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Beyond the Pit [Pitboss Diplomacy Game] [Story Thread] . PART 5 (December 2008)

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  • Civil War Aftermath

    The war was over, but there were many loose ends left to tie up. For their roles in aiding the rebels, high ranking Black Sabbath officials such as Geezer Butler, Bill Ward and Tony Iommi were imprisoned. It would take much time before their decision to go with Ronnie James Dio would be forgiven. From now on, Ozzy would go solo. Though he certainly found a use for Randy Rhodes, the young resistance leader from Black Sabbath. Ozzy was indebted to him for his timely help during the war.

    There was much discussion as to what to do with Dave Mustaine. He certainly played an important part in starting the rebellion, but yet it also would not have ended without him. Hetfield was adamant that he never return to Metallica. He recognized the good he did, but maintained that inside the walls of Metallica he would never be forgiven. A compromise was agreed to, Mustaine would sent west and put in charge of a new settlement – Megadeth.

    As for the leaders of the rebellion there was only one option – death. Dio, Darrell and Bonham were all sent to the gallows as punishment for their crimes.

    Darrell was the first to go. He pleaded for his life, “Hold your mouth for the war. Use it for what it's for. Speak the truth about me!” It was no use, his feet soon felt nothing but air and his throat felt nothing but rope.

    Bonham was next, but tried to stall for time. “Hangman, hangman, hold it a little while
    I think I see my brother coming, riding many a mile.”

    His brother approached the stage and spoke to John Bonham, “Brother, I brought you some silver, I brought a little gold, I brought a little of everything to keep you from the gallows pole.”

    The executioner took the gold, but was not dissuaded from his duty. Bonham again attempted to stall, “Hangman, hangman! Turn your head awhile I think I see my sister coming.”

    His sister came and Bonham called out to her, “Sister, I implore you, take him by the hand take him to some shady bower, save me from the wrath of this man.”

    The executioner left with his sister but returned before long with a smile upon his face.
    “Tell me that I'm free to ride!” implored Bonham.

    “Oh, yes, you got a fine sister,” the executioner replied, “She warmed my blood from cold. Your brother brought me silver; your sister warmed my soul. But now I laugh and pull so hard and see you swinging on the gallows pole.”

    With that he dropped the platform and Bonham was soon dead.

    For Dio’s execution, foreign minister Lars Ulrich was personally present. The two men had long been rivals in the royal court, and Ulrich took personal pleasure at seeing him die.

    “Take a look to the sky just before you die,” Lars said, “It is the last time you will. Your ruthless goals are now shattered.”

    The executioner pulled back the platform and Dio dropped to his death.
    Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

    When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


    • As is the custom in Metalhead culture, a song was written to memorialize the conflict and the rise to power of Ronnie James Dio, who for many years of civil war was the ruler of the Metalheads.

      Story starts
      Quiet town
      Small town boy
      Big time frown
      Never talks
      Never plays
      Different path
      Lost his way

      The streets are red
      Red I'm afraid
      There's no confetti
      No parade
      Nothing happens in this boring place
      But oh my god how it all did change
      Now they all pray
      Blood stain wash away

      He said
      Lost my way
      This bloody day
      Lost my way

      I heard him
      He said
      Lost my way
      This bloody day
      Lost my way
      All things wash away
      But blood stained the sun red today

      I always said
      Something wrong
      With little strange
      Ronnie James
      Never laughed
      Never smiled
      Talked alone for miles and miles and miles

      Gallow calls
      Son I say
      Keep your smile and laugh all day
      Think once again in this boring place
      For little boys how they soon change

      Now they all pray
      Blood stain wash away

      He said
      Lost my way
      This bloody day
      Lost my way

      I heard him
      He said
      Lost my way
      This bloody day
      Lost my way
      All things wash away
      But blood stained the sun red today

      Yeah, well all the green things died
      When Ronnie moved to this place
      He said
      Don't you dare ask
      Why I'm cursed to wear this face

      Now we all know why
      The children called him Ronnie Frown
      When he pulled that gun from his pocket
      They all fall down, down, down

      He said
      Lost my way
      This bloody day
      Lost my way

      I heard him
      He screamed
      Lost my way
      This bloody day
      Lost my way
      All things wash away
      But blood stained the sun red today

