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Diplogame HOTW XII Ragnarok - Story Thread

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  • Note to Holland & Inca.

    The amount of Mongolian pilgrims travelling to Holland grows every year, bringing with them considerable value. We ask as before that some of this value be returned to Mongolia.

    The same is said to Inca for all Christian pilgrims.
    e-mail: diplo_mongolia [at]
    msn: diplo_mongolia [at]

    “The greatest happiness is to vanquish your enemies, to chase them before you, to rob them of their wealth, to see those dear to them bathed in tears, to clasp to your bosom their wives and daughters.” -Genghis Khan (allegedly)


    • Captain Picard and his first officer who is reading charges against a mutinus crew member.

      Captain Jean-Luc Picard was displeased with his assignment. Unusual, since he was an explorer at heart. But it was becoming hard to keep a appropriate level of discipline on board the HMS Enterprise, his crew disliked the idea of continuing on their mission while the war with the Incas was being raged. He himself disliked the idea. But as he stood on the bridge gazing into the clear night sky, smelling the sea air he realized this was their place, it has always been.

      Centuries ago the first Enterprise had sailed from the eastern French coast to the New World the Dutch had discovered, during their five year mission the crew of the ship had explored strange new lands, sought out new peoples and civilizations and boldly went where no Frenchman had gone before. The old ship’s log was entertaining and educational to read, and he was pleased it was still on the ship. Under the command of its various captains, including J. K. Tiberius the vessel had reached legendary status; this was even extended to the foreign first officer. A half-Dutch naturalist named Spock who subsequently became a symbol of Franco-Dutch cooperation; he was also a well known Confucian scholar who argued that logic was central to the Confucian mindset. They voyaged across the new world, nearly avoiding disaster several times and took part in adventures unimaginable today… the ship was of a obsolete design, it could sail the Oceans, but it could not transport even a 1000 people to the new world. It’s armaments were sufficient to defeat most threats, with the sole exception of the large Galleons. And if it could sail and survive, then the King of France could use it. How he would use it was a different matter.

      Jean-Luc wondered how much timber from Tiberius’s time was still part of the ship. The refit was extensive and it was the third refit since the original vessel had sailed. Probably not a single piece of wood or equipment was the same, but the spirit of the vessel remained. He wondered if the spirit of the brave men who had manned the vessel was with them as well. For unlike Captain Tiberius, he was sailing into waters that neither the Dutch nor the Ottomans had charted.

      “It would be Illogical to explore those waters. All that you shall find will be empty space and ocean whenever the eye can see…”

      “How can you be so certain…”

      “Dutch sailors are the finest in the world, if there was still unexplored land in the world we would know of it. There is no frontier left on Terra.”

      “I think there is a ‘final frontier’ so to speak, and I am confident that …”

      “If some piece of land is not recorded in our archives, then it does not exist!”

      Jean-Luc had argued with the Dutch cartographers for hours, eventually he gave up and sought other patronage. The Royal Academy of the Sciences and Arts, eventually convinced King Charlemagne to fund the expedition. They sailed from the New World into the unexplored. They had just started sailing into uncharted water when the word came of the Incan invasion.

      - “We are the Inca. You will lower your sails and prepare to be boarded. Your technological, cultural and linguistic diversity will be added to our own. Your people will adapt to service us. Resistance is futile.

      -“They don’t say that.”

      -“Doctor for all you know they may. Isn’t that right Captain? ”

      His bridge officers and even this annoying young sailor had entertaining ideas. But little was know of the enemies navy at the time. Indeed for all he knew, the Incans may say that if they run across any of their vessels here.

      “Intelligence reports indicate their navy is of inferior design, they do have a small core of Galleons but we doubt those will be much of a threat.

      ”Commander Riker is correct, and being a former spy I would say he is more informed than any of us.”

      He provoked a nervous laugh from the crew; he immediately noticed that he had in the past four years inadvertently crossed the line of familiarity. This was a dangerous place to be for a captain.

      ”Why are we not allowed to fight for the glory of the Empire?”

      -“The Enterprise if an old ship- Lt. Commander Worf “

      -“Even if so, we should then be at least allowed to die with honor Captain.”

      The Orleanian Mongol had a point, the minority was fiercely loyal to Mongol traditions but this was not tradition speaking, nor his Mongol blood, it was reason. Of a sort. And Jean-Luc was inclined to agree.

      “I do admit, we may have been of some use as a reconnaissance vessel. The sneaky Incan transporters almost seem to have a cloak of invisibility. So far none have been sighted.”

      -“As I have said, Captain they are probably very few, in any case if our ship was of a never design it would be used to ferry troops from the old world. And Worf if you feel so strongly about the Incan threat why do you think your brothers across the border do not join the fight?”

