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Diplogame HOTW XII Ragnarok - Story Thread

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  • Please let me finish my story posts before jumping to conclusions. Instead of posting deceptive OOC screenshots, I value the power of story. A statesman like offer will be made, but not by Vigo. When I resort to OOC whineing about how diplomacy holds no weight in this game (cough, cough, America), then you fairly accuse me unstatesman like tatics.

    PS: Wow, this is getting heated! Don't know if that is a good thing or bad thing.
    YIM is CarpathiaCiv
    MSN is CarpathiaCiv
    Email is diplo_carpathia at plomp dot eu


    • Originally posted by Diplo Carpathia
      Please let me finish my story posts before jumping to conclusions. Instead of posting deceptive OOC screenshots, I value the power of story. A statesman like offer will be made, but not by Vigo. When I resort to OOC whineing about how diplomacy holds no weight in this game (cough, cough, America), then you fairly accuse me unstatesman like tatics.

      PS: Wow, this is getting heated! Don't know if that is a good thing or bad thing.
      Tis a good thing!!
      Dirk Ginkel of Huygens, Ginkel [RIP] & Clovis
      [Trading Inc. 660AD]


      • OOC to Carpathia - As I told France earlier, you really shouldn't post a blank entry and then fill it in later. It disrupts the timeline and allows you to comment on things posted later in an earlier post. Plus, people may read the half finished initial post and not know to go back and read it when it is done. Just write and post your stories all at once.
        Land of the free. Home of the brave.


        • OOC: What blank posts? You of all people should be accusing me of deceptive posting methods. Please point out exactly what you are refering to. And just for the record, I did notice you editing your screenshot posts to address my OOC comments and make them look unfounded. Don't call the kettle black please.

          If you are refering to my OOC comments about waiting until i finish story posts before jumping to conclusions, that is simply a result of me saving the post before apolyton logs me out. When I do this i can't help but notice that not only has the thread been spammed with screenshots (detracting from actual storys), but also that others have formed opinions already. To this I will post out of order in rebuttle before going immediatly back to working on the story.
          Last edited by Diplo Carpathia; March 29, 2008, 02:56.
          YIM is CarpathiaCiv
          MSN is CarpathiaCiv
          Email is diplo_carpathia at plomp dot eu


          • Originally posted by Diplo France

            TO: All
            FROM: King Henry the IV.

            France is greatly disturbed by the prospect that Carpathia might be wagining this war for objectives beyond the Holy City. Let it be know that France will not tolerate such overtly aggressive and distasteful actions. If the Carpathian people (again) choose this path there will be severe consequences.

            We also ask the Mongolian people to reconsider their declaration of war.

            We also request an explanation to why the Ottoman state has no problem allowing Mongolian Knights to march through its lands while French observers are not tolerated.

            France will not under any conditions tolerate the utter subjugation of the American people, if nesecary we shall enforce cancelled blocade for 10 turns, after that period French troops will beging landing in the battlefeild to attempt to enforce peace. We will not sit idly by as yet another destructive total war ravages the West, and any nation holding such illusions will be in for a rude awakening.

            In one day our offer to relinquish our claims in New Holland as part of a Western peace deal will be withdrawn and the territory will once agian be as much a part of our Empire as is Madagascar, New France and the city of Paris. We shall tolerate no ilegal settlers or military forces there.

            We ask that in these difficult times states be more dilligent in checking their emabassies on street for letters.

            King Henry the IV. of France

            TO: King Henry the IV.
            FROM: James Madison, Commander in Chief

            We greatly appreciate France's most recent communique. While we are by no means happy about France's previous dealings assisting Carpathia in their war effort, France does remain the only nation to have aided both sides in this conflict. Thus their opinion and judgment is perhaps one of the only, if not the only, unbiased viewpoint in this war.

            We greatly appreciate France's offer of territory in the New World to sooth the war fever in the west. As a moderate power, far below the "big three" such an offer is significant and a show of true commitment to peace. Of the three great powers in our world the Inca have given a city to Carpathia in the interests of peace. Holland has given tech to both Carpathia and the Mali. The Mongols however only offer to invade America. Perhaps if Mongolia were as generous as their poorer neighbor, France, peace would be nearer at hand.

