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Diplogame HOTW XII Ragnarok - Story Thread

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  • The Directory meets

    Five men and a few selected top officials sat in a dimly lit room. Five men of which each controlled an aspect of the far-flung but fragile empire, each of them was comparable to a king in power, each of them was determined to pursue their own agenda. After the fall of Robespierre and the defeat of in the war of Ottoman Agression, the Directory had been changed. It’s role was expanded while the representatives of the National Assembly lost much of their influence. This centralization of power did not, however, result in the death of the representative system, as the men spoke their words where written down and as the meeting began a silent representative of the assembly followed by a constitutional Judge entered the room. The two represented the law, a thing the French took very seriously. But even if this had not been the case it is entirely logical that the Judicial and Legislative branch would demanded the right to keep tabs on the now much more powerful executive one.

    In theory, each of the five directors was an expert on his field, “the best man for the job”. The practice, as is often in idealistic systems, was different, they where primarily powerful politicians, but despite this, the minimal standard of expertise needed, and the ethos of technocratic thought which existed in France was what many believed was the central part of the nations progress during that time.

    Utilitarianism, developed by the philospher, political economist and member of the National Assembly very John Stewart Mill, was very a very popular concept and was held in great regard. Individualism seemed to have found another counterpart who could counteract its many potential flaws, the old adversary of tyranny seemed outdated and foolish compared to the concern for the “greater good” that permeated France. A rule of experts existed in theory, what we would from today’s perspective called technocracy tempered by popular representation. The governor of the bank of France, who was also, quite unusually the finance minister, began to speak:

    -“In past years we have achieved financial stability despite the vast shipments of gold we have had to deliver to other nations. The gold sufficit left by Robespierre has proved to be very useful in making profitable investments. The construction of the Versailles palace in New France has been paid, as have several other trades… the growth of the economy combined with several reductions in bureaucratic expenses has allowed us to breathe more easily in past years. However, despite favorable market conditions, growth has been sluggish. Also, the rate of inflation has after a brief drop due to reduced government expenditure, begun to rise once more, it is in containable levels but we need to keep an eye on it. There is a very real possibility of a economic crisis if we do not see very good economic growth or some reduced… how shall I put this?…. Add to this the scale of some of the recent attacks…Well, suffice it to say that I fear that some of my esteemed colleagues have begun to spend our funds far too liberally. We are living beyond our means, if this continues France will have to go into debt once more…”

    He was interrupted by the minister of defense general Ferdinand Foch, an older with a white mustache:
    -“Sir do tell us of what use is coin if it is not spent? Especially if it is spent in order to prevent further such atrocities. ”
    His pricing blue eyes seemed to deliver a layer of subtext to the Governor

    The chairman took a handkerchief to wipe the drops of sweat on his forehead:
    -”Northern France can be so frightfully hot this time of year, can we get some of those electric powered fans I have observed being unpacked in the upper floors down here? Now I would remind….

    The minister of sciences and arts, know by his secondary title of provost, couldn’t help himself but to speak out of turn: -”Ah yes, the high humidity and temperature are to be expected chairman, this peninsula was in its natural state, covered by jungle after all… as to the electric fans, this city has not yet been electrified, since there are no nearby rivers or windy areas the fans will have to wait until the construction of a power plant to become more than a case of government inefficiency. I am always surprised by such “bright ideas”, bureaucrats seem to be devoid of logic.”

    The governor seemed slightly disoriented by the interruptions:-”Yes off course, such inefficiencies are most regrettable. And yes capital not being invested is dead capital, but to quote a renowned Russian economist: “You can not plow fields with canon.” Anything that is invested into the military is lost to the economy.”

