A warning from Firaxis in this respect would have been in order, however, imho. Instead they imply, with their relatively low requirements, that this area has changed negligibly, when in fact it hasn't. It's changed quite markedly.
I have tried playing with a Ge Force4 and a Radeon 9200. The Rad was actually better till half way through the game, half the map garbled.
I know all games have bugs but I stand by my complaint about civ 4 with no fear. Easily the worst buggiest game for me, especially this year. (Have bought RON, RTW, AOE 3). Collectively they have 25% of the issues I have seen in civ 4. End of story.
I had a big argument with Yin 26 about exploiting a game to win, or in his case, choosing a booring safe way to crawl to a win. His attitude was he could so he did so therefore the game sucks. This led to a change in AOM capping victory points to prevent his new tactic of Infinite Outpost Sleaze.
In AOM, no route to victory is plain sailing. Go for war/conquest, you eventually push your aggression level up to the point the ai will all attack or resist you. Go for a science victory and you still have aggressive ai that need curtailing and space runs out usually before you get an empire big enough to research fast enough. Same issues with a diplomatic victory, and roughly 50% of ai are aggressive types so will not agree to treaties unless you basically force them.
I make 2 points about stankarps IAS. Firstly you CAN do it, it is FAR to easy to win by going on a super aggressive war path than any other way we found. Secondly, the reason is the game does not have enough penalties for going on the war path. I did not bother much with diplomacy much in the last game (which is wrong) because I did not have to. Same with religion but I am still trying to find out what the main thing it does is???? Only thing I could find is it allows multiple happy/culture buildings in cities.
With IAS, my score was 2.5 to 3 times higher than the next AI at turn 1850AD, while on the peaceful route it was equal at turn 200AD to 1500AD when a peaceful neighbour attacked me when I had never been aggressive to anyone at all, ever, in that game. There is a message here.