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New Pitboss game starting

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  • #16
    Ok, in order to join, post here which CIV you want to play. Snotty has requested a random one. Everyone else, lets hear who you will play.

    The game setup will be

    Duel size
    Ancient start
    Normal speed
    24 hour turn cycle

    Conquest, domination, cultural and diplomatic wins are on.


    • #17
      I'll take Greece

      and Alexander



      civil_obedience - usual handle


      • #18
        Mansa Musa for me.



        • #19
          I'd be interested in taking the Incas for a spin.


          • #20
            I'll give Qin Shi Huang a go thanks.


            • #21
              Well this is what I got so far:

              Kobold, Qin Shi Huang
              Civil_obedience, Alexander
              Snotty, random
              TELawrence, UNDECIDED
              Rael, Mansa Musa
              Fosse, Huayna
              MortVader, UNDECIDED

              I need to know who TELawrence will be playing, before I can start up the game. Let's just wait and see if not we're hearing from him before saturday evening. If/when we do, I'll boot up the pitboss server immediately and PM you all with connection details.


              • #22
                The game has been started.
                TELawrence didn't make it in. Maybe next time

                I have a statuspage that shows a few details about the game. Here you can see who's turn it is among a few other things.


                I advice that you supply your email adress to the PITBOSS server the first time you log in. This way you can be notified as soon as it is your turn.
                Do this ingame with ALT-D

                I will send direct IP connection details to you seperately.

                Good luck and have fun everyone.


                • #23
                  Ok im back now, I have taken India as the only free civs were that or Inca so I assume thats what Ive got.

                  C_O you should be able to take your turn now
                  Safer worlds through superior firepower


                  • #24
                    howdy just got the message

                    Finished my turn

                    waiting on another civ (the Incas i think)

                    which haven't been claimed yet


                    Huayna Capac - Where are ya

                    Oh ya the other thing is that i pressed ALT - D and not sure if it worked

                    is there suppose to be a prompt or anything?????

                    hope to get this game rolling


                    Last edited by civil_obedience; August 6, 2006, 16:12.


                    • #25
                      Yeah, when you press ALT and D you should get a box where you can alter your CIV information. And enter your email adress.

                      Kobold, I can see from your score that you have founded your city. But it is still your turn. Did you press End Turn? :P

                      I really hope that guy Fosse joins in and claims his Incas..


                      • #26
                        My Civ is already password protected. I can't log into it.


                        • #27
                          I tried loggin into it with the admin password, but I don't see any way of altering the CIV password. Do anyone know how to do this?
                          Otherwise I guess we either do a restart, or Fosse is out, and I retire the Incas...

                          What do you guys think?


                          • #28
                            Uhm - probably retire the incas

                            I was caught up in a game in gamespy

                            so i was a little late getting your message

                            i'll check it out

                            i'd say start over
                            Last edited by civil_obedience; August 7, 2006, 00:52.


                            • #29
                              Kobold, I can see from your score that you have founded your city. But it is still your turn. Did you press End Turn? :P
                              I logged in before my turn, set a few orders, realised simultaneous turns were off and logged out again.

                              So the orders were carried out when it became my turn - all that's left to do is log in and end turn.

                              Which I can't do until I get home in about 4 hours. Sorry.

                              Incidentally I'm at uni so I won't be in this situation every day.

                              And I'm happy for a restart if we need to.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Kobold
                                ..Which I can't do until I get home in about 4 hours. Sorry.
                                Ah, I see. Well it's not a problem

