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Beyond the Pit [Pitboss Diplomacy Game] [Organization Thread V]

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  • I've found a potenial perm-sub for Korea.
    He's just checked Korea out and is considering now if he feels like Korea has enough future.

    If The Capo decides to return he's the obvious first choise of course.
    Formerly known as "CyberShy"
    Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


    • Originally posted by Pitboss Maya View Post
      Just FYI, I plan on assimilating Korea into Maya.

      Anyone opposed to this please speak now.

      As a matter of information, Korean cities are mostly farms with no nested GP. There are no short term gains in me taking these cities. Long term gains... possible.
      I should have read through the thread before responding. Kudos to a sub for Korea? I guess it's too late to find a sub for Persia.

      Should we give votes to Japan next month for demanding and taking Persian cities and units and jumping up the charts for no logical reason? Should I go ahead and stake a claim to the next civ to drop out just because I am now in the bottom 4 after all of this?
      Last edited by Pitboss Celts; March 16, 2009, 18:27.


      • The spoils of the Inca were divided over the 'weak' civs of your continent.
        Now the spoils of Piercia are divided over the 'weak' civs of our continent.

        It's not pretty indeed but I think it's better then having an inactive civ for the rest of our game.
        Formerly known as "CyberShy"
        Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


        • I've found a potenial perm-sub for Korea.
          Well, is this guy going to sub or not? Korea has still to play their turn.

          I hope this doesn't turn into a situation where I no longer play turns for Korea, Greece walks over them, and then later it is posted that the "sub" wasn't interested.

          We need a response from the sub immediately, otherwise I will continue to play for Korea.


          • You please play the Korea turns till we officially have a sub.
            I'm sorry if I wasn't clear about that.
            Formerly known as "CyberShy"
            Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


            • Good news: We've a 'deal' about the spoils of Piercia.
              Russia has accepted the Japanese territory on New Sparta (including 2 workers and a city and defence, Japan will supply a 2nd settler)

              Is anybody satisfied now? Let's wait 24 hours to give people time to protest.
              Formerly known as "CyberShy"
              Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


              • Originally posted by CyberShy View Post
                The spoils of the Inca were divided over the 'weak' civs of your continent.
                Now the spoils of Piercia are divided over the 'weak' civs of our continent.

                It's not pretty indeed but I think it's better then having an inactive civ for the rest of our game.
                The war against the Stinca was a WAR and loaded with story.

                No comparison... this is totally contrived.

                I'm simply pointing this out. Don't compare the situations but go ahead with what you are doing.


                • Originally posted by Pitboss Portugal View Post
                  Haven't people been following my posts. Piercia would never have had any cities on new portugal. It was I who decided to help them out by giving them land on new portugal. Do not forget that land could have been settled long time ago by Portugal. Now that there is no more Piercia this land has been promised to Spain. End of topic, this cities will have only one owner and that is penelope of spain.

                  P.S yes the cities were japs, but i asked them to be returned asap and that is what japan did.
                  My goodness Xristo, you carry on....


                  • I know there were differences!
                    I'm just trying to say: please let the weaker civs on our continent have some as well.
                    Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                    Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


                    • The war against the Stinca was a WAR and loaded with story.
                      I agree that the Inca can't be compared to the Piercians. Haha but come on a WAR lol that is the biggest joke i have ever heard.

                      Keep up the humor Khmer


                      • Originally posted by Pitboss Portugal View Post
                        I agree that the Inca can't be compared to the Piercians. Haha but come on a WAR lol that is the biggest joke i have ever heard.

                        Keep up the humor Khmer
                        and on...


                        • Russia somehow did not get the Japanese city promised. I know this is an IC IG issue but I will post nothing on storyline regarding Persia until somebody starts a halfway believable IG tale of how such an utterly bizarre and irrrational thing to have taken place! As the principal beneficiary of this 'arrangement' I think that one lies with Japan. Until then to remote Russia Persia still exists.
                          “Quid latine dictum sit, altum videtur”
                          - Anon


                          • I have a story just have to revise. will post later today.


                            • To: Japan

                              Did you get in as Persia and accepted my peace? I would like this to be fixed as soon as possible please.

                              P.S for the ones who do not know what i am talking about. Japan and Persia are in war, not sure why but Japan decided to use Persia instead of its civ Japan to start the war. This automatically pushed Portugal to declare war on Persia due to a defense pact we have with Japan. The result is an unhappiness issue with my civ. If Japan did declare war with its own civ against Persia Portugal would have stayed out of this latest conflict.


                              • He is no doubt just going to take the old Persian capitol. I imagine this 'war' (and the Persian civ) will be over soon.

                                Still quite a lame & ignoble end for the once mighty Persians.
                                Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

                                When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah

