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Beyond the Pit [Pitboss Diplomacy Game] [Organization Thread V]

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  • Originally posted by Pitboss Japan View Post
    I will give you the city on NS but I have no workers there nor any units since I cleared them out two turns ago. As for the NP citis again I had no units and the unis there where portugal who also has control over those cities.
    There are 2 strange things here:~

    1. The demand, amongst many, you made upon being 'gifted' Persia was that you got the units there. It is strange that your idea of 'justice' works in only one direction.

    2. How could you offer two cities not even under your control? An empty gesture perhaps?
    “Quid latine dictum sit, altum videtur”
    - Anon


    • First let me say that making demands will get you nowhere with me.

      Those 2 units where not in or around that city but if you want then Ill send them your way but will take 3 turns to get there.

      For your second point the 2 cities on NP where in my control but since it was not clear who would get them I gave the to Portugal to give to another nation. That of course could have been avoided if you would have stopped complaining and clearly said I Want Those Cities. But you did not say anything so I did what was best for my civ.


      • What has happened to Piercian cities is an OOC matter, I would like some clarity as to what has happened, and all of us - whether you like it or not Japan - have a say in this.


        • Yes you all have a say in it but it has already been done. Complaining about it will not solve anything. By the next two turn there will be no persia so this talk about spliting the cities is pointless.


          • Japan I think that your attitude is really off, given that you have just benefited from the generosity of the rest of us, and yet now you are going back on what you said about giving the cities Wynadot requested (Horse Valley is still yours) and your offers (here on the thread go back and check) over the two NP cities. You are acting as if these cities are yours by right. We need to come to an arrangement everyone is happy with, or things can be reversed. Cyber you really do need to get involved here


            • Rome if you ask the natives he will tell you we made a deal where he got the cities he wanted and free uranium and I would get to keep Horse Valley. If you want I can show you the PM and he can confirm what I said is true.

              second I need to either get the two NP cities off my hands fast or my Civ Would have been in bigger trouble. I waited all day yesterday for a taker yet nothing clear came from it. So I gave them to portugal to give to give to a smaller nation.

              lastly I only reflect the same attitude I am given.


              • Japan: This is OOC, not IG. You cannot 'demand' or 'give' stuff.

                Wyandot asked for 2 or 3 cities. Please give these cities to them.
                Japan also has promised to give up it's colonies on New Sparta (1) and New Portugal (2).
                I suggest that the NP ones go to Russia.
                The NS one is up for grabbing. Who wants it? (no top civs)

                Japan, please give these cities up at once.
                You can also not get vouchres or techs. If there's money, split it up amongst the 3 of you. (4 of one civ asks for the NS city)

                If we can't solve this in harmony we'll just get Piercia back from te ashes and try to find a sub for it.
                Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


                • I believe that Japan is honest in this situation.
                  Pehaps he only uses his in-character attitude too much for ooc issues

                  Portugal, can you hand over the NP cities to Russia?
                  Japan: if the Wyandots agree with what you said, please let them post about that here.
                  Maybe give the New Sparta city to the Metalheads or England.

                  Just offer them in-game. Maybe they don't read this forum.
                  Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                  Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


                  • Originally posted by Pitboss Japan View Post
                    Yes you all have a say in it but it has already been done. Complaining about it will not solve anything. By the next two turn there will be no persia so this talk about spliting the cities is pointless.
                    Pardon me Japan but there is a point. There is a very big point indeed!

                    We have just emerged from a situation of bad-blood and ill-feeling that has cost us 2 players and very nearly 4! That was all originally caused by a sense of lingering injustice felt by 2 players regarding an incident that had happened many rounds previously, before it reached breaking point, and consensus had us play on. Whatsoever the rights and wrongs of that incident were this time there will be an explanation - IN FULL - of how and why these dealings with the vacant Korean and Percian Civs have been handled in the way have and we deserve it quickly!

                    As the only non-major power capable of economicaly coping with those 3 cities I will have them and with their units. I leave it to you to sort out the details with any other Civ involved and make sure that it does happen next round.


                    • Just for the record: If the involved civs can't agree on what to do with Piercia, we'll just let Piercia rise from the ashes again. So you guys better make a deal, and please do it using PM's.

                      Then when you guys agree, post it here.
                      If you can't agree, then also post it here.

                      edit: please Cc Rome in these PM's to each other. He's really good at these things and he knows best about Pierca and the entire situation. He can just watch if things are going well.
                      Last edited by Robert; March 15, 2009, 18:02.
                      Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                      Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


                      • Japan, sorry if I misunderstood about Horse Valley, all I knew was the posts on here a day or two ago when Wynadot asked for it, and the reality on the ground near my border. It sounds like there is just the Russia question to respond to.


                        • Ok, Japan has contacted me.
                          Right now a possible solution is in the making. Let's all wait if it works. (a 3rd (or 4th) party is needed to do this, that's why)

                          Thanks to Japan and Russia for being cooperative.
                          Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                          Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


                          • Originally posted by Pitboss Rome View Post
                            Japan, sorry if I misunderstood about Horse Valley, all I knew was the posts on here a day or two ago when Wynadot asked for it, and the reality on the ground near my border. It sounds like there is just the Russia question to respond to.
                            Its ok. The Wynadot told me to post the deal but I wanted to wait till I finished my story post so it wold not be confusing to anyone not paying much mind to this thread.


                            • OK, I accept - as I always have - everyones honesty and if all is settled before the final death of Persia then, albeit grudgingly, I will agree to the compromise.

                              My one caveat to that is that it MUST be before the final death of Persia. We cannot reload with a war going on so this must be settled quickly. I want those NP cities, and think I merit them, and if nobody else wants it I'll take the NS as well - with units! I really don't care too much about the NS city so if anybody else wants it I will not object but if they don't then I will have it even if just as an outpost.

                              “Quid latine dictum sit, altum videtur”
                              - Anon


                              • Indeed. Please don't let Piercia die before everything is ok.
                                Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                                Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori

