Probably totally innapropriate, I'm not posting it here for anybody to flip **** over, and I know that the simple and reasonable forum censors alone will probably tear this poor story apart, I'm probably silly for still posting my stories here but I'm trying to get any feedback I can.... so I'll be silly.
Probably not appropriate to be, like, a kid and reading this because there are drug and alcohol and sex references... and already maybe I've gone into territorry that shouldn't be gone to on this forum, and if you feel that way after reading this story then please report it to a moderator and leave it up to them whether or not this sort of thing should even be here.
Probably not appropriate to be, like, a kid and reading this because there are drug and alcohol and sex references... and already maybe I've gone into territorry that shouldn't be gone to on this forum, and if you feel that way after reading this story then please report it to a moderator and leave it up to them whether or not this sort of thing should even be here.