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Beyond the Pit [Pitboss Diplomacy Game] [Story Thread] . PART 8 (March 2009)

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  • Beyond the Pit [Pitboss Diplomacy Game] [Story Thread] . PART 8 (March 2009)

    This is the Story and Diplomacy Thread for the Pitboss Diplomacy Game: Beyond the Pit (April 2009)

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    Last edited by Robert; May 29, 2009, 15:40.
    Formerly known as "CyberShy"
    Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori

  • #2
    Last post February thread:
    Formerly known as "CyberShy"
    Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


    • #3
      deleted b/c of page breaking
      Last edited by Robert; March 3, 2009, 19:25.


      • #4
        Greetings Citizens of the World,

        It is with utter dismay I rise from my bed upon this morn and find the World once more plunged into discord and war. My agents in the south report to me of hostes of soldiers gathering as for a major battle, of Spartan troops mutineeing against their liege Lord and turning their rifles upon men of their own blood, of massive Mayan fleet movements toward the area of conflict and that free commerce twixt Maya and Russia has again been discontinued! How can this of happened? One goes to bed and sleep soundly in confidence of a World free of strife and awake to find all your dreams of a World of love have been shattered.

        This, the very day of my coronation, and I find the neighbour I trusted and loved as a brother - indeed the annointed of Great Augustus - has taken to constructing a village upon Russia's very border so as to endanger her farmland and supply of scented leaves! How can you betray me thus Marcus? Is my first act as Emporer of all the Slav's be to instruct my soldiers to once more prepare to fight Rome rather than line the streets of Novgorad in honour of the arrival of Marcus as friend and ally?

        Noble Pacal Zandoz, why have you chosen to once again close our borders? Russia has striven long and hard to change the ill will twixt our nations. She has given, asking for no payment, aid that Maya would never have received from another!

        How can the Koreans treat Sparta so ill when but a few rounds before she was entreating both Sparta and Russia to launch an unjust war against the Maya? Are your evil words responsible for turning the Maya against us? Had we agreed would we now find our own soldiers corrupted by a vile and murderous regime founded only upon repression her own peasantry? A nation where power comes neither from the natural rights of succession or from the accolade of the people but only by the murder of the previous tyrant to sit upon the throne. I cannot even think to name the current leader of this perfidious nation for Korean rulers change with the phases of the moon. No doubt though that this new monarch is as bigger despot as the rest and will have taken the widow of the man he has just murdered to his bed so base and corrupt are they!

        My eyes are red from the tears I have shed with each new piece of sorrowful news. I can now expect expect no Orestes, staunch ally and friend, to stand beside me as the Imperial crown is placed upon my head for his place at this time is rightly with his people. No Marcus for indeed he obviously wishes to begin his own reign by embarking on a bully-boy campaign of intimidation against his smaller neighbour. The only glimpse of blue sky I see is that Xristo of Portugal has arrived as guest of honour at my coronation and much has been done to remedy the ill-will that briefly threatened the friendship between our nations.

        In Deep Sorrow,
        Grand Prince St. Andrei Bogolubski


        • #5
          To: Grand Prince St. Andrei Bogolubski

          Thank you for inviting me to your beautiful home, I have come today to witness this great ceremony and rebuild our friendship. I can't wait for the celebrations to start in honor of your coronation. This indeed is a happy moment, we should enjoy it my friend. I have brought one case of my world famous Portuguese wine.

          Cheers Andrei



          • #6
            Orestes finally met Prince Andrei.
            They shaked hands.

            "Here I am, ready to be a witness of your coronation." Orestes said.
            "I fear that immediately after the ceremony I'll have a request for you" he continued.

            Then Orestes bowed down for Prince Andrei Bogolubski and took his place.


            • #7

              the Farmer's Union for a Constituational Korea

              TO: Prince Andrei Bogolubski
              FROM: The Famers, Workers, and Soldiers of Korea

              Oppressor of the Slavic Farmers, Workers and Soldiers,

              We take great umbrage at your comments. Your tears are wasted; you should weep for the sorrows of your own people, who I am sure live in abject poverty compared to you. I doubt they have coronations to invite Princes and dignitaries to. Particularly considering that you yourself are a member of a vile and oppressive treaty created for the purposes of the tyrant King Orestes of the Spartan Imperialists, who hold many Greek cities under their power. We will liberate our Greek brothers just as we have done our Korean brothers!

