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Beyond the Pit [Pitboss Diplomacy Game] [Story Thread] . PART 5 (December 2008)

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  • Beyond the Pit [Pitboss Diplomacy Game] [Story Thread] . PART 5 (December 2008)

    This is the Story and Diplomacy Thread for the Pitboss Diplomacy Game: Beyond the Pit (November)

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    Story Thread Part 5 (December 2008)

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    Last edited by Robert; December 29, 2008, 08:45.
    Formerly known as "CyberShy"
    Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori

  • #2
    Ah damn, I was just about to quote & laugh at the edited remark you left in. But you got to it too fast.
    Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

    When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


    • #3
      A scout came running into Ieyasu’s chambers. “Sir!” the scout said while trying to catch his breath. “The barbarians…they are attacking again in larger numbers.” Ieyasu stood up, “Where are they attacking?” The scout said, “They have attacked the city of Alcetas twice now and we have reports of more amassing to attack again.” Ieyasu punched the wall, “Damn it all! First the Holy Romans and now this.” He turned to the scout, “ Send word to the White Lotus to pick up the Honda samurai and take them to the Oldonian shore then come back for the worker and tell Tadakatsu to come here.” The scout ran off and moments later Tadakatsu walked in.

      “My lord how may I be of service,” said Tadakatsu. “I am sending you to the Tanba desert. Your unit will do investigate the barbarian activities going on. Your orders are to only to recon, do not engage the enemy until backup is sent do you understand,” said Ieyasu. “As you wish my lord,” said Tadakatsu as he bowed then walked off to assemble his men to go and investigate where all these barbarians were coming from.
      Last edited by Pitboss Japan; December 1, 2008, 11:50.


      • #4
        I told you that Rome is evil!
        Attached Files


        • #5
          Prince Tyrimmas smiled when he heard about the report from the Japanese city of Alcetas.
          Three armies of Spartan phalanxes were defending the Japanese city. The barbarians had all been murdered.

          "We have paid our debt towards the Japanese! We have resettled their city, and now we defend it with our lives!" Tyrimmas cried of happiness!

          For Spartans there's nothing worse then losing their honour! Sparta felt like it had lost it's honour against the Japanese. The Spartans had failed to defend Osaka when the barbarians burned it. But now Sparta had paid it's debts.

          "Hail Sparta! For we have shown once again to the world that our word is trustable! We will always fulfil our promises, and we will never forsake our words!
          Sparta will never backstab anyone. We are true to our code of honour!" Tyrimmas cheered.

          "Send a messenger to Japan, and tell them about Alcetas. Ask them if they also do consider our debt to be paid for and our honour to be resettled!" Tyrimmas ordered.

          The messenger left for Japan immediately.


          • #6
            Frederick de Chateaneuf entered the office of the senior advisor. He had heard te news this morning, as had most everyone else. News travelled quickly in the palace and amongst the religious and ruling classes.

            ‘How is he?’ asked Frederick.

            Simon the Younger looked up from the pile of manuscripts he was reading, and upon seeing that it was Frederick, he immediately rose to his feet. ‘He is much better now, sire. He had us all worried for a bit there, but there is a remarkable strength of spirit in the Emperor.’

            ‘Yes, there is that.’ Frederick smiled, for he too was fond of the Emperor. Despite the fact that Frederick had been chosen as the next in line to succession to Otto, both his training and his loyalty prevented him from coveting the office personally. Besides, he was somewhat nervous about stepping into the shoes of an Emperor who had accomplished so much, and was respected by both his people and by other civilizations. After all, under Otto’s rule, the Empire had expanded into the geography available, and beyond. Firm diplomatic channels had been established with friendly neighbours. Yes, there had been that American debacle, which still simmered to this day. But the Emperor’s most recent proposal for Serenity Island had quickly eclipsed that less-than-successful endeavour.

            ‘Sire?’ asked Simon, as Frederick stood there and gazed out the palace window, ‘Is there anything I can do for you.’

            ‘Um, yes, sorry Simon. When will the Emperor be able to meet with me?’

            ‘Oh, you must have just missed the messenger. The Emperor would like to meet first thing tomorrow morning. I think he is realistic enough about his health to share the same concerns as you.’ and with that Simon smiled.