            Least the offer expire, America is indeed interested in such an offer as part of a peace deal. More details need to be discussed however.

            James Madison
            Commander in Chief
            United States of America
            Land of the free. Home of the brave.


            • Originally posted by Diplo Carpathia
              OOC: What blank posts? You of all people should be accusing me of deceptive posting methods. Please point out exactly what you are refering to. And just for the record, I did notice you editing your screenshot posts to address my OOC comments and make them look unfounded. Don't call the kettle black please.

              If you are refering to my OOC comments about waiting until i finish story posts before jumping to conclusions, that is simply a result of me saving the post before apolyton logs me out. When I do this i can't help but notice that not only has the thread been spammed with screenshots (detracting from actual storys), but also that others have formed opinions already. To this I will post out of order in rebuttle before going immediatly back to working on the story.
              OOC: Uhh... neither of my screen shot posts were edited. It says when posts are edited. You apparently just missed something the first time you read it. Those posts haven't been edited.

              Detracting from actual stories? Hah. I have stated over and over again in story form that Carpathia was invading New York and that you have commented many, many times that you sought to retake more land than just Oradea, but either no one bothers to read my posts, they don't care, or they don't believe it. So I provided proof. Trust me, I'd prefer people actually read my posts and believed what I say, but that doesn't seem to be happening all that much anymore.

              Write your posts in word or notepad, or even in an e-mail. Then copy/paste them here. That is what I do. Writing and saving posts paragraph by paragraph just gets confusing. I'm not singling you out for this, I said the same thing to France before. It disrupts the flow of the thread.
              Land of the free. Home of the brave.


              • OOC: Hmmm, it looks as if you are right. Part of my confusion regarding your aledged editing was from the flurry of posts that were being made in a short period of time. Bottom line however is that OOC stuff should be kept out of this thread. I do my best to portray the reality of the situation in my storys, even if it would be more benificial to leave out certain things or even outright lie. Screenshots to prove a point (not the close-up ones used in lieu of a pic for entertainment sake), should be banned outright IMO. Not only are they about as OOC as you can get, they have the potential to be deceptive, even if that is not the poster's intent. The argument could be made that stories can be deceptive (and often are to one degree or another) but a screenshot holds a certain "This is the absolute truth" feel to it, when it may not be the whole truth. People I think assume a story may be bias.

                It is too bad my story posts with regards to this war did not happen before your screenshots. You would have seen (and now you can) that I went into detail about attacking New York. Did you post anywhere that I actually attacked New York? Forgive me if I don't recall, since I knew very well that I did attack, it may not have stuck in my mind as it would someone who isn't directly invovled.

                Again, bottom line is OOC should be kept out of this thread IMO (except for the occasional quick comment). Not trying to place blame here, but you started it by whineing OOC. THAT is underhanded... making people feel personally guilty for a cause that is bias. I vaugely recall you using this tactic in another HOTW. No matter how badly you feel you are being mistreated, resorting to OOC "diplomacy" just doesn't seem right.

                For now lets end this OOC back and forth though.

                PS: Holland, please be sure to go back and read my story posts for an explanation regarding the attack on New York.
                Last edited by Diplo Carpathia; March 29, 2008, 04:39.
                YIM is CarpathiaCiv
                MSN is CarpathiaCiv
                Email is diplo_carpathia at plomp dot eu


                • Ok, this OOC is very bad form. Stop it you two.
                  Modern man calls walking more quickly in the same direction down the same road “change.”
                  The world, in the last three hundred years, has not changed except in that sense.
                  The simple suggestion of a true change scandalizes and terrifies modern man. -Nicolás Gómez Dávila


                  • To: The nations of Terra.

                    From: Mansa Musa II.

                    We hear the very fair representations of Holland. Truly they are the great diplomats of the Age.

                    For my part, I am happy to see a return to America's original Peace Request-namely a swap of Oredea for Craoivia. If land can be offered in the New World to both parties, then this will obviously sweeten the deal.

                    As to financial assistance to both nations, I would suggest somewhere in the order of +1 or +2 gpt from each of the the 3 Super Powers-for the length of the treaty (500 years). Though we are not one of these Super Powers, our wealth is not inconsiderable, and so we would be willing to throw +1 gpt into the pot for both America and Carpathia to help them rebuild from these tragic wars. For my part, however, I would very much like them to each lease me a workforce to help build my own infrastructure up more quickly.

