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Diplogame HOTW XII Ragnarok - Story Thread

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  • The Empress of Russia has been notified of two new settlements in the new land, and the growing volunteerism for soldiering and working the land.

    What was of concern to her was the bad news from France about their war and a city lost to the Ottomans. Messages were not clear this month, so we await the diplomatic dispatches.

    America was in need of the Books of Economics, so they were traded for the Military Tradition library. In time it is indicated we might have trained steeds and sharpshooting riders to police our vast lands.

    The Empress sent dispatches to other nations about the keshiks military prowress. Indeed, we may train them to be hired for regular payments of gold, and should they die in battle, their families will be justly compensated. Surely they will be needed by other countries as Russia is a peaceful nation, and this will allow us to have a military force, well trained and able to return home for protecting the Motherland, should war emerge.


    • Bloodshed, nothing but bloodshed.

      The siege of Tours

      The Ottoman leader seemed to have gone insane, and declared war on France, heading an army of rifflemen and cannons towards Tours. Many Musketmen gave their life to hold the city, in vain. Twendty divisions were slaughtered by the firepower of the modern Ottoman arsenal. Incan and Dutch observers were impressed by the martyrious resistance of the French, who saw a great general emerge during that war.

      Charles Martel was immediatly sent to the military center of France where he teached the new recruits how to defeat the Ottoman, even if he came to late for this war, his wisdom will grant french elite troops for ever.
      His predecessor was executed.

      This war could not be held on for ever, so that the French had to pay a huge price to get Tours back, any military action didn't seem promising anyway. The colonys of Rennes and Bordeaux had to be evacuated and turned over to the Ottomans, avoiding even more damage to the already weakened economy.

      French settlers fleeing their homes and waiting for naval transportation to the homeland.

      The Revolution went on!

      Reims was completely overwhelmed by the civil war, and the citizens demanding an emancipation became more and more each day.

      Unimpressed by the crowds, Robespierre made efforts to bring Frances economy back on line, showing out to be a talented economist, supporting the bankers of the nation, even founding the "Banque de France".

      The Scientist Caste of Paris had a great talent rising, Louis De Pasteur. His breakthroughs in medecine allowed some of the first experimental way of vaccination, and a process called after his inventor allowing longer conservation of milk. In his later years, he founded the Académie Pasteur at Lyon.

      The power of the revolution and the strengh of the people

      The crowd storming the Elysee Palace.

      The loss of Bordeaux and Rennes, the bloodshed at Tours and the estimated 42 000 people executed for "not beeing revolutionary enough" were just to much to stand for the French. Robespierre quickly became the one who was blamed for all problems of the nation.

      Robespierre was arrested in the middle of a parliament session.
      He was then brought on the Champ de Mars where a furious crowd awaited his execution.
      And they got what they wanted.
      The mortuar mask of Robespierre.

      Maximilien de Robespierre was remembered as a man who made only two things as a Franch ruler : Gold and Blood. A tyrant, never to be seen again. And this was a great lesson for the young Republic. Recovering from the shocking last years, the french now look forward, hoping some great leader may arise and grant more prosperous times.


      • The guns fell silent.

        A wave of Mongol Riflemen had dashed themselves against the Hollande fort of Machine Guns. Dutch losses were evident but the Mongol stack, huge as it was of Cannon, Cavalry and Riflemen, stood there at the gates of De Hague - exhausted, badly damaged and demoralised.

        The Mongol troops had heard of the routing of the massive Mongol Divisions near Utrecht. The Dutch were chasing the fleeing Mongols through France and about to kill 3 Cavalry and 4 Riflemen when the message came that the Mongols had sued for peace.

        Apparently a great Mongol General had overdosed on Incan wine and fallen into a deep sleep. With their head cut off the Mongol forces never again received any more orders to attack. Thus their badly damaged 4 Rifes and 3 Cavalry were spared from Dutch desire for revenge in the interests of peace.

