Give it another day or two, but it looks like the early favorite is Mr.Washington.
I don't mind Saladin, but I'd rather not see a Philosophical civ be the first one we play - it's easy to get trite with the great leaders when you're Philosophical, since you get so darned many of them. They're a very precious resource, and PHI civs get to ignore that to some extent. Also, their Guild-based resourceless UU makes for serious beeline bait, and can be used as a bigtime crutch.
Fun civ, but not good for learning a game on.
I don't mind Saladin, but I'd rather not see a Philosophical civ be the first one we play - it's easy to get trite with the great leaders when you're Philosophical, since you get so darned many of them. They're a very precious resource, and PHI civs get to ignore that to some extent. Also, their Guild-based resourceless UU makes for serious beeline bait, and can be used as a bigtime crutch.
Fun civ, but not good for learning a game on.