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Beyond the Pit [Pitboss Diplomacy Game] [Story Thread] . PART 6 (January 2009)

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  • Beyond the Pit [Pitboss Diplomacy Game] [Story Thread] . PART 6 (January 2009)

    This is the Story and Diplomacy Thread for the Pitboss Diplomacy Game: Beyond the Pit (January 2009)

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    Last edited by OzzyKP; January 19, 2009, 11:57.
    Formerly known as "CyberShy"
    Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori

  • #2
    The acquisition of Rice Shores for the Celts

    The fourteenth century AD was a turbulent era.

    Rome had now asserted her dominance on the large continent. With technological and production superiority she was unassailable. All the other nations combined could not reduce Rome's over whelming dominance. Any efforts by any nation there was thwarted by power politics.

    On Meduian the Stincas were falling victim to the Hastings Agreement. It seemed that all of Meduian was against the Stincas yet the Stincas still did NOT reply to diplomacy nor post in the international arena. They continued to build wonders as their empire crashed down around their ears. The HRE and the Khmer were at the frontline of the destruction of the Stincas.

    Suryavarman 2 called a secret Khmer Konference in Angkor Thom, the heart of the Khmer military. He had trained with Frederick and shared great experiences with him and appreciated his brief attendance.

    It was a secret meeting but walls have ears. A friendly unit of Metal muskets were seeking food and lodgings at the time and no one thought too much of it. Tensions with the Metals had reduced now and the Khmer focus was on the Stinca.

    "Sire, the Knight brigade in the South has been trounced by an unexpected Stinca War Elephant from Rice Shores. But with overwhelimg numbers the Khmer have quickly secured Rice Shores and it is now Khmer."

    "Send word to the Celts and ensure a swift handover to Celtic control."

    "Another Stinca settlement further south has been destroyed however. A settler is needed to re-build for the Celts."

    "A road must be built to connect this new Celt city to ensure they have trade. It is wise to build a Courthouse first. Secure the Spanish border and ensure that ancient border agreements with Spain are upheld. Spain is now ruled exclusively by Portugal now and imminent technological trading is suspected. Spain will soon learn Replaceable Parts and Rifling is imminent. This will mean that the Rome/Porrtugal/Spain bloc will be dominant with Cavalry and Riflemen it is believed and I need contingency plans developed to secure Khmer's future here."


    "I want for Spain to trade with the Khmer and all other nations of our home continent Meduian, and for Spain to not be a puppet to Portugal. They have refused all trades with the Khmer to date and Spain represents a clear and present danger to the Khmer. But for now we persist in our various support missioons as the HRE penetrate deep into Northern Stinca lands. Still no word from the Stinca yet 4 cities have already fallen. They are either stupid or proud. How goes ther Funglish invasion in the Eatern jungles of Stinca land?"

    Frederick shuffled in his seat, "Suryavarman," only Frederick could call him by his real name, "we have received no word about Funglish military movements nor any announcement about the Hastings Agreement. However we believe the Hastings city agreement is imminent. The HRE will press on to Mosquitoe city and secure the final city for our mission. I too am disturbed by the continuing lack of Stinca diplomacy, nor any communication whatsoever. I think we require a wider consensus from the world at large regarding Stinca genocide."

    "Yes my dear friend and I think Japan will for one be most pleased with further action against the Stincan wonder stealers."

    Discussions continued but behind the scenes a Metal musket was being exited from the rear of the Heroic Epic where he protested he was just looking for some more food. They starve back home you know.

    "You'll NOT find food here! Only swords and all manner of deadly things."

    He was gently taken back to the Metal lodgings.
    Last edited by Guest; January 4, 2009, 00:16.


    • #3
      The Celtic people are grateful to Suvaraman II for acquiring Rice Shores. An army is moving through Khmer lands to restore order to the new city. In the homeland, Celtic advisers are working diligently to balance the coffers so that the new city will have plenty of resources to thrive under Celtic rule.


