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Beyond the Pit [Pitboss Diplomacy Thread] [Warfare-Turn Timer Issue Discussion]

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  • Originally posted by Pitboss Korea

    I hope this was a sarcastic statement.
    yes it is thank you for probably being the only one who got it.


    • CS keeps bringing up the mistakes aspect to this, like there are actually going to be mistakes. I don't understand what he is talking about, how retarded do you have to be to make a mistake with the 1/3rd timer rule?


      • do you want an honest answer?


        • @Capo:
          - the 15 tech trade rule
          - No, I'm not in charge, never claimed to be.
          - Do you never make mistakes?

          - Yes, creating a panel is a good idea imho. But then create a range of penalties. Not: "lose 25% of your votes of that month" but "lose 5-30% of your votes of that month". Let the panel (or another panel) decide how high the penalty should be in that range.
          Formerly known as "CyberShy"
          Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


          • I make mistakes like getting drunk and saying dumb ****, or moving my unit to the wrong place on accident or something like that. But I wouldn't make a mistake like breaking a turn-timer rule, its pretty simple if you ask me.
            "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

            One Love.


            • Well, I'm never getting drunk but I do sometimes move my units too early.

              I'd say that getting drunk is more retarted then moving your units too early, but I can understand that we have different opinions there (notice the wink!)
              Formerly known as "CyberShy"
              Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


              • Originally posted by CyberShy
                - the 15 tech trade rule
                - No, I'm not in charge, never claimed to be.
                - Do you never make mistakes?

                - Yes, creating a panel is a good idea imho. But then create a range of penalties. Not: "lose 25% of your votes of that month" but "lose 5-30% of your votes of that month". Let the panel (or another panel) decide how high the penalty should be in that range.
                ok between 10-100% votes penalty , let the panel decide based on evidence provided ,

                You must pause the game as soon as a dispute starts though.


                • If there's a real dispute we must indeed pause the game. Right now I can't pause anything since I'm not running the pitboss, but I hope that can be fixed in 7-10 days.
                  Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                  Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


                  • no not a real dispute. A dispute...

                    Look how long it took with mayans to decide it was a real issue and then too late.

                    whoever is hosting the game must pause the game, perhaps to prvent fals accusations and lots of pauisng if the panel find no dipute then the accuser wil lface penalties

                    oh and the penalty is not jsut of the current months votes but of al lvotes recveived thus far from start of game. other wise a potential 10% of one month is very little


                    • All votes is just not fair.
                      That means that someone who gets punished in the first month gets a lower punishment then someone who's being punished in the last month.

                      If 10% is too little, then the penalty should be 100% of that month's score. It's up to the panel to find the appropriate penalty.
                      Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                      Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


                      • i would think that anyone caught cheatin... oops i mean breaking rules that gets penalised will not recieve too many voted for rest of game, surely would be hard for others to trust again. so doesnt matter what month you cheat... ooops brea k rule you pay the same penalty


                        • why are we still fighting about this? there are so many other things we can fight about so letsfinish this up and move on to enforcing other rules and problems we are having.


                          • I agree with Japan, I've tried my best to stop this from becoming an argument so let's not let that happen. To me the main issue here is PREVENTION. With prevention we don't have to worry about any arguments, or any "issues" that may arise. If we prevent it from occuring at all we will be fine. Now there lies the rub; is there a way to totally prevent it from occuring?

                            Cyber says no, and he thinks this not because people won't want to avoid the rules, he agrees that will happen. But he thinks there will be mistakes.

                            The only way, I think, we can reconcile both sides of the argument is by allowing for mistakes but if attacks occur we have to assume the person is lying when they say it was an accident. Its only fair. We have the rules posted, and as you said they agreed on it beforehand, so there is no excuse for breaking them. If they make a double move and don't kill anything or pilliage or whatever we can assume it was a mistake if they say so, but if things are killed I think we are taking a huge risk allowing "mistakes" to be made. In my mind allowing this to happen just gives everyone a free cheat.

                            That said I think the penalties (and there should be two grades of penalty) should both be relatively harsh compared to what happened. Its the only way to prevent people from cheating in the game.
                            "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

                            One Love.


                            • you can't provent everything. just go at it one problem at a time.


                              • Well that's what we're doing in effect. We are trying to prevent people from taking advantage of the rule. That's the idea.
                                "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

                                One Love.

