Originally posted by CyberShy
That way we get semi-random starting positions, and he can't pick his own starting position.
That way we get semi-random starting positions, and he can't pick his own starting position.
This is just as random! He can't plan to get one site out of 8 no more than he could plan to get one site of 18. Just to make this clear I'm not saying he should place civs. He should place numbers & letters:
M1 for "mediteranean civ one"
HI1 for "hemisphere I civ 1"
C1 for "cool civ one"
Also I was responding to what Ozzy said, if in his opinion Korea, Japan and China would stick together then America and England should practically be one civ. I belive you Cyber but the truth is not everyone thinks that way.
The main reason I'm advocating this is to ensure the Financial trait is balanced between the continents. I mean imagine one of the two hemispheres got 5 or 6 Fin traits, together with the best players (quite a few of the veteran diploers seem to be fond of financial) who chose them. I'm sorry but we will have to make this semirandom instead of pure random, it would be just too game braking.