    As Foch was about to retort, the minister of development and colonial affairs spoke: -“If I may, I am certain we can continue this discussion… once I have given my report. Now all of you have received my full 700 page report, I will only summaries it here to save us all some time. We, the directory have been successful, in organizing the construction of many private and state owned factories in practically all of our cities. This combined with the repairs to the levees that sustained damage during the war, the construction of railroads and even the beginnings of slow electrification means that our dear homeland has industrialized, I have read from some reports that the majority of the population are no longer farmers but factory workers. Our colonies have seen some moderate development, and may in the coming years undergo the same process, albeit much more slowly. It is regrettable that we must spend this on defense when we are very much in need of development.”

    General Foch took the opportunity to speak: -“You must admit, military contractors have been a key part of developing the infrastructure from the very beginning. We now have at our disposal the greatest military-industrial complex this nation has ever seen. ”

    -”Contractors have their drawbacks.” said the bank governor ” just look at the Sid’s Sushi corporation. Sure its support will be profitable once the government has the chance to sell some its stocks on the stock exchange, which may I remind you is one of the many financial projects that have run into trouble and are overdue. But it als…

    -”I tought more of Meier when he was a board game designer.” said the minister of defense. ”I prefer local companies in operating in each city independently. These corporations are a liability if you ask me, we need to keep them supplied with plentiful and cheap resource to prevent them from causing more damage with their monopolistic practices than they do good. Protecting our hold over these resources will become harder and harder. And since our nation is facing a grave military threat at the moment we can’t really guarantee this.

    The governor said: ”As sure as I am General that you prefer smaller state dependant companies that need the government to coordinate them to produce arms you must see that the intermitting of the state with such companies could result in much the same organizational problems that are presented by corporations… but I am not really here to talk about that. I would like to hear what military intelligence has come up with regarding the terrorist attacks. They have in combination with sabotages and financial warfare destroyed five towns and several improvements. My initial estimate is that it has cost us well over 100 gpt in income! These acts can’t be allowed to continue, if they are we may be in deep trouble by the end of the year.”

    -”Not only that but a supply fleet has been sunk by pirates off our coast. Its loss is a big blow to the colonies. Colonies, that, as some have pointed out, are vital to keep us supplied with resources our economy needs.” Said the minister of colonial affairs and development.

    The defense minister spoke quietly with the foreign relations minister, then turned around and said: “Very well, my ministry has worked closely with the foreign ministry which is directly subservient to all of us in the Directory. So you know that I can not even if I wanted to, misrepresent our situation in any way. I also want to remind you that you approved partial military mobilization of our industry immediately after these attacks not on my advice, but on that of the foreign minister who had reason to belive France was perceived as weak. More frightfully the number of our hired privateers, which serve as our eyes and ears on the seas of the world, have been revealed by Holland. This combined with pirate attacks on our shipping and terrorist attacks on our homeland, as well as the dozens of turns long military build up of the Ottoman Emprie, leads us to believe they are planning an invasion. Our nation faces a repeat of the First Ottoman war of agression.”

    The room feel completely silent for several long minutes.

    -”Can we defend ourselves? Are our navy and army strong enough?” asked the minister of development

    -“I don’t know. Ottoman forces have always been considerable and ever since the last war in which they attacked us, the Dutch government has been supplying arms to them in ever greater quantities. Our best intelligence points to the deliver of more than 5 destroyers in just the last 10 turns.”

    -“Mon Dieu! Do we have enough gold to upgrade our ships in a hurry?”

    -“No more than two, maybe three.”

    -“That’s not all, they have more modern infantry than us and….”

    -“Their technology is superior. Gentlemen don’t be fooled by the recent marvelous improvements in areas like Medicine and Physics French science has made, we do not have advanced weapons technology. We are being outpaced by all the other Eastern nations. We need to divert more funds to research into fields that could potential provide us with better weapons.” the Provoset surprised by the sudden attention he commanded continued ”May I also remind you that much of the more advanced technology relies on a steady supply of oil. Which we are currently importing at a high price from Mongolia. All the Mongols need to do is decide they need the oil for their own security or that they would prefer us not having it and close the tap then our position becomes very precarius. Some of you have read the global geological survey that I, the general and our chief diplomat commissioned. As you know Holland has received an oil well from the Ottomans. In exchange they are likely providing them with the advanced arms shipments the general noted intelligence indicates. It does not take a genius to see that we may be faced with a invasion from two fronts.”

