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HOTW XII Diplogame Organization Thread. Part 2

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  • Originally posted by Diplo Inca
    We still have to get an answer from the Mali - I left them a msg but they haven't answered me.
    Indeed, we need an answer from them.

    Originally posted by Diplo Inca
    Also the original Ottos can't make it 2hrs earlier, it wouldn't be fair to them to play with a sub even when they said they will be here 1hr earlier.

    About the sub (Agent) has he even said yes to helping as again?
    Have you read my posts?

    Agent may be available (according to Ozzy), we should have a reserve sub ready. The sub will play the Ottomans for an hour. If the sub has the time after the first hour and if he would enjoy it he can then play any other civ that might be missing.
    'Impossible' n'est pas français.


    • I have read your posts, but i do not want to be here on time just to see no human player for the ottos and have ppl telling me well we need to wait an hr till they come now. No no no SIR!

      SO if we are saying 2hrs earlier lets make it final so we can all plan for this!!!!!!!!

      So for tomorrow if Mali isn't here 2hrs earlier and no human for the Ottomans we will play no matter what right?

      Just want to make this clear. (Of course i hope we get Agent to help out and actually have Mali or ottos pop up earlier)

      See you all 2hrs earlier tomorrow then.


      • we should have a reserve sub ready
        This is almost impossible! So do not bet on it please.


        • To have this great session happen, people will need to go out of their way to make it happen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

          I will 1001%, I see France, America and Mongolia will tooo BUT WILL THE REST???????????

          Actually one big THANKS to Mongolia and France they will need to get up at 4am to play . These are truely DIPLO Players.

          Well also lets not forget that ottos cancelled some travelling this weekend to be here tomorrow to play

          Rest watch and learn.....
          Last edited by Diplo Inca; June 6, 2008, 10:33.


          • I'll respond to several of your point.

            1. Yes we are playing 2 hours early, the nightmare of waking up at 4 in the morning guarantees this.

            2. Holland has said they can make it 2 hours early. Perhaps they haven't checked out the thread recently, so PMing them that we have decided on this may be a good idea.

            3. I will mail the Mali. Its to bad that you didn't rather ask them how early they can come rather than if they can come one hour early. We need their response, but even if they aren't there we start.

            4. Ottomans. So far Ozzy has spoken to Agent, but from what I understand it is very likley that he will be there.
            Last edited by Diplo France; June 6, 2008, 12:08.
            'Impossible' n'est pas français.


            • Inca, try to line up another sub just in case.
              Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

              When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


              • I have had contact with Mali who have indicated that they are also unlikely to be able to turn up 2 hours early.
                I think that starting the game 2 hours early is not a good idea when now 2 players cannot make it, for the benefit of 1 player.
                From the viewpoint of Diplo Ottoman who can never make a start 2 hours early, if the trend for this game is to move into an impossible timeslot, then it seems better that another player takes over permanently.
                This game has already advanced 2 hours from it original timeslot in local time here due to summer/winter changes, destroying in the process a longstanding Aussie group as it took 3 players out of other games, it seems that the cost of playing this diplo has been too high, and you want to make that cost higher.
                I will be here 1 hour early tomorrow, not more, and the following week I cannot make it.


                • My goodness, how many times does one have to say something around here!?

                  Holland will be here 2 hours early.

                  Holland suggested a 2 hour earlier start.

                  Holland is sympathetic to Ottoman and Mali positions so is flexible.
                  Dirk Ginkel of Huygens, Ginkel [RIP] & Clovis
                  [Trading Inc. 660AD]


                  • Originally posted by Diplo Ottoman
                    I have had contact with Mali who have indicated that they are also unlikely to be able to turn up 2 hours early.
                    I think that starting the game 2 hours early is not a good idea when now 2 players cannot make it, for the benefit of 1 player.
                    From the viewpoint of Diplo Ottoman who can never make a start 2 hours early, if the trend for this game is to move into an impossible timeslot, then it seems better that another player takes over permanently.
                    This is not a permanent move, belive me that this is not a good time for me to be playing. This is a one time effort to make the most out of a rare session where all the key players will be present.

