The Empress of Russia has been notified of two new settlements in the new land, and the growing volunteerism for soldiering and working the land.
What was of concern to her was the bad news from France about their war and a city lost to the Ottomans. Messages were not clear this month, so we await the diplomatic dispatches.
America was in need of the Books of Economics, so they were traded for the Military Tradition library. In time it is indicated we might have trained steeds and sharpshooting riders to police our vast lands.
The Empress sent dispatches to other nations about the keshiks military prowress. Indeed, we may train them to be hired for regular payments of gold, and should they die in battle, their families will be justly compensated. Surely they will be needed by other countries as Russia is a peaceful nation, and this will allow us to have a military force, well trained and able to return home for protecting the Motherland, should war emerge.
What was of concern to her was the bad news from France about their war and a city lost to the Ottomans. Messages were not clear this month, so we await the diplomatic dispatches.
America was in need of the Books of Economics, so they were traded for the Military Tradition library. In time it is indicated we might have trained steeds and sharpshooting riders to police our vast lands.
The Empress sent dispatches to other nations about the keshiks military prowress. Indeed, we may train them to be hired for regular payments of gold, and should they die in battle, their families will be justly compensated. Surely they will be needed by other countries as Russia is a peaceful nation, and this will allow us to have a military force, well trained and able to return home for protecting the Motherland, should war emerge.