      That's right
      All things wash away
      They all fall down
      But blood stained the sun today

      All things wash away
      And they all fall down
      But blood stained the sun today
      Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

      When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


      • An Age of Peace

        The criminals had been executed and life returned to normal in the Metalhead kingdom. After many years of being pressed in by neighbors in every direction, Ozzy the Bateater decided to embark on a policy of expansion. Prosperous settlements were created along Metal Bay. Iron Maiden was founded first, and not long afterwards System of a Down was built across the bay directly north of Black Sabbath. Many years later White Zombie was built between Black Sabbath and Metallica. The Metalheads entered a long period of calm and peace.

        It was also a time of stagnation. Time passed slowly in the Metalhead kingdom. Foreign leaders withered and died, but Ozzy lived on. Enfeebled by a hard life, but still alive and energetic. In everything though it seemed the Metalheads were behind the times. Visitors came from beyond the great seas in huge ships that were marvels for the backwards Metal people. The people from beyond the waves were far more advanced than the followers of the Metal church. Ozzy realized that all of the people of this continent were increasingly being left behind, all the people except the mighty Khmer of course.

        The Metalheads set about building a grand temple to worship the gods of metal. A grand amphitheater where thousands could gather and “rock out”. Marble was gathered from the quarry near Megadeth and shipped hundreds of miles to the site in Black Sabbath. Here, at the birth place of metal, a proper temple would be built. Yet all was not that simple. Just as it was nearing completion all the engineers, architects, and artists suddenly disappeared, and the plans for the building vanished. With no one left to finish the building, the materials were sold off. Not long after, it was learned a great temple was built by the Incans. Foul play was suspected.

        In consultation with Governor Hetfield, Ozzy commissioned a great library in Metallica to house the best of the world’s learning and research. But just as the great building was to be completed, the many volumes of knowledge meant to stock the beautiful building were diverted away from Metallica. Another buyer, the Khmer purchased the entire shipment right out from under the Metalheads. With no books, the great vacant library was laughed at as a monumental failure. In disgust, Hetfield had the building torn down and sold off all the materials. Khmer spies were suspected of diverting the shipment for their own uses.

        Next Metallica set to build a great statue. Once again, the project was stolen away from the Metalheads by the thieving Khmer to the south who named the project the “Statue of Zeus”. Who Zeus was, no one knew. Many were very upset over having another building stolen out from under them. None were more pissed than Lars Ulrich.

        The Khmer defended themselves by saying that the half-built building in Metallica was still intact, it wasn’t actually stolen, they just took all the builders and the plans. They really just took the information on how to build it.

        Lars sees it differently. “The thing that becomes difficult about intellectual property, is that a lot of people think it’s information. They talk about how ‘information should be free.’ Fine. Information should be free, but this is not information, this is property of a different kind. This is something that I create, this is something that I own.”

        Soon the Metalheads would be threatened by a new threat of theft. The threat of stealing entire cities. Their peaceful world would soon be ruptured.
        Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

        When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


        • And So It Began...

          The first notice came from the Celts. A message was sent requesting that the city of Iron Maiden be turned over to Celtic control because of the presence of a small Celtic minority in the city.

          Ozzy was confused. "Only 20% of the population is Celtic and they think they own the city? In fact the Celtic population is dwindling, and the native Metalhead continue to grow in the city. How on earth can they justify this demand?"

          "Sire, the Celts seem to be upset the city was placed so close to their lands"

          "Where do they expect us to live?! The Khmer steal our land in the south, and we have nations surrounding us on all sides. This land was given to us in an ancient treaty, how dare they refuse to honor the agreement now when it was such an unfair treaty to begin with! All the best land was given to the Celts and they want even more?!"

          "How shall I respond?"

          "Tell them no. This is an offensive request. How dare they demand we simply turn over one of our cities."

          Weeks Later...

          General Cliff Burton rushed into the palace at Black Sabbath. He was a former fisherman from Metallica, a bassist like the legendary civil war hero, Ron McGovney. Only recently was his military skill formally recognized by the Metalhead power establishment and given the post of general. And now he was facing what could be the biggest crisis the Metalheads had ever faced.