      “We can not honorably do so! Or so my brothers think… If you ask me my ancestors should have burned Cuzco to the ground! After such a show of strength, a dishonorable defeat would have never come from the hands of Holland. The Incas have no honor, how can we then respect our deals with them?! The only thing good of the Incas is their ale!”

      “I am afraid Commander that I am going to have to arrest you; Incan ale is illegal in French lands.”

      Everyone except the baffled Dutch Lieutenant laughed at the statement. The unintended joke had defused the potentially dangerous situation.

      Captain, section 56 of the French naval code, strictly state that admission to the use of contraband by officers is to be..

      - no need to take regulations too literally Lieutenant.

      The Dutchman was well liked and he was a brilliant scientist, despite this he was baffled by French and apparently even Dutch humor. Spot was apparently in agreement with his master and did not seem to comprehend what was going on, he did seem hungry though.

      That night was long ago, the conversations seemed to reveal new information in retrospective, now they were in much colder waters. And the cheerful evening chats were replaced by long silent stares. He had begun to wonder if he had wasted these years, but then out of nowhere he spotted something…


      As Captain Jean-Luc discovered Madagascar in unstable times, its location was deemed a national secret. His expeditions thoroughly explored the small continent in a very innovative fashion. He avoided contact with the most primitive and violent tribes. Insetead of large explorer expeditions, he also assembled small groups under the command of his first officer to explore the land in secret. He did this to avoid causing culture shock to the natives and risk incurring their wrath. Today’s historians agree that he did exceedingly well especially considering how small the crew of the Enterprise was.

      In one of his more famous actions he went ashore and proclaimed: ”I claim this land in the name of the King of France, Charles the II. !, he then said to his first officer: ”Number one, make it so!”, the officer then planted the French flag into the virgin soil.

      The captain did not mind making friendly contact with some of the more advanced cultures of the island, the resulting cultural exchanged enriched both parties greatly, the islands music compared to French music, would allow for a unique musical theory to be formed. The classical music that resulted was distinctive compared to those of France’s neighbors. The ship, crew, and their many adventures in this last frontier, became an inspiration to future generations of Frenchmen and a testament to France’s desire to explore the unknown.
      Last edited by Diplo France; March 24, 2008, 11:30.
      'Impossible' n'est pas français.


      • To the Mongols

        Dear Mongol representative, for centuries no Mongolian citizens has visited Inca. Many years ago you decided to close borders with us, thus stopping all kinds of communications and free traveling of people across our borders. We still have closed borders because of you. So you see no Mongolian pilgrims have visited us for centuries.



        • @ France

          Clarification to Inca.

          Cuzco makes a considerable amount of gold from Christians throughout Mongolia. Some of this are pilgrims sneaking across the border, but most of it are cash gifts and tithes sent to the Apostolic Palace. The individual Tribes are the only ones allowed to tax the Mongol people, refer the principle of no taxation without representation, a Mongol principle of our representative form of government. We cannot have your religious institutions demanding taxes from our citizens. We are of course willing to make an exception to this if some of the tithes would be returned to the central authority of Mongolia. As a gesture of good will. This is a suggestion, not a demand. For we wish to emphasize that the only authority of Mongolia must be Mongolia, and a religious authority cannot challenge the representative government of the people. For the divine can not command the worldly.
          Last edited by Diplo Mongolia; March 22, 2008, 14:10.
          e-mail: diplo_mongolia [at]
          msn: diplo_mongolia [at]

          “The greatest happiness is to vanquish your enemies, to chase them before you, to rob them of their wealth, to see those dear to them bathed in tears, to clasp to your bosom their wives and daughters.” -Genghis Khan (allegedly)


          • We thank you for your clarification Mongolia.

            We will look immediately into this matter and ask the church of Inca to send a one time lump sum as a gesture of good will. Our state respects your representative form of government. Our church has never demanded any taxes from anyone. There are six religions present in our nation and all people are free to pursue which ever they like. Our society is the most open one on Terra, the present of so much religions just shows how open we are and welcoming.


            • Originally posted by Diplo Mongolia
              @ France

              Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

              When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


              • @ France


                • Meeting of the Carpathian Mayors

                  Late one night in a Targaviste tavern....

                  "We are defeated! The once mighty Carpathia is now a fragmented and leaderless nation!", yelled Emerion Netacin the Mayor of Galati.

                  "But why?" questioned Barthum Frumpkin the mayor of Baraila, "why would Vlad have made war against the Americans in the first place?"

