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Beyond the Pit [Pitboss Diplomacy Game] [Story Thread] . PART 8 (March 2009)

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  • #16
    To: Pacal Visyava,

    Pacal of the Maya.
    I have learned that your people are extremely unhappy about Sparta and me, Orestes.
    I am willing to make things right with you.
    We can wage war, but maybe you can achieve your goals without waging war.

    I am willing to hand over my oil-city in the North of New Sparta and hand you all the rights for New Sparta in return for peace. This deal includes the worker, the defenders and the fishing boat of New Sparta.

    This offer, or further negotiations about this offer, will cease as soon as your armies attack my armies. I am willing to go far for peace, as you can see.

    The other option is full war. Then we, the people of Sparta, Corrinth, Athens, Thebes, Knossos, etc. etc. are willing to give everything including drafting and slaving to the bone, completely destroy you. We will indeed destroy ourselves in the process, but that's worth the offer for us.

    A peace deal would include no Mayan support to Korea in their war against Sparta.
    If you reject this peace deal, then I'll give my lands of New Sparta to other nations. I will not let these oil sources fall in your hands without a peace deal.
    I am looking forward to your response.

    King of Sparta


    • #17
      Friends of Russia,

      We now call upon you all to support us in our just and rightful defence of the Motherland.

      Rome, that state that pretended to be friend to us, has out of greed sought to enlarge herself upon a weaker state thinking that she might do what she would for the fear of her mighty armies would cower the Russian people!

      We have heard from her of Treaties and missives - all ficticious - suggesting that my Uncle had agreed to the settlement of a city upon her very borders threatening Kiev. That a document of Mayan origin, ‘victims of Rome’, had been passed to her which advocated plans for war against Rome. No proof has been produced of the existence of either of these.

      Russia gave fair warning that she regarded this city as utterly unacceptable and that unless it were ceded it would be destroyed. I show you all now a copy of my final private communique with Rome for all to see the justice of my cause:~


      This missive ‘victims of Rome’ is unknown to me. I have even searched my Uncle's archives and found no record of it.

      I have lost a turn but you have been able to place a garrison in Surtrium that could not have been built there. This means that you prefer a city in a desert that cannot even gain access to the fish you claim to seek and would prefer war with Russia. Please believe me when I say I am not bluffing I will destroy that city and all that we have to gain from eachother it is that important! I have deliberately not ended my turn to give you the chance to think upon this matter. Agree, publicly to cede the city to me or I will raze it this turn. I have no alternative as further reinforcement will render me impotent.

      I cannot think that my previous message to you was not clear enough for you to understand. Your friendship I hold dear and public statements often need'st be tailored to ear's of others, as in this case, but the fact remains that I cannot allow Surtrium to exist so close to Kiev. You have to build culture there just to gain access to the fish you claim to want. Just by my culture I prevent that so where is your gain?

      The choice really is your's. I have no alliance with the Maya and have never seen this document you speak of, please send me a copy for I would be interested in it's contents. I have found no record of an agreement between Augustus and my Uncle regarding this site. I cannot see why a worthless outpost should be sufficient for you to sacrifice our friendship unless, of course, there is Oil to be found there!

      Regardless, you have until I am ready to retire to my bed chamber to decide. That is the end of the matter.

      Your Friend and Neighbour,
      Grand Prince St. Andrei Bogolubski

      This has been ignored and a state of war now exists between Russia and Rome. I know Russia to be a small and backward nation but we cannot simply be brushed aside by mighty powers who would but use us as pawns in their greater game. Take it as read that Russia renounces Pax Romana and the AET and looks to other nations of independent will to aid her.

      Let it be known that Russia will fight to the last man and, unless aided, face sure defeat but she will not crawl to the will of Rome. Even now I would agree a peace with Rome as our arguement is over but one small village but I will not be deceived by documents that never existed and agreements never made.

      Grand Prince St. Andrei Bogolubski


      • #18

        To: King Orestes of Sparta
        From: Pacal Visyava
        CC: Sung Ye of the Farmer's Union for a Constitutional Korea
        Subject: Peace Deal

        King Orestes,

        I will first say that time is of the essence if a large scale war is to be averted. So as not to give up any military advantage we currently have, our ships will continue into Spartan waters under the flag of war, however no units will come under attack as of yet. Peace can still be signed.