      • #4
        The two messengers reached Princeps Octavian on the same day. The news that Mediolaneum had falled to Roman knights, and that the Mayan had signed peace paying shipments of exotic dye as compensation for their attack. With just a little encouragement from his purse, the crowds were soon filling fora across Roman lands chanting Octavian's name declaring him to be the saviour of Rome.


        • #5
          By the popular demand of the people of Rome, and in recognition of his strength, wisdom and might in leading the Roman people through the wicked attacks of the Oath Breakers and their allies, and given that our consuls both lie dead and the senate is scattered, we the senators who survived the murderous attack on the Senate and the dark days of war, military tribunes and priests of the one true God, proclaim Octavian as Augustus, first Emperor of Rome, its saviour and protector.

          All Hail Emperor Augustus


          • #6
            The Roman Army arrives at the City of the Oath

            Marcus Anthonius, commander of the Western Roman Army, surveyed the city and walls of the City of the Oath, as the city the Piercians called Meet'ing was now known among the Romans.

            Around him stood the commanders of his countless battalions of musketers, macemen, praetorians, crossbowmen and trebuchet. But the forces within the City of the Oath were themselves formidable - knights, elephants, bowmen of different varieties, and hordes of axement. Catapults lined the walls.

            But he was confident. The army he had assembled was the largest seen in the world. The towers of the City of the Oath were already starting to groan under the barrage of his trebuchet batteries. The orders from the newly proclaimed Emperor Augustus were clear. Victory here would bring with it the rank of Caesar, and ruler of the West, second only to the Emperor himself. Failure was not possible. The die was cast. This army now assembled outside the city would bring the Oath Breakers to their fate.


            • #7
              The Seige of New Mediolaneum

              Marcus Aemilius Lepidus commander of the Roman forces in the East prepared his assault on New Mediolaneum. Soon the city stolen by the betrayal of the Oath Breakers would be returned to Roman control. He even now had a new bodyguard of knights sent personally by Octavian or Augustus as some seemed now to be calling him.


              • #8
                The Hovel Report

                The American people are enjoying a period of prosperity and peace. The war with the Metalheads ended without a shot fired. Barbarian raids have diminished. Our relations with Brennus has been cemented and new relationships in far away places of the world have been forged. We received an emissary from Portugal who provided much needed information for the development of badly needed techs. Life is good in our far flung corner of the world. We did fail in our attempt to build the palace but we still rewarded Victoria for brockering the peace by supporting her.


                • #9

                  To: King Voltan of the Maya
                  From: Xristo

                  Greetings King Voltan. I send you this letter to request the final payment of our old deal. With much respect I ask that you teach Portugal the technology of Astronomy. With the delivery of this technology we complete our agreement. I fully trust that you will follow through with this.

                  Thank you in advance

                  Xristo of Portugal
                  Last edited by Pitboss Portugal; January 12, 2009, 12:54.


                  • #10
                    Lady Victoria,

                    The Celtic people wish you no ill will. As you no doubt have noticed we were the only ones to vote against you in the most recent election. This is because the Khmer leaders have helped us tremendously throughout our history. I congratulate you on your victory and hope to be able to work with you in the future.


                    • #11
                      A new leader.

                      Portugal has a new leader. After years of international crisis, it was decided that Henry needed to step down and a new more charismatic man with more experience in international affairs was needed to lead the Portuguese into the new century. Xristo was the man for the job; born in western Portugal and later educated in Athens he was very different from the nobility in Korecom. Born in the home of fur merchants, from early age Xristo worked closely with his father. Travelling often to nearby Wyandot, Piercian and Roman markets, Xristo grew interested in the world. He decided to enroll in the famous University of Athens where he studied International politics. After graduating he was appointed as a Portuguese ambassador in Wyandot, where he served two full terms. His main successes there were the signing of some very important bilateral trade agreements and the cancelation of all tariffs between both countries.

