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The Dawn of a new Age for man.
The great pharoes where wise to found the capital city of Thebes on this location. With mighty rivers and numberous flood plains, wheat for growth.
Egypt set it prioties to develope the capital and the surrounding land first. The was going to be no rush to build more cities.
Our great warrior unit discovered many ancient tribes 2 of which provided new technologies and more proved large amounts of golden treasure.
Vast open lands with numerous rivers, and suprisingly no other advanced civilizations near by.
The flood plains were developed with many cottages to promote the economic developement of Egpyt.
The prioty was to secure resources critical to Egypts defence. First we would aim for war chariots and lukily there were horses with in reach of the capital 3rd border expansion. In time this resource was harvested and new war chariots form the back bone of the egyptian army. Objective one complete.
War chariots would escourt our settler to found and protect new cities, no chances would be tacken. Memphis was found near gold, corn, pigs and on the river connecting it to the capital, with a couple of flood plain nearby. This city would provide some production and instant population and gold production and a luxary for the empire.
Memphis grew quickly to size 7 to rival the capital, with the gold mined and more cottages built, pigs and corn harvest this owuld be a powerful city. With the invention of montheism memphis also became the relgious capital of the empire.
The 3rd Egyptian city was built to the north, Heliopolis. This city was built also on the rive connected to the capit but in a different direction. This area had the source of bronze the empire needed, and sheep nearby. It also had numerous flood plains. This city would also grow quickly to become both good at production and commerce.
The 4th Egyptian city was built to the west of Heliopolis as it was another good location. With wheat, pigs and also on the river leading to the capital. Once again a few more flood plains.
Future growth will be direct towards key resources and to more flood plains to the south of the capital. At the present time more resource are going into the army to fight the barbian invasions. Numerous war chariots were lost battling large amounts of axemen, but the Egyptian army has prevailed.
Egypt will imbark on a limited growth policy in cities, while mantaining a strong ecomony and military. No whoring of egpyt like other empires do.
With a solid core, a population of over 600,000 and economy ranked 1st, egpyt is well positioned to become a leading power in this world.
However like our arabian friends have found out, Barbians can bring the migtiest of empires to its knees. Egypt will ensure the same fate dose not befall us.
It all came down to poor prioritization, and the Arabian Science Advisor's head stood atop the gates of Medina-as a warning against failure in the future.
It all started so well, with the Capital city of Mecca founded at the site of a biforcating river system, with hills and forests all around-not to mention a strange plant with yellow, succulent seeds.
Perhaps it was the grandeur and rapid growth of Mecca which attracted him, but it was not long before a robed gentleman arrived at the city, telling the people of the many-faced being, Brahma, and the hope he gave for eternal life. Though it took many decades, the people of Mecca finally accepted the Wisdom and Word of this Hindu Deity-and thus did Mecca become the spiritual centre for this newly established faith.
The first secular priority, according to the Science Advisor, was to develop tools with which our people could delve into the earth for stone, ores and precious stones and metals. This goal was pursued with alacrity, and we had soon trained a number of our citizens to mine the hills to our west.
Next, the blessed Arabian leader was told, we should focus on a means to harvest-and replant-the strange plant we had found growing wild and free on the floodplains. After much experimentation, the Arabian people finally learned the exact conditions required to propogate Corn from year to year.
In spite of this good news, bad times did follow. First of all, a report reached Mecca that the proud Arabian warrior band was killed and eaten by a group of bears. To some in the city, this was an omen-a sign that our people were wrong to turn their backs on the spirits of the natural world. In disgust, they departed from Mecca and headed northward. In a hidden river valley-close to wild cattle-these Heathens decided to make their home.
Though he rejected the heathens' words as superstition, the Science Advisor did recognise the import of losing those warriors, and suggested that the Arabian people learn how to tame the wild beasts. After much trial and error, the Arabians learned how to build both Yokes and Fences, in order to bend the animals to their will.
Although it took many centuries, the Heathens of Medina finally recanted their sinful ways, and adopted the Hindu faith as their own. Along with their faith came the knowledge, from Mecca, of how to tame the wild cattle of the river valley. Not long after that, to celebrate their great triumph over nature, the Arabian people built a great Temple to their god-Brahma. When it was completed, one of the Meccan high-priests went into a trance. "Oh hear me, ye faithful people of Brahma," said the priest "I, your God-of-Many-Faces can, through this humble servant, give you access to any knowledge you desire". The Arabian ruler and his science advisor conferred for a moment, then said as one "Our Lord Brahma, we beseech ye for the means to record our great history and pass our knowledge on to further generations". "As you ask, so let it be done" said the priest, and suddenly the priest was himself again. He immediately sat down and began to draw a number of graphical representations of concepts which the Arabians had-until then-taken for granted. So it was that the secret of writing was unveiled.