        This war against Sparta has been a long time in the making. A vast majority of Maya and Korea's army consists of drafted and slaved units. Our cities now suffer because of it. Also, Korea has compensated Maya well for our help in this war, and we will not break deals that have already been paid for. Therefore, if a peace is to be found here in the final hours before war, it must be a peace that all three nations can live with.

        We propose the following to both you Orestes, and Sung Ye...
        1. The cities of both Knossos and Thebes are liberated to the Koreans
        2. The two cites of the Gobi are gifted to the Koreans
        3. New Tikal remains Mayan
        4. Maya is allowed to settle one city NE of New Tikal on the hills near the sheep and wheat
        5. Vacant New Sparta land is allotted by Spartan/Korean/Mayan collaboration
        6. The Greek Engineer is escorted to Sparta safe and sound
        7. Sparta keeps it's oil rich city in northern New Sparta
        8. Sparta withdraws from the Anti-Emancipation Treaty
        9. Korea, Sparta, and Maya enter into a defense pact that OOC cannot be broken for any reason for 100 cycles.

        There may be room for negotiation, but probably not much. Also, this proposal, or some form of it, must be finalized by 1650, by all three nations.

        I stress the urgency in replies to this proposal as there is not much time left and Maya will not compromise it's battle plans due to delays associated with this peace proposal

        I realize this is a high price for peace King Orestes, however I encourage you to think of the long term advantages to be gained. The alternative will no doubt be, as you stated, a costly war.

        As mentioned before, we cannot operate independently of Korea with regards to deals with Sparta due to Korean payments which have already been given to us and cannot be returned.

        Sung Ye - Please indicate to King Orestes if any counter proposal he makes is acceptable to you. Maya is willing to agree to any form of this peace deal that maintains the status of our New Sparta interests, and includes Sparta's withdrawal from the AET.

        - Pacal Visyava
        Last edited by Pitboss Maya; March 4, 2009, 00:13.


        • #19
          OOC - It would make things soo much easier if a peace deal could be agreed to. Think of all the drama that'd be saved...
          Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

          When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


          • #20
            Pacal Visyava,

            Your armies sailing and invading our territory will not result in an end to peace negotiations. Like I said, an attack will.

            I am glad to see that you do offer peace negotiations in return.
            As a king I am enraged about how Korea has betrayed us, and used hate towards you as an excuse to steal our troops. We tried to help Korea, but they used our help against us.

            But I now have the duty as a king to safe my own people from foreign aggression, and I do understand that without my defence walls (Which were given to Korea) I can do nothing but accept some very harsh peace term

            My response, and this is my final proposal:

            1. The two cites of the Gobi are gifted to the Koreans
            2. New Tikal remains Mayan
            3. Maya is allowed to settle one city NE of New Tikal on the hills near the sheep and wheat
            4. Vacant New Sparta land is allotted by Spartan/Korean/Mayan collaboration
            5. The Greek Engineer is escorted to Sparta safe and sound
            6. Sparta keeps it's oil rich city in northern New Sparta
            7. Sparta withdraws from the Anti-Emancipation Treaty
            8. Korea, Sparta, and Maya enter into a defense pact that OOC cannot be broken for any reason for 100 cycles.

            are all acceptable

            9. The cities of both Knossos and Thebes are liberated to the Koreans
            is not acceptable for obvious reasons.
            I am willing to compensate this with giving the New Spartan oil-city to Korea (3 sources of oil)

            I hope that you are willing to accept peace as soon as possible.



            • #21
              OOC: Korea: do not accept my in-game cease fire proposal. Let's figure things out here first!!


              Paca, include the following term of me:
              10. Korea will return the Spartan armies (frigate and 5 riflemen) back to Sparta