                      During the next 15 years Xristo spend much time in Russia and Japan. Where he represented Portugal and learned much of the local customs and traditions. During his stay in Japan he got married to a beautiful Japanese girl called Aiko. Sadly not long after that Aiko died giving birth to a baby boy. The baby also wasn’t able to survive and died soon after. Devastated Xristo returned to Portugal, where he spend the next 2 years growing his father’s business. Still he missed very much the international scene. So he decided to travel to Korecom and submerge himself in politics. It didn’t take much time for Xristo to start growing through the ranks. Many recognized him as a natural diplomat and politician.

                      The majority of the politicians and even the royal family felt that Henry needed to be brought down. A new leader was needed, a man of integrity and experience. A man who has lived abroad, foreign educated and much respected at home. There was only one capable candidate to take on the job. Xristo didn’t hesitate and accepted the position. He knew that the task was gigantic affront of him!
                      Last edited by Pitboss Portugal; January 13, 2009, 11:07.


                      • #12
                        In the Halls of Novgorod

                        Tell me Master Oleg, why is it that we are ruled by the Piercians? For several decades now, if not centuries, they have had the overhighdom of our lands and run them almost as their own. Yet, very little has changed, we are where we were before the vassalization, but down yet another city has fallen to the Roman war machine. Remind me again why we serve them?

                        -Do not be rude and foolish, the Emperor has spies and allies in many places, and though his power in our lands has been weakened, I doubt much that he is willink to let us go. Besides, we are still fightink war against Rome, not that we have any weapons to fight with, but sadly, we are a pawn in this game of great powers, and this will not change.

                        But certainly we must be capable of doink something?

                        - You tell me then, you clever young one. We have no armies. We are subject to Piercian foreign rule and cannot make our own agreements and treaties. We cannot fight, we cannot talk and there is nowhere to run. So please, young Alexander, tell me what we should do? We have lost our westernmost cities to the Romans, they have taken what they wanted and we cannot stop them from taking more. We have known this since first time we fought them, they would destroy us utterly if they wished, and now they are doing so. We sought to ameliate them in many ways, by trading with them, by keeping our military small, by seeking their advice in matters, and yet they still take from us what they desire. So tell me young one, what clarity do you have that I do not?

                        -Perhaps we could negotiate a separate treaty with them? And enact a campaign of disobedience towards the Piercian Emperor. In the current situation he cannot punish us, and the Romans may like the idea of not having 2 fronts.

                        -My goodness! I have not thought of this. For surely the feeble Roman armies fear our might on their eastern front. We would smash them utterly if only we had any armies. You are young and believe in your lands and its people. I tell you this, and it saddens me, we can not fight Rome. In any way. And they know this. The forces they have sent to conquer us are fractions of their total might. And we cannot defeat even these fractions. Rome does not need peace with us, they do not need us to cooperate with them, for they can as easily take from us what they want as ask for it. The sooner you realize this, the better.

                        But it is not our way to lie down and die! We must do something!

                        -Centuries ago I would suggest you pray, but prayer is a waste of time, for neither Allah, nor Jahve or any other god hears the prayer of a Russian. The gods do not speak our tongue. They are the gods of other people and we are but the dogs lapping up the crumbs from their tables. No, I suggest you collaborate and try to avoid slavery, maybe if you are lucky your children will be Roman and have a future. For the Rus have none. My sources in Portugal tell me they are about to commence constructing a great statue symbolizing their strength and liberties. When this happens our society will pale in comparison, our outdated ways will weigh upon us like a millstone around our necks and we will collapse from within. Add to that the Roman aggression, they are centuries ahead of us, already they are perfecting a system of Education that will propel them further into a glorious future, while we lag behind in slavery and the rule of despotic Kings. Take my mantle if you wish, I cannot pretend to govern these people any longer, perhaps you can make more of it, I will pass away soon, I do not wish the burden of being in charge while our people perish.


                        • #13
                          It hasn’t been long since Xristo took control over Portugal, but the people could already see positive results from his reforms.

                          A significant increase in workers has been noticed to be concentrating in the western parts of the country. Irrigations, mines, cottages and road networks have started to appear everywhere. It was long over due for the western provinces to catch up with the much wealthier eastern ones.