                  Unitica Monsalis the mayor of Transylvania replied, "Since the time before history the Americans violated our territory with the city of New York. They placed it right next to our capital at the time. They speak of peace, yet they are the imperialists. They were warned not to bring settlers near the old site of Goa, yet they did anyway, and when said settlers were dispatched, they rampaged our nation ten fold while sending crys to the rest of terra that we were going to destroy all of America."

                  "That is laughable," shouted Gaenso Vencinii ex mayor of Oradea, "their army was much larger then ours."

                  "Yes it was," replied Yohandal Tombias ex mayor of Focsani, "they also did a good job of painting us to the rest of terra as monsters who drink blood of all things! This is no doubt why the Inca supported them so strongly making the overkill all the worse. The Inca... I thought we had good relations with them?"

                  "Lets not forget the Mali," chimed in Emerion Netacin, "while our government was in disarray and our leader dead they made no bones about taking our citys as well, this is an outrage!"

                  "America has been contacted, yet they will not budge. They wish to leave us a shattered nation, while they enjoy the wonders of Focsani and Oradea... even going as far as to say that the citizens there WANT to be Americans. They do not truely want peace. They want to eradicate us!"

                  "I fully agree," replied Gaenso Vencinii, "Tepes killed some settlers, and they take mulitiple citys, and call it justice."

                  "But what can we do?" asked Barthum Frumpkin, "The Americans are much more organized then we are. We need another leader. Someone who can lead Carpathia to the former greatness of the past. Vlad was cruel, but he was a great leader."

                  The men continued mulling over their dire situation with the help of many pints of ale. The night dragged on. Nothing was decided. Carpathia would move forward into the future, however the path it would choose still remained uncertain...
                  Last edited by Diplo Carpathia; March 22, 2008, 23:35.
                  YIM is CarpathiaCiv
                  MSN is CarpathiaCiv
                  Email is diplo_carpathia at plomp dot eu


                  • "So, Dutch workers are building lumbermills in Mongolia!"

                    "How did this happen?!"

                    "The damned French of course."

                    "Clovis, instead of seeking our aid in the war..."

                    "Shh" said Clovis, "Do you realise that careless lips can be grounds for war?"

                    "What, Mongolia?"

                    "No, France you idiot."

                    Clovis went on to explain to his captains the workings of diplomacy and Huygens foibles.

                    They were stationed in Utrecht and their sphere of influence was France and Mongolia.


                    Back in Amsterdam Huygens smiled at the Americans communiques. He likes them but still no private messages. However he would keep Open Borders with them if they wished it. Their exploring triremes should not be cutoff from home. He smiled because of course America's sphere of influence was now huge and Hollande sees all nations as having spheres of influence.

                    It is basic really. Your sphere becomes bigger if you have bigger military, bigger gnp, bigger production, bigger anything really. And as long as all nations use their influence to restore peace and the betterment of mankind then all is well.
                    Dirk Ginkel of Huygens, Ginkel [RIP] & Clovis
                    [Trading Inc. 660AD]


                    • The Death of Mansa Mari I

                      @ France

                      General Mansa Musa read the letter with sadness and shock, but knew what had to be done. He called over his next in command Mansa Djati and said "Djati, I need to return to Timbuktu at once, you take command of our forces and just make sure no Carpathians try to cross the line into New Djenne."

                      With that, the General had his horse saddled and began the long journey back to the Capital. Though Mansa Mari had been ailing for many years, his death still came as an enormous shock to Musa-his nephew. Yet he needed to get over the shock quickly, as the letter had made clear that his nation needed him-though not in a military capacity this time.

                      He returned to the Palace of Timbuktu, all covered in dust and grime, but still many people bowed low as he approached.
                      He entered the throne room to find the whole Noble Caste assembled there, awaiting him.

                      "Hail, Mansa Musa II, King of Mali" they all said as one when he came in. It was true, Mansa Mari had made it clear that-as his eldest surviving relative-Musa would take the throne upon his death.

                      Musa curtly accepted the greetings, but he had things to do, and he set about organizing things with a military precision.

                      First of all, he believed a Shrine should be built as a final resting place for the King. After all, this was the greatest ruler Mali had ever known, and he deserved honour in death befitting that status.

                      So, he sent his best craftsmen to Djenne-the Sacred Capital of Mali-where they constructed a beautiful Vodun Shrine under the instruction of the Holiest representative of the Faith.

                      Once done, he had the perfectly preserved body sent, with a full Honor Guard, to Djenne for the Funeral. During that funeral, a beautiful Requiem Mass was performed-written by their best composer-and it reverberated throughout the shrine. Even years later, the Shrine-and the entombed body of Mansa Mari-would become a focal point for Vodun pilgrims from across the length and breadth of Terra.

                      With the funeral behind him, Mansa Musa now had to consider the future of his nation-a nation now at its greatest size in history. As he was considering Mali's future direction, he was made aware of a new book written in honour of Mansa Mari.

                      His chief advisor presented him with a copy of a book called "The Chronicle of Mali Kings". For the next two weeks, Mansa Musa did nothing but read the book-from cover to cover. In it he found epic tales of all the great rulers of Mali-from the original Mansa Musa right up to Mansa Mari. The one theme which kept repeating itself, however, was how almost every ruler had died-before his time-due to war.

                      With this knowledge in mind, Mansa Musa knew that the only real way ahead was through peace. In spite of his previous military background, Musa became an avowed pacifist, and determined that the Mali would never go to war in his lifetime-except to defend their own borders.

                      He also decided that, with peace as his goal, it was now time to reorganize his society to make the most of his undeveloped talent pool. With this is mind, Mansa Musa promoted many people from the Worker Caste up to the Artisan, Priest and Scholarly castes. He also gave assistance to those commoners who wished to establish themselves as part of the mercantile caste, though he first had to overcome resistance from the pre-existing merchants.

                      With his society re-organized, it was now time to deal with the issue of Carpathia once again. He felt he knew a way by which he could achieve a true and lasting peace....


                      • King Henry the II. was pleased by the treaty. The long war with the Incas was finally over. In the meeting they spoke of many things, new priorities for production were dispatched, the espionage funding diverted to the Incan division was slashed and preparations were made for France to resume its colonization effort. Henry was aware of trouble to the east, the Americans and Carpathians, probably the Mali as well were having difficulty negotiating a treaty. He honestly hoped that peace would be restored to the western lands. Too often large powers abused that troubled corner of the world to fight their wars indirectly, ever since the fall of the Carpathian superpower, the region was troubled. Some of his advisors did not like this, and neither would the Dutch but Henry was certain that the only way to achieve stability was to ensure that America became powerful enough to expels foreign influence from the region. If that could not occur foreign powers would seek client states and have them wage war with each other.

                        He could not help but wonder why this continent which had shared a religion and a long period of peace had been brought into turmoil. Deep down he knew the cause: Land and wealth. And he was uniquely positioned to provide both, galleons so the western powers could claim portions of the New World and wealth in the form of economic aid. He would carry out his Marshals plan.


                        “Where is the Incan representative? I have matters to discuss with him.”

                        “My lord, he has apparently just left to drink in the Parisian taverns with one of our Diplomats.”

                        “Yes a joyous occasion the signing of this peace treaty. Few like it, have there been in history. All have and shall profit from it. But this is precisely why I need the Incan man, I wish that other powers could see the light and realize that there is more to gain by cooperation than by bloodshed. “

                        “Bloodshed is not all bad my Lord.”

                        He gazed at the representative of the Clan Harkonen. The only clan to still hold any political importance in the ever more centralized monarchy. The same clan which had centuries ago pushed for first slavery then the cast system, profiting immensely in both transitions. Henry was ashamed that Remi II. had needed the likes of them to gain power. And this young athletic Count, was the worst of them.

                        ”My lord forgets that this war has allowed our workshops and forges to increase production to unheard of levels.”

                        “And in so doing France has significantly laced your pockets. Not only this but complaints have reached me about what has been going on in the village of Gedi First, it is said to have been worked to death, I don not want the city of Orleans to become a graveyard not to mention it is against the ways of Confucius. It is also explicitly forbidden in the Orange Catholic Bible, so you have probably troubled our person by incriminating us of persecuting Christians. Again.“

                        “Your majesty hurts me with your strong words. I am a patriot if France need maces and crossbows I am happy to build more. If I gain a reward for doing so faster than anyone else… well Confucius did say that diligence should be rewarded.

                        Surely our majesty has no love for the pro-Incan collaborators? In any case I barley executed more than a dozen.

                        As to your other concerns my Confucian scholars assure me that there is adequate basis for such necessary matters. If I may quote: “Learn to overcome the crasp demands of flesh and bone for…

                        A disgusting grin appeared on his arrogant young face as he said that. When did youth become so cynical and devoid of ideals? Henry sometimes wished he had not lived as long as he had, he interrupted the young Count.

                        ”We grow tired of receiving counsel. Leave use.”

                        “As you wish my Lord.”

                        As the nobles left Henry grabbed his assistant and said: “Come here I need to arrange a celebration… we can not have the Incan representative drink with our peasants. As appealing as our lead negotiator who is joining him, Lady Jessica, might be.”

                        The last sentence came out with a smirk. The King had recently toyed with the idea of taking concubines, especially since his wife had grown distand ad from the time of their eldest son's death. Her interest in the Occult even prompted Henry II. to question her sanity.

                        ”And to less pleasant matters. Clan Harkonen must relinquish its fief over the production near Orleans, the Mongol minority is getting uppity with his governorship. Not only this he has been oppressing the workers on the sugar plantations. Ensure our spymaster delegates the unpleasant deed to someone appropriate.”

                        “My lord, the Queen has requested that you do not travel tomorrow, apparently one of her astrologers named Nostradamus had made a prediction..:”

                        It was a pleasure to interrupt him

                        “That seals it, everything must be ready by tomorrow. Make sure the Queen will attend.”

                        The Dutchman De Vires had received the orders and the tools he had been waiting for, oh, for soo long. He was very pleased at what he was about to do.


                        The young lion shall overcome the older one,
                        on the field of combat in single battle,
                        He shall pierce his eyes in a golden cage,
                        Two forces one, then he shall die a cruel death.


                        In the Place des Vosognes in Paris it was a beautiful day. The feast was a success. Many diplomats attended, including the American and Incan Diplomat.

                        “This peace treaty is a cause for celebration, We hope We have honored it appropriately.”

                        “Indeed you have your majesty, I will speak of this most fondly in my report to Machu.”

                        After engaging in talks with both the Carpathian and American diplomats, he set off to finish the splendid event. He would joust one of his nobles, who would it be? As he gazed he notice the young Count holding his head, Henry was displeased. ‘Not poison him, you morons, storm his castle and arrest him. If he dies his family has enough wealth to hire investigator who can link it to me.’

                        “I call Count Vladimir”

                        As they both engaged in the formalities of the matter and suited up in armor, Henry became dizzy and Vladimir suddenly seemed too quick to don his chainmail. ‘No, how can this be.’
                        As he thought that his horse began to run towards Vladimir, and his lance loomed ever closer. 'If I die now, what will become of France?' He gazed with terror at the Count, wanting to shout, to call him a traitor, but his lips did not move easily. Before he spoke the first word the lance pierced his skull. The King was dead.

                        **** Many years later ****

                        The corpulent Baron Vladimir Harkonnen watched a man being impaled in the classic Carpathian style, while indulging in a feast, despite this he was not cheerful, in the past few years he had grown tired of dropping profits. Not to mention the annoying tendency of the young king to try and actually govern things himself. The man impaled was the Clan accountant he was being punished for not accurately reducing the stated Harkonnnen profit while actually finding ways to increase it. He had the misfortune of through malevolence or incompetence doing the opposite.

                        “How can this be, have the bastards stopped killing each other?” he then took a big gulp of his expensive Incan spice flavored wine.

                        De Vires was displeased that he was interrupted, while taking a final glance at the complex calculations he mumbled to himself: … for they warp the matrix through which you perceive your world.

                        ”What did you say, you worthless half-Turk?”

                        ”I said that off course they are my lord.”

                        He paused, he must be delicate in giving him the news.

                        ”But they appear to be doing it on their own .”

                        The Baron looked discomforted. While visibly engaged in plotting he said:

                        ”Well it was expected to happen evetually. How are operations going in Port au Prince?”

                        “The jungle is most difficult to clear, it will take some time…”

                        “I do not care. The jungle must be cleared by any means.”

                        “That is not all my lord, the explorers reported dangerous wildlife, something called “Swampworms”.”

                        “And why should I care about that? Yes, yes high mortality rates reduce profits. But the spice the new plantation will provide is invaluable.”

                        “The French Imperium relies on spice, in that you are correct my lord. The years of war with the Incas and the subsequent closure of the markets have driven the price up. My prime projection is that if we keep control of the substance within France, our power shall remain undiminished no matter what the young king does.”

                        “You are lucky today, your projection has cheered me up sufficently for me to overlook your blunder. But never dare forget we are talking about my power not ours, I can have you killed at any moment I please. Sometimes I do despair at your skill of continualy proving yourself useful.”

                        De Vries was discomforted by his gaze, but a small smile did creep on his face. Truly his talents are best employed in the service of a man like the Baron.

                        ”Do not speak. I am in a good mood, you can only spoil that. Go away now and remember you faulty abacus: The spice must flow!”

                        As De Vries left to fulfill his orders the Baron laughed heartily and ordered his servants to move him. As he walked from the castle he realized how much he enjoys working for the Baron.
                        Last edited by Diplo France; March 23, 2008, 17:03.
                        'Impossible' n'est pas français.


                        • Lock and load men. We have a long march in front of us.

                          -Yes, Sir!
                          The soldiers stood in formation, training with their new weapons, firing round after round, such skill and accuracy. Thousands of them. Clad in brown uniforms, expertly trained in the military Universities. They are prepared for war. Charge leader Bakura inspects his troops from Horseback one more time. So the Americans have refused to budge. They have fought and destroyed Lord Togarai's expeditionary force. Regardless, politics is for the Clansmen, not for military commanders. But he remembers vividly the Clansmoot. The resolute faces of a unified council. The fierce face of the Primogen as he shouted against the howling winds, whipping his words into a frenzying surge.

                          -We have expressed our will. We have made our demands. We have even sent an expeditionary force to show that we meant business. America has answered our patience with arrogance. Lord Togarai marched west to assure the Americans of our determination. The Ottoman then cut him off, isolating him in foreign lands. He was a good soldier, and he knew well the risks. He died honorably. And America believe they have defeated Mongolia.

                          The world community all recognize Oradea as Carpathian, but America will not? Their arrogance knows no bounds. They believe they can challenge the will of Mongolia by killing our riders? How little they know of us.

                          Charge Leader Bakura has assured me that his forces will be ready to march within six months. Our forces will go, not to seek revenge for Lord Togarai, but to instill in the Americans the lesson that they do not challenge Mongolia unpunished. If the Ottoman will not allow us use of their roads, we will march through their fields and villages! It is time we were once more feared throughout the world as we should be! Our determination has wavered and so the people of the world have become complacent, believing us to be weak! It is time to rectify that illusion.

                          Let our Hordes shake terror into the heart of every soul in the world!

                          Charge Leader Bakura looked to the west, in the horizon lay the Khentii Mountains, on the other side, Ottoman. No message of Ottoman passage had come, nor had America agreed to cede Oradea. This is it then, he whispered. We march west today, Mongolias glory to be restored.
                          Last edited by Diplo Mongolia; March 23, 2008, 09:07.
                          e-mail: diplo_mongolia [at]
                          msn: diplo_mongolia [at]

                          “The greatest happiness is to vanquish your enemies, to chase them before you, to rob them of their wealth, to see those dear to them bathed in tears, to clasp to your bosom their wives and daughters.” -Genghis Khan (allegedly)


                          • To: The Nations of Terra.

                            From: King Mansa Musa II of Mali.

                            We have heard tales that claim our initial beef with Carpathia was strictly over the loss of some prisoners of war. This could not be further from the truth.

                            Here were the crimes of Carpathia, in order, that drove us to finally declare war.

                            1. They extorted several techs from us for a city that they always knew they were going to take back from us-by force.

                            2. They had claimed the ancestral lands of the Mali by seizing the territory around the ruins of Goa, in spite of our pleas to them not to do so.

                            3. The fact that they laid claim to neutral territory hundreds of Miles from Carpathian lands, but a very short distance from both American and American Territory.

                            4. The capture of our prisoners of war, and their point-blank refusal to return those prisoners when asked.

                            Now, we were initially content to try and seize Prague from Carpathia so that the Mali could reclaim their ancestral lands. However, then they sought to exploit the situation by trying to capture our Capital City-a ploy which failed only due to some quick thinking by my predecessor and our American allies.

                            Incensed, we decided to truly put paid to the threat of Carpathia for good by capturing Bacau, whilst America captured the now lightly defended city of Prague. Judging from the ethnicity of that city, it appears clear that we were right to take back a city which viewed itself as Malinese.

                            Content with our gains, we made numerous advances to the Carpathian Government-before it fell into disarray-offering them a substantive Were-gild for the loss of their two cities. All we asked in return was a pledge not to invade Mali territory again. Twice they rebuffed and-according to rumour-impaled our messengers.

                            We gave fair warning to Carpathia that, if they continued to rebuff our fair offer, that we would capture Poielosi as both a buffer and a future bargaining chip in peace negotiations-a threat we followed through on when they still failed to accept our offer. That the Carpathian Government was in disarray at the time is by no means the fault of the Malinese.

                            However, we have shown ourselves, yet again, willing to be peace-makers, and to put past betrayals behind us. We have offered to give back the last city we took, as long as we had a city to replace it elsewhere, a deal the Malinese people will honour.

                            However, it must be noted that though we will not support America in it's latest war, that nation has previously offered very generous peace settlements to Carpathia and-like us-their overtures were frequently rejected. Therefore, I do understand their desire to now play hardball with Carpathia.

                            That said, as an avowed pacifist, Mali will be staying out of the current conflict, but merely urge both sides to see sense and bring this needless conflict to a final close.

                            May the Peace of Ozzy be Upon You.


                            • TO: America and Carpathia (a copy is sent to every nation on Terra)
                              FROM: King Henry the IV.

                              We once again call for reason, this conflict is unnecessary and should end as quickly as possible. In the spirit of the humane ideals my great grandfather and my grandfather believed in, we are willing to offer aid to both parties should they negotiate a peace.

                              We ask the Carpathians if the Mali perspective on the situation is close to what you consider the truth. If so it appears quite damming and damaging to your position. Plese explain your view on the situation. We are also concerned at the reasoning behind the current war. What are your objectives? Are you willing to negotiate? The same goes for Mongolia. And to America; are you not willing to cede the Holy City in exchange for some major consessions, perhap extensivley subsidised by our side?

                              France offers two galleons, one to America and one to Carpathia and its claims in South-Western New Holland that it had already offered before to aid Mali or Carpathia in exchange for cooperation in the peace process. America could perhaps use the one we are offering to them as a bargaining chip so It could keep the Islamic holy city. Carpathia would so have two ships a claimed land and the opportunity to expand and employ its strengths without war.

                              If neither party is interested in this or provides constructive points France will renew its claim over the South-Western region of New Holland, retract its offer to provide it to Carpathia in a peace settlement, starting in exactly six days.

                              On the other hand if peace is possible, we are willing to on top of the stated offer, instate a modified version of the Marshall’s plan which my grandfather had called for. Many of the conditions (the renouncement of tyrannical government and warmongering) and pledges (of our large aid to such countries) will remain, but the Mali will get a bit less aid since they were not involved in the recent destructive fighting. Russia would be included in the framework so that regional cooperation without Eastern interference might become a possibility.

                              King Henry the IV. of France
                              'Impossible' n'est pas français.


                              • A Brief History of the Carpathian Dark Ages

                                The Height of Carpathia

                                Prior to the dark ages, Carpathia had the largest empire in all of known Terra. Beyond it's sheer size which would break the economy of most other civilizations at the time, Carpathia was also considered an technologicaly advanced empire. The primary tool in achieveing such greatness was fear. Vlad the First and his son Vlad the Second were masters of it. They understood it and embraced it. Ironicly, it was this fear that ultimately contributed to the fall of the Carpathian Empire during what would be come to be known as the dark ages.

                                Historians attribute the first widespread use of psycological warfare to Vlad Tepes I and II. Beyond leaving bodies stuck upon stakes for all to see, Vlad knew the greatest fear that could grip a man's (or a nation's) heart was fear of the unknown. He realized how superstitious people of the times were. Playing on this natural superstition, he made a point to leave blood in gobblets at abandoned Carpathian camps to foster the idea that Carpathians drank the blood of their enemys. He also paid his citizens living near caves to capture bats, which were released by the thousands after a Carpathian retreat to give the impression that the army was capable of shapeshifting.

                                Besides being eccentric and sadistic, Vlad II had a practical purpose for propagating these rumors and exacting indescribable horrors. Simply put, he could not afford an army large enough to properly defend his sprawling empire. Fear not only kept the Carpathian citizens in line, but it also acted as sort of a passive defence. This genius method of keeping his neighboor nations at bay worked for many centurys, until he himself began to believe Carpathia was as powerful as others percived it to be.

                                Knowing fully well that the Mali and Americas did not want conflict with Carpathia, Vlad II saw the destruction of the Mali city of Goa as yet another oppertunity to expand his already massive empire. Messengers were sent to both nations informing them that Carpathia would put an end to their squabble over this area by claiming it for themselfs. Specificly, it was stated that any settler parties seen near the ruins of Goa would be destroyed upon sight.

                                The start of the war between the Carpathians and both the Mali and Americans was sparked as many wars have been sparked, by miscommunication. The Americans in a gesture of goodwill were sending settlers to the Mali to make up for the loss of Goa. Carpathian soldiers in the area followed their orders and killed the settlers without listening to explainations that they did not plan on settling the area.

                                Perhaps things would have ended there, but Vlad overplayed his hand, and America called his bluff. Vlad decided to send some obsolete troops into the area around New York to further terrorize the Americans. The purpose of this was not for any actual military goal, but to keep fear in their hearts.

                                With many other nations at the time, this may have worked. The Americans however were not only brave, but master military tacticians. They finally had enough of Carpathias ultimatiums, and decided to strike.

                                The Fall of Carpathia

                                Military historians argue over what the outcome would have been if the conflict remained between the Americans and Carpathians. The Carpathians at the time had a more advanced military, although America had a larger standing army.

                                It was at this point however that the fear Vlad used with such success turned on him. Mali joined the war. The Inca took pity on the Americans, believing them to be doomed by the inhuman and supernatural Carpathians. They sent troops to help defend America. Outnumbered to begin with, by the time the war got into full swing some estimate Carpathia was outnumbered 4 to 1.

                                Vlad's worst fears were comming true. If the Americans broke deep into the interor of Carpathia they would soon see how truly weak Vlad's army was. Facing two (three if you count the Inca) nations at once, Vlad decided to send the bulk of his army south in hopes of drawing the invaders away long enough for him to train more troops. Traveling south between the boarders of Mali and America the main Carpathian army left it's homelands in a gamble that would cost them dearly.

                                The Mali feared it was moving against Timbuktu. The Americans feared Baltamore was the target. According to ancient documents uncovered centurys later, we know the later to be true. Vlad never intended to assult the Mali capital. Firstly, taking the capital would have cost many men, which he was already in short supply of. Secondly, Vlad did not fear the Mali nearly as much as the Americans. The true intention of Vlad's army was never known at the time however, as it met with Mali's main battleforce north of Timbuktu and decided to strike first. Due to poor terrain by Carpathian standerds (the mali were perfectly comfortable in their homeland environment), the Carpathian main force was decimated. This was the begining of the end, as both Mali and America then turned back north.

                                City after city was taken without much opposition. In fact, Vlad ordered lesser citys to be totally abandoned so that larger citys could be defended better. The Carpathian capital of Translyvania was captured, along with the grand citys of Ordela and Fococia. Vlad managed to recapture Translyvania, although this cost him most of his remaining forces.

                                Soon after the recapture of Transylvania, Vlad II was murdered. The details are vauge as to why and how, but there is strong reason to believe that his own officers planned and carried out the assasination in order to end the war. This may have worked, considering both the Mali and Americans wanted it to end as well. However, there was such chaos in the Carpathian homelands that no messengers from either side ever made it to their destinations, and thus the war continued.

                                The First War Ends

                                By wars end Carpathia had lost over half it's citys, was economicly ruined, and did not have anything resembling a stable govenment. The mayors of the remaining citys would meet in the orginal Carpathian capital of Targoviste once a year, yet without a solid leader they accomplished little and could never agree on even the most basic of national policys. Acting more as a group of common tribes rather than a single nation, the mayors morphed into feudlistic lords, and began to fear each other as much as they feared the Americans and Mali.

                                They each built private armys to gain respect at the yearly Targoviste meeting of the mayors. Added up, the total number of soliders that could claim Carpathian heritage became much more then ever served under Vlad II. They needed a leader however, as ideas such as a republic or democracy were far beyond their grasp.

                                Even the face of Islam changed during this turmoilous time. Many of the mayors abandoned the hardline approach to The Code which called for regular impalings. Confusionism was spreading throughout Carpathia and many saw this as a much more paletable alturnative to Islam.

                                Terra at large was also concerned with the magnitude and length of the war. Although America and Carpathia eventually did agree on a cease fire, the Carpathian/Mali war officaly continued although bloodshed was absent for many years. Holland being the humanitarian nation it was well known for, offered technology to both the Mali and Carpathians for peace. Upon visiting Holland the mayors of Carpathia got a glimps of how far behind technologicly the war had left them. They marved over the many advancments of Holland, but when asked to pick a single tech their warlike nature took over, and they chose to learn the secret of gunpowder over the more sensable choice of the Mali, education.

                                The Mali having a good natured and wise leader realized for lasting peace they would have to sweeten the deal as well. Upon aquiring a seventh city, they agreed to return control of the last Carpathian city they captured, Brallia. The Carpathians were almost overcome with this generousity, expecially after the hardships the Mali suffered under Vlad I and II. (OOC: I would give Mali high diplo points for this agreement, holland, mongol, and the inca as well)

                                The generousity did not stop there however. The Inca realizing that the Americans used their troops not for defence but for offence, felt partly responsable for the destruction that occured. They gifted a new world city to the Carpathians which was named Vladsburgh after the fallen leader. All this generosity was hard for the Carpathians to understand having lived under the oppressive and brutal rule of Vlad I and II. We know today that the ancient Carpathian language did not even have a word for compassion, which would explain their initial confusion over such generous gifts.

                                Even isolationist Mongolia sought to help the Carpathian plight. They pressed the Americans to return the Islamic holy city of Ordalea to the Carpathians. The Americans would not budge however, and even rebuffed a minor Mongolian strike. Around terra infact several nations called for the return of the holy city, although as best we can tell Mongolia was the only nation to take action.
                                Last edited by Diplo Carpathia; March 24, 2008, 12:58.
                                YIM is CarpathiaCiv
                                MSN is CarpathiaCiv
                                Email is diplo_carpathia at plomp dot eu