                    Additionally, I would be prepared to accept a total of 10 Islamic missionaries from them in return for 5 of my Vodun missionaries being accepted by each of Carpathia and America.

                    Note, however, that we still consider America our friend and ally-in spite of our disappointment regarding their stubbornness over Oradea. With this in mind, if Carpathia persists in its attack on New York, then both this and all previous agreements shall be considered null and void and we shall keep their captured city for our own for all time. Indeed, if they capture New York, then we might be prepared to push further north into Carpathian territory and exploit their current diversion.

                    I certainly hope that-in the interests of long-term peace-that Holland, France and Inca will join me in any punitive strike against Carpathia for the taking of New York. However, let us hope and pray to Ozzy that such a day never comes.

                    Again, I call on both sides. Cease this pointless conflict and return to the negotiation table. Accept the very fair and generous offer our nations put on the table and put this conflict behind you once and for all.

                    Mansa Musa II.


                    • TO: All
                      FROM: King Henry the IV.

                      France will give our share to this proposal by building 5 Islamic missionaries to be used within our cities. We also despite the ailing state of our economy offer 2 GPT to both parties.

                      The Mali speak of New World colonies but they must be confused Holland did not offer land France did, odd that France’s proposal was not greeted as warmly by the Mali, we wonder why this is the case. Also might we add that this plan is in many ways a revised version of the Marshall plan we proposed so many years ago, but with a much smaller aid package and without aid to Mali and Russia. We also, long ago, in private communication with America proposed the 50-50 split of gold from the Islamic shirne.

                      King Henry the IV. of France
                      'Impossible' n'est pas français.


                      • Originally posted by Diplo France

                        TO: All
                        FROM: King Henry the IV.

                        France will give our share to this proposal by building 5 Islamic missionaries to be used within our cities. We also despite the ailing state of our economy offer 2 GPT to both parties.

                        The Mali speak of New World colonies but they must be confused Holland did not offer land France did, odd that France’s proposal was not greeted as warmly by the Mali, we wonder why this is the case. Also might we add that this plan is in many ways a revised version of the Marshall plan we proposed so many years ago, but with a much smaller aid package and without aid to Mali and Russia. We also, long ago, in private communication with America proposed the 50-50 split of gold from the Islamic shirne.

                        King Henry the IV. of France
                        My dear friend Henry,

                        Thankyou for your response and energetic contributon.

                        I praise your efforts with the Marshall Plan and respect the integrity of the ideas developed therein. It was an important step in our incremental development of ideas for peace.

                        As for the New World the originally agreed Dutch maps showing Ottoman, Dutch and French claims showed SW New Hollande as Ottoman, who then relinquished such claim. My apologies for claming it as a bargaining chip in negotiating peace between Mali and America.

                        However the Dutch claim the West coast of New Hollande. Can you remind me of the agreement wherreby France re-claimed SW New Hollande?

                        Subsequently of course the Ottoman claims have expanded and the Dutch agree with their broader claim of New Hollande but I wish to get my diplomatic house in order and may need some reminding. I am getting very old as you know and these matters of state are testing me enormously.

                        Yours in friendship,

                        Huygens of Hollande
                        Dirk Ginkel of Huygens, Ginkel [RIP] & Clovis
                        [Trading Inc. 660AD]


                        • Originally posted by Diplo Mali
                          To: The nations of Terra.

                          From: Mansa Musa II.

                          We hear the very fair representations of Holland. Truly they are the great diplomats of the Age.

                          For my part, I am happy to see a return to America's original Peace Request-namely a swap of Oredea for Craoivia. If land can be offered in the New World to both parties, then this will obviously sweeten the deal.

                          As to financial assistance to both nations, I would suggest somewhere in the order of +1 or +2 gpt from each of the the 3 Super Powers-for the length of the treaty (500 years). Though we are not one of these Super Powers, our wealth is not inconsiderable, and so we would be willing to throw +1 gpt into the pot for both America and Carpathia to help them rebuild from these tragic wars. For my part, however, I would very much like them to each lease me a workforce to help build my own infrastructure up more quickly.