                          Xristo felt that more focus needed to be put on religion. He openly invited and encouraged the spread of all religions throughout Portugal. Portugal was a country of tolerance. He decided to send letters of invitations to the Maya, Koreans, and the far across the oceans religion leaders to send their missionaries to Portugal. All are welcomed here he said.

                          He also wanted to improve Portugal’s relation with the Mayan people. Xristo saw in the Maya a stable partner and a nation which can be trusted. He felt that it will be appropriate to invite the great King Voltan to Korecom where both leaders can celebrate the compilation of the centuries old deal. Mayan astronomy would indeed be very helpful to the Portuguese sailors.

                          Xristo sent letters to the nations of Wyandot, Korea, America, Sparta, Khmer and Rome. His greatest foreign policy now was to resolve whatever differences Portugal had with other nations before he came to power.

                          His first success came with the people of America, for many years both countries have had access to each other markets. There was trust but, something was missing. Xristo immediately recognized the need to send scholars to America and share with them the fruits of Portugal’s research. There was even a private meeting between both leaders during which a plan was draw and soon to follow.
                          Last edited by Pitboss Portugal; January 12, 2009, 17:14.


                          • #14
                            Conversations in Rome

                            The figure slipped through the Imperial Villa in Rome, unseen by most, unchallenged by the rest. Soon the spy stood before Emperor Augustus - one of the new network of agents reporting directly to him which the emperor had set up after Spartans had so vividly demonstrated the power of espionage.

                            I have travelled without pause from the halls of Novgorod, Sir.

                            The Emperor nodded, silently.

                            I have heard take of a new spirit in Russia. Some voices are suggesting they approach us for peace; that the future of Russia is not war. They even talk of renouncing Piercian Vassalage.

                            Silence followed, the lamps guttering in the wind. Then the Emperor spoke:

                            "Go back to Novgorod. Find Rus who might follow this line. Search out for potential leaders who hold this new option. Speak to them silently, privately, secretly, but find them and speak"

                            The agent nodded "And what is your message, Emperor?"

                            "Tell the Rus that we we would welcome peace. They should renounce Piercian overlordship, and we will agree peace. Rome wants secure, peaceful, borders on our East. Look at the Wynadot nation. Rome has lived in peace with them for millenia; indeed we often share our technology with them out of good-will. We do not expect the Rus to like us, at least at first. But Rome desires to bring peace and security to the East. The Rus can still be a great nation - indeed their position on the east coast of this great continent means they will be at the heart of the world."

                            "And Rus cities, Emperor?"

                            A flicker across the Emperor's face "The Rus will need to accept that Mediolaneum old and new are ours. Just a few years ago, as part of a peace treaty we returned a city to the Rus, and we were betrayed. We will not make the same mistake twice. Rome will never hand over cities again. I have no doubt that is a hard fact for the Rus, but it is their lords the Oath Breakers who are to blame. But there is no need for further Russian cities to fall."

                            "And what of our Army in the East, Emperor?"

                            "Take this messages to the Rus direct. Do not share your mission with the Marcus Aemilius Lepidus commander of Eastern Army. Marcus does not understand politics.

                            "Go, spy, find Rus leaders who wish to bring peace to their nation. Bring their communication direct to me, or if they wish get them to use the Portugese King Xristo, who knows the Rus well, to be an intermediator. But go, the peace of the East rests in your hands".

                            With that, the agent withdrew into the shadows ...


                            • #15
                              The Southern Coast of Oldonia...

                              General Han Gong looked accross the sea, towards Korea. After so many years wasted in Oldonia he was happy to return. King Harald of Oldonia quickly lost his friendship with the Korean, partially due to politically considerations but mostly because Harald remained loyal to General Jumong, who is anoted rival of Han Gong. Rather than act as a close advisor to the Oldonian King he was thrust into second-rate status. The Oldonian nobility saw Han Gong as a puppeteer, and it was in Harald's interest to seem free of any Korean entanglements. Thus Han Gong was once again jettisoned from duty; first by his Emperor Sejong, and now by Harald. This wasn't the first time he felt dejected, he remembered long ago on his voyage to Piercia how Sejong made him leave court on a long and fruitless voyage to the northern kingdoms. Because of a secret. Well he still knew the secret, and it would still be disastrous for Sejong...

