislavich


                      • #26
                        Leaders of Sparta

                        Menelaus II was the 9th king of Sparta, 6th king in the line of Alexander, 2nd in the line of Menelaus I.
                        Menelaus II brought both lines of Menelaus and Alexander together. Perdiccas III (grandson of Archelaus, son of Perdiccas II, brother of Orestes)
                        married Peneloppe, from the line of Menelaus I. Their son, Menelaus II, became king when Orestes died without children.

                        2 Leaders of Sparta had been from other lines.
                        Lacedaemon, founder of the Spartan empire and Craterus, the supposed lover of Archelaus, who was killed 4 days after he became king by Orestes,
                        the son of Archelaus. Some whispered that Craterus had killed Archelaus in Rome, and that that's he reason for Orestes to kill him.
                        Others claimed that Orestes did not accept his fathers secret love affair with this man. Again others claim that Orestes simply wanted the throne
                        of Sparta and did not accept this Craterus, from another line then the Royal line of Alexander, to be on the throne.

                                                                 Lacedaemon (1)
                             	                                                  		Menelaus (2)
                                          Alexander (3)           		 		     |
                                              |                              	      	             |
                            ------------------|----------------                         	     |
                            |          	      |   	      |                       		     .
                         Alcetas (4)      Perdiccas (5)    Philipus           			     .
                            |                 |                             	 		     .
                            |  	              |                             			     .
                            |             ----------------------------------------         	     .
                            |             |                                      |         	     |
                         Aeropus      Achelaus (6)---(♥?)---Craterus (♂7)   Tyrimmas                 |
                        		  |                            	 		             |
                                      	  |--------------                     		             |
                                      	  |             |                     		             |
                                       Orestes (8)   Perdiccas II              		          Traetas
                                         		    |                     		     |
                        		                    |                      		     |
                        		                    |                  			     |
                                                        Perdiccas III------------(♥)-------------Peneloppe (♀)
                                                       Menelaus II (9)
                        Last edited by Robert; April 6, 2009, 05:51.


                        • #27
                          New era in Japan.

                          Yukawa Hideki, prime minister of the interim government announced several important changes in Japan in the Japanese pairlament today:
                          -End of slavery-No more slaves in Japan, every man and women has the right for freedom
                          -Free speech-free thoughts. No more censorship ever.
                          -Amnesty- to all the politcal convicts, whose numbers increased especially in the recent few years.
                          -No more forced conscription, the Japanese army only will consist of proffesionals from now on.
                          -Elections-soon to be held. The emperor has gone, Japan is on a good way to become a truly democratic country. These elections will not only be about who will lead japan but about more important questions concerning Japan's future, this includes the question whether to be remained under Sparta's protection or seek for an other way.


                          • #28
                            From: President Rostislav Vladimirovich
                            To: All Free Nations of the World

                            At last I begin my journey home with some of the initial units of the 7th Army to be withdrawn from front line duties. Wonder of wonders! I am able now to board a fine Roman Railway Train at Asizia! Mighty indeed is the skill of the Roman engineers and strength ubundant of their workers.

                            News is passed to me from Anastas Mikoyan, Minister of Trade, that a successful Tade Mission had been concluded with our dear friend Suryavarman of the Khmer. This deal secures the jobs of millions of Russian workers and ensures that our reservists will be able to hang up their uniforms confident of a return to their workplaces the following morning! I have left matters with the Prime Minister to organise the details but a new drive to promote Russian Art and Culture and celebrate it's wonder and diversity shall be embarked upon. The Citizens of Free Piercia should know that a very special monument will be constructed for you celebrating your renowned Theatrical Traditions!

                            A peculiar document has been found by the Foriegn Office which is, apparently, an effort by the new Spartan Monarch to justify his claim to the throne by genealogy.

                            Perdiccas III------------(♥)-------------Peneloppe (♀)
                            I can understand Menelaus that you would wish to make it clear to all the World that your Mother, the no doubt lovely Peneloppe, was female so as be forced to suffix her name with the very symbol of Venus herself. I am certain that your Father Perdiccas, a man I fear whose name is unknown in Russia, would have realised that in order to sire you such an arrangement would had to have been made. What does puzzle the people of Russia, not being as adventurous in these matters as those from the shores of Greece, is that you fail to specify the species? We know, and respect, that our cultures are somewhat different and the prohibitions upon wedlock twixt man and Goat, Sheep or any other beast of the field that we have here are unknown in Sparta. Perhaps you might care to share this information?