                          Additionally, I would be prepared to accept a total of 10 Islamic missionaries from them in return for 5 of my Vodun missionaries being accepted by each of Carpathia and America.

                          Note, however, that we still consider America our friend and ally-in spite of our disappointment regarding their stubbornness over Oradea. With this in mind, if Carpathia persists in its attack on New York, then both this and all previous agreements shall be considered null and void and we shall keep their captured city for our own for all time. Indeed, if they capture New York, then we might be prepared to push further north into Carpathian territory and exploit their current diversion.

                          I certainly hope that-in the interests of long-term peace-that Holland, France and Inca will join me in any punitive strike against Carpathia for the taking of New York. However, let us hope and pray to Ozzy that such a day never comes.

                          Again, I call on both sides. Cease this pointless conflict and return to the negotiation table. Accept the very fair and generous offer our nations put on the table and put this conflict behind you once and for all.

                          Mansa Musa II.
                          Dear Mansa,

                          I appreciate your support, energy and commitment to just peace processes.

                          It is a travesty of history that such a cultured people be tied down with so many border incursions and wars.

                          Together may we bring a true and lasting peace to the nations of Terra, particularly the great civilisations of the West.

                          As for Carpathia, I need to read of the details of their history but my sentiments are to act decisively with the other great powers to ensure lasting peace between Carpathia and America.

                          I tread a fine line of working closely with and supporting Mongolian efforts and becming in utter conflict with them. I pray that this does not happen.

                          I can not pray to ozzy however as shortly I will reveal a map exposing bthe secret of the maker of this world...

                          Yours in friendship,

                          Huygens of Hollande
                          Dirk Ginkel of Huygens, Ginkel [RIP] & Clovis
                          [Trading Inc. 660AD]


                          • Re: The Second Carpathian/American War

                            Originally posted by Diplo Carpathia

                            Historic records indicate that had Vigo moved against Ordelea (sp Oradea?) soon after the Meeting of Vlad III, he probably would have taken it quickly...

                            Upon delivery of the final French troops, Vigo split his now massive army into two...

                            ...we know that Vigo's plan was to take New York by surprise, then trade it for Ordelea and Foccisia.
                            This speaks for itself.

                            Huygens was annoyed.

                            The whole of Terra was still embroiled in this dispute that should have ended long ago.

                            He needed to talk to King Henry as their mercenary trade, presumably designed to achieve an early capture of Oradea, was confounded by Vigo's complex decision making and double dealings by the French.

                            The more he thought about all this the more annoyed he got. He knew nothing of the French trade. Trops moving through Hollande were on their way to Madagasgar as far as he knew.

                            If Mongolia would stay out of it militarily then maybe Hollande would as well. But as it stands the entire world is gradually being seduced into an ongoing conflict that ultimately will see the Carpathians and Americans fall hopelessly behind in their development forever.

                            "Oh my bones ache. I need counsel..."
                            Dirk Ginkel of Huygens, Ginkel [RIP] & Clovis
                            [Trading Inc. 660AD]


                            • Jefferson never considered himself to be a prophet. He didn't speak to God or get divine inspiration for his ideas. He merely sought to solve the many inconsistencies and brutal irrationality in The Code.

                              Whether inspired by God or by simply the intellect of an human genius, the Jefferson Code swept the nation. Jefferson would not live to see the full impact of his religious teachings. He died not long after his completion of the Jefferson Code (OOC for y'all who haven't caught it, I am partly referencing the Jefferson Bible with this story line). Some say the thousands of dead from the Carpathian invasion was too much of a strain for him and caused his death. Others point to the fact that Jefferson was always a Francophile and to legions of French troops assaulting New York and Oradea simply broke his heart. Others say Jefferson was just really, really old. Whatever the cause, his death was felt throughout the country.

                              To so skillfully and eloquently fuse together many foreign religious traditions and make The Code plausible, reasonable, and no longer the brutal faith of the vampires, must have, the people said, taken divine providence to complete. Some people study religion their whole lives, yet in a few weeks time Jefferson created the Jefferson Code. Most Americans became convinced Jefferson was indeed a prophet and that something miraculous had happened in Oradea.