                              Han Gong patiently waited for the Oldonian sailors to load up his things, and for his entourage of Korean guards to board the ship, headed for the shores north of Pyong'yang. The voyage would be much shorter now after the construction of a Canal to the west of the city. The canal was suggested by the Greeks and after years of construction the project was finally completed.

                              "Are all of the men ready?" the General asked a Korean soldier.

                              "Yes sir, the Oldonians are finishing up the last of your things. We should be leaving shortly." the soldeir replied.

                              "Very good, go on, get on the ship." he said, as the soldier bowed and rushed off.

                              "General" an Oldonian sailor said, "Your things are aboard the ship, are you prepared to depart?"

                              Han Gong looked around, the city of Gateway was still a small frontier town, but Harald had begun working quickly, chopping down the jungles and building mines. He established trading cottages, roads and irrigation quickly to his frontier town. "Yes, I am ready to go, there is nothing for me here." the General muttered as he boarded the ship.

                              Months Later; Imperial Palace, Seoul...

                              "Father, it is utterly imperative that we make good with Portugal, this war is at an end, or at least it shall be officially. Our allies have already made amends, and now we must follow suit!" Prince Gojong said. He had spent the last few months in Tikal, with his cousin Pacal Voltan. The two had become fast friends, and Gojong looked at him as an older brother.

                              "Our status with Portugal remains, they continue to gobble up land in the new world, nothing has changed. We did not simply break borders for the Mayans, we broke borders for our own considerations." The Emperor said staunchly.

                              "We closed borders on request of Pacal Voltan, for the territory of Alemanni, which I must remind you has yet again fallen under Aztec hegemony, we are wasting our time, we must raise an army and take the territory back. It is our right, and our duty, just as it is to better relations with Portugal. We bet on the wrong horse father, our allies have fallen in the fields of Rome, and we must accept this reality." Gojong pleaded with his father.

                              "You are a young boy, you don't know what you are doing, I was once like you. Untested, I thought the world of myself, and Bae Hyeongyong taught me-"

                              "Bae Hyeongyeong, Bae Hyeongyeong! Bae Hyeongyeong is long dead!" Gojong barked.

                              His father stared him dead in the eye; "You DO NOT raise your voice to me in that manner, nor do you curse the dead in such a way. He was a Korean hero, and a great man." Sejong said, snatching the Portugese missive from his son, "Besides, where did you get this, this was sent to the Prime Minister. I do not want you undermining his position."

                              Greetings Korea

                              My name is Xristo and I have taken over the Kingdom of Portugal. It has come to my attention that both of our kingdoms had their fair share of differences in the past. Well this ends today I would like to reopen our diplomatic channels again. I have been aware for some time now that you kingdom is need of extra land to expand onto, as a gesture I offer you a city in the New Portugal continent for free. I am not here to benefit economically from you but to help with whatever I can. There is a fair share of land on the eastern coast and south to expand on. I see no problems settling more cities if you wish. I can easily foresee Korea building 5-6 cities on this continent.

                              I respectfully hope that you accept this new start and are willing to build a new and strong relation with us.

                              "...well, perhaps you should have mentioned this beforehand." Sejong said, "Guards! Summon the Prime Minister!"

                              "Father, let me handle this, he is a new and young leader just as I am!" Gojong said.

                              "You are not yet a leader my boy, and this is not your place, now please leave me be!"

                              Gojong stared at his father "Emperor," he began "You and your ministers are not well liked in Portugal, you broke your deals with them over the belligerence of your allies-"

                              "Pacal Voltan is not simply an ally Gojong, he is my blood, he is as a son to me. I did so out of duty, out of honor, something you must learn. I thought if you stayed with him some of that would rub off on you, and clearly I was mistaken. You will train to be a General, a commander, do you understand me?" the Emperor said.