              • #22
                Quasi OOC because I want this to go down right; I sent an IC amendment to teh proposal Greece agreed to. I was advised not to make it public so I won't go into too much detail on it. But knowing what I know now about the identity of Greece (and I'm sure he is asleep for most of the ultimatum I gave him). I will agree to abide by one "no war" turn (on the part of Korea alone, the Maya will probably do otherwise so I suggest you practise some urgency here) which will coincide with your one turn of no activity (as you stated you would take next turn in the org thread) as long as you consider the proposal I sent you. While the rhetoric was harsh I think it is a fair deal. I also have already promised cyber that I will spare his GE so long as he moves him into the mountains of Jogye (which is in the middle of the Korean/Mayan countries. No units will threaten him here and we will NOT kill him if the war continues, but if he does not agree to this (and since he has agreed not to move any units, as I have agreed not to attack any units) he should not move him at all next turn. If he doesn't agree to either my deal (which will effectively save his GE) or to the deal to keep the GE in protection in these mountains (so he isn't killed upon the seas or on land) I will kill him next turn. This turn I will take no such action. I think this is fair considering how badly he has attempted to save him, and I am not as bad as everyone thinks. Since the GE sort of fell in my lap I am willing to make a compromise on the issue.

                But I'd advise to you accept the proposal I sent you. It lets you keep a city that has, as far as I know, three sources of oil in exchange for another city closer to Korea. I think this is a fair trade if you really want peace and want to keep your GE, and want to avoid a long drawn-out war. I hope to have your response soon.

                Another issue; who moves when now? Is it now Greece then Korea, or is it Korea then Greece? What is the ruling on that issues?

                EDIT: Sorry I did this here, I wanted to make an IC post but I'm really tired and kinda ****ed up (it was my birthday today after all, so I had to go out). But I figured since this deals with actual IC issues I'd post it here.
                "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

                One Love.


                • #23

                  I Marcus Aurelius, Emperor of Rome, currently in Russia at the invitation of the Rus to attend the coronation of Grand Prince St. Andrei Bogolubski, declare to the world the tretchery and betrayal of St Andrei.

                  The Rus are sworn members of the Pax Romana. They have continued in public to declare that teh Romans are their friends. Most recently, declarign "Joy almost overcame me when I saw the cavalcade of Marcus Aurelius, a young yet still great man, whom I had feared was sundered from his friendship with me arrive!" Yet at teh same time he was planning war - betraying all this oaths of friendship and sworn treaties.

                  The world knows how Rome deals with Oath Breakers.

                  I proclaim this day that Prince Andrei is an Oath Breaker. Indeed, of a worse sort that the former Piercian emperor (mentioning him I mean no disrespect to the current noble Pierican emperor) for at least at that time it was just a sworn treaty which was broken when nobody pretended that there was warmth or friendship between us. The Russians however have spoken friendship while launching war.

                  Prince Andrei. You will do well in this war to begin with, for Rome has no defence facing Russia for we trusted in your friendship and oaths. However have no doubt you will be destroyed.

                  Once my personal bodyguard of 20 cavalry escape from Russian lands and i reutnr to open the doors of the Temple of Mars, I will share with the world the true correspondance between myself and Joseph Stalin over this city, which was built in Roman land with his approval, and I will show the world how even as the Rus were gathering their troops I was discussing details of relieving all cultural pressure on Russia across the whole of our frontier.

                  Treatchery and betrayal cannot be forgiven. Prince Andrei you will die.

                  Marcus of Rome.


                  • #24
                    Veritas - A foreign word to Rome?

                    From: Grand Prince St. Andrei Bogolubski
                    To: Marcus Auralius

                    You had your warning - warnings more accurately - yet not only did you fail to take heed. You chose instead to stall for time whilst you might install a garrison such that Russia would be unable herself to act. You spoke of supposed agreements between Augustus and my Uncle over this strip of land yet you have failed to produce them. You cry out to the World 'BETRAYAL!' yet who has not acted exactly as she promised? You knew that Russia would not tolerate that city and I had told you face to face that it would be ceded or destroyed. You inflamed the situation by placing troops within it leaving Russia no choice. You are the betrayer Marcus, you are the father of the death of innocents and of friendship!

                    I have been though all of the archived Russo-Roman correspondence and have found not a shred of evidence to support this claim. My Uncle was a meticulus man and kept all important documents - you think he would have discarded one such as this? In his dying days he told me much of the World and where he thought Russia's future might lie. He urged that I should honour all agreements with Rome and treat her as friend and ally. This I have done only to be betrayed by you.

                    What real value is a desert city to you? You claim Fish! This is nonsense for Fish are hardly in short supply and they did not even lie within the ambit of this city that is no more. The clear reason is that you intended this citiy as a bridgehead from which to launch a massive assault upon the very heart of Russia. You knew the importance of Kiev and that proximity to it would enable you, at best, to turn Russia into a mere vassal but more likely destroy her from the heart outward.