                            President Rostislav Vladimirovich,
                            For, and on behalf of, The Russian Republic


                            • #29
                              President Vladimirovich,

                              I am saddened to hear that the name "Perdiccas" doesn't ring a bell in Russia.
                              Perdiccas 1 was the Spartan king who immediately sided with the Russians during one of the ancient Roman-Russian conflicts. It was his son, Archelaus, who finally invaded Rome to rescue the Russians, but this was all started by Perdiccas.
                              I hope that Spartans aid to the Russians won't be forgotten.
                              Perdiccas has given many technological advances to your predecessors before Stalin to help them during times of sorrow.

                              I am glad that you have invested time in the Royal Line of Sparta.
                              One may wonder indeed why some people's sex have been explicitly named.
                              The reason behind this is very simple, there's only 1 woman on the map, my mother Peneloppe. There are two love-relations on the map. (1 of these is a supposed relation)

                              Rumours say that my grand grandfather Archelaus had a love affair with his assistant, Craterus. This is obviously nonsense, but Craterus took power immediately after Archelaus died. Archelaus most probably was killed by Craterus in Roman lands. That's why my grandfather, Orestes, killed him.

                              Since there are two (supposed) love affairs on this Royal Line Image and one of these involved a woman, my scribes thought it to be important to make the sex of the involved people in these (supposed) love affairs clear.

                              If you are insinuating that the Royal Line of Alexander and Menelaus consists of sheep and goats, then I ask permission to the Romans to come to Russia and kick your ass. Insults can be shared in the Spartan tradition, but one must also accept the concequences of these insults.

                              I wait for a formal apologation from you regarding this issue.



                              • #30
                                Revolution in Rome

                                The period 1720's and 30's were been the most turbulent years in Roman history since the great War of the Traitors many centuries before.

                                The Japanese crisis with its strained relationships first with the Russians, and then with the Spartans, was a cause of much distress among the peace-loving Romans, bringing back the ghosts of the Traitors war when Rome stood alone against Spartans, Mayan, Russian and Piercian invaders.

                                The rapid expansion of overseas colonies strained the nature of Roman society. For millenia the Romans had distrusted the seas, and confined their interests solely to their own continent. Then Augustus had appointed Marcus Aurelius his heir - one of the most widely travelled Roman officers, and one known to favour the sea. His own father being one of Rome's few naval captains, he having been brought up in the port city of Satricum until it was captured and his mother killed during the Mayan invasion. Romans had always thought of themselves as tolerant people, not racists, for the desert people of the west, long fully integrated into the Roman empire, were racially distinct from the original Romans of the eastern valleys and hills. However, truthfully many Romans found the habits of the new people from the colonies of the south distasteful and their looks disturbing.

                                More significant though was the development of Oath City. It had rapidly established itself as the key Roman trade centre, the Piercian people who had long been friends of Rome, proving themselves skilled financiers and traders, exploiting the new trade routes and colonial opportunities. Then the establishment of the Societas Romanorum Minerorum sealed its position as the second city of the Roman Empire.

                                But what flowed in and out of Oath City was more than trade and wealth. It also became the epicentre of a new political movement. The old structures of Roman society based on aristocracy, the army, the Jewish piresthood and land, were challenged by the huge wealth and influence of the new 'middle classes' - professionals and traders, bankers and professors. These people demanded changes - new freedoms - of speach, of religion, of political association, of trade, of mobility of people and classes. Individually these were containable changes, Roman society had never been that rigid. But together then were an onslaught on the very fabric of Rome.

                                For much of the decade the Roman ruling classes resisted these changes. The system of representation, drawing only of course from the aristocracy, army, and Jewish priesthood, had served Rome well, and those involved had self-interest in maintaining it. But the pressure for change grew.

                                Finally Emperor Marcus Aurelius took action.

                                In one simple proclamation he swept away centuries of Roman tradition. The Roman people were to be free - the old contraints were abandoned. Representation was to be spread to all men who owned property, regardless of wealth, guild, status, race or religion. As a sign of this, much to the annoyance of the old ruling classes Marcus Aurelius announced the abandonment of his own ruling powers as Emperor. He retitled his role 'Custos' (guardian). He retained what he termed the 'royal perogative' commanding the military and keeping treaty making powers in foreign affairs. In internal civiilian matters his role became symbolic, the senate of representatives now becoming the key law making body.

                                A new era for the Roman people was dawning.