                              "Yes father, of course." Gojong replied, "But you know I do not want to become a Comman-"


                              Gojong stood there, "But father I-"


                              The Canal Zone, near Pyong'yang...

                              A message was sent before Han Gong left, a message to Kim Jong-seo. He was urged to meet the General in Pyong'yang, along with Foreign Minister Hae Mosu. The Emperor did not know of the General's return, and more importantly the Imperial Commander had no idea as well. Han Gong's purpose was not to trick these men, but he knew that if he returned without their consent it would be seen as impudent, and he wanted to make sure he was prepared to meet them and receieve his orders. The Foreign Minister himself was also on the outs but this was his own doing. He was upset about what he considered a demotion. He was overlooked for the position of Imperial Prime Minister in favor of Prince Gojong's father in law, Bojong of Wonsan.

                              "That must be him." The Foreign Minister said, as Han Gong entered with his private guard, Han Gong was careful to hide his identity. He approached Colonel Kim Jong-seo and the Minister, and lept from his horse.

                              "Colonel, Minister." he said bowing.

                              "General!" Kim Jong-seo exclaimed, "So good to see you again!" the two had become friends on their voyage to Piercia.

                              "I wish I could say the same, I am a bit worried how the Emperor will receive me, I did not have permission to come here."

                              "I have forged documents from King Harald, he will not know what has happened. There is no telling what will happen in Oldonia anyway, they think of Harald as a Korea puppet, I assume he will be ousted from power within months."

                              "The Oldonians are happy to have a King again" Han Gong said, "I think you underestimate Harald, but it is no matter, it is good to be home."

                              "Well, this is quite an undertaking here!" Han Gong said referring to the canal, "Didn't take long to build it I see."

                              "Not at all, it was a suggestion of the Greeks, it is quite nifty, and useful, and gives us access to the inland seas." Hae Mosu explained.

                              "What of Alemanni, hasn't a port been erected?" Han Gong asked, he was the General who defeated the Aztecs there, with Piercian support. He was also the commander of Prince Gojong at that same battle, and was a good friend of the Prince.

                              "Well, it seems we have lost our opportunity, the Aztecs have yet again built a stronghold there, Prince Gojong is pressuring the Emperor to raise an army to retake it, but it has fallen upon deaf ears lately."

                              "That is not the only mistake our Emperor has made." Hae Mosu said, grudgingly.

                              "Do not let the troops hear you say that!" Kim Jong-seo said.

                              "So it has come to that huh?" Han Gong said, "Well, I would like something to eat, that bland Oldonian food has nothing on our own!"

                              "C'mon General," Kim replied, "Let's get you some proper Korean food."

                              Days Later, Seoul...

                              The Emperor left his palace to head to Pyong'yang, word had come to court that General Han Gong had arrived back in Korea, and the Emperor was incensed. He travelled with his full entourage, including the Prince, the Prime Minister and his Imperial Commander, General Jumong. A large crowd had amassed outside of the Palace to greet the Emperor, in Korea the Emperor's mere touch was considered good luck. As he passed through the crowd many citizens and low-ranking officials flocked to touch him, Sejong loved this although it gave his guards a headache keeping the throngs orderly.

                              "Emperor! Emperor!" a man said, holding up a baby "My child, please kiss my child!"

                              The Emperor smiled, "Let me through" he said to his guards, he loved children, and certainly loved his people. The guards let up and the Emperor approached the man. "What is his name?"

                              "His name Emperor, is justice!"

                              "What a strange name," the Emperor said, grabbing the child, but it was no baby. It was a bundle of fish wrapped in a blanket, the man lunged at Sejong, taking the Emperor's knife (the very knife that his mother Sinjeong used to kill herself). The Emperor dropped the fish, turned and yelled "GUARDS!"

                              But it was too late, the man quickly stabbed the Emperor in the back, the cut was deep and the knife went in straight to the handle...
                              Last edited by Pitboss Korea; January 13, 2009, 00:33.

