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The History of the World VII . . . .

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  • [thief ]
    Formerly known as "CyberShy"
    Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


    • Open letter to all nations of Terra

      From: Wang Yung of the Choson

      As a very old man now it never ceases to amaze me the incredible adances we have all made, yet talk of war seems to hang over us all.

      As for the Choson I wish to re-iterate the point that seems to be falling on deaf ears that our nation has NEVER attacked another. I could name the aggressor nations through out history but I wish to encourage a positive spirit and move forward into this modern era of space research and colonisation. This is our destiny.

      It is a time when all the worlds religion could come together as one because the basic tenets of all our religions is not entirely dis-similar in the univesal scheme of things. I openly support an adoption of a choice of religion. This process may take time but I'm sure that without religious rivalries we can more securely live in peace and harmony. It is religious fanatasism that threatens us not free choice of religion.

      The United Nations is a gift, a tool, an instrument for all of us to use to seek global benefits for humankind. Banning nuclear weapons was a a great achievement by you all. Arabia and Bulgaria's efforts in space have inspired us all and I wish to humbly congratulate those nations. A friendly, yet competitive space race between the larger nations of Terra will spur on research and ultimately benefit all regardless of the prestige acquired by the winning nation. Religion serves to disrupt this process more than anything else. I, the wise old Wang Yung and traditional Buddhist, am capable of making this paradigm shift in my beliefs in the modern era.

      I wish to procalaim the Choson's support of the efforts of Mehemed II (and his heir apparent Suleiman Ozman) - for his support for the NNP Treaty and his prioritising of the space quest. I urge him to consider the free religion approach but understand the feelings of his Islamic peoples. Just as I must understand the feelings of my own Buddhist peoples. But leaders must lead and this most likely is my final act to shine a beacon and illuminate the fact that the individual can choose their own religion and tolerate the choice of others. For the time of great leaders must surely be near the end on this great planet.

      It is a time for full Democracy and free religion for all. All must have a say. All nations have worked hard to emancipate their peoples and improve the living standards of all. This must not go up in a cloud of smoke.

      However, until there are genuine signs from all nations our military remains at its static level as the Choson fear is that the might of Bulgaria and Arabia combined will be thrust upon us. Since aborting Wang Kon's military buildup in Koguryo and concentrating our nations efforts on growth and research our latest intelligence shows that Arabia's ally, the Bulgarians has doubled it's military strength and has built over 50 tank divisions. What do I say to Wang Kon now? He will be leading the strong democratic push in our nation and is he to do this and ignore the fact that the combined strength of Bulgaria and Arabia is at least double our own? Nor can any nation in the West withstand this.

      I seek the counsel and advice of all nations as it is clear from my above statements that the Choson wish for all of us to move forward together. Yet my frail old bones tremble. We need a sign. We need good faith. We all need spiritual comfort from all our religions.
      Last edited by deity; February 9, 2007, 07:21.
      "Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
      *deity of THE DEITIANS*
      icq: 8388924


      • To: Aradhana, the new president of India

        From: Wang Yung

        The Choson sends their strongest regrets over the action against President Balaji. His leadership of your nation has brought you great strength and security.

        Our prayers go with you as we join you on this universal quest for true democracy.

        Our deepest sympathies.
        "Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
        *deity of THE DEITIANS*
        icq: 8388924


        • From: Aradhana, President of India
          To: Wang Yung

          Your sympathies are dearly welcomed.
          We hope that the quest for democrazy, you speak about, will be fullfilled within our lifetime!
          Even if we will experience a downfall to the barbaric ages of old, even then I believe that the generations to come will experience freedom once.

          President Balaji will be the Indian Monument for Democracy. He was able to bring hope to future friendship between all powers on Terra.
          Formerly known as "CyberShy"
          Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


          • Leader Hugo Chavez remains in a coma

            Incan People's Republic - AP:

            The Incan Peoples Revolutionary Committee has formally appointed a triumvirate to manage leadership functions today. The Triumvirate will make all decisions foriegn and domestic, until such time as the Maximum Leader is able to resume his duties.

            An armistace has been signed with the English ... and the corrupt army officers that presented Archery Clubs as "militia", and pocketed their pay have been sacked and executed, and the clubs disbanded.

            All remaining units have been modernized ... when funding permits, militia units will be re-armed with proper weapons.

            Courthouses and official food distribution centers have nearly been completed in all cities ... the economy will soon recover from the corrupt mismanagement of the plutocrats and those traitorous elements in the military ... all of these enemies of the proletariat have either been liquidated, or have fled to the borders and beyond.

            The economy is now stabilized, and income now exceeds expenses.