          Burton sat down at a long table and nervously fidgeted waiting for his liege, Ozzy the Bateater to enter. When he finally did, Burton forgot all protocol and immediately started speaking.

          "Sire, the Celts have moved a large army outside of Iron Maiden!! American troops lurk outside our northern cities as well. Worse yet, our sources say the Holy Romans are amassing a huge army!"

          "Whoa, hold on there General. What is this about?"

          "We don't know, sire. There has been no notice, no warning, and no demands sent. Simply no communication at all."

          "Bah, those foul Holy Romans. Up to their old tricks. The ancient stories tell of their unprovoked attack on our people, and now they seek to strike us again. Again without provocation, without notice, without communication of any kind. Will they ever change?"

          "I agree sir, this is most troubling. Especially with all the aid we gave them to destroy General Bonham's army. We returned Prague to them unharmed. Yet this is how they repay us."

          "So what are we talking about? What is this army the three nations have amassed? Simple warriors and chariots?"

          "No sire... the Celts & Americans have a somewhat backwards force of ax and sword wielding troops. If given proper time to prepare, I think we can dispatch them. Not without difficulty however. The true danger comes from the east. The Holy Romans have a bigger army than I have ever seen. Powerful machines of war. More than enough to destroy our city defenses. Plus... they have a large force of well armed, professional knights."

          "Knights?!? My intelligence advisers have told me they are no where near advanced enough to have knights! Have the entire spy division flogged for incompetence."

          "No sire... we believe they are being aided from outside their borders..."

          "But who? Who could build such powerful units? Who would build an army meant for our destruction?"

          "There is only one nation capable of it... the Khmer...."

          "The Khmer... so are you telling me we face a war with the Celts, Americans, Holy Romans, AND the Khmer? An unannounced, unprovoked war from this entire continent against us?"

          "It appears so, my liege..."

          "This... this is unbelievable..."
          Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

          When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


          • (ahh, my cousin only has IE, no FF, so.. no spell check in the browser window... be prepared for some poor spelling)

            A Diplomatic Offensive

            Foreign Minister Lars Ulrich and the entire Metalhead diplomatic corps was outraged. The entire continent was posed to invade and no attempts had been made to try and discuss this matter beyond a meek claim by the Celts that Iron Maiden should be under their control because of the Celtic minority present there. In fact the only nation in the neighborhood who was not about to invade or who was directly aiding the invaders was the Happy Funglish tribe.

            Ulrich dispatched an envoy to the Fuglish immediately. They were well regarded among many nations, perhaps they could talk some sense into everyone. Ulrich and others knew it was their only hope of survival.

            Bows or Butter?

            The generals however had less faith in the power of the pen. General Cliff Burton in Metallica, General Jimmy Page in Led Zeppelin, and General Steve Harris in Iron Maiden all scrambled to defend their now front-line cities. Most used every resource they had available to provide a proper defense against the menacing hordes arranged against the peaceful Metalhead civilization.

            However in many cases the generals fought against stiff resistence from their civilian counter-parts. Iron Maiden governor, Paul Di'Anno refused to acknowledge the threat posed by the Celtic forces amassing outside the city. He was confident a diplomatic solution could be found, and continued plans to construct a new place of learning in the city.

            The governors of Led Zeppelin and Metallica also misjudged the threat they faced. They were in utter disbelief that their peaceful neighbors would suddenly turn into enemies without the slightest pretense or provocation. It took many months for previously scheduled production projects to be converted to full military.

            Eventually however, the generals won out. Peasants were pressed into service. The situation in Metallica was the most drastic. Every man and boy who could hold one was given a bow or a spear. Training was hasty, but General Burton put his best man on it. Newly promoted Lead Axe, Kirk Hammet, oversaw the training of new recruits. While axes had now gone out of favor (though could be seen on poorer units through the realm), the title of "lead axe" was kept for men who have proven themselves especially fierce and best qualified to shred the enemy. This time however, Hammet was shredding through rookies with neither the inclination nor talent to be soldiers. His resolve was unwaivering and butterballs were turned into chiseled granite in his rigorous training.

            Hammet hammered-on the recruits even as war was officially declared and Holy Roman siege engines rained down destruction on the hapless city. He knew that only through constant vigilance could he pull-off the defense of the city.