        Peace was more important to the Dutch and never again would the Mongols cause them any trouble.

        Delft remained, for now, in Mongol handes but Dirk Ginkel demanded its return. It would be blockaded out of any use in any case; just as soon as the General awakes and returns to discuss the matter - no discussion would result in Dutch action, rest assured Mongolia.

        Reportedly, some resistance to the Mongol Communist method of rule came from Mongolian youths who were better-educated, aware that change was occurring, and anxious that even greater openness be permitted was becoming evident.

        Politically, they seemed to advocate extending the trend toward democratisation. They viewed democracy more as a human right than as a means for improving the political system and its policies, by such methods as encouraging public criticism of cadre incompetence, poor management practices, and so forth.

        Youth demands also may have been shared by the artistic community and by some members of the intelligentsia. The latter, while saluting the de-Communisisation campaign , also may have wanted a more extensive reappraisal of Mongolian culture and its heroes. It was difficult to assess how deep these feelings were, but observers doubted that they represented any immediate threat to the regime's stability.

        However governmental civic changes had occurred in Mongolia since wars' end.
        Attached Files
        Last edited by Diplo Holland; May 8, 2008, 21:22.
        Dirk Ginkel of Huygens, Ginkel [RIP] & Clovis
        [Trading Inc. 660AD]


        • The Ottoman people have believed for some time that France has sponsored the privateer attacks which has focussed on Ottoman ships. When news broke early in the morning of the holiday celebrating Confucius birthday that missionaries of the Confucius faith travelling to the New World settlements had been martyred by Privateers believed to be of French origin, the response of the people was instant. Prime Minister Abdul Alladin instantly realised that action must be taken or his position in the free Ottoman Democracy would be under threat. So war was declared against the French antagonists and all military divisions from the 3 remaining cities of the Old World moved for battle against a dozen or more French cities, the odds against success were high due to the larger number of troops that the French army had at their disposal. But the superbly trained and motivated Ottoman forces routed the defenders of Tours and the reinforcements that poured in from all the other French cities, resulting in a magnificent victory against a numerically much larger army.
          The Ottoman people prefer peace and with the immediate thirst for revenge satisfied, peace was signed with the French people, a treaty that allowed for migration of French people from cities on New Holland to the Old World French cities. Ottoman veterans of war then settled the French cities of New Holland sponsored by generous grants from the Ottoman government as a reward for a great victory.


          • The migration of the Ottoman people to the new world has continued with transmigration treaties signed with the Ameican and French nation, the French treaty signed under duress of the war, a war which has ended the privateer scourge with no reported attacks since the start of the war. The people of 3 Ottoman cities have moved to American cities on New Holland, as well as founded several more cities with the help of American settlers and defenders, plus the war veterans moved to 2 French colonies on new Holland.
            This leaves the Ottoman democracy with 3 cities only in the Old World, original plans were that no cities would remain in the Old World, but events with France have shown the Ottoman government that a presence is needed in the Old World for political and military leverage, and therefore 2 of the cities will be maintained forever by the Ottoman people. A 3rd city which has been heavily influenced by Incan culture may be involved with a migration agreement with the Incan empire if a suitable agreement can be reached.
            There has been a minor economic impact with the migration effect with some loss of income and research, but overall the impact has been much less than planned for and with the greater number of cities in the New World more rapid economic and productive growth is anticipated in the future.
            The future for the Ottoman people is promising indeed, and with all satisfied with their freedom, their optimism is high. But the scourge of the privateer attacks is scarred into their memory and Prime Ministers current and future are likely to retaliate quickly to further attacks even if the source of the attacks is uncertain. Whether the correct nation is punished may well be irrelevant to the ruler at the time, just the fact that someone was punished is necessary to satisfy the desire for revenge.