            Two new refugee cities have been declared, to house the refugees from England's attack. These cities will soon surpass Olly .... the English have renamed the original city to "Bristol" ... and the Revolutionary Committee expects it to soon degrade into a festering sewer under capitalist mismanagement.

            All former residents are invited to flee to the new highland cities being arranged for them.

            The Inca will recover from this upset.


            • TWENTY-THIRD SESSION 1641 AD

              India(Gandhi) - CyberShy
              Egypt(Ramses) - condor223
              New Republic(Ragnar Lodbrok) - Rykoffe
              China(Qin Shi Huang) - KunojiLym
              Choson(Wang Kong) - Deity
              Inca(Huayna Capac) - kbarrett
              Kushren(Napoleon Boneparte) - AI
              England(Victoria) - Glohithia
              Celts(Brennus) - AI
              Arabs(Saladin) - OzzyKP
              Bulgaria(Cyrus II) - Toni

              Session 23 Number of Cities (since session 22)

              Vikings - 21
              Bulgaria - 18
              China - 16
              Choson - 16
              Egypt - 15
              Arabs - 15
              Kushren - 13
              Celts - 12
              India - 11
              England - 10
              Inca - 9 (+1)

              [/QUOTE] [/QUOTE] [/QUOTE] [/QUOTE] [/QUOTE]
              Last edited by Robert; February 26, 2007, 08:53.
              Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

              When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


              • Unable to sit back and watch English citizens starve and die, Yoth Iria secretly swayed key generals and Holy men to back him in a war against the rogue Inca Nation. Revolt took place. With the backing of the military and clergy, Yoth Iria deposing Samael in a bloodless coup. Samael was offered asylum in Bulgaria. After leading the successful attack against the Inca and accomplishing his goals, Samael’s brother immediately followed him to Bulgaria. This left a combination of Military and Religious advisors to lead the English forward.

                The English Empire, fresh off of the resounding defeat of the rebel Incan army, is in a state of religious celebration. Islamic holy warriors claimed the day in the greatest single battle Terra has ever seen. Estimates from the battle front are that English losses were a few divisions of artillery while the Incan army suffered total annihilation, perhaps as many as 40 divisions destroyed.

                It was at that point when the madman Chavez was either deposed or ran like a coward, unable to witness what his poor decisions wrought. The new Incan government accepted the old vassal agreements and turned over the city of Olly as compensation for the horrors Chavez caused the many English citizens of the area.

                Within a few short years, the English army trained new divisions to replace those few that were lost and continued to pour money into military research and training, in hopes that their show of force will discourage other nations from trying to take advantage of one of the smallest nations on Terra. The English Navy and Air Force were growing too, not just the Army, although the Army certainly was where all the fighting aged men longed to be, due to the high level of prestige the Army held throughout Terra. The clear message was that small does not equal weak.

                English intelligence, rumored to be some of the most accurate on Terra due to high altitude flights over particular areas, has shown an alarming increase in military units to the North. The New Republic’s advanced tanks have been seen, something the English are now desperately trying to duplicate, as it has been said the newest armor is almost twice as powerful as the best English units at this time. A large Naval presence has also been witnessed, and military analysts in London fear a two pronged attack may be imminent. England’s allies are being kept appraised of the situation on a daily basis, as the large number of troops in Korea at the same time as the New Republic’s sudden provocation in offensive military buildup can hardly be a coincidence.

                English scientists are following the Space Race closely and it appears that Arabia is making huge strides to break the bonds of Terra and reach the stars. The most popular philosophical debates in the Mosques these days are if this is a wise decision, to challenge the Almighty in this way. It is common knowledge now that England will not pursue this, as it will cause much internal strife with religious factions too powerful to ignore.
                Non Serviam


                • Results of the last elections: (no new elections are scheduled for now)

                  the Lok Sabha (Lower house)

                  AETH 29 seats
                  PIF 29 seats
                  CHK 11 seats
                  Labour Party 10 seats
                  Green Party 8 seats
                  Royal Party 7 seats
                  IPF 6 seats

                  Leftish/Liberal coalition (PIF/Labour/GP): 47 seats
                  Nationalistic parties (AETH/CHK/IPF): 46 seats
                  Anti-Bulgarian parties (AETH/CHK/IPF): 46 seats
                  Religious parties: (AETH/CHK) 40 seats
                  Liberal parties (PIF/Labour): 39 seats
                  Leftish parties (Labour/Green Party): 18 seats
                  Conservative parties (PIF/RP): 13 seats

                  The conclusion of the election was that there was no coaliation that got a majority.
                  The 2 biggest parties agreed to reign together to try to pull the land out of this political impasse.
                  AETH only agreed to be part of the coalition if Freedom of Religion would be rejected again and India would become a Krishnian Nation once again.
                  PIF had to agree.