            Because of their efforts a respectable defense force was raised from nothing in the city. But it was still inadequate. Burton knew more needed to be done. The large force of elephants, catapults, and Khmer built knights would overwhelm the city.

            He contacted a contact of his in the diplomatic corps. Vinnie Paul had a lot of necessary contacts, but was detached enough from Foreign Minister Ulrich to take on a secret mission. Burton contacted him with urgent orders...
            Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

            When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


            • 1315 AD

              The Khmer are wondering what part of history the Metal brethren do not understand?

              Do you not believe or acknowledge documented fact?

              Can the Celts and America please publicly support the HRE version of events?

              Just to refresh, the Khmer supplied Knights to the HRE for defensive purposes given the agressive actions by the Metals in the past. The Khmer did not support the HRE actions against Metallica and denounces such actions.

              The Khmer had no part in the three nation attack on the Metals and had absolutely NO knowledge of its' planning.

              This is proven by the fact that the Khmer leader interfered and acted against the strategic interests of the HRE and sought to put on the table at Hastings a prototype proposal that the Funglish subsequently engineered as the 'Hastings Agreement'. This proposal (yet to be posted by the very quiet Funglish) involved the acquisition of Stinca cities for the Metals as compensation for gifting Iron Maiden to the Celts and allowing the HRE to develop the Stinca corridor.

              What bit of this does Ozzy the Bateater not get?

              Now we see detrimental and faithless documents about the Khmer written by the Metals. We also see Musketeers heasding towards our borders.

              We ask for a retraction of these statements and an acknowledgment of the truth of history.


              • The Hastings Conference - Part 1

                In response to the Metalhead's plea, the Funglish announced the creation of a second Hastings Conference. The great diplomatic city where the northern nations had met many years ago and kept ambassadors at would serve an important role to finally bring peace to the neighborhood.

                Foreign Minister Lars Ulrich attended the conference to represent the Metalheads. The Americans, Celts, Holy Romans, Khmer and Funglish were all in attendance.

                The first round of talks did not go well. The Celts demanded Iron Maiden, the Holy Romans demanded Metallica and Led Zeppelin. The Metalheads had no intention of parting with ANY of their cities. No other nation had a legitimate claim to THEIR cities. How DARE these violent, aggressive nations simply demand at sword-point that Metalhead cities, Metalhead citizens, and Metalhead institutions be ripped away from their culture, their society, and their people.

                The most agregious demand was for Metallica. This city was the most important city in the Metalhead nation. It had one of the highest populations throughout the land and in a nation with few productive resources, it was far and away the top producer. Such demands by the Holy Romans would cripple the Metalheads.

                That, no doubt, was their intention all along.

                Some participants spoke of fairness, yet all the nations at the conference were in dire straights - save one. To rob Peter to pay Paul made no sense when all were equally poor. The Holy Romans and Metalheads had virtually the same score and development, and in fact the Holy Romans had more cities. But demanded yet more!

                Ulrich suggested that if the assembled nations sought to smooth out inequities and help out struggling nations such as the Celts, then the nation with the most to give was surely the Khmer. The Khmer who held onto vast tracks of land in the south while the northern nations fought over scraps. The Khmer, who fully admitted to helping provoke the current state of war by expanding far to the north of their base and thus squeezing the northern nations for space (all while land to the south lay barren).

                Ulrich wasn't there to seek material gain for the Metalheads, but hoped smaller nations such as the Celts could improve their situation in the world. He suggested that the Khmer's furthest northern city, built very close to the Celtic capitol, be transfered to their control. Surely that would be a more equitable arrangement than stripping the lowly Metalheads of half their cities in pursuit of balance.

                The Khmer, of course, rejected the proposal. Their cities were too valuable to part with, only Metalhead cities were negotiable apparently.

                Ulrich did not lose heart though, he knew that through negotiations, and only through negotiations could they find peace. Despite their unwillingness to sacrifice any territory of their own, or take responsibility for their role in the current conflict, the Khmer did seem to be negotiating in good faith and had the best interests of the continent (as long as they didn't conflict with their own) in mind. Surely a solution could be found.

                The War Continues

                The Celts and Americans took the honorable route. Once the Hastings Conference began they suspended their assault of Led Zeppelin. They did not withdraw their troops, but they held off on attacking to allow diplomacy to run its course.