            • TO:The Ottoman state, Mali & world
              FROM:The Directory of France

              We are most severely upset that the Ottoman state now believes it has a casus beli on any nation it chooses simply by screaming piracy! Such actions are unacceptable, but so was the invasion of France, it seems nations are willing to put up with this. The Ottomans try to portray this as a victory of the few against the many, but it is in reality the victory of the many against the few, any nation can see this by examining the power ratings of France and the Ottomans pre-war and combining this knowledge with the knowledge of Ottoman technological supremacy. It was in fact an incredible achievement that Robespierre was able to hold the city against such a superior foe for so long.

              We again deny the charges of piracy and do formally proclaim this war to have been illegal and permanently damaging to the Franco-Ottoman relations. We are disgusted that no nation objected to this course of action. As a result of this unjust war the French community in Orleans in now slated for assimilation and repression. Do not be fooled by Ottoman claims of mutual migration, I say how can there be such a deal if there are no Ottoman populations in the French Empire. Also how can they explain the continued presence of even the French army in Orleans. We demand the Ottoman state help France in ensuring safe passage of French citizens from the occupied zone, we believe a gift of a galleon or a loan of 4 galleons will be sufficient to evacuate them in time.

              This war has also destroyed the infrastructure of much of our lands and strained our treasury. We the French people request humanitarian aid from any country that might be willing to provide it. We beg the world to remember which nation was most generous in times of natural disasters, we ask that you remember the many times the budget of France was strained but we provided, the many times when we even aided our enemies because of a simple desire to do what is right. We also ask the so called “friends of France” to send aid as a token that they yet remember we exist, yes we were most disappointed by recent events. In fact they have estranged us from many nations, we now see that our distrust in the some was warranted, we may be forced to change our foreign policy considerably[/I].

              Lastly we do kindly ask that the King of Mali please inform his underlings (subs) of a certain unspecified deal. Please do not confuse this request as cry of J’accuse, we write this in a completely different tone than the above paragraphs. We think fondly of the people of Mali, so we are certain that since France has completed its part of the deal so will the great state of Mali.

              Directoire exécutif
              Last edited by Diplo France; May 6, 2008, 07:04.
              'Impossible' n'est pas français.


              • "La Marseillaise" is a song written and composed by Claude Joseph Rouget de Lisle in Strasbourg during the Ottoman war. Its original name was "Chant de guerre pour l'Armée du Rhin" ("War Song for the Army of the Rhine") and it was dedicated to Marshal Nicolas Luckner, a Bavarian-born French officer from Lyons. It became the rallying call of the French Revolution and received its name because it was first sung on the streets by volunteers (fédérés) from Marseille upon their arrival in Paris after a young volunteer from Montpellier called François Mireur had sung it at a patriotic gathering in Marseilles. It qucikly became more popular and it in was adopted by the French Directory as the national anthem of France several years after the Ottoman war of aggression.


                1. Arise children of the fatherland
                The day of glory has arrived
                Against us tyranny's
                Bloody standard is raised
                Listen to the sound in the fields
                The howling of these fearsome soldiers
                They are coming into our midst
                To cut the throats of your sons and consorts
                To arms citizens
                Form you battalions
                March, march
                Let impure blood
                Water our furrows

                2. What do they want this horde of slaves
                Of traitors and conspiratorial kings?
                For whom these vile chains
                These long-prepared irons?
                Frenchmen, for us, ah! What outrage
                What methods must be taken?
                It is we they dare plan
                To return to the old slavery!

                3. What! These foreign cohorts!
                They would make laws in our courts!
                What! These mercenary phalanxes
                Would cut down our warrior sons
                Good Lord! By chained hands
                Our brow would yield under the yoke
                The vile despots would have themselves be
                The masters of destiny

                4. Tremble, tyrants and traitors
                The shame of all good men
                Tremble! Your parricidal schemes
                Will receive their just reward
                Against you we are all soldiers
                If they fall, our young heros
                France will bear new ones
                Ready to join the fight against you

                5. Frenchmen, as magnanimous warriors
                Bear or hold back your blows
                Spare these sad victims
                Who with regret are taking up arms against us
                But not these bloody despots
                These accomplices of Bouillé
                All these tigers who pitilessly
                Are ripping open their mothers' breasts

                6. Sacred Love for the Fatherland
                Lead and support our avenging arms
                Liberty, cherished liberty
                Join the struggle with your defenders
                Under our flags, let victory
                hasten to you virile (or manly) force
                So that in death your enemies
                See your triumph and our glory!