                  The AETH agreed that the PIF-President, Aradhana, could remain in function in return.
                  Political analysts claim that only a Bulgarian-Western war could spoil the relations of both coalition parties.
                  Since neither the pro- and the anti-Bulgarian coalitions had a majority it is expected that a stalemath will be the reality if such a grand-scale world war will break out.
                  That'll most probably result in either Bulgarian support by the majority of the parliament, because it's most likely that the neutral parties will support the current course, or a neutral position for India in such a situation.

                  Let us all pray to Krishna that India will never have to choise and all nations on Terra can get along in peace.
                  Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                  Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


                  • TWENTY-FOURTH SESSION 1663 AD

                    India(Gandhi) - CyberShy
                    Egypt(Ramses) - condor223
                    New Republic(Ragnar Lodbrok) - Rykoffe
                    China(Qin Shi Huang) - KunojiLym
                    Choson(Wang Kong) - Deity
                    Inca(Huayna Capac) - kbarrett
                    Kushren(Napoleon Boneparte) - AI
                    England(Victoria) - Glohithia
                    Celts(Brennus) - AI
                    Arabs(Saladin) - OzzyKP
                    Bulgaria(Cyrus II) - Toni

                    Session 24 Number of Cities (since session 23)

                    Choson - 22 (+6)
                    Vikings - 21
                    Bulgaria - 17 (-1)
                    China - 16
                    Egypt - 15
                    Arabs - 15
                    Kushren - 13
                    England - 10
                    Inca - 9
                    India - 9 (-2)
                    Celts - 8 (-4)

                    [/QUOTE] [/QUOTE] [/QUOTE] [/QUOTE] [/QUOTE] [/QUOTE]
                    Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

                    When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


                    • Bulgaria - 17 (-1)

                      Buwhahaha, The mighty Bulgarian forces were defeated in the new world at least!
                      No Bulgarian cities were found on Tan after the huge Indian tank divisions took their major Tan city! 8)

                      btw, Ozzy, what's up with the 6 end quote tags?
                      Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                      Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


                      • Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

                        When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


                        • Final Arabian Demographics:
                          Attached Files
                          Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

                          When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


                          • Shame Ryk didn't post more - he sent a few great behind the scenes emails plus those brilliant flash movies...

                            leading up to the gifting of the Choson galleon to the Carts..


                            ..but elsewhere, further to the north from the stronghold of Hippo, awaited the elder city of Carthage.

                            Four fleets were docked in the harbor. Each fleet had a flagship with a name befitting it's purpose -- at least, at the time of it's christening.

                            There was the Salvation, a boat built out of the finest of Carthaginian timber to ensure the massacre of Utica would never be repeated. Behind it drifted the Burning Skull and her regiment as a morbid reminder of the past -- as if the people would ever forget it. These two fleets were composed of modest warships, but only of the most rudimentary nature.

                            The Rememberance was an early model transport. It was perhaps the first sea-going fleet belonging to the Carthaginians, and was renamed as the savagery in the south occured. It's sister fleet was captained by the Tempest, the second naval unit constructed in Carthaginian waters. The Tempest never actually saw battle before the other two fleets were put together, but by Carthage, they would have a dozen canoes if that's what it took to defend themselves from here on out!

                            At one time, the shoreline of Carthage was firmly secure. But that was ages ago, and no seaman had been able to safely navigate out much further than that with any reliability. With peace threatening to overtake these sailors, they spent much of their time docking at Carthage. Yes, all was peaceful, but all was also --

                            "BORING!" grunted one of the sailors, as he slammed his hairy hand on the table. A tankard clattered noisly from the hit, but a steady, somewhat smoother hand reached out and held it still.

                            "Oh, come now, it's not all that bad," the bearer of said-hand replied. "Now we don't have to keep watch on Lost Utica."

                            The large, heavy-set man continued his tirade. "I still think that Priestess is being too trusting. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not speaking blasphemy here, but how can we trust them not to sneak into Carthage if we aren't watching?"

                            "Well," began the calmer gentleman, "I rather trust she knows what she's doing. There's just something about her that inspires faith in her and her bloodline. Maybe there's something else we were meant to do, other than sit out waiting for an attack which may never come."

                            The loud man rolled his eyes. "In Carthage? Our kind is meant to be sailing, not sitting!"
                            "Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
                            *deity of THE DEITIANS*
                            icq: 8388924