            Frederick thought to himself that he and Simon were going to get along just fine. He quite liked the young advisor and his approach to people and matters. ‘Thank you and we will see you tomorrow then.’ As he reached the door, he turned to Simon. ‘By the way, is there anything new on the Serenity Island proposal?’

            ‘No sire. We have heard again that the Japanese are vehemently opposed, yet a number of civilizations have come out in support, as you are aware. Sire, I don’t envy you on this one.’

            Frederick chuckled. ‘Well thank you for that, Simon. And also, any word from the Celts and the Metalheads?’ This, in actuality, was the issue foremost on Frederick’s mind. The possibility of war between two continental neighbours could well create havoc with economic and diplomatic endeavours, as well as put pressure on the Empire to take sides. Frederick smiled wryly to himself, thinking of the masses of well-trained archers defending the various cities. And oh yes, the 1st HR Elephant Regiment, he thought.

            ‘No sire, nothing since the messages the Emperor shared last week.’

            ‘Thank the Lord for small mercies!’ declared Frederick, as he left the office.


            • #7
              Ieyasu had just awoken from his slumber when a Spartan messenger arrived in Kyoto. The messenger handed Ieyasu the message and waited for his reply.

              To: Prince Tyrimmas

              Thank you for killing the second wave of barbarians to try and attack the city of Alcetas but the barbarians are far from done. We are not sure but with the rate the barbarians attacked we think there might be a city near by. I have sent my top general Tadakatsu Honda to investigate and report back. We will take on the full responsibility for the security of our lands. Reinforcements have been trained and await transport to Alcetas. We hold your debts fulfilled and thank you for everything you have done.

              Ieyasu Tokugawa
              He gave the message to the messenger and went back to his room to rest a bit more before the other messengers came to him.


              • #8
                After Ieyasu finished his weekly meeting with his advisors he called for his domestic advisor. The domestic advisor came from a long line of advisors who ran the day to day of the empire. He was a young man only in his 20s who had taken over after his father died. By all rights he should had never been given the Job but Ieyasu saw potential in him.

                “Do you know why I called for you,” said Ieyasu. “No my lord,” said the young advisor. Ieyasu pulled out the map of the world. “Lee, I know you are not to blame for our current policies. You have only been following the way that the other domestic advisors before you ran things. As you know the old ways have not been working. Just look at these other counties of the world. Each is powerful and much more advanced then we are and do you know why? It is because they had a plan of action and were able to organize themselves. If we continue on our path we will never rise to become as great as the other nations.

                This is why I am sending you off to study five of the best nations in the world. First you will travel to Sparta. From there you will take a ship to the Piercian lands. Once there you will stay there until you meet with the bodyguards who will travel with you. Your next stop will then be Portugal. Here you will spend the most time studying them and what they do or have done to be so great a power in the world. Once you have learned what you can you will meet up with the ship and your bodyguards on the eastern cost. From there you will travel to Khmer. From what we have seen from them they are an interesting people. They are strange by our standards but never the less they are undoubtedly the greatest nation in the world. Learn what you can from them and once you are done travel up to Ansuji from there you will be safely brought back to Japan where you will come up with a new plan to help Japan.”

                Lee looked excited, “ How long until I can leave my lord? And who will take up my duties while I am gone?” Ieyasu smiled and said, “ You will leave within the month and I will be taking over your duties personally. We are still awaiting the arrival of the Santa Theresa that should be arriving in our ports soon. This ship will be transporting you to all the locations.” Lee bowed and ran off to prepare for his departure. Ieyasu then began to send out messages to the nations that will be visited so that Japan could have their permission to visit their lands and study their government, lands, and cities.


                • #9
                  Let it be known that the Metalheads are fearsome in combat. They do not back down from fights and will offer no quarter to those who stab them in the back. We have abided by every treaty we ever signed and have harmed none of our neighbors. If our neighbors are motivated by envy or greed, surely there are more opulent neighbors to strike against.

                  If our neighbors begin an unprovoked, lopsided assault against the Metalheads our vengeance will not be satisfied easily.