    -The provost is quite right. I propose that we fully mobilize our economy for war. We must vote on this... Now.

    After merely an hour’s recess for deliberations, they met again, with one vote they changed the course of a nation. A state which had previously produced only a few defensive units, became in a matter of months the largest producer of military hardware on the face of Terra. This came at a sharp cost however... as France built up her armies and navies, to try and scramble together a defense in the 10 turn window the invasion was predicted to occur, her economic development halted.

    The vote passed with 4 in favor and one abstaining.

    5 turns later the invasion fleet was spotted, as one more of the French ships was sunk, the Directory met to discus a last, desperate gamble to protect themselves. Since the last attack a state of war technically existed. But the Ottomans denied the charges hoping to stall long enough for their transports to be loaded and escorted to the old world.

    One of the earliest French "fast destroyers", Le Triomphant, that survived long into the war. Her class was one of three operated during the war. The second class was the "heavy destroyer" and the third class being the "reconisance destoryer".

    The desperate measure relied on the French navy. It was a makeshift fleet of destroyers, galleons, frigates and the few remaining privateers, it sailed East carrying conscripted infantry and machine gunners. It would be the largest naval invasion in history. But only if it was successful in taking some Ottoman territory, forcing the menacing enemy fleet to sail back to New Holland. Otherwise it would be eclipsed in mere weeks by Ottoman army swarming from two fronts subjecting the helpless people of France to the iron fist of their tyranny once more.

    There was a strong desire to liberate the oppressed French people of Rennes and Bordeaux but what really prompted the Directory to vote unanimously was the estimate that if the Mongols cut their supply of oil and the Ottomans attacked, Paris would be lost in 8 and Orleans in 11 turns. The future of France would be determined by what would happened on D-day of operation Liberté.
    Last edited by Diplo France; June 5, 2008, 19:55.
    'Impossible' n'est pas français.


    • Le Triomphant earlier in the war, as part of the second fleet.
      Last edited by OzzyKP; June 10, 2008, 09:02.
      'Impossible' n'est pas français.


      • Mongolian war folksong remade and popularized during the war by famous musician Yiamie Huntrics

        "There must be some way out of here," said the joker to the thief,
        "There's too much confusion, I can't get no relief.
        Businessmen, they drink my wine, plowmen dig my earth,
        None of them along the line know what any of it is worth."

        "No reason to get excited," the thief, he kindly spoke,
        "There are many here among us who feel that life is but a joke.
        But you and I, we've been through that, and this is not our fate,
        So let us not talk falsely now, the hour is getting late."

        All along the watchtower, princes kept the view
        While all the women came and went, barefoot servants, too.

        Outside in the distance a wildcat did growl,
        Two riders were approaching, the wind began to howl.

        Mandatory paper: Please write an analyzis of this text and as to what its characters and events refer.
        e-mail: diplo_mongolia [at]
        msn: diplo_mongolia [at]

        “The greatest happiness is to vanquish your enemies, to chase them before you, to rob them of their wealth, to see those dear to them bathed in tears, to clasp to your bosom their wives and daughters.” -Genghis Khan (allegedly)


        • It has come to our attention that Carpathia hasn’t be governed for so long, so Inca is starting to look favorably on the Americans proposal. Inca supports the request of the Americans to take the Carpathian holy city back and even acquire Carpathia lands. Currently this outlaw state is a danger to all of Terra. Its people deserve better!

          But no land should be given to the pity nation of Mali, it doesn’t deserves anything.


          • He picked up the old diary and could see it had been covered in dust. It had been stored away in an old Monastery in Paris and recently uncovered and returned to Hollande. The French remained friends but oh how different it was way back then.