                The Holy Romans were another story. Their attack continued. Their catapults bombarded the city walls of Metallica and Led Zeppelin continuously. The walls were soon becoming mere rubble. There seemed to be little doubt that the Holy Romans cared little for the Hastings Conference and would get their prize however possible, and at whatever cost.

                Paul's Mission

                Vinnie Paul went quickly on his covert diplomatic mission. While the northern nations of this continent all haggled and negotiated at the Hastings Conference, Paul looked elsewhere for aid. The Metalheads could not contend with the advanced technology the Khmer had gifted to the Holy Romans - none on this continent could. So Paul sought aid elsewhere...

                The Metalheads had little to no contact with nations outside of the Hastings Conference attendees. Even the two southern nations on the continent were a mystery to them. So to attempt to make contact with nations from across the great sea was a very big step. But this was the Metalhead's most desperate hour. Drastic steps were needed if their culture would survive.

                In disguise, Paul smuggled himself aboard a Khmer ship heading west. He had to move swiftly if the defenses were to hold, and taking the American route up past the ice sheets would have simply taken too long. That left only one option for getting off the continent.

                He met with many foreign powers while overseas. He marveled at many great empires that dwarfed his own. Many advanced and marvelous technologies were exhibited for him, but not all were useful for the Metalhead's current situation.

                Eventually a partner was found. Despite having no earlier contact with this nation, they agreed to help. They recognized the danger the Metalheads were in and agreed to give aid. Not without substantial cost to the Metalheads however, but it was aid nonetheless. And just what was needed.

                Paul hid away manuscripts, scrolls, and diagrams in his cloak and stole away on a Khmer ship once more. He hoped he was not too late.
                Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

                When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


                • A Tough Choice

                  With the war continuing in the east, and Metalhead agents spread over the continent (and secretly - the world), the supreme leader, Ozzy the Bateater's attention was split. Eventually however he realized he would not be a great help by splitting his focus on both the war and the negotiations. Furthermore, staying in Black Sabbath did a disservice to both efforts.

                  He had a decision to make, travel to Metallica or travel to Hastings?

                  The diplomats and the generals each had their own opinions. The generals argued that negotiations would hinge upon what happened on the battlefield. If Metallica fell, the Metalhead's hand would be greatly weakened at Hastings. If the defenders held... it'd be another story altogether. Plus, it was widely assumed the Holy Romans would loot and pillage when given the opportunity, so keeping them out of the ancient city was a top priority.

                  The diplomats however insisted that there were several nations negotiating in good faith and many possibilities have yet to be explored. War would only be a temporary solution. Armies may be defeated now, but they would simply be rebuilt and march again. Diplomacy and negotation was the only sure path to a lasting, secure peace.

                  Ozzy weighed both options, but didn't had long to consider them. Time was of the essence. In the end however, he decided his greatest opportunity to keep his nation safe lay in Hastings... not in Metallica.

                  The Hastings Conference - Part 2

                  The negotiations continued. The most active participants were undoubtably the Funglish and Khmer. Each acted as mediators between the Metalheads and the other combatants. The Celts & Americans were the most open to the negotiations, but the Holy Romans continued to dig in their heels and make impossible demands... all while continuing their attack.

                  Ulrich too dug in his heels. The demands were preposterous and no cities would be simply handed over. He continued to propose alternate plans that would benefit the other nations greatly, but the other nations were starting to lose interest in his pleas.

                  When it seemed all was lost, the conference was disrupted by the sound of trumpets, loud drums, and killer mandolin riffs. No one was quite sure what was going on, but it was beyond doubt the Metalheads were somehow responsible for that racket.

                  The conference emptied and all the visiting dignitaries went outside to view the strange caravan coming over the horizon. A large carriage in the caravan with word "Planet" on the side.

                  Eventually the large carriage came to a stop just outside the conference building. Outside of the "Planet" stepped the prince of darkness himself - King Ozzy the Bateater.
                  Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

                  When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


                  • The Battle of Metallica

                    Aid was coming from throughout the kingdom. Military from Black Sabbath, Pantera, Megadeth converged on the eastern front. Metallica's civilian population was decimated, all were transfered to the military. Even some women were drafted and put on the front lines. Less than half of the population remained in civilian jobs.