                7. We shall enter into the pit
                When our elders will no longer be there
                There we shall find their ashes
                And the mark of their virtues
                We are much less jealous of surviving them
                Than of sharing their coffins
                We shall have the sublime pride
                Of avenging or joining them

                Viva la France! We shall never yield to tyranny!
                Last edited by Diplo France; May 6, 2008, 07:13.
                'Impossible' n'est pas français.


                • To: The Directory of France

                  From: Mansa Djati.

                  Let it be known that the Malinese people stand by their French friends in this time of crisis. Though we cannot promise direct military assistance, we are happy to help the French people in any manner we can in order to prevent further aggression from the Ottoman Empire.

                  Though I'm sure the Ottomans might laugh at the "puny" nation of Mali, they would do well to remember that Carpathia did so too. The Malinese are a peaceful peoples, but we would advise that the Ottomans seek a quick-and fair-settlement with the French in this matter.

                  King Mansa Djati I.


                  • Could people please change their OOC comments to tiny writting.
                    Modern man calls walking more quickly in the same direction down the same road “change.”
                    The world, in the last three hundred years, has not changed except in that sense.
                    The simple suggestion of a true change scandalizes and terrifies modern man. -Nicolás Gómez Dávila


                    • TO: King Mansa Dijati I.
                      FROM: The Directory

                      We greatly appreciate your nation voicing its support against Ottoman aggression. We understand circumstances beyond your control prevented you from doing so earlier, but rest assured the French people will not forget this. Should the fair people of the Mali find themselves in peril the French Republic will aid them.

                      The truce accepted by Robespierre will be for the time being be accepted by the current French government, since we wish to avoid bloodshed unless absolutely necessary.

                      We are pleased to finally know which nations of Terra have are principled and honorable leaders and which choose to remain silent on recent events.

                      Directoire exécutif
                      'Impossible' n'est pas français.


                      • We again deny the charges of piracy and do formally proclaim this war to have been illegal and permanently damaging to the Franco-Ottoman relations.
                        Let the French people honestly post the details of privateers current, built, lost, killed, as the people of Holland have. Also let the french people post the details of galleons current, built, lost and killed. The posting of these details will prove that the French privateers have indeed sunk almost the entire fleet of Ottoman galleons, leaving only one in our entire fleet. So obviously the French will never post those details honestly, but instead post denials that cannot be believed.
                        The Ottoman people charge the French people with acts of piracy and murder of innocent holy men and missionaries, an heinous crime in any society. We cannot spare our last surviving galleon and will not apologize for any act of war or pay damages of any type.
                        The Ottoman people are disappointed that the Malinese government have overlooked the war crimes of the French people and the killing of innocent holy men, but we know the people of mali are not of the same mind as their King and will continue to seek good relations with the Malinese people.


                        • Originally posted by Diplo Ottoman

                          Let the French people honestly post the details of privateers current, built, lost, killed, as the people of Holland have. Also let the french people post the details of galleons current, built, lost and killed. The posting of these details will prove that the French privateers have indeed sunk almost the entire fleet of Ottoman galleons, leaving only one in our entire fleet. So obviously the French will never post those details honestly, but instead post denials that cannot be believed.
                          The Ottoman people charge the French people with acts of piracy and murder of innocent holy men and missionaries, an heinous crime in any society. We cannot spare our last surviving galleon and will not apologize for any act of war or pay damages of any type.
                          The Ottoman people are disappointed that the Malinese government have overlooked the war crimes of the French people and the killing of innocent holy men, but we know the people of mali are not of the same mind as their King and will continue to seek good relations with the Malinese people.
                          We have no problem posting our statistics, if the nations of Terra so demand we shall do it. But I must warn the people of the Ottoman empire that it is a trivial pursuit to forge such records, so we would not be so quick to accept this as absolute proof either from us or any other civ on Terra.