                    Is this a war of aggression? Are scores of Russian troops pouring forth across the border? One Maceman is the sum total of the Russian troops deployed against you. If we had wished to cause real harm to you there are better targets that we could have struck. Even now we only deploy troops inside our borders to defend what is rightfully ours!

                    You talk of a missive from the Maya aimed at mischief making twixt our nations! You never mentioned this before! Do you not believe that I would have passed on to you such a document as important as that had it been addressed to Russia? Moreover you have failed to produce it! Why I ask? The question really is pointless for just as the agreement over this maliciously placed city it never existed!

                    Will you now crush Russia as easily as you claim? Is Russia alone and friendless? Will Russia simply surrender? Are you so confident that the mass of your army - incidently massed with galleons aplenty for a strike at the Maya whilst their eyes looked elsewhere - will be able to reach Russia in force enough before aid can reach her? Do your eyes look only East and think the compass points in but one direction? Is this a gamble that Rome is prepared to take?

                    Through your actions, not Russia's, you will turn our continent into a bloodbath to the profit of many but none to Rome and but little to Russia. I am sad that soon I will share borders with other nations than the land my Uncle, and indeed I, had thought friend. This is your doing Marcus and great the price shall be that Rome will pay for it!

                    In Grief and Sorrow for the blood that will now be shed,
                    Grand Prince St. Andrei Bogolubski


                    • #25
                      Written in haste while escaping from Russia. 6 of my 20 bodyguards have already fallen. We approach the mountains but it is unclear whether we will manage to cross the border.

                      Prince Andrei,

                      You are an oath-breaker. You declared war on Rome. You did so while a sworn ally and friend. You have invaded Roman territory, destroying a Roman city built on Roman land, you have massacred Roman soliders and people. You talk now about wanting to see the documentation - so is this Russian friendship - betray first, destroy first, massacre first, then start trying to discuss later? Your spies are mistaken if they tell you my forces mass against the Maya. I have a peace accord for many years to come with them. My troops and navy had already left the southern ports long before your betrayal. I do not underestimate the ferocity of Russian soliders, only the truthworthiness of their leaders. Many Romans will die. But Oath-Breakers will be destroyed. That is the Roman Way.

                      Be assured you will die.

                      When you reach the point of wanting to plead for your people, please do so through and intermediatory, for I will not deal directly with a friend who has stabbed me in the back, and oath breaker who has murdered my people. My only hope for the Russian people is that they will find a new leader.



                      • #26
                        OOC: Any progress on the peace deal guys? In 16 hours I start burning cities if not.

                        Also, I have no issue with Greek troops being returned.


                        • #27
                          The Farmer's Union for a Constitutional Korea was set to hold its convention in mere days. This convention would determine the government of Korea for the future, but for now the military regime continued to dominate Korean policy, although Sung Ye was the de facto leader of the insurrection and interim government. Sung Ye was a firery young man from Giang (a small village outside of Pyong'yang), his rhetoric was dramatic and his outlook on the world was quite clear; lhe felt that monarchs and nobility were the bane of the people, and who could blame him after suffering personally and ideologically at the hands of Emperor Gojong? Once his sister was killed by Imperial soldiers, and in his mind at the behest of Orests of Sparta, he amped up his calls for the overthrow of the Korean Emperor. His organization had many supporters in Maya, who were interested in extending their theories of government to new nations (particularly since Greece made efforts to extend the AET). Due to this support many members of the Mayan Assembly threw their own support behind the new Korean government and many hoped that the new government would model their own. Mayan armies landed against Greece in an effort so support the Koreans in the south. Unlike the Koreans though, the Mayan government was established and they maintained peace talks with Greece. The Greeks had agreed to hefty terms, but in the Korean mind this was just short of what was necessary.

                          Meanwhile, Korean soldiers continued their advance into Greek territory, taking up shelter in the foothills of Knossos. Two small Korean armies began their march towards Knossos, although in negotiations a period of non-hostility was promised by the Greek armies. The Koreans felt it would only be fair to allow this period to be used for negotiation, but they wre prepared to prosecute this war against the Tyrant Orestes. The Commanders of this peasant army were General Pak Hon-yong and of course the notorious General Kim Jong-seo. They had different views on what to do about the Maya-endorsed Greek peace proposal.