            The front cover read "Diary and notes by Julianna - 600AD". He turned the cover.

            "To my loving father, King Willem of Hollande..."


            damn - no time to finish...
            Dirk Ginkel of Huygens, Ginkel [RIP] & Clovis
            [Trading Inc. 660AD]


            • After a superb victory over Dutch/Ottoman forces the French and with some persuading the Mongols agreed that it would be best to give the Ottomans a generous peace, that would allow them to develop peacefully from now on.

              The terms of peace:

              -French colonies conquered by Ottomans in the previous war where returned.
              -France gains the tiny city of Erdina too keep as a base.
              -Mongolia gains old world Ottoman cities

              France did insist on regime change, since a government that supported terrorism and wars of conquest was unacceptable. The Ottoman nation was unfortunately, as their former leaders where arrested to be tried, plunged into anarchy and its cities came under the control of local warlords who swore allegiance to the capital city. A international court was set up in Port au Prince to hold a trial for Ottoman war criminals (mostly individuals who committed atrocities in the previous war). To help the Ottomans rebuild, and to further deconstruct their militaristic and nationalist spirit, it was decided that the rump rebel province of Germany would form a union with the new Ottoman state. France also, since the Ottomans extradited their former leaders to be tried, waivered its rights to monetary reparations it was due.

              -The Ottoman empire would also be by the terms of the treaty henceforth be neutral.

              This would further enable the Ottoman people to rebuild their infrastructure without need to maintain a large military force at the same time. France was bound by the treaty to declare war on any nation that would attack the neutral Ottoman state.

              The Incas and Americans also supported this treaty.
              -The Incas pledged 1000 gold to help the new Ottoman state rebuild.

              During the war the Directory was replaced be the Consulate. As a result of his strategic genious, and brilliant leadership, Napoleon Bonaparte became the first consul. He at first argued for the complete conquest of New Holland and the creation of a new colony state upon its completion, but was persuaded by the other two consuls to support the plan to rehabilitate the existing Ottoman state.
              Last edited by Diplo France; June 8, 2008, 18:37.
              'Impossible' n'est pas français.


              • The lost generation.

                Following the Mongolian attack against Ottoman over resources, the most atrocious conflict the world had ever seen would take place. 2 nations with insurmountable pride and courage fought like the fiercest wild beasts. The result was loss of human life on an unprecedented scale. It is said that an entire generation of Mongols and Ottomans lost their lives, in addition to thousands of Dutch who served under Ottoman command.

                The Great War, as it would later be called saw a completely new form of warfare that shook the entire civilized world. Led by the charismatic general Temujin Khan the Mongols advanced successfully into Ottoman territory, seizing a hill outside Ankara. Here the advance party defeated numerous artillery and held the position as the main force of the Mongolian armies approached. Continous harassment of Mongol troops by artillery fire slowed their movement somewhat, but the swarm still kept pushing on.

                The Ottoman at this junction were all but chanceless to defend against the Mongols. Then Holland intervened and sent dozens of Artillery divisions, tank squadrons and Machine guns, and it is believed even whole divisions of infantry. What was going to a quick strike ended in a bulging battlefield that stretched from the outskirts of Ankara to the border areas of Beshbalik.

                Mongolia's tactical plan had taken into account Ottoman firepower superiority from their more advanced artillery, but the sheer vastness of guns, so inflated by the Dutch military, was able to lay death to tens of thousands, then hundreds of thousands and with counterattacks, in the end millions of soldiers. However, the Mongols, by many considered the staunchest and most tenacious soldiers in the world fought back against the technological superiority with astounding strength. Machine guns made traditional infantry assaults far more deadly than ever before and the hills became known as "the slashed hills", since trenches that were cut across gushed forth of blood and mud, seeming like great bleeding gashes in the earth itself.

                Turkish artillery retreating after bombarment

                Mongolian Machine gun position

                The result was death on an unimagined scale.