                              People came from all corners of America to see the study where Jefferson worked. To see his notes and the texts he referred to. To see the bed he died in. While few people worshiped Jefferson directly they just knew something miraculous had occurred there.

                              Unlike the Carpathian code, which was merely a tool used by the Carpathian government to control the population, the Jefferson Code had true mass appeal. It spoke to the big questions of life and addressed simple day-to-day problems and issues people faced.

                              Because of this, Oradea quickly became a pilgrimage site for followers of new Islam. The holiest city in all of America.

                              Rise of James Madison

                              There were few surprises with the selection of James Madison as Jefferson's successor. He served with him for years and was a strong ally of Jefferson. Between Jefferson's religious reawakening and the stalwart defense of America from yet another Carpathian invasion, Jefferson was quite popular in America. Second only to George Washington in terms of popularity.

                              As a Jefferson ally, Madison’s cabinet had some continuity from Jefferson’s. Jackson, having proved himself admirably defending America from Carpathia remained Secretary of War and John Quincy Adams moved up to Vice-Commander (the first Treasury Secretary to do so). After the seeming failure of American diplomacy to bring more support and sympathy to the American cause, Madison had no interest in bringing James Monroe back for another term. Instead he turned to Henry Clay, a young up-and-coming nobleman from Ozzydelphia. Madison had much respect for Clay’s energy and skill, plus Clay was a devout Islamist and well represented the more religious population of Ozzydelphia and the growing religious sentiment across the nation. Clay recognized the importance of Oradea to American believers and would work hard to keep it in American hands. Another new addition was Daniel Webster at Secretary of the Treasury.

                              Madison’s cabinet:

                              Vice-Commander – John Quincy Adams
                              Secretary of State – Henry Clay
                              Secretary of War – Andrew Jackson
                              Secretary of the Treasury – Daniel Webster
                              Last edited by Diplo America; March 29, 2008, 20:13.
                              Land of the free. Home of the brave.


                              • Vlad Tepes III Offers Peace

                                To: James Madison of American
                                From: Vlad Tepes III
                                CC: All Nations of Terra
                                Subject: Peace Offer

                                Dear President Madison,

                                I have recently been crowned king of Carpathia. Although I have full control over Carpathias economy, infastructure, and domestic policy, the Carpathian General Vigo the Unmercyful has control of the Carpathian military. As I write this he lays seige to New York against my wishes.

                                Many of the mayors of Carpathia grow weary of the war, as I am sure many American leaders do. Unlike my father Vlad II, and my grandfather Vlad I, I believe peaceful relations with neighboor nations are not only possiable, but nessisary.

                                Unfortunately, Vigo will not cease fire until Carpathia is compensated for the ravaging of our nation many years ago. Many Carpathian mayors and Terra at large agree that for long lasting peace America must make decent amends.

                                Messengers have been running back and forth between the seige and our capital as I try to ration with Vigo and discover what he feels would be fair compensation.

                                We put the following three proposals on the table in order of our preference...

                                Oradea is released to it's rightful owner. No splitting of the holy income.


                                The Americans relinquish control of Foccisia to Carpathia and we split the income from the Holy Building. This unique offer may serve to bring our nations closer together than the others, as we would need to maintain open boarders.


                                Foccisia and Oredea. In honor of Jeffersons controbution to Islam we fork over all holy income to America.

                                Let it be known that if one of these proposals are agreed to Vigo has agreed to immediatly cease fire. Carpathia would also be LOCKED into a peace agreement for time to be chosen by the Americans not to exceed 500 years. Hopefully by this time our nations will have grown fond of each other once again and a locked peace will not be nessasary.

                                As a side note, I have read the Jefferson Code and find it to be much more progressive than the orginal. Regardless of what happens concerning peace, I intend to spread this version throughout Carpathia. Having Tepes royal blood, I could actually alter the offical text to reflect the insights provided in Jeffersons interpertation.

                                Please agree to one of our offers. The Americans nor the Carpathians can afford to continue this war. If peace is TRUELY what you seek this small token should not be too much to ask.


                                Vlad Tepes III
                                Last edited by Diplo Carpathia; March 29, 2008, 22:13.
                                YIM is CarpathiaCiv
                                MSN is CarpathiaCiv
                                Email is diplo_carpathia at plomp dot eu