                          In the Hills outside of Knossos...

                          People's Commander Kim Jong-seo, ordered that his men NOT pillage anything on their way to Knossos. He was assured that the people of Knossos would rise up when they saw the People's Army marching towards them and was determined to maintain their support by leaving their livlihoods in-tact. He wanted to show the difference in tactics; this was not a war of destruction but a war of liberation. Many leaders within the People's Army were naturally suspicious of Kim, after all he WAS an Imperial General. This was particularly true of General Pak Hon-yong of Pusan. Along with Sung Ye, Kim and Pak discussed the peace proposals of the Maya, and the near-acceptance on the part of the Greeks.

                          "We may be wise to accept this deal," Kim said, "This will do well to help us repair our nation, and the Greeks have already agreed to stand down for a period while this negotiation goes forward, I believe the northern Mayan forces have agreed not to attack for a period, although their forces continue to move against Greek cities."

                          "Accept this deal? You offer peace to the tyrant Orestes!?" Pak said, he was even more suspicious of Kim's aims at this point. He wasn't a professional soldier, but a top leader in the Farmer's Union.

                          "He is right Kim, they refuse to liberate Knossos and Thebes. And they attempt to, yet again, fool us with far-flung territories that we can ill-afford to administer. We do not want to engage in Imperialism as they do, and they can not understand this!" Sung Ye said, "We can not accept that New Spartan land in exchange for Thebes and Knossos."

                          "I am attempting to forgoe a bloodbath Sung" Kim replied, "But you are correct about this; we can't afford to maintain such a distant land, particularly during this tumultuous period. I have also ordered my men not to kill their Engineer Leonidas Davincios, he will be taken to Wonsan and imprisoned until a peace deal is determined or until the war is at an end."

                          Pak boiled with anger, "You do not understand General Kim, this is not a traditional war. This is a war of survival, of liberation. We can not deal with these tyrant Spartans! They are liars and manipulators."

                          "With all due respect Pak, they have agreed to nearly everything the Mayans put forward, which is a great deal for Korea. But as I have said I agree that the New Spartan city they offer is untenable at this time. Perhaps we can trade that in for Knossos. Otherwise we will continue with our plans, and the Greeks will suffer disastrously. They know this, they will deal. And I trust their words militarily, they are honorable men when it comes to battle." Kim replied.

                          Sung Ye interjected; "You two have to consider it this way; they have given in to nearly everything we have asked for, but not everything. We can not ignore the people and workers of Thebes and Knossos. We can compromise though. I have a proposal we shall send them..."

                          The FARMER'S UNION for a CONSTITUTIONAL KOREA

                          This is the official amendment to your proposed peace deal Orestes, we suggest you accept this as the final peace between our three nations;

                          1. ALL cites of the Gobi are gifted to the Koreans
                          2. New Tikal remains Mayan
                          3. Maya is allowed to settle one city NE of New Tikal on the hills near the sheep and wheat
                          4. Vacant New Sparta land is allotted by Spartan/Korean/Mayan collaboration (this land will heavily remain Spartan)
                          5. The Greek Engineer is escorted to Sparta safe and sound
                          6. Sparta keeps it's oil rich city in northern New Sparta
                          7. Sparta withdraws from the Anti-Emancipation Treaty
                          8. Korea, Sparta, and Maya enter into a defense pact that OOC cannot be broken for any reason for 100 cycles.


                          9. The city of Knossos is "liberated" to Korea for perpetuity. Meaning Korea is given ample time (at least 250 cycles) to ensure it remains Korean, if after this time it continues to flip to Greece, or the people decide (by a Greek revolt) to return to the Greek Empire their will shall be done.
                          10. Korea will return gifted units to Greece (four riflemen, one cannon and a frigate)
                          11. All nations involved must cut their espionage against eachother by half (if possible)

                          We hope this is acceptable to you. Please make haste because we can not leave this upon the table for too long.

                          - Sung Ye, Secretary-General of the Farmer's Union for a Constitutional Korea
                          "...I believe they may accept this, and it should bring an end to what we are doing and achieve a great victory for the revolution," said Kim as he nodded in approval.

