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New Pitboss game starting

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  • #61
    Fosse apears to have missed the last 2 turns. Fosse, you there?

    Otherwise I will find a replacement ASAP.


    • #62
      I was out of town being married. I didn't expect to miss more than 3 turns (and I think I missed three, right), and that's usually the cut off for, "Let me konw if you'll miss more than X turns."


      • #63
        ive not been ale to connect to the game for a day or so. I was inthe middle of an attack
        Safer worlds through superior firepower


        • #64
          Sorry about the inconvenience.
          The router took a few days off. After a coldstart it is back on track. This, ofcourse, had to happen while I were away for the weekend ;P

          Keep an eye on this page for statusmessages:


          • #65
            I am going out of town for a couple of days on work. I have unit moves queued, but won't be able to log in and end turns for a few days.


            • #66
              I've been having trouble with this game lately - it seems every time I log in to take my turn I can't issue any orders and after a few seconds I get a "We have lost our connection to the Pitboss" error and it exits to the main menu. Then I get a time-out when I try to connect immediately afterwards. After about 5-10mins I can rejoin and have my turn with no further issues. Any ideas?


              • #67
                I dont know. I will try shutting down the computer for a while and boot it up again, this friday night. It has been quite a while since it has been restarted. It is not running a windows server, just ordinary win2000. Not sure this could be a stability issue. Let me know if things get better! (or worse) ;D


                • #68
                  Yes I seem to be having the same problem now
                  Safer worlds through superior firepower


                  • #69
                    I have restarted the machine now. I installed an extra harddisk, and created a little backuproutine of the autosaves. So now we got a bit of crash-insurance too. :P

                    But let me know if the problem has gone now. Otherwise it might be some issue with the router or something..


                    • #70
                      So far so good, last turn went fine


                      • #71
                        Originally posted by MortVader
                        I agree

                        It reminds me of playing PBEM Stars! in the old days.
                        Anyone know that ol' game? the mother of epic turnbased strategy/diplomacy gaming.
                        A Stars! reference, I can sniff them out a mile away!

                        One of the best games ever. Pity about the unholy levels of micro.


                        • #72

                          Yeah, it was a pity Supernova never made it :´(


                          • #73
                            I"m leaving town until the 17th for work. I have a few orders queued up to keep my empire running.

                            None of those orders advance units in the war I'm currently in. Snotty, I'd like to sort of get a cease fire in which I just know I won't be attacked while I can't play my turns. Obviously you'll be able to position your armies advantageously until I get back, but that's the price I pay for being employed, I guess.


                            • #74
                              ok man no problem, I will respect a cease fire until you post that you are back
                              Safer worlds through superior firepower


                              • #75
                                What's our double move policy on this game?

