I agree. This is how it all happened.
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Aussie Group MP Game.
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Civs don't progress at the same on the strategic level.
When you declared war on toni for you epic campaign, I was still fending off barbs and hadn't even filled up my territory yet, heck I still haven't. Terra maps are uneven on purpose to create these differences.
Just because you wanted to have your game ending catacylsmic battle with toni didn't mean it was an ideal time for me to do so when so much else was going on.
Despite what you said you never asked for China's support against toni. You also lost all on your own before the Roman and Chinese intervention in England could do anything.
What was in China's interest was a longer peaceful expansion period, so I could make the most out of my territory. Not fighting the 2nd furthest civ away from me. But, because I didn't this is a justification to sacrifice an entire civ to wage guerilla war on me for the rest of the game? I don't see how.
Everything that has happened is all part of the game. We cant help lag, sometimes it happens.
All our strategies are fair for each situation. The only thing i disagree with is Ljubes position that he is a vassal of toni.
This is not go game play for the group. You have to play your own civ and play it till then end of the game or your conquered. Adopting the attitude of oh my wars gone bad i cant win so i give up is poor and has no part in these larger games. If your going to play with that attitude then you shouldnt play at all.
I like the way you play, agressive is fun. Its also risky and can come undon.
Had toni decleared war on you i would have jumped on toni. Had toni decleared war on marcus i would have done the same thing. But he didnt, Marcus decleared war on toni, thers a big difference.
Toni has been friendly to me all game, i have no reason to wish him ill and replace him with agressive civs to my north, at lest not YET. Its a long game and yous all seem to think its won by 1000AD, its not.
So up to yous if yous want to play on or new game, i dont mind either way. But in future, dont adopt the attitude you have for this game ljube play it out, who cares if your only a small civ, its good to struggle and have a hard game. You cant be big and powerful everygame.
Next time you might want to find out what the positions are of the civs next to toni, to see there reaction. If you dont, well expect the unepected. Its all part of the fun of the game.
No rules have been broken here so I fail to see why a new game is needed.
About the vassal thing though, it is possible for a civ to behave in this way. Ljube has a right to do this but I can understand how Frank feels.
The thing is we all make our own decisions as a civ leader and even if it seems annoying or useless it is still a role, provided the rules are in tact.
The rules ARE in tact. It IS a valid game and players like Ljube add excitement.
At least a constant barrage of sorties is not a civ killer. I'm expecting the same in that new game we started on Saturday where Ljube is right next to me. As a result I'm not playing my 'normal' game which is good and interesting even though the other civs are all going to get well ahead.
So come on everyone, go with the flow of the game whatever it brings. Things can change. No one got wiped out (cept Marcus and that was his fault)."Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
*deity of THE DEITIANS*
icq: 8388924
Dear Aussies and our beloved foreign friends,
What are we going to do?
What blend of settings and rules do we need to get a good long running game going?
I still prefer terra marathon. At least if you get short shrift on the start you can go for the New World.
I prefer large terra too, so no one can complain about space. If the barbs are worse we have to deal with it and be prepared for someone to connect copper
Else we play no barbs but that might be a bit boring.
I'm happy to continue any of the games we've started but will go with the flow if a new game is needed."Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
*deity of THE DEITIANS*
icq: 8388924
My god.. I just checked my hotmail and got this from last Monday. I'm sure it's OK to post it here:
"hi this is Marcs Mum just a short note to let you know that Marcus is in hospital at the moment he was hit by a car last Tuesday and has two broken arms and a broken leg. Fortunately none of his injuries were life threatening and he is now on the mend. He will not be in touch for a while though as he will be coming home with us as he wont be capable of looking after himself for at least 6 weeks. He will contact you as soon as he is able though.""Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
*deity of THE DEITIANS*
icq: 8388924
Poor marcus. Hope hes better soon.
Its all Toni's fault, after he conquered france, Marcus threw himself in front of a car to end frances agony. I will avenge marcus, and smite the EVIL toni from all civ games. This "rouge" civ must be dealt with.
On to our games.
Im more then happy to play our games as well. I like our first game even though i started late.
I have some suggestions.
1. We have a set group of people who can play on a Saturday and Sunday.
If you cant play on either of the days regluarly then just sit it out.
So for our saturday game if you can only play every second week, then dont play on saturdays. Same for sundays.
2. Once each group is established for each of the days. The player must give there contact details to the host. Email and Phone number so we can at lest phone or buzz your phone if your late.
3. Establish new threads in this forum for each game and state when the next session will be and what time. People can also post there stories of there civs and battles if they wish.
4. Some general rules that we all want to play with. This is open for discussion.
Some settings i think would be good are.
To have a nice long game people need room other wise there will be conflict early and people eliminated from the game, and having to wait many week for a new one to start. So a map larger then standard size will be needed.
I also like marathon speed. Civ is not ment to be a quick game. If i want that ill go play counter strike.
The type of map, yes well terra is good as it allows for expansion into the new world. But you r going to get times when people get lumped with a crap start. Balanced is best in terms of fairness for all, but there is no new world. So its up to peoples thoughts.
Barbs are a must. It keeps people honest, no massive expansion early as you get punished. Learn to deal with barbs. Try dealing with barbs on Immortal or Emperor lvl, its alot harder then noble or monarch.
With barbs i adopt this apporach. If i rush and build 4 cities but cant hold them or the nearly 2000 years worth of improvements ive done get pillaged. This is a huge set back if you lose cities and improvements, you lose hundreds of years. Defence is the number 1 prioity, do techs that suit your civ and resources. If i have cows/sheep/pigs nearby ill do animal husbandy first. This lets me develope my resources and also allows me to build a 2nd city near horses if there r any. If not then go for bronze or archer first to be extra sure. If you dont have bronze, or horses its still no excuse. You can chop a dozen archers out quickly, put them on hills with forrest and so on.
Ive done it plenty of time as well, you skimp on defence and you pay for it for the next 1000 years. This is ofcourse if there is no Ljube to try and kill you first.
Bad starting are a *****, but it happens we all get it from time to time.
I assume no takers today for the same reason (Trev/Ljube absence) but I'll be around in about 4 hours just in case, ie 3pm Aust EST.
If Ljube can free up some time we have that no Trev game."Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
*deity of THE DEITIANS*
icq: 8388924