                    Even with the population cut drastically, Metallica remained the most productive Metalhead city. Observers were not sure whether this demonstrated the richness of the land near Metallica or the poorness everywhere else. Either way, Metallica was far too important to let fall into the hands of the enemy.

                    General Cliff Burton had done all that he could to prepare. All that was left to do was wait. Wait for news from Vinnie Paul's secret diplomatic mission and wait for the Holy Roman's attack to begin. He hoped Paul would arrive in time...

                    Sadly however, he didn't.

                    With no perceptible fortifications left, the Holy Romans decided to strike. Their massive cavalry flew through the city killing all in their path. With no ramparts left to stand on, the city defenders took up positions on housetops and behind fences all firing arrows on the rapidly advancing mounted enemy.

                    Despite the great efforts by Burton & Hammet, the Holy Romans were simply too powerful. The Khmer-trained knights were simply too strong to hold back. The elephants too large. The Metalheads took considerable losses. It seemed fate itself had turned its back on them. The streets were full of chaos, blood and death. The Holy Romans seemed to be charmed.

                    General Burton knew the battle would soon be lost, but grabbed a spear and went to face to face the enemy himself. He rallied some of his best troops together and charged the enemy. There, in front of him, was a giant and deadly Holy Roman elephant. This powerful beast had terrified many of his men. It, and dozens like it, had slaughtered untold numbers of Metalhead troops desperately defending their homes from the onslaught. It was here that General Burton would make his stand.

                    He identified himself as General Burton and taunted the war elephant. The emporer had promised great things to any Holy Roman who brought him the head of the Metalhead commander. The elephant commander saw his chance, and took it. His wife would never forgive him if he somehow missed out on this chance for a promotion. He knew other units were nearby, so he charged. He had to get there first.

                    He charged the general's position. It was a frightful sight. A massive elephant charging toward you at top speed. Most Metalhead troops scattered in the face of such a fearsome beast, but Burton and his men held their ground. As the beast approached they rose their spears and anchored them on the blood soaked dirt road beneath their feet. For a few timeless seconds the charging elephant riders and their spear holding foes stared each other down with steely gazes.

                    The sound was deafening. Snapped spears, snapped limbs, shouts, screams and roars of the elephant could be heard by the whole city. The spears did their just work. The giant beast's flesh was pierced many times, the fatal blow being General Burton's own spear which stabbed right through the foul creature's chest.

                    The beast fell.

                    As the giant gray creature toppled, Metalhead defenders scattered for their lives. But General Burton couldn't run fast enough. The massive animal fell on top of him, crushing him and killing him instantly.

                    The General was dead.

                    His heroic sacrifice inspired all around him, and news of the victory and his death spread through the ranks. The Metalhead defenders rallied their strength and drove out the Holy Romans. They had taken serious losses, but for now at least, the city was still their's.
                    Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

                    When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


                    • (sorry for the shear volume of posts here, this is like three months worth of stories all being written at the same time. My apologies. Hopefully I'll add some pics and other interesting stuff when I get back from vacation. So sorry also for the boring text.)

                      The Battle of Metallica - Finale

                      The defenders regrouped. Governor Hetfield and Lead Axe Kirk Hammet took leadership of the troops. They hastily sought out reinforcements to replace the fallen and treated the wounds of the injured. The Holy Romans were beaten back, but it seemed clear they were preparing for a second assault. The Metalheads had survived thanks to sheer numbers and gumption, even though they were entirely out-classed by the superior Holy Roman troops. It seems their desperate stand had only bought them time.

                      However it was exactly time they needed.

                      After the first assault, an unimpressive beggar slipped past the Holy Roman lines and snuck into the city. How he got past two armies may never be known, but both were in disarray after the huge battle. This 'beggar' sought out General Burton, and was saddened to hear of his demise. He wasn't sure who to trust, but found an audience with Governor James Hetfield.

                      Initially there was some significant vetting to make sure each man was truly who he said he was and that he could be trusted. Neither side wanted to give up too much or expose himself too much. But finally they realized they could trust each other.

                      Vinnie Paul revealed the important knowledge he had acquired overseas. He unveiled the advancement that would finally secure his nation: guns.