                In addition to the numbers presented here, the Mongolian Armed forces has released that 14 Dutch produced Armored Tanks were destroyed.
                Counting both sides, 73 Infantry divisions perished, 36 Machine Gun units, 30+ Cavalry corps, at least a dozen Mongolian Cannon 30 Dutch Artillery pieces and some additional casualties of irregulars and similar.

                The total death toll is estimated to be around 3 million souls, with roughly a corresponding number of wounded. The vast death tolls led the Socialist Confederacy to establish a nationwide welfare system for war veterans and as well as a huge investment into hospitals and medical care.

                Here is the Mongolian Interpretation Offices yearly army strength estimate in the year after the war. A great loss of men for both Mongolia, Holland and Ottoman can be seen here.

                The war ended with a French negotiated armistice. Ottoman agreed to surrender their remaining old world cities in return for claims in the new world. Mongolia took over Samsun, Ankara and Bursa. The latter is particularly interesting as it had a large Mongolian population, as well as socialist Turks, who actively sought to aid Mongolia in its war efforts hoping to bring the city into the Socialist Confederacy's hands.

                Following the surrender of the Ottomans, the remaining forces were given free passage to Holland from where they sought passage to their promised lands in the New World. The face of the eastern lands had changed irrevocably.

                Turks boarding railroad to leave old Ottomania

                Last edited by Diplo Mongolia; June 8, 2008, 05:36.
                e-mail: diplo_mongolia [at]
                msn: diplo_mongolia [at]

                “The greatest happiness is to vanquish your enemies, to chase them before you, to rob them of their wealth, to see those dear to them bathed in tears, to clasp to your bosom their wives and daughters.” -Genghis Khan (allegedly)


                • Great Post Mongolia, Thanks


                  • A very good post, with wonderfull links to ingame statistics and events. This will be hard to top.
                    'Impossible' n'est pas français.


                    • Originally posted by Diplo France
                      After a superb victory over Dutch/Ottoman forces the French and with some persuading the Mongols agreed that it would be best to give the Ottomans a generous peace, that would allow them to develop peacefully from now on.
                      The fact is that Dutch troops were only used to assist the Ottomans in the Old World and the Dutch see the results here quite favourable.

                      The terms of peace:

                      -French colonies conquered by Ottomans in the previous war where returned.
                      -France gains the tiny city of Erdina too keep as a base.
                      -Mongolia gains old world Ottoman cities

                      France did insist on regime change, since a government that supported terrorism and wars of conquest was unacceptable. The Ottoman nation was unfortunately, as their former leaders where arrested to be tried, plunged into anarchy and its cities came under the control of local warlords who swore allegiance to the capital city. In the former Carpathian city of The Hague, which the Americans released control of immediatley after conquest, a international court was set up to hold a trial for Ottoman war criminals (mostly individuals who committed atrocities in the previous war). To help the Ottomans rebuild, and to further deconstruct their militaristic and nationalist spirit, it was decided that the rump rebel province of Germany would form a union with the new Ottoman state. France also, since the Ottomans extradited their former leaders to be tried, waivered its rights to monetary reparations it was due.

                      -The Ottoman empire would also be by the terms of the treaty henceforth be neutral.

                      This would further enable the Ottoman people to rebuild their infrastructure without need to maintain a large military force at the same time. France was bound by the treaty to declare war on any nation that would attack the neutral Ottoman state.

                      The Incas and Americans also supported this treaty.
                      -The Incas pledged 1000 gold to help the new Ottoman state rebuild.

                      During the war the Directory was replaced be the Consulate. As a result of his strategic genious, and brilliant leadership, Napoleon Bonaparte became the first consul. He at first argued for the complete conquest of New Holland and the creation of a new colony state upon its completion, but was persuaded by the other two consuls to support the plan to rehabilitate the existing Ottoman state.
                      I don't think France has the impremater of all other nations of the world to categorically state that the Ottomans were in fact a terrorist nation. Do the Inca believe this? Do the Americans believe this?