                    BTW Who is the supposed one player you are reffering you? If you are refering to me I'm afraid you have a few things mixed up, during the previous weeks of non-play an early start would have helped me. We are doing tommorws start to keep HOTW12 alive. And btw HOTW11 did not die because of HOTW12, it was slowing down way before HOTW12 got to full steam, the only thing HOTW12 is guilty of is being the better game.

                    Originally posted by Diplo Ottoman

                    I will be here 1 hour early tomorrow, not more, and the following week I cannot make it.
                    No one said they expected you to be there tommorow 2 hours early. That is why we have decided to give you a sub for one hour, you just need to come one hour early which you have already agreed to.

                    Mali will get a sub for the first hour if they can't show up and if we can find one. They are not at war however and they have no colonies. One hour of AI, isn't that bad if you have 4 hours of play to fix it.
                    'Impossible' n'est pas français.


                    • I'm ready as a hard-boiled egg!
                      e-mail: diplo_mongolia [at]
                      msn: diplo_mongolia [at]

                      “The greatest happiness is to vanquish your enemies, to chase them before you, to rob them of their wealth, to see those dear to them bathed in tears, to clasp to your bosom their wives and daughters.” -Genghis Khan (allegedly)


                      • Originally posted by Diplo Holland
                        My goodness, how many times does one have to say something around here!?
                        I heard you the first time. I think Incas wheren't sure.

                        Originally posted by Diplo Holland
                        Holland is sympathetic to Ottoman and Mali positions so is flexible.
                        So is everyone else, but please remember the following four facts:

                        1. Mongolia, Inca, Holland, America, France and Russia can and will be there two hours early. 6 out of 9 (or since Carpathia dissapeard 6 out of 8

                        2. This is the only day in weeks when all players will be present, making the most of it is paramount.

                        3. Ottomans who are at war and have colonies will most likley have a sub for the hour.

                        4. Even Mali and Ottomans can and will make it one hour early. Meanining that this is really just a push for one extra hour, since the first hour is in their comfort zone.

                        And finally, if someone has any other objections they should have said so before today. Many of us are very frustrated by last minute changes.

                        The consensus is that we play 2 hours early, and that Mali and Ottomans join in 1 hour early. We get a sub for Ottomans, if we manage to get a backup sub and it turns out we don't need him, he plays as Mali.
                        Last edited by Diplo France; June 7, 2008, 08:05.
                        'Impossible' n'est pas français.


                        • Originally posted by Diplo Mongolia
                          I'm ready as a hard-boiled egg!
                          Mongolia as the defualt host, you will need to have the game up 15 min before game time. If you can't tell Incas they should host the game and that they must have it up 15 min before game time.

                          It must be absloutley clear who is the host!
                          'Impossible' n'est pas français.


                          • Interesting i had a post right after Holland but it never loaded here.

                            Well what i wanted to say was that i feel bad for the ottos, not so much for Mali. After all Mali hasn't been on poly for weeks now. At least they told me, and even now i hear that they spoke to Ottos that they will be here 1hr early.

                            Still feels a bit unfair to bail on them like that, after all they were here and ready to play last week.

                            Anyway 2hrs it is , i just hope someone has talked to Agent to sub for Ottos. No Agent means we all will be waiting 1hr for ottos and mali show come. Which is still not so bad.

                            Anyway see you all early 2hr birdies.

                            AH AT LAST A DIPLO SESSION nice nice

                            5hr session haha haha happy happy


                            • No Agent tonight. He has a hot date.

                              I hope people have been busy looking for subs over the last few days. I've done what I could, but I've been away from the computer and busy a lot lately.

                              I got a maybe from another KC clan guy. Maybe Nolan can pull in some people.

                              Edit: Sabrdrak volunteered to sub .
                              Last edited by OzzyKP; June 7, 2008, 20:06.
                              Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

                              When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


                              • Nice Ozzy