              I wish to correct some of your misunderstandings though. Firstly, Korea is not a Kingdom nor does it have a King. We have liberated her from her tyrant Emperor Gojong. It is illegal at this point for anyone to hold a title of nobility, and any attempt to enforce or maintain a status of nobility in Korea is punishable by death. We have no single ruler either, and a convention to establish a new government is forthcoming. At the moment I am the Secretary-General of the Interim Government. So your further missives should be made to me, Sung Ye.

              Next, all of the actions you accuse us of were perpetrated by our former leadership. The new government has no ties to any of the old deals. In fact we reject them out of hand. We have made a peace deal with the Maya and established our borders, which is necessary for our war against the tyrant Spartans. The Maya have a government that we not only respect and admire, but intend on emulating ourselves. They are true friends who will actually help, unlike the tyrant and despotic Orestes, who's vile tentacles wrap around half the world and despite this refuse to help a weak friend such as Korea.

              In closing I would like to say I hope that you realize the error of your ways and return power to the people, where it should naturally reside. If you do not I wish your people rise up against you and crush you and those of your ilk!

              - Sung Ye, Secretary-General of the Farmer's Union for a Constitutional Korea
              "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

              One Love.


              • #8
                I might as well post my response to what Orestes said in case people are interested.
                Attached Files
                "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

                One Love.


                • #9
                  Marcus rides for Novgorad

                  "What is going on" demanded Marcus Aurelius.

                  His advisors hesitated, never having seen the weather-beated face of the new Emperor so enraged.

                  Finally his Russian advisor spoke up. "To be honest, we don't know, sir. Something has gone horribly wrong. We have here the agreement of Joseph Stalin for us to settle a new city, in Roman land, to harness the fishing resource which had never been harnessed. It took some time to organise the settlers, but when they were gathered, they set off and settle. However, it seems that Prince Andrei Bogolubski was ignorant of this agreement and is, how shall i put it, rather unhappy."

                  "You didn't check with him?"

                  "No sire, but we had the agreement of the Rus. As you know at the same time we asked permission of the Piericans, Natives and Rus for similar ventues. The Piericans objected so we shelved that plan. The Natives and Rus accepted so we proceeded."

                  Marcus turned on him "he is a prince, you are a diplomat, you ****ed up".

                  "And what about this coronation. Why am I not there?"

                  "Again sire, we just don't understand it. We didn't received any invitation, yet today a Russian merchant told us that of course we were invited. I suspect that foreign agents have been trying to distrupt the alliance between Rome and Russia"

                  Marcus nodded, his eyes narrowing, knowing well who was to blame.

                  "They will pay in due time"
                  "You are sacked"
                  "Summon my personal guard, I ride for Novgorad in one hour. Prince Andrei is my friend and ally. I will honour his coronation, and resolve this mess face to face as friends."

                  Thirty minutes later the twenty cavalry thundered through the streets of Rome heading east.


                  • #10
                    Beloved Friends and Neighbours,

                    Today I was crowned under my Imperial Title Grand Prince St. Andrei Bogolubski. This is not vanity just the adoration that my people feel for me for indeed in their hearts they do regard me as the saviour of Russia from centuries of misrule and decadence. There is now a new and vibrant Russia; a Russia that can hold its' head up high and look the strongest direct in the eye and count itself equal!

                    My beloved Uncle fought an impossible war against the mighty that surrounded him and the folly of the previous imprudent leaders of the past who had let the fine land that Russia is go to waste in their laziness and self-indulgence. He laid laid the foundations upon which I shall build.

                    All went far better than I could have dream't, Not only was Xristo of Portugal, my noble friend, present but despite the terrible crisis he faces at home I finally met my dearest friend and ally Orestes. How deep my love for such a man who would travel half the globe to stand upon my righthand side as I swore my oath of honour to protect and preserve the sacred state of Russia and all her people despite all his worries at home. He is truly deserving of the highest regard of all peoples of our, sadly war torn, world! Thank you Orestes. Joy almost overcame me when I saw the cavalcade of Marcus Aurelius, a young yet still great man, whom I had feared was sundered from his friendship with me arrive! Blessed be this day for as I took the mantle of leadership of all the Slavs I was in company of not only my own, but my nation's, greatest friends.