                      The Dutch believe that the technicalities of the peace deal are sound but French spin in the above announcement does not auger well for honest world negotiations.

                      Dirk would be interested in how the Inca or Americans (close friends of the Ottomans) might phrase the peace deal?

                      NB The Hague is a Dutch city - which American city are you talking about?
                      Dirk Ginkel of Huygens, Ginkel [RIP] & Clovis
                      [Trading Inc. 660AD]


                      • Great story Mongolia.
                        Last edited by Heraclitus; June 8, 2008, 20:23.
                        Modern man calls walking more quickly in the same direction down the same road “change.”
                        The world, in the last three hundred years, has not changed except in that sense.
                        The simple suggestion of a true change scandalizes and terrifies modern man. -Nicolás Gómez Dávila


                        • In order to clairfy our position on the matter, we have condensed our key opinions and responses in this message:

                          We never claimed to represent the American, Incan or any other official view on the matter but our own. We merley presented what is the prevalent view on the matter among most people here in France.

                          We have not executed anyone who has been arested, so far in fact most trials are yet to begin.

                          On the war & Ottoman crimes:

                          -It was started by the Ottoman state, which had engaged in acts of piracy. In international law we base it on the precednse of the Ottoman war agianst our own nation. Note: We continue deny those accusations, and have provided proof of our innocence in the past.

                          -The Ottoman state is the most likley suspect for the destruction of many towns in France. This occured over a period of time. The worst event cost the lives of
                          20,000 Frenchmen. We have seen no evidence to point Ottomans have been framed.

                          -The Ottoman occupational forces during the previous war commited crimes on French soil

                          In summary, the old Ottoman state was a terrorist state, in the sense that it supported terrorist attacks and wars of conquest.

                          We would prefer Ottoman cooperation on the matter, since it is nearly closed, if this is not possible we shall take other measures to ensure the suspect see their day in court. We are particulary interested in aprehending war criminals hiding abroad in other nations. We provide a bounty of 50 gold to any nation that can apprehend and extradite such suspects.

                          -We wish the new Ottoman goverment and state to thrive in peace and prosperity, for the benefit of its Turkish, German and Carpathian citizens.

                          We hope this clarifies our position. We would not have published this if it was not for a desire to explain to the Dutch goverment and people our positions and the facts from which we operate.
                          Last edited by Diplo France; June 8, 2008, 20:30.
                          'Impossible' n'est pas français.


                          • (more IC posts, less OOC belly-aching por favor)
                            Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

                            When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


                            • Originally posted by OzzyKP
                              (more IC posts, less OOC belly-aching por favor)
                              You do plenty of posts like these. And if you are referring to my post it is IC!
                              Last edited by Diplo Holland; June 8, 2008, 23:07.
                              Dirk Ginkel of Huygens, Ginkel [RIP] & Clovis
                              [Trading Inc. 660AD]


                              • France has been posting their usual duplicitous lies. Ottoman have never under my control used sabotage, and going by units I saw when I took over from the sub, it is very unlikely he did so either, there were no units in a position where it could happen, no spies present or being built etc. THe whole war was a farce. It was an excuse to destroy me, even though they would not have overseas possessions at all if I did not supply them with an initial 4 galleons and then for my help they build privateers and use against me. I have not interest in their deals, and will never play another game against them again. I only made peace not to destroy game for others. At no stage did I agree on neutrality.
                                The deal was not good. Losing my 3 developed cities for cities with no infratrcuture is not a good deal. Personally I would rather have died as a civ, but couild see some people were angry that wars take so long so I made peace. It was a loss of 6 ciites for 4 crap cities, 2 of which I had to sacrifice nearly all remaining units to capture as the socalled Inca/France help walked away, apparently not willing to throw a few suicide attacks against machine guns. The socalled compensation from the Inca never arrived. But that is typical of their talk, always more than their deals.