                  Let all who dare attack be warned.
                  Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

                  When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


                  • #10
                    Speach from Vladimir's official ascension to the throne

                    Though Russia has Pitrograd returned, we do not value the peace that has been forced upon us by other nations, reducing us to puppets in the matter. Rome has yet to make reparations for the immense suffering they caused our people. Know that the evil committed against the Rus and Slav people will never be forgotten nor forgiven, it has become part of our very nationality. And though we suffer the will of stronger nations for our lack of might, this will not always be so, and when it changes we will have freedom and vengeance.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Pitboss Russia
                      Speach from Vladimir's official ascension to the throne

                      Though Russia has Pitrograd returned, we do not value the peace that has been forced upon us by other nations, reducing us to puppets in the matter.
                      LOL, didn't you ACCEPT VASSALAGE?
                      "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

                      One Love.


                      • #12
                        Frederick approached the Palace with his personal body guard in tow. He could not help but reflect on the last decade that had brought him to this point. A bright, but otherwise un-notable academic, Frederick had been chosen at an early age to succeed Otto I as Holy Roman Emperor. He did not do himself justice. Otto and the review committee had chosen wisely. Not only was Frederick intelligent, he had proven himself a good negotiator and a very solid administrator. He possessed excellent interpersonal skills, and was only moderately ambitious – which was seen as a very positive attribute. In addition to an early religious upbringing, he had also spent three years as a captain in an archer regiment. Yes, he was well rounded for the job, even if he himself had his doubts.

                        Taking the palace stairs two at a time, Frederick was displaying a small bit of his excitement regarding this morning’s meeting with the Emperor. The body guard scrambled to keep up with him, almost a moot point as they would not proceed past the palace doors. Once inside, Frederick strode quickly down the large master hallway. While he walked, Frederick wondered what the upcoming meeting with the Emperor would bring. Would the Emperor’s health be strong enough to get through the three hour agenda, which had surprised Frederick in the first place? Would he be disappointed by the mixed response to the Serenity Island proposal? Would the meeting be a three hour marathon of administrative details?

                        Simon was at the study door to meet him and usher him into the room. Frederick did not know how well he was able to maintain a neutral facial expression, but he was clearly surprised to see General van Heusten and Admiral Barboni sitting at the meeting table. He quickly collected his wits, and with a bow to the Emperor, took his seat at the table.


                        • #13
                          The date for the Second Hastings Conference was set. Jesse Pendragon McFungal would soon turn 16 and the Conference was to be joined with a National Celebration of Jesse's Coming of Age. The end of the Celebrations and the start of the Conference would be marked with Jesse's Coronation as Crown Prince of the Funglish Dominion of the English Happy Funland (occasionally known as the Funglish Isle).

                          Three of the nations of the continent of Avalon (Meduian in the Khmerish tongue) had embassies in Hastings; the Metalhead Nation, the Holy Roman Empire, and of course the Khmer Empire. The diplomats working in these embassies were free to use the main meeting halls in Hastings as neutral ground to conduct any important business between themselves. As such, many of the diplomats had accommodation in town for their families, and many had adopted the local fashions (which had always been a mix of other cultures' fashions anyway).

                          Robert the Plump, whilst growing old and increasingly weary, travelled often to each embassy in order to accommodate each nation in the upcoming Conference. He remained good friends with the Ambassadors and their staff, and was often invited to dinner and banquets as an honoured guest. In his many visits, he heard stories of life at home from the servants and staff which corroborated what the Funglish Ambassadors to each nation told him.

                          As the month of the Conference began to draw near, Robert sat at his desk, carefully stretched the arthritis out of his fingers and began to write:

                          To: All Nations who receive this message.
                          From: Robert, Foreign Minister and Acting Consul Regent of the Funglish Dominion

                          My friends, It is time to for me to step down from my post and allow Jesse Pendragon McFungal to come of age. You and your entourage are invited to Hastings to join in the celebrations and to witness the coronation of Jesse as our Crown Prince. You are also invited to partake of a Conference of Peace after the celebrations, where we may discuss the future of our world. Feel free to bring who you may to the celebrations and also to invite other nations to join us at the Conference. Please note, all rivalries and animosities must be set aside for the celebrations. This is to be a time of peace and joy. Grievances can be settled at the Conference, but must not be allowed to mar the celebrations beforehand.