This ability to convet information paid quick dividends, as the ability to both hunt wild animals, and work some of the metals discovered in the hills of Mecca and Medina, had been uncovered.
Unfortunately, the great knowledge and power of the Arabian people had attracted the envy of the Heathen tribes to the south. Though unbelievers, they had already found means to cast copper and tin into deadly weapons and armour. When they came to the gates of Mecca, the antiquated soldiers of Mecca couldn't make so much as a dent. After laying waste to the mines and farmlands, the Barbarians overran the city-driving the Arabian leader and his chief advisors north, to the sanctuary of Medina. Not long after this humiliation, the Arabian people discovered a means of taking down its enemies from a distance. A skill which served them well when the Barbarians carry through to Medina. Once secure, in part due to the aid of their Malinese allies to the north, the Arabian leader called his science minister to his throne room. "We had our God Brahma at our disposal, and you asked him for a means to communicate-NOT to defend ourselves? How could your priorities be so flawed?" The science minister fell to his knees, begging for fogiveness, but the Arabian leader would not listen. The Advisor was dragged to the main Square, where his body was riddled with arrows from the very invention he had failed to create in time. His body was then hacked into four quarters with a single bronze axe and, whilst the leader discussed his plans for revenge with the Malinese military attache, the ex-science advisor suffered the final ignomany as his head was raised up onto the topmost part of the city gates-as a warning to all who failed to plan ahead....
The Trevian race lived in an area of cold winters just above the tundra, not the greatest location, but nearby sheep inspired them to build a city and quickly learn to pasture the sheep both for their food and their wool, a necessity in this climate. Quickly they learnt how to create weapons of bronze but as their supply of bronze was in the tundra, and there was a desire for luxuries and more food, the decision was taken to found a 2nd city a reasonable distance away near to gold and floodplains. A 3rd city was also founded near the 2nd broadening the food choice with beef and corn. By now it seemed urgent to begin building an army, so a 4th city was created in the tundra and a few hardy souls began hunting deer and mining bronze.
Alas just as the first axemen were created, barbarian armies marched forth from the tundra and captured the 3rd city, but the axes now being made recaptured the city in 5 turns, so a minor setback to our ambitions of creating a powerhouse able to defend and expand and conquer. The archers and axes having consolidated the defence of our region and another city backfilling towards the capital lifted our number of cities to 5. Several more locations for cities have been located and soon will be utilised, these locations being on flood plains for food and money. The Trevians have been fortunate that the nearby advanced civilizations have experienced barbarian trouble and therefore have not expanded towards our direction, which are prone to many barbarian uprisings. This is given us the ability to choose the best city locations and have allowed us to maximise production, given us the greatest ability of all civilizations to build buildings and armies, but with some cities lacking including the capital lacking money generating squares, our GDP is not as good as our great tribe would like it. We rely totally on our own abilities and need no God to guide us, in fact there is no evidence shown to us that gods or religions exist as yet. What do those words mean? Maybe one day we will find out.
Great game all, this may turn to be the big game we all were looking for these past weeks. What can I say my Mali civilization started off in the mosquito infested tropics. My goal as a leader of this great people is to invest my energy into cleaning this jungle and farming the land so our great cities can grow. Meanwhile due to the huge labor demanded for this task a decision was made that instead of annihilating the barbarians who were trying to disturb our way of life it will best to enslave them to help us in our great task of improving our lands. Also reports came in from our scouts that the great civilizations on China, Inca and Russia where located somewhere in the far east from us so now diplomats were being send out to make contact in the hope of establishing trade and good relations. The news weren’t so good from the south in fact there were very disturbing the great holy city of Hinduism was being besieged by unbelievers from the further south. The Mali have for some time now tried to adopt this great religion and it was in our best interest to help the people of Arabia defend their land against this menacing thread. Due to lacking the essential metals for building weapons, the Mali skirmishers who were lightly-armed archers in our force but famed for their courage and their marksmanship were send to aid our neighbors at once. Back at the Mali capital plans for further expansion were being developed.