                      Governor Hetfield realized immediately the importance of this discovery and immediately set about building the empire's first supply of muskets. The ingridients for gunpowder were available within the city, and many men were set immediately on making batches of the potent powder. Others were set to making round musket balls and the muskets needed to shoot them. The plans, written on paper, were very explicit and Metalhead priests, alchemists, engineers and philosophers were able to match the descriptions perfectly.

                      Metallica fielded what was believed to be the continent's first musketman unit. The Holy Roman knights who had so easily destroyed the Metalhead longbows, would surely be twarted by the new power of the musket. The tide, finally, had turned.

                      The Hastings Conference - Finale

                      News spread quickly south to Hastings. The Holy Romans, previously refusing to consider any deal that didn't include turning Metallica over to their control, received the news with grave expressions. They negotiated from a position of strength while Metallica looked like it would easily fall into their hands with or without a treaty. But now that Metallica looked like it may remain under Metalhead control either way, they had to negotiate.

                      Even with the muskets, the outcome was far from certain. Ozzy knew that he couldn't afford to be as intrasagent as Ulrich or the Holy Romans. A compromise that would fit with all sides was the only way forward. For the first time, he offered to give up control of Iron Maiden to the Celts. He also offered the Holy Romans undisputed control over the patch of land south of Metallica. While previously promised to the Metalheads, he hoped this gesture would relieve some of the desire for land the Holy Romans had.

                      Ozzy also, as he had before the war even began, pledged support for Holy Roman claims on Serenity Island.

                      The true heros of the conference however were the Khmer and especially the Funglish diplomats. The Khmer suggested that land could be had in the south, the Stinca, they said, had land to spare and could be distributed between the warring factions. The Metalheads had no contact or dispute with the Stinca, but if this were to be the only way they could get compensation for the loss of Iron Maiden, then so be it.

                      The Funglish mediators spent considerable time and effort negotiating one on one with the Holy Romans, Metalheads, and others to find an equitable, agreeable peace. Their tireless efforts and committment to peace should never be forgotten. The Khmer too, pledged their ample military to the quest of throwing the Stinca off their land and ensuring a peaceful transition to Metalhead and Funglish control.

                      The Khmer also gifted the empty land south of their territory to the Celts and provided them with settlers to begin the colonization.

                      The treaty was agreed to by all sides, and despite some continued paranoia from certain corners, seemed to be a peace that would last.

                      Ozzy certainly hoped so.
                      Last edited by OzzyKP; December 24, 2008, 13:44.
                      Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

                      When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


                      • The Fire of the Mayan Destruction

                        The end of the Mayan invasion of Roman lands was visable in the sky above Satricum. The funeral pyres of the Pirates, allies of the Oath-Breakers, could be seen for miles around. The Pirate ships lying skulking off the coast could see the smoke of their army's destruction clear across the night sky. The massed re-inforcements they had landed but weeks before burning to ash on the massed pyres. The noble Greek warriors hiding in the jungles of the Roman southlands, saw the moon blotted out by the clouds of ash, so many Mayan pirates were burnt in those pyres.
                        Attached Files


                        • King Archaleus,

                          I am sure your scouts have brought you news of the Roman liberation of Satricum and the complete destruction of the Mayan Pirate army. Despite their fleet landing regiments after regiments of reinforcements over recent weeks, including knights, the Mayan have been destroyed to a man – all that is left is their ash. Your scouts may also have noted that not a single Roman battalion was destroyed in the process. The will of the one God is clear. The Oath-Breakers, Pirates and their allies are fated to destruction.

                          You are now alone in Roman territory. The Piercians were destroyed at the battle of Velitrae. The Maya at the relief of Viroconium and at Satricum. The Rus have little army to speak of, expect some pillaging chariots. You are now alone.

                          This is not your war. You are honourable men. Your soldiers though armed with the technology of years past, are brave men, yet you are allied to Oath-Breakers and pirates.

                          As you know, we have proposed peace with great honour for you. Agree peace, take your warriors home adorned with gold. This is the final moment. Out of respect we have left you to last, but now you are the only enemies on Roman territory. Our armies are now being issued with orders to destroy you to a man, as we have the Piercians and Mayan, travelling east through our jungles will not save you.