                          May I also remind you that in times of war the use of privateers is not piracy but precisely what the name implies; privateering, something quite legal if the two nations have declared war on each other.

                          Also the French people can not be considered guilty of crimes against humanity, whatever that is (OOC: try to stick to proper RP, war crimes are a modern concept formed by international agreements, no such things exist on Terra, yet ), only our government or individuals can be. But we again fully deny these charges.
                          Last edited by Diplo France; May 7, 2008, 20:00.
                          'Impossible' n'est pas français.


                          • May I also remind you that in times of war the use of privateers is not piracy but precisely what the name implies; privateering, something quite legal if the two nations have declared war on each other.
                            True, but all losses from privateers have been during peacetime, and so your statement camouflages the real issue of illegal piracy and murder of holy men.
                            Also the largest civilization on the world should not be complaining of weakness and technology backwardness, if your civilization can build that many cities, it should not hope for charity when attacked, but should defend itself. You have around doubled any other civs in city numbers, so defend them, or we will take more, without pity or guilt.
                            Again we warn the world that the Ottoman people are demanding that their leaders respond vigorously to an privateer attacks, if other nations were fully democratic, they would also understand the pressures that the people can put on their leaders, pressures that are sometimes not rational, but nevertheless needs to be responded to.


                            • people are slow on stories this session, it seems
                              Modern man calls walking more quickly in the same direction down the same road “change.”
                              The world, in the last three hundred years, has not changed except in that sense.
                              The simple suggestion of a true change scandalizes and terrifies modern man. -Nicolás Gómez Dávila


                              • Originally posted by Diplo Ottoman

                                True, but all losses from privateers have been during peacetime, and so your statement camouflages the real issue of illegal piracy and murder of holy men.

                                OOC: I assumed my sub built a few privateers and ships to fight you on the sea during the war.

                                We again deny the charges of priacy, if you want some kind of proof simply ask for it and we will provide it. But the thing is I don't think there is, meaning the people of France are now open to attack based on conjecure. I think you know this and exploit this.

                                And not onyl our people but any people which can build these ships. I say this is a very damagaing precedense for Terra. Even demaning reparations on such grounds is much less worrying a practice.

                                Originally posted by Diplo Ottoman

                                Also the largest civilization on the world should not be complaining of weakness and technology backwardness,
                                This is completley true, but the sad realitiy is that we are in fact a mediocer civ with regards to land, our land area is laughable compared to the super powers like Holland adn Inca. And they have shown with recent expansion that they easily have room for a douzen extra cities in theri land, France dosne't have this. Precisley because of our weakness we have been forced to settle so much. This is precisley the reason we had to fight the Incas and Carpathians. People don't take our claims seriusly and if they do they grosly overestimate the actuall influence of France.

                                Originally posted by Diplo Ottoman
                                You have around doubled any other civs in city numbers, .
                                This is blatantly false, once the Incas post the latest city count you will just see how much so.

                                Originally posted by Diplo Ottoman
                                You have around doubled any other civs in city numbers, so defend them, or we will take more, without pity or guilt.
                                This is an outrage, you threaten us with war, again. Off course we plan on defending our cities, but what we have here is not well meaning advice. What happpened to just causes? Oh, I'm sorry I forgot privateering gives you a charte blanche to attack whomever you like.
                                This is a very agressive stance to take.

                                You see you made the small mistake of in the above paragraph revealing the real motivation for the war, any nation who sees this understands what it implies. It dosen't matter if you pirate our ships or not, if our forces our bigger & better than yours we shall take your cities with impunity.
                                Last edited by Diplo France; May 9, 2008, 08:12.
                                'Impossible' n'est pas français.