                          May your god and mine be with you.
                          He then called a scribe and handed over the message.

                          "Copy this and deliver it to the Celts, Americans, and Spanish." He thought about the silent nation to the south. "I suppose we ought to send a copy to the Incans too."

                          The scribe nodded and ran off to fulfil his task. Robert smiled and began to write again:

                          To: Our Closest Friends
                          From: Robert, Foreign Minister and Acting Consul Regent of the Funglish Dominion

                          Our nations have enjoyed many, many years of wonderful peace. As you know we have been preparing a Second Conference to try and achieve what the First Conference could not. You may also know that Jesse Pendragon McFungal is almost of age and ready to rule. His Coronation is set to mark the opening of the Second Hastings Conference. Beforehand there will be several days of celebrations to which all nations are invited.

                          To Ozzy of the Metalhead Nation, Our Oldest Friend: You are invited to send artisans to prepare Hastings and the surrounding lands for the Conference, as well as provide entertainment for the celebrations. We will, as always, offer aid in time of need, and this aid may, of course, take many forms.

                          To Otto of the Holy Roman Empire, Our Brother in Christ: You are invited to send priests to bless the Conference and to sanctify the Coronation. We do not openly support your proposal for Skull Island, however, we do not oppose it, and wish you well in this endeavour.

                          To Suryavarman of the Khmer Empire, Our Wise Neighbour: You are invited to preside over the Coronation of Jesse Pendragon. We also thank you for the tutors who have helped prepare Jesse for this event.

                          To All: I feel that the plan for the First Conference was sound, and do not wish to repair that which is not broken. The Conference shall allow each nation to present their grievances and proposals according to their size. The Funglish Dominion, being the smallest as well as the Host, shall go first, followed by the Metalhead Nation. The Holy Roman Empire will be allowed to present their case third, followed by the Khmer Empire. Then any other attending nations shall be given a turn, again according to size, with the smallest first.
                          Robert called for another scribe and handed him the message.

                          "Copy this and get it to each of the three embassies."

                          As the scribe ran off to complete the task, Robert turn back to the other task on his mind. Finding a bride for Jesse.
                          Ceeforee v0.1 - The Unofficial Civ 4 Editor -= Something no Civ Modder should ever be without =- Last Updated: 27/03/2009
                          "Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean there's no conspiracy"


                          • #14
                            Suryavarman 1 has been very busy in the intelligence head quarters poring over the latest communique from the Khmer unit in Russia.

                            He could not believe it and was certain his peace propositions would soon be in tatters.

                            The Portuguese have clearly gifted a Carrack to Rome which was loading up near Ravenna with a Crossbowmen unit and a Pikeman unit.

                            He was devastasted.
                            Attached Files


                            • #15
                              While Tyrimmas was writing a letter to a friendly nation someone ran into the throne room.
                              Tyrimmas stood up from small throne down the stairs below the big throne and asked: "Aeropus... Archelaus?"

                              "Sir hhhh ehhhhhh pffffff" the messenger breathed heavily
                              "Take your time good man!" the prince calmed him.

                              "Sir, one horseman is approaching the city!"
                              "Is it my brother? Or my cousin? Is he really alone?" Tyrimmas asked.
                              "We can't tell, it's Archelaus' horse, but maybe it Aeropus riding it. It's too far. Maybe the other one will follow, or is delayed."

                              Tyrimmas quickly finished his letter. He was exciting, almost sure that it was Aeropus who returned.
                              He knew that Archelaus would give his horse to their cousin, their King!

                              Tyrimmas looked around. He looked at the statues of the kings and leaders of before. Lacedaemon, Menelaus, Alexander, Alcetas and recently finished: his father, Perdiccas.
                              "Father...." the prince mumbled.

                              Then he said to the messenger:
                              "Quickly, deliver this letter!"
                              The messenger bowed down for his Prince who sat on his throne again.

                              Then the doors of the throne room opened.
                              Tyrimmas quickly raised from his small throne, turned his head to the doors and faced the horseman."