                          Do not let your valuable warriors shed their blood to support the Oath-Breakers. Their honour is worth more. Do not let them die as friends of traitors.

                          Princeps Octavian.


                          • Archelaus looked over the sea.
                            He saw the Spartan galleys.
                            Galleys he had used to bring his army all the way from Sparta to Rome.

                            The Roman messenger stood next to him.
                            There was nobody else.

                            "So, Rome wants peace....." Archelaus concluded.

                            It all started with the gold Rome had refused to pay.
                            Rome had insulted Sparta by not living up to it's promises.
                            Something that was unthinkable in Sparta!
                            Nobody would refuse to pay it's debts
                            'A man a man, a word a word' was a Spartan saying.

                            "The gold..... Rome is willing to supply Sparta with gold, as promised" Archelaus repeated the words of the Roman messenger.

                            The entire Spartan army was in the Roman jungles.
                            Nobody had been killed.
                            "Those stupid Mayans...." Archelaus mumbled.
                            "And those stupid Piercians" he continued.
                            "Not to mention those.... Russians!" he sighted.

                            "So here we are now! At the end of the Roman-Spartan war. All our allies have been defeated, despite the help of Spartan intelligence. Despite our slave revolt. Despite our detailed maps of Roman troop locations! They have all been slaughtered!"

                            Archelaus was angry. Only the Spartan army was still unspoiled. Archelaus had moved his army very smoothly through the battle fields. The army was still a threat to Rome.
                            But now all Sparta's allies had been defeated, all Roman soldiers could focus in Sparta.

                            "First the Mayans capture the city of Satricum, they took our honour by taking it just before we arrived. Our invasion of Satricum was planned for centenia!
                            Then they refuse to burn it, like we intended. Never keep cities in foreign territories. But not only did they not burn it. They also did not defend it.
                            The Maya split their army into 2 directions, trying to caputure two cities."

                            Then he sighted again and said: "If you chase two rabbits, you will lose them both" and both rabbits were lost by the Maya. And also the city of Satricum.
                            Despite the fact that Sparta had given the Spartan galleys to the Maya to bring more Mayan troops to Rome.

                            Sparta could continue this war.
                            The army was big enough to cause much troubles to Rome. And yes, all soldiers were willing to die in Rome.
                            That's why they came to Rome. To die. None of them had ever thought of returning to Sparta anyway.

                            "The gold..." the Roman soldiers said.
                            "If he would take the gold, the honour of Sparta would've been saved. The goal of this mission would've been reached." Archelaus thought.

                            Then he said to the messenger: "Give me your knife"
                            The messenger was in doubt.... would he give his knife to this strong Spartan warrior-king?


                            • The messenger drew his knife, and smiled. Knowing the lives of the many poorly-equipped, brave Sparta warriors he was led through to reach Archelaus hung in the balance. He had seen what had happened to mere bows, long, cross or otherwise, facing horsed musketters on the fields of Satricum.

                              He understood. As he handed over the knife facing his own likely death, he understood that warrior's lack of fear in the face of death. But still he could not understand why these brave warriors were fighting for the accursed Oath-Breakers. Respecting that it was a king in front of him, maybe even the foreseen King of the West, he knelt and handed over his knife.


                              • Archeaus took the knife.
                                He took a deep breath.

                                "Tell your leader that Sparta accepts your gold and considers your debt to be paid in full"

                                Then he turned towards the soldiers of Sparta and said with a great voice:

                                "Warriors of Sparta! We have shown the world that the honour of Sparta cannot easily be stepped on."

                                Then Archelaus raised the knife and stabbed it into his heart.
                                Many soldiers followed his example. When the others saw this, they also killed themselves on the battle fields of Rome.

                                Craterus, the spy, which was located in a nearby city fled back to Sparta to bring the news.
                                The cause of the dead of Archelaus was never made clear to the Spartans. Some said that Craterus had killed Archelaus, to become King himself. Others said there was an accident. Some whispered that Archelaus and Craterus had consumed a secret relationship.
                                Nobody knew that Archelaus had kept his honour to himself.

                                Craterus was King in Sparta for only 4 days.
                                Then Orestes, son of Archelaus killed him and became King in his fathers place.