                    The gaiety continued throughout the night and all had cup and plate refilled aplenty. Dignitaries from throughout the Russian state came to greet and congratulate me. My own Prime Minister had himself composed the most loving and dedicated eulogy. I feel honoured, no truth to tell, I feel more than honoured by the devotion of my people and the depth of the friendship shown to me by my closest friends and allies. I retire to my bedchamber tonight the happiest man on earth.

                    Tomorrow is another day and I know that before my friends depart I need speak with them of the events that occur both close to home and in far distant lands. But a further statement will be forthcoming concerning Russian foreign policy when I am recovered from the revels of tonight.

                    Friend to the World,
                    Grand Prince St. Andrei Bogolubski


                    • #11
                      Early in the afternoon of the following day, Marcus Aurelius approached St Andrei's quarters, alone and unarmed, passing through the guards who recognised him as a friend. Finding St Andrei, he smiled, gripping him in a Roman immitation of a Russian bear hug. "My friend, we need to talk ..."


                      • #12
                        I really do not know where Khmer stands with Portugal, Xristo. I'm certain that from time to time your words are much harsher on Khmer than ours are on Portugal. And any diplomatic criticism we make of Portugal is founded on the best Khmer intelligence and judgement.

                        I feel the same way Suryavarman I do not expect any less of you.

                        We trust that you Great Spy has indeed now left Khmer lands if it was ever there but we can not ignore the international 'game' event announcement regarding espionage against the Khmer.

                        I have given up on trying to say that there was never a Portuguese spy in your lands. I hope you will wake up soon from this idea.

                        And regarding your troop withdrawal, Khmer can only see the timing of this as a means for Portugal to aid Sparta in their plight against Korea. Are you moving your troops to the West?

                        I am not moving any troops towards Korea, I currently have stable relations with that nation. Sparta has asked me to stay away from their conflict with Korea.

                        If true, please heed Sparta's request to stay out of this war. All the same an honest defensive pact would have been a more transparent statement to the world and may have assisted Korea in making better decisions.

                        Yes you have a point, we will consider signing next time when we have such a opportunity with a foreign nation.

                        tidings and Khmer will consider your olive branch.

                        I have answered your concerns, I wonder if Khmer will see reason in an stable relation with Portugal. I propose for us to meet in New Portugal and talk about foreign politics?



                        • #13
                          To: Grand Prince St. Andrei Bogolubski

                          Thank you for your wonderful hospitality, you are a true host! I now would like to return the favor and invite you to my summer villa on New Portugal. There we can discuss domestic and foreign matters.


                          • #14
                            Cyber, your screenshot is breaking the page.


                            • #15
                              The Execution of Pacal Zandoz

                              Word that Pacal Zandoz was making deals with Sparta eventually made it's way to the Mayan Army.

                              He signed the Anti-Emancipation Pact with King Orestes pen, after being promised that he would be appointed King of Maya by Orestes.

                              OOC: I never officially agreed to the AET, as far as I was concerned the whole deal hit the floor when Korea was ousted from the deal. I was contacted by Greece to continue negotiates but never responded. It should now be apparent why.

                              This was confirmed by an ambassador to Greece. In fact, many nations around Terra knew of the deal which was kept secret from the Mayan people.

                              Pacal Zandoz was beheaded outside the very next Assembly Meeting.

                              In his place Pacal Visyava was appointed by the Taoist Church. One of his first duties as the new Pacal was to withdraw Maya from the Anti-Emancipation Pact which was entered into under the treacherous hand of Zandoz.

                              Many Mayans did not blame Zandoz however. Being Taoists, they realized that mortal men make mistakes, even if those mistakes come under penalty of death. Most Mayans felt anger toward Sparta, and King Orestes in particular. This was the latest in a long series of passive aggressive actions toward Maya from the Greeks, and most Mayans called for war.

                              News of a peasant uprising in Korea also made it's way to Maya during this time. As predicted, emancipation was spreading to free the oppressed from their binds. Sung Ye himself attended the Autumn Assmbally meeting in Tikal and announced that the Farmer's Union for a Constitutional Korea had taken control of Korea, and was set to march upon Greece.

                              The stage was set. Korea and Maya, who had much tension in the past years found a common enemy in Orestes.

                              Thus begun the Great War of the South.
                              Last edited by Pitboss Maya; March 3, 2009, 21:56.