                          "I do not like it, but if you believe they will accept this it is nearly everything we set out to achieve. I still think we should have killed that Engineer, he is going to be used as a tool of further economic imperialism!" Pak Hon-Yong replied.

                          The message was sent...

                          OOC: I sent this to Greece as well, but I was a little drunk and it was very late/early so I was tired as well. This is a more clarified version fo the proposal. I hope you can accept it soon Greece, I don't have much time to wait.
                          Last edited by The Capo; March 4, 2009, 13:06.
                          "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

                          One Love.


                          • #28
                            World release.

                            In line with an ancient secret agreement between the departed Suryavarman 2 and his dear friend Frederick, Sushi City has now been transferred to the HRE.

                            Khmer urges that culture issues be resolved around Mosquitoe Creek so that Greenwich to the East (Funglish) and Sushi City to the South (HRE) are not so pressured.

                            Can ozzy of the Metals assure Meduian that a Great Artist was NOT used to so rapidly expand the culture of Mosquitoe Creek? Also can you tell us how many periods it is before the next culture expansion of that city?

                            A Khmer Great Artist is heading to the area and may be available to help balance the situation if all parties agree. Unfortunately with only one GA Sushi City will be given priority but if possible Khmer will also help the Funglish.

                            rapidly despatched by the Khmer Ministry for the Arts.


                            • #29
                              When first handed over to Metalhead control, Mosquito Creek (Now New Iron Maiden) had a theater producing 6 culture per turn. (how it got there, we don't know). Since then New Iron Maiden has become one of our top production cities, so, to boost our production we have built a Temple of Metal and a Monastery of Metal (hindu). Due to the holy concert venue of Sistene Auditorium, the cultural output of both those rockin' holy buildings is increased greatly. Together with our free living, free speech culture, the culture of New Iron Maiden is massive. No great artist was ever used.

                              We have not made any effort to boost the culture in the city. In fact we have given Liberalism (with Free Speech civic) to the Celts, Funglish, and I believe Holy Romans as well to help them each offset our culture. We regret the impact our culture has on our neighbors, however there is little more we can do. Our people cherish their ability to speak freely and produce whatever music and art they see fit without fear of censorship. In fact with all these concerts and recorded music sales, we have noticed a significant increase in commerce in all our nation's towns. This has become a significant part of our economy and for these reasons (OOC- and these reasons alone) we will intend to maintain a society that maintains a policy of free speech.

                              We strongly support and applaud the hand over of Sushi City to the Holy Romans, and encourage the gifting and placement of a renowned artist in the city. We hope it will lessen the appeal of our rockin' culture among the local inhabitants of those lands.

                              We fear however that the long delays in transferring control of both Sushi City and Greenwich to their current, permanent owners has done a substantial harm. While New Iron Maiden has developed a strong and robust Metalhead culture, these two neighboring cities are, in effect, starting from scratch under their new owners and have a lot of ground to catch up.

                              Not long ago the citizens of Greenwich revolted against their Holy Roman masters and pledged loyalty to the Metalhead nation. While it caused much anger among our citizens to turn away the local pro-Metal population, with all due respect for international agreements we returned control of the city to the Funglish. While this seems much less likely to occur with Sushi City due to the distance, we pledge to also return control of the city were this to happen there.

                              If at any point the revolts of the local population become too much to bear, we pledge a fair price for the city (if Funglish or Holy Romans agree, of course).

                              We solemnly hope that we can continue to live in peace and that the intoxicating appeal of Metal culture does not prove too burdensome for our neighbors. Sadly there is simply nothing we can do about it.

                              -Ozzy the Bateater

                              [OOC - In case you guys aren't aware, when you gift a city, you don't transfer the city's culture. (you do transfer cultural buildings though). So while the gifting erases all foreign culture in the cities' base 9 tiles, it can be easily, and quickly filled in by a foreign city (i.e. New Iron Maiden). So, Khmer cannot use their cultural trait to "culture up" a city and then hand it all over to a new owner. All that culture is erased. You guys should have transferred control long ago.]
                              Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

                              When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


                              • #30
                                Marcus Reaches the Mountains

                                Losing two more bodyguards when crossing the Omsk - Kiev road, Marcus of Rome reached the foothills of the mountains, climbing towards Mediolaneum.

