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Beyond the Pit [Pitboss Diplomacy Game] [Organization Thread]

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  • Well spoken diplomatically!
    (OK, You've gone up a couple of notches in my book)


    • Originally posted by Pitboss Natives
      Well spoken diplomatically!
      (OK, You've gone up a couple of notches in my book)

      Thank you. I only wish that Japan and Maya could come to a peaceful solution to our argument. Yet only time can tell if the Mayans can put away their superiority complex long enough to have peace between our people.


      • Let it be known that if the Mayans seem to act superior, it is only because we are.


        • Originally posted by Pitboss Maya
          Let it be known that if the Mayans seem to act superior, it is only because we are.

          You see what I mean! They need to be taken down a notch.


          • Please don't let it bother you, like was earlier stated - wait until you actually meet.

            Quite frankly, The Maya can spout challenges to me all day (as could you for that matter) - and it will not mean a damned thing. If I were the target of these fake "challenges", I would either totally ignore them, or have fun at picking apart the reasons for the challenge in the first place.


            • ok ill do it your way ill just ignore those evil mayans till we meet. i'll just keep to myself.


              • i changed my mind im going after the mayans. the oppertunity for profit is too high to ignor. have you even seen their woman i mean wow i can make big profits from them. just look


                • id like to see you tell me that this isnt a good enough reason to invade mayan teritory.


                  • Originally posted by Pitboss Persia
                    Viking, did you ever play Civ IV before ?
                    ummm no, first time played a MP game, only palyed SP and only ever at settle level and a couple times at Chieften


                    • Originally posted by Pitboss Maya

                      I am starting to wonder this myself considering the nature of his concerns. Please Viking, if all you plan on doing is whineing then leave. Your constant negitivity is not appriciated. Sorry for being so blunt about it, but if you are having such a hard time this early in the game I can only imagine what is going to happen once you face a REAL problem.
                      Ah so this is how you entice new people to play Civ 4 MP. They explain honestly there position and you wish them to leave.


                      • I think time for a vote. Do you want a newbie here playing or only experienced MP players.

                        I am happy to go with whatever you decide.

                        I was thinking that the Diplo style in Civ4 would be similar to Civ2 Diplo style where it didnt matter your ability at playing the game, you could still have fun.

                        Unfortunatley i dont know the basics enough to do the right thing.

                        Every game i ever played at SP i always build a worker first as he always has something to do once built, whether it be road building, farming or mining. Maybe i should be a cleverer person like others and spend time looking what techs i already have before setting in place a build queue, but i never realised that certain techs werent alwayd starting techs. My fault.

                        I had hoped to learn through playing to improve but all my honest posts about how this is so different from what i used to has only led to jibes about my abiltiy to play.

                        I stated from the outset, and all who ever palyed with me in CIV 2 know i dont have the patience to Micromanage nor study to see the optimum wway to play. I paly for fun, i let the Game put my city citizens wherever they want , i never go into the city and move one to another location, i gt my WORKERS to build roads on all city squares, i buidl cottages eveywhere except on Resource sqaures.

                        I build my citys 4 squares from one another whenever possible for maximum usage of the land. I usually play on Huge landmasses and usually build every building avaialble in every city.

                        So put it to the vote, i can resign from the game or you can get another person to take over. your choice.
                        GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


                        • Raz,

                          This is much different to Civ 2 and you need to learn to take advantage of your traits ans starting techs.

                          All the same keep playing as you can learn from us and nothing to lose.

                          I think that most of the other players might have expected a bit more knowledge about Civ 4 so no worries.

                          deity is there

                          sh ozzy...

                          "Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
                          *deity of THE DEITIANS*
                          icq: 8388924


                          • Originally posted by Pitboss Vikings

                            Ah so this is how you entice new people to play Civ 4 MP. They explain honestly there position and you wish them to leave.
                            Have you ever played on epic speed? If you are used to normal speed then its no big suprise that things seem very slow to you. Also the difficulty level of this game is Noble if I rember correctly so you will see a much lower happy & health cap.

                            You are welcomed to ask specific questions about strategy...

                            I have no problem with n00bs, so far Vikings have posted in the story thread reguraly so in my view they are more than welcomed to play.
                            Modern man calls walking more quickly in the same direction down the same road “change.”
                            The world, in the last three hundred years, has not changed except in that sense.
                            The simple suggestion of a true change scandalizes and terrifies modern man. -Nicolás Gómez Dávila


                            • I wasn't complaining about you being here Viking. I simply tried to cheer you up a little.

                              Btw, i prefer the current situation rather than having the Vikings in the hands of a veteran player .

                              Edit : Oh, and difficulty is Prince IIRC.
                              Last edited by Pitboss Persia; June 14, 2008, 07:31.


                              • Rasputin, you're very welcome in this game!
                                We're having 18 players, some more advanced, some less experienced.

                                The beautfy of this game is that the best players won't destroy the game for the lesser players. If I may advise you, make an alliance with a strong neighbour and let him advise you.

                                I'm glad you're in the game. Your contribution to the story thread is huge.
                                Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                                Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori

