The main parliamentary council continued various deliberations.
The concept of free religion had taken a strong hold in Portugal as time faded the Islamic aspirations. The central religion was still Islam but Christianity and Islam was equally spread across the nation in every city.
"A free religion country will result in a happier and more relaxed populace."
"Not to mention the efficiencies of inventiveness."
"Our current Pacifist and democratic government should move towards free religion at the earliest opportunity."
"But the Dutch have become Communists! And are out-producing the entire world."
"The Portuguese are neither front runners in GDP or Production BUT we are, we believe by current intelligence, running second in BOTH these areas. We have the best balanced economy in the world."
"If you do say so yourself! You don't need to suck up now, your boss is in the secret chamber!"
Riotous cries of laughter.
"In any event it is minuted
"However, we must produce our last remaining great people before converting to free religion."
"What an old fashioned notion."
The concept of free religion had taken a strong hold in Portugal as time faded the Islamic aspirations. The central religion was still Islam but Christianity and Islam was equally spread across the nation in every city.
"A free religion country will result in a happier and more relaxed populace."
"Not to mention the efficiencies of inventiveness."
"Our current Pacifist and democratic government should move towards free religion at the earliest opportunity."
"But the Dutch have become Communists! And are out-producing the entire world."
"The Portuguese are neither front runners in GDP or Production BUT we are, we believe by current intelligence, running second in BOTH these areas. We have the best balanced economy in the world."
"If you do say so yourself! You don't need to suck up now, your boss is in the secret chamber!"
Riotous cries of laughter.
"In any event it is minuted
"However, we must produce our last remaining great people before converting to free religion."
"What an old fashioned notion."