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Beyond the Pit [Pitboss Diplomacy Game] [Organization Thread]

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  • That is why i was against a 20hr time. People like Russia miss treat the timer letting it run out. The only reason we had it set to 20hrs is to help out people that publically request that we slow it down. This doesn't give the right to some like Russia to do as they please.

    A courteous act like saying that you will be out of town or busy the next couple of days I would understand.

    But this damn silent is totally lame!!!!!!!!!


    • I am a bit disturbed by this . The game timer is set to be as it is. An agreed period of time that we agreed we would let the turn go for. If someone is not playing the turn still turns over at that set time period.

      So lets leave him be and the game wil lcontinue every 24hr as it is supposed to.

      Part of being a team game is letting those with real life issues take their time to deal with tose issues.


      • team game
        Vikings from what X-files episode did you come from?

        There is something called giving notice to let atleast your multiplayer buddies know that you are busy.

        But why am I trying to explain myself to you, its clear you have ZERO idea how PB games work. To enlighten you a bit, people usually post about any absences that they foresee. That is called being ethical towards the people you play.

        And this doesn't go only for Russia, its a general understanding in PB games.

        So you know i didn't come with the idea.


        • i think this time we should leave russia be. for all we know he could be going through a difficult time and can not get on. untill we know whats going on lets just chill. but if anyone decides to not play and not say why then something should be done about it.


          • 2 cents...

            Personally, I think the weight given to story, mili, and diplo is too great.

            Especially since they are not defined.

            For instance, when voting for story, should I vote for the ones I "like" the most? The ones that make the most sense (ie. don't break timelines as far as tech and don't contradict themselfs)? The ones with pretty pictures? The ones that are written well? Or sheer quantity?

            Voting for Diplomacy is even more gray. Do you vote for whoever has the most diplomacy going on? Who makes the most friends? Who archives their ends through diplomacy? If the answer is the last one, HOW ARE YOU SUPPOSE TO REALLY DETERMINE THAT?

            Military is just as subjective. People write all sorts of stuff about their military glory, but how are we being on a completely different side of the map suppose to determine exactly what went down? Someone had mentioned "tactical moves"??? Half the time I can hardly figure out who won let alone individual moments of military brilliance.

            All that being said, it is disturbing that 75% of the total score is based off what boils down to a crap shoot.


            • Originally posted by Toni

              Vikings from what X-files episode did you come from?

              There is something called giving notice to let atleast your multiplayer buddies know that you are busy.

              But why am I trying to explain myself to you, its clear you have ZERO idea how PB games work. To enlighten you a bit, people usually post about any absences that they foresee. That is called being ethical towards the people you play.

              And this doesn't go only for Russia, its a general understanding in PB games.

              So you know i didn't come with the idea.
              your right i know nothing of the so calle dPB rules. all i know is we stated it was a 24 hr timer. one turn per day, if we get more it a bonus, the whole benfiet of PB is that no one can hold up a game once the timer is agreed on.

              if people not happy with 24hr timer then a discussion with Cybershy is needed to change it .


              • Sorry Vikings you are right, I just want to see the game move Hope you understand!

                And i hope Russia is near Japan


                • Originally posted by MMC
                  Hehe... Holly Rome
                  Must be a prickly subject.

                  Actually.. speaking of HRE... I've been using the CivStats Website for diplomacy, as it's a great way of keeping track of private diplomatic messages. The features can be found here: and HRE needs to check their Diplomatic inbox asap.
                  Can we stick to one system for diplomacy? Are we using the anonymous gmail, civstats, or what?


                  • Originally posted by Pinchak
                    2 cents...

                    Personally, I think the weight given to story, mili, and diplo is too great.

                    Especially since they are not defined.

                    For instance, when voting for story, should I vote for the ones I "like" the most? The ones that make the most sense (ie. don't break timelines as far as tech and don't contradict themselfs)? The ones with pretty pictures? The ones that are written well? Or sheer quantity?

                    Voting for Diplomacy is even more gray. Do you vote for whoever has the most diplomacy going on? Who makes the most friends? Who archives their ends through diplomacy? If the answer is the last one, HOW ARE YOU SUPPOSE TO REALLY DETERMINE THAT?

                    Military is just as subjective. People write all sorts of stuff about their military glory, but how are we being on a completely different side of the map suppose to determine exactly what went down? Someone had mentioned "tactical moves"??? Half the time I can hardly figure out who won let alone individual moments of military brilliance.

                    All that being said, it is disturbing that 75% of the total score is based off what boils down to a crap shoot.
                    but that is the glory of DIPLO gaming. IT not about necessarily winning in game.

                    It has to remain subjective not objective otherwise only the best palyers wil lcontinue to win.

                    DIPLO is a game where anyone of any playing ability can play and have a chance of performing well.

                    If you need some tips on reading between the lines on posts i can help there, i will offer training to all who need it.

                    Will the great players offer the same training for those of us without ingame skill.


                    • Originally posted by Toni
                      Sorry Vikings you are right, I just want to see the game move Hope you understand!

                      And i hope Russia is near Japan
                      oh i do udnerstand, i been enjoying the days when i can make a move in mornign and again at night. but also know what it like to have family and work committments that prevent even posting on poly at all.


                      • Originally posted by Pitboss Celts

                        Can we stick to one system for diplomacy? Are we using the anonymous gmail, civstats, or what?
                        I agree, i dint even know civstats did anything to do with dilplomact i only use it to see when next turn on.


                        • I also had no idea the civstats had any diplomatic issues. I think there are too many diplomatic avenues here. I hate to harp on this old game all the time (but I really enjoyed it) but in HOTW2 we had plenty of great diplomacy (including very complicated treaties) that went on without anonymous play and without extra e-mails, much of the discussion that occured happened in the thread, and I think everybody benefited from that. Not to mention it would be a lot easier to vote on things, especially the diplomacy aspect.


                          • Do I already have a log in and password for my civ at the civstats thing? Do I have to make one? How do I access these "diplomatic features" and why wasn't I told about this?

                            CS, have it at hoss...


                            • ok i signed up in civstats. Joined.

                              Clicked on our game as usual and itasks if i playing this game. I click the link and it asks me for the game password.


                              • There's a game password?

                                Man nobody told me any of this ****!

                                But as far as the whole thing with Russia goes; obviously I was one of the people that favored a short timer, and I would say (for now at least) the only benefit of having the timer long is that, if the Russian player is really having personal issues that prevent him from playing, he didn't miss out on as many turns. Now, if this is not the case I would say everyone who wanted a shorter timer has a right to complain. I will be one of those people.

                                That said, and this isn't going to effect anything in this game but this is for future reference, I think we have too many players in the game. The possibility for issues is bigger with this many players (regardless of whether it is pitboss or normal mp), now I am all about pushing the envelope and having an assload of people, but I think this creates issues. If we had like eight players and a 24 hour timer I think we'd have better luck getting turns done early. There would be a mathematically lower probability that anything bad happens (well I'd like to think so at least.)

                                Obviously there is nothing that can be done about this now, but part of this game (and everyone should remember this) is to pave the way for future games. Much in the same way that HOTW2 did (we had a website for the game, and as deity explained it began the "roleplaying" aspect of diplogaming, and we also had a mod).

                                So, I dunno, hopefully nothing happened to Russia, we should check his posting history and compare it to the days he missed. Secondly there SHOULD be someone (whether part of the group or not) who should know who everybody is and should be able to contact them directly (ie not through the PM or Gmail).

                                If this isn't the case I think that was a huge misstep on the part of the organizing team. I say this because I am not sure whether or not CS is playing in the game or is just in charge